에서 검색결과 66건 | 목록
Haefner, David P.; Holst, Gerald C.; Leslie, Patrick; Follansbee, Joshua; Watson, Thomas; Jordan, Shane; Wiley, Lindsey; Jacobs, Eddie; Driggers, Ronald
Proceedings of SPIE; June 2024, Vol. 13045 Issue: 1 p130450R-130450R-15, 12914566p
Academic Journal
Academic Journal
Leslie, Patrick; Follansbee, Joshua; Jordan, Shane; Watson, Thomas; Wiley, Lindsey; Jacobs, Eddie; Driggers, Ronald
8th International Conference on Electrical and Computer Engineering Electrical and Computer Engineering (ICECE), 2014 International Conference on. :5-8 Dec, 2014
14th IEEE International Conference on Nanotechnology Nanotechnology (IEEE-NANO), 2014 IEEE 14th International Conference on. :367-372 Aug, 2014
Academic Journal
Leslie, Patrick; Cavanaugh, Richard col.; Jordan, Shane; Wiley, Lindsey; Jacobs, Eddie; Driggers, Ronald; Conroy, Joseph
Holst, Gerald C.; Haefner, David P.; Leslie, Patrick; Chau, Emily; Watson, Thomas; Furxhi, Orges; Jacobs, Eddie; Driggers, Ronald; Conroy, Joseph
Proceedings of SPIE; June 2023, Vol. 12533 Issue: 1 p125330M-125330M-10, 12407681p
Academic Journal
Leslie, Patrick; Chau, Emily; Watson, Thomas; Furxhi, Orges; Jacobs, Eddie; Driggers, Ronald; Conroy, Joseph
Academic Journal
Cavanaugh, Richard; Chau, Emily; Leslie, Patrick; Wiley, Lindsey; Jacobs, Eddie; Renshaw, Kyle; Driggers, Ronald; Conroy, Joseph
Khan, Junaid Ahmed; Wang, Lan; Jacobs, Eddie; Talebian, Ahmedraza; Mishra, Sabyasachee; Santo, Charles A.; Golias, Mihalis; Astorne-Figari, Carmen
Proceedings of the 2nd ACM/EIGSCC Symposium on Smart Cities and Communities. :1-8
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[AR] Jacobs, Eddie
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