
(예 : 2010-2015)
'학술논문' 에서 검색결과 1,846건 | 목록 1~10
Academic Journal
Pinkney, TTaylor, HTong, CSchmitz, NDMorton, DGPinkney, TDEl-Hussuna, ABattersby, NBhangu, ABlackwell, SDardanov, DDulskas, AGallo, GGlasbey, JKeatley, JKnowles, CLi, YEMcCourt, VMinaya-Bravo, ANeary, PNepogodiev, DPata, FPellino, GSivrikoz, Evan Ramshorst, GZmora, OPerry, RMagill, ELAbdalkoddus, MAbelevich, AAbraham, SAbraham-Nordling, MAdamina, MAgalar, CAgresta, FAhallat, MAhmad, NAiupov, RAkca, OAleksic, AAleotti, FAlias, DAlonso, JGoncalves, SAMartin, JAPoza, AAAlonso-Hernandez, NCompany, RAAl-Saeedi, MAlvarez-Laso, CAlvarez-Gallego, MAmanatidis, TAmericano, MAmorim, EAnandan, LAnania, GAncans, GAndreev, PAndrejevic, PAntonacci, NAnwer, MAonzo, PArencibia, BArgeny, SArieli, HArnold, SAshraf, MAslam, MAtanasov, BAtif, MAtladottir, JAvital, SAwny, SAytac, BAzahr, NAznar-Puig, SBailey, SBalalis, DBaldi, CBaldonedo, RBalducci, GBalestra, FBalestri, RBalfour, ABaloyiannis, IBanky, BBaral, JBaranyai, ZBarbashinov, NBargallo, JBarisic, GBarugola, GBatashki, IBelev, NBelli, Ade Heredia, JBBemelman, WBuleje, JBBenckert, ABernal-Sprekelsen, JBertocchi, EBeuran, MBhan, CBianco, FBilali, SBilali, VBintintan, VBirindelli, ABirsan, TAntona, FBBlas, JBlasco-Segura, TBlom, RBocchetti, TBoerma, EBogdan, MBoland, MBomans, BBorda, NBowen, MBradulskis, SBranagan, GBrankovic, BBrenna, MBrewer, HBroadhurst, JBronder, CBrouwer, RBuccianti, PBuchs, NBuchwald, PBugatti, ABui, ABurcos, TBuskens, CBustamante, CCaceres, NFernandez, CCCalero-Lillo, ACamps, ICanda, ACaravaca-Garcia, ICarballo, FCarcoforo, PCarlander, JCarlos, SCaro, ACarpelan, APrats, MCLopez, MCCarvello, MCasal, EPattacini, GCValls, JCDiego, JCCavallesco, GCavenaile, VCayetano, LCeccotti, ACervera-Aldama, JChabok, AChafai, NChandrasinghe, PChandratreya, NChaudhri, SChaudhry, ZCherdancev, DChernov, AChevallay, MChirletti, PChouillard, EChouliaras, CChowdri, NCillo, MCini, CCiubotaru, CCiuce, CClaeys, DCocorullo, GCodina-Cazador, AColak, EColetta, DColombo, FCopaescu, CReal, JCCorver, MCosta, SPereira, JCPereira, CCCosta-Navarro, DCotte, ECracco, NCristian, DCuadrado, MCuk, VCunha, MCunha, JCuringa, RCurletti, GCurtis, NDabic, DDainius, EDaniels, IDarvin, VDauser, BDavid, GDavidova, ODavies, EAsenjo, BDDe Franciscis, Sde Graaf, EDe la Portilla, FDe Luca, EDe Nisco, CDe Toma, GDefoort, BDen Boer, FDi Candido, FDi Saverio, SPavon, JDFernandez, BDDiez-Alonso, MDimitrijevic, IDindelegan, GDjuric, MDomingos, HDoornebosch, PDos Santos, MDrami, IDudarovaska, HDusek, TDzhumabaev, HEden, YEgenvall, MEismiontas, VEl