에서 검색결과 139건 | 목록
Academic Journal
Riffaud, Jonathan; Gaillardin, Marc; Raine, Mélanie; Martinez, Martial; Peyre, Daniel; Marcandella, Claude; Duhamel, Olivier; Lagutère, Thierry; Richard, Nicolas; Paillet, Philippe
In Nuclear Inst. and Methods in Physics Research, B 1 December 2019 460:52-55
Vidalot, Jeoffray; Campanella, Cosimo; Dachicourt, Julien; Marcandella, Claude; Duhamel, Olivier; Morana, Adriana; Poujols, David; Assaillit, Gilles; Gaillardin, Marc; Boukenter, Aziz; Ouerdane, Youcef; Girard, Sylvain; Paillet, Philippe
2021 21th European Conference on Radiation and Its Effects on Components and Systems (RADECS) Radiation and Its Effects on Components and Systems (RADECS), 2021 21th European Conference. :1-7 Sep, 2021
Academic Journal
Capoen, Bruno; Hamzaoui, Hicham El; Bouazaoui, Mohamed; Ouerdane, Youcef; Boukenter, Aziz; Girard, Sylvain; Marcandella, Claude; Duhamel, Olivier
In Optical Materials January 2016 51:104-109
Lambert, Damien; Girard, Sylvain; Santin, Giovanni; Gaillardin, Marc; Morana, Adriana; Meyer, Arnaud; Vidalot, Jeoffray; Baggio, Jacques; Mekki, Julien; Cintas, Hugo; Duhamel, Olivier; Marcandella, Claude; Paillet, Philippe
IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science; August 2024, Vol. 71 Issue: 8 p1846-1853, 8p
Academic Journal
Vidalot, Jeoffray; Campanella, Cosimo; Dachicourt, Julien; Marcandella, Claude; Duhamel, Olivier; Morana, Adriana; Poujols, David; Assaillit, Gilles; Gaillardin, Marc; Boukenter, Aziz; Ouerdane, Youcef; Girard, Sylvain; Paillet, Philippe
Rizzolo, Serena; Goiffon, Vincent; Sergent, Marius; Corbiere, Franck; Rolando, Sebastien; Chabane, Aziouz; Paillet, Philippe; Marcandella, Claude; Girard, Sylvain; Magnan, Pierre; Van Uffelen, Marco; Casellas, Laura Mont; Scott, Robin; De Cock, Wouter
2017 17th European Conference on Radiation and Its Effects on Components and Systems (RADECS) Radiation and Its Effects on Components and Systems (RADECS), 2017 17th European Conference on. :1-4 Oct, 2017
Morana, Adriana; Marin, Emmanuel; Girard, Sylvain; Marcandella, Claude; Paillet, Philippe; Boukenter, Aziz; Ouerdane, Youcef
2015 15th European Conference on Radiation and Its Effects on Components and Systems (RADECS) Radiation and Its Effects on Components and Systems (RADECS), 2015 15th European Conference on. :1-3 Sep, 2015
Lambert, Damien; Parize, Julien; Richard, Nicolas; Raine, Melanie; Duhamel, Olivier; Marcandella, Claude; Losquin, Arthur; Hemeryck, Anne; Inguimbert, Christophe; Paillet, Philippe
IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science; August 2023, Vol. 70 Issue: 8 p1870-1877, 8p
Academic Journal
Dewitte, Hugo; Paillet, Philippe; Le Roch, Alexandre; Rizzolo, Serena; Marcandella, Claude; Goiffon, Vincent
Academic Journal
Dewitte, Hugo; Goiffon, Vincent; Le Roch, Alexandre; Rizzolo, Serena; Virmontois, Cedric; Marcandella, Claude; Paillet, Philippe
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[AR] Marcandella, Claude
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