에서 검색결과 61건 | 목록
Ranging over Optical Communication Links in the CubeSat Laser Infrared CrosslinK (CLICK) B/C Mission
Tomio, Hannah; Serra, Paul; de La Paz, Leonardo Gallo; Mohamed, Mohamed; Kammerer, William; Grenfell, Peter; Belsten, Nicholas; Cahoy, Kerri; Coogan, Danielle; Conroy, Joseph; Conklin, John; Stupl, Jan; Mayer, David; Hanson, John
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Haefner, David P.; Holst, Gerald C.; Jacobs, Eddie L.; Renshaw, Kyle; Driggers, Ronald G.; Furxhi, Orges; Conroy, Joseph
Proceedings of SPIE; June 2024, Vol. 13045 Issue: 1 p130450E-130450E-10, 12914561p
Nguyen, Hoa G.; Muench, Paul L.; Diltz, Robert; Le, Peter; Watson, Thomas; Jacobs, Eddie L.; Wang, Lan; Conroy, Joseph
Proceedings of SPIE; June 2024, Vol. 13055 Issue: 1 p130550J-130550J-11, 12924462p
2016 IEEE International Conference on Multisensor Fusion and Integration for Intelligent Systems (MFI) Multisensor Fusion and Integration for Intelligent Systems (MFI), 2016 IEEE International Conference on. :487-492 Sep, 2016
Minoglou, Kyriaki; Karafolas, Nikos; Cugny, Bruno; Serra, Paul; Tomio, Hannah; Belsten, Nicholas; Kammerer, William; Grenfell, Peter; Clark, Myles; Coogan, Danielle; Conroy, Joseph; Mayer, David; Stupl, Jan; Hanson, John; Hyest, Laura; Conklin, John; Cahoy, Kerri
Proceedings of SPIE; September 2023, Vol. 12777 Issue: 1 p127777K-127777K-9, 1150003p
Academic Journal
Leslie, Patrick; Cavanaugh, Richard col.; Jordan, Shane; Wiley, Lindsey; Jacobs, Eddie; Driggers, Ronald; Conroy, Joseph
Howell, Christopher L.; Manser, Kimberly E.; Rao, Raghuveer M.; de Melo, Celso; Conover, Damon; Poster, Domenick; Leung, Sarah; Nguyen, Robert; Conroy, Joseph
Proceedings of SPIE; July 2023, Vol. 12529 Issue: 1 p125290O-125290O-6, 1127617p
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[AR] Conroy, Joseph
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