에서 검색결과 176건 | 목록
Academic Journal
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Alexandria Engineering Journal, Vol 88, Iss , Pp 182-188 (2024)
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International Journal of Molecular Sciences. April 2024, Vol. 25 Issue 7
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The Visual Computer: International Journal of Computer Graphics. 39(4):1307-1322
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Multimedia Systems. 28(6):2367-2390
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Multimedia Tools and Applications: An International Journal. 81(10):13335-13353
2013 IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium and Medical Imaging Conference (2013 NSS/MIC) Nuclear Science Symposium and Medical Imaging Conference (NSS/MIC), 2013 IEEE. :1-5 Oct, 2013
Academic Journal
Hou, Mengmeng; Luo, Feifei; Wu, Daxia; Zhang, Xuhong; Lou, Manman; Shen, Defeng; Yan, Ming; Mao, Chuanzao; Fan, Xiaorong; Xu, Guohua; Zhang, Yali
The New Phytologist, 2021 Jan 01. 229(2), 935-949.
Academic Journal
European Journal of Wood and Wood Products: Holz als Roh- und Werkstoff. 79(5):1035-1048
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[검색어] Lou, Xiaorong
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