
Decoding a Three-Dimensional Conformal Manifold
Document Type
Working Paper
High Energy Physics - Theory
Condensed Matter - Statistical Mechanics
Condensed Matter - Strongly Correlated Electrons
We study the one-dimensional complex conformal manifold that controls the infrared dynamics of a three-dimensional $\mathcal{N}=2$ supersymmetric theory of three chiral superfields with a cubic superpotential. Two special points on this conformal manifold are the well-known XYZ model and three decoupled copies of the critical Wess-Zumino model. The conformal manifold enjoys a discrete duality group isomorphic to $S_4$ and can be thought of as an orbifold of $\mathbf{CP}^1$. We use the $4-\varepsilon$ expansion and the numerical conformal bootstrap to calculate the spectrum of conformal dimensions of low-lying operators and their OPE coefficients, and find a very good quantitative agreement between the two approaches.
Comment: 59 pages, 13 figures