에서 검색결과 70건 | 목록
Rizzolo, Serena; Goiffon, Vincent; Sergent, Marius; Corbiere, Franck; Rolando, Sebastien; Chabane, Aziouz; Paillet, Philippe; Marcandella, Claude; Girard, Sylvain; Magnan, Pierre; Van Uffelen, Marco; Casellas, Laura Mont; Scott, Robin; De Cock, Wouter
2017 17th European Conference on Radiation and Its Effects on Components and Systems (RADECS) Radiation and Its Effects on Components and Systems (RADECS), 2017 17th European Conference on. :1-4 Oct, 2017
Localization of Dark Current Random Telegraph Signal sources in pinned photodiode CMOS Image Sensors
Durnez, Clementine; Goiffon, Vincent; Rizzolo, Serena; Magnan, Pierre; Virmontois, Cedric; Rubaldo, Laurent
2017 International Conference on Noise and Fluctuations (ICNF) Noise and Fluctuations (ICNF), 2017 International Conference on. :1-4 Jun, 2017
Dinand, Segolene; Goiffon, Vincent; Lambert, Damien; Rizzolo, Serena; Baier, Nicolas; de Borniol, Eric; Saint-Pe, Olivier; Durnez, Clementine; Gravrand, Olivier
IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science; August 2023, Vol. 70 Issue: 8 p1942-1950, 9p
Fulop, Gabor F.; Ting, David Z.; Zheng, Lucy L.; Dinand, Ségolène; Deborniol, Eric; Baier, Nicolas; Rochette, Florent; Rizzolo, Serena; Goiffon, Vincent; Gravrand, Olivier
Proceedings of SPIE; June 2023, Vol. 12534 Issue: 1 p125340P-125340P-14, 12408675p
Dinand, Segolene; Gravrand, Olivier; De Borniol, Eric; Baier, Nicolas; Rizzolo, Serena; Saint-Pe, Olivier; Virmontois, Cedric; Goiffon, Vincent
IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science; 2023, Vol. 70 Issue: 4 p532-540, 9p
Academic Journal
Dewitte, Hugo; Paillet, Philippe; Le Roch, Alexandre; Rizzolo, Serena; Marcandella, Claude; Goiffon, Vincent
Academic Journal
Dewitte, Hugo; Goiffon, Vincent; Le Roch, Alexandre; Rizzolo, Serena; Virmontois, Cedric; Marcandella, Claude; Paillet, Philippe
Academic Journal
Dewitte, Hugo; Paillet, Philippe; Rizzolo, Serena; Le Roch, Alexandre; Marcandella, Claude; Goiffon, Vincent
Academic Journal
Le Roch, Alexandre; Virmontois, Cedric; Paillet, Philippe; Belloir, Jean-Marc; Rizzolo, Serena; Marcelot, Olivier; Dewitte, Hugo; Van Uffelen, Marco; Casellas, Laura Mont; Magnan, Pierre; Goiffon, Vincent
Academic Journal
Rizzolo, Serena; Le Roch, Alexandre; Marcelot, Olivier; Corbiere, Franck; Paillet, Philippe; Gaillardin, Marc; Magnan, Pierre; Goiffon, Vincent
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[AR] Rizzolo, Serena
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