
Impact of Array Length on Particle Attraction in Magnetic Drug Targeting: Investigation Using an Exponential Approximation of the Magnetic Field
Document Type
IEEE Magnetics Letters IEEE Magn. Lett. Magnetics Letters, IEEE. 14:1-5 2023
Fields, Waves and Electromagnetics
Magnetic domains
Superparamagnetic iron oxide nanoparticles
Magnetic flux
Magnetic forces
Magnetic separation
Targeted drug delivery
Cancer drugs
Exponential distribution
Approximation methods
Magnetic fields
magnetic array
magnetic drug targeting
magnetic forces
magnetic nanoparticles
In magnetic drug targeting, special magnetic nanoparticles that carry the anticancer drug are injected into the cardiovascular system in the vicinity of the tumor and are navigated into the tumor using a magnetic field. Many researchers optimize single magnets for this purpose; however, magnetic arrays that are placed parallel to the vessel in order to increase the impact time of the magnetic force on the particles are also discussed. To the best of the authors' knowledge, the improvement by the increased impact time has not been studied in detail so far and, thus, will be addressed in this work. In this context, an artificial exponential magnetic field that approximates the field of a Halbach array and acts as an upper limit consideration is applied to different impact lengths within a predefined magnetic domain. To compare the impact of the field parameters, the total magnetic energetic effort is kept constant as a reference for studying variations of impact length. The results reveal that a longer impact length increases the attraction performance enormously. However, for the same magnetic effort, a longer impact length with a lower magnetic field strength leads to the same attraction of the particles as a shorter one with higher field strengths. Since it is easier to generate lower field strengths, the usage of arrays to realize a longer impact length is preferable.