
Total 15
DB name DB description and usage guide
Original text services for 1,300 types of academic journals and research publications published by more than 800 academic societies and research institutes in Korea
It provides 4,700 journals and about 3.9 million academic contents published by domestic academic and university research institutes.
It provides the text of journals published by domestic academic societies and academic organizations in all fields.
KCI 한국학술지인용색인 [OA]
A System for Analyzing Citation Relationships Between Korean Journal Information, Original Text, and References by DB
KIPRIS 특허정보검색서비스 [OA]
It provides information on domestic and foreign intellectual property rights held by the Korean Intellectual Property Office.
It provides academic journals and research publications published by domestic academic societies and research institutes.
Korea Open Access Journals (KOAJ) [OA]
Korea Open Access Journals is the journal directory service that you can find journals and articles registered in KCI easily. It offers a variety of search methods so you can find the information you want quickly and accurately.
A database specializing in Korean studies provides more than 100 types of digital content throughout academic fields such as history, culture, environment, and health.
KoreaScience [OA]
It Provides academic information (original) in the fields of natural sciences, life sciences, engineering and humanities and social sciences.
KS (한국산업표준)
Providing 70,000 national standards and KS certification standards for all industries
MOAZINE Academic (모아진 아카데믹)
a database that provides electronic magazines in all fields, including current events/economics/cultures/science
※ Original text is available between 4:00 p.m. and 9:00 a.m. on the following day through RISS (http://riss.kr). / Click [해외전자정보서비스 바로가기] at the top right of the RISS main screen
RISS 학술연구정보서비스 [OA]
You can search for domestic and foreign degree papers and academic papers.
SAFE 건전학술활동지원시스템
Support domestic researchers to carry out transparent and sound research culture and academic publishing activities in response to poor academic activities
ScienceON [OA]
ScienceON provides the knowledge infrastructure needed by researchers in one place by linking and converging science and technology information, research data, information analysis services, and research infrastructure.
It is an online patent database that can search for patents worldwide.
In detail
회원가입 방법 안내
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- [인증]은 부산대학교 이메일 계정(***@pusan.ac.kr)으로만 가능