
First direct $^{7}$Be electron capture $Q$-value measurement towards high-precision BSM neutrino physics searches
Document Type
Working Paper
Nuclear Experiment
We report the first direct measurement of the nuclear electron capture (EC) decay $Q$-value of $^{7}$Be $\rightarrow$ $^{7}$Li via high-precision Penning trap mass spectrometry (PTMS). This was performed using the LEBIT Penning trap located at the National Superconducting Cyclotron Laboratory/Facility for Rare Isotope Beams (NSCL/FRIB) using the newly commissioned Batch-Mode Ion-Source (BMIS) to deliver the unstable $^{7}$Be$^{+}$ samples. With a measured value of $Q_{EC}$ = 861.963(23) keV this result is also three times more precise than any previous determination of this quantity. This improved precision, and accuracy of the $^7$Be EC decay $Q$-value is critical for ongoing experiments that measure the recoiling nucleus in this system as a signature to search for beyond Standard Model (BSM) neutrino physics using $^7$Be-doped superconducting sensors.