Sorogy, MElgeidie, AElhemaly, MEllul, SElmore, UElNakeeb, AElrefai, MEmile, SEnrriquez-Navascues, JEpstein, JEscartin, JEscola, DEscuder, JEspin, EEspina, BEstefania, DEtienne, JFabbri, SFalato, AFares, RFarina, PFarkasova, MFarres, RFasolini, FFatayer, TFebles, GFeliu, FFeo, CFeoktistov, DFernandez, FIsart, MFFernando, JFerreira, GFerrer, RGarcia, CFFerri, MFigueiredo, NFinotti, EFitzgerald, JBacke, IFFlor-Lorente, BForero-Torres, AFoschi, DFrancart, DFrancois, YFrasson, MFreil-Lanter, CBorges, MFFuzun, MGala, TGalleano, RGalvez, PSaldana, AGCuesta, MGCabrera, AGEgea, JGOlmo, DGGarcia-Gonzalez, JGarcia-Granero, AGarcia-Granero, EGarcia-Septiem, JGardea, AGaripov, MGefen, RGeraghty, AGerkis, SGermanos, SGhaffari, SGhilles, EGianotti, LSantos, MGMartin, CGGingert, CGklavas, AGlehen, OGolda, TGomez, NGomez, RRuiz, MGSantin, VGGraham, BGrainger, JGrama, FGregoir, TGregori, MGrolich, TGrosek, JGuadalajara, HGuckenheimer, SGuevara, JGulotta, GGupta, SGurevich, NGurjar, SHaapaniemi, SHahnloser, DHamad, YHamid, MHanly, AHarris, GHarsanyi, LHartig, NHawkin, PHenriques, PHerbst, FHermann, NGarcia, MHHoch, JHrora, AHuhtinen, HIarumov, NIlkanich, AInsua, CIoannidis, PIqbal, MIqbal, AIsik, AIsmaiel, MIvlev, DJadhav, VJareno, SJehaes, CJimenez, VJimenez-Toscano, MJimenez-Miramon, JJimenez-Rodriguez, RJonsson, TJotautas, VJulia, DJuloski, JJung, BKala, ZKalayci, MKara, YKarachun, AKaragul, SKarvonen, JKatorkin, SKatsoulis, IKatsounis, DKaubrys, MKaul, NKefalou, EKeijzers, MKelly, MKenic, MKennelly, RKhan, JKhan, MKho, HKinas, VKnight, JKocian, PKoeter, TKokobelyan, AKonsten, JKoolen, LKosir, JKostic, IKrdzic, IMoreno, EKKrivokapic, ZKrstev, PKrsul, DKumarasinghe, NLa Torre, FLabarga, FLadra, MLaredo, ALLahodzich, NLai, CLakkis, ZLal, RLamas, SLang, TLatkauskas, TLawes, DLazar, GLebedev, KLebedeva, MLefevre, JVitlov, VLLemma, MLeo, CLeon, CLeventoglu, SLevy, BLi, LLicari, LLizdenis, PLoftas, PLonghi, MLongstaff, LDominguez, JLLopez-Lara, MLora, PLorenzon, LLorusso, DLozev, ITrujillo, RLLukic, DLunins, RLuzan, RLuzzi, AMaderuelo, VMadsboll, TMahotin, DMajbar, MMakhmudov, AMalik, KMaly, OMamaloudis, IMamedli, ZManatakis, DMandi, DMangell, PMarharint, TMariani, NMaric, BMarimuthu, KMarinello, FMarino, FMarkiewicz, SMarkovic, VMarom, GMaroni, NMaroulis, IMarsanic, PMarsman, HMartens, MMarti, MMartinek, LMartinez, SMartinez, DManzano, AMMartins, RMaslyankov, SMcArdle, KMcDermott, FMege, DMehraj, AMehta, AMendrila, DMenendez, PMercantini, PMetwally, IMikalauskas, SMillan, MMingoli, AMirshekar-Syahkal, BMoggia, EMohan, SMoller, PGarcia, SMMonami, BPereira, PMMontroni, IMorel, PMoshev, BMostovoy, EMothe, SMukhtar, HMuller, PMunch, SCamarena, JMMunoz-Collado, SMuratore, AMuscara, FMuysoms, FMyrelid, PLah, NNNail, SNarayanan, ANastos, KNegoi, INesbakken, ANestler, GNestorovic, MNesytykh, ANewton, KNg, YNgu, JNguyen, BNijs, YNikberg, MNimmersgern, TNogues, ENorcic, GNutautiene, VNygren, JSegui, AOOliveira-Cunha, MOmar, WOmar, GOnishchenko, SOnody, POpocher, EOrhalmi, JOshowo, AOtero, JOzgen, UPace, KPadin, HPapaconstantinou, IPapadopoulos, APapadopoulos, GPapandrea, MParal, JParc, YParedes, JParmar, MBanos, PPParray, FDamieta, MPMiguelanez, IPPassot, GPastor, CPaszt, APatel, PPaterson, HUriburu, JPPaulos, APavlov, VPcolkins, APecic, VRos, EPPenkov