
Total 3
DB name DB description and usage guide
Periodicals Archive Online (PAO)
A database that was carefully selected by PAO for basic research in the field of humanities and social sciences in Korea.
ProQuest Historical Periodicals (PHP)
Archive collection consisting of continuous publications with high historical value as the first and second literature materials in the field of humanities and society
More than 80 journals, including American Psychological Association (APA) publishing journals, provide full text for over 150,000 Articles
In detail
중앙도서관, 새벽벌도서관, 사회관, 성학관, 제1사범관, 제2교수연구동, 의생명과학도서관, 나노생명과학도서관에서만 이용 가능
단, 무선인터넷(PNU-WiFi 등)에서는 접속이 불가하며, 건물 내 설치된 PC에서 이용 가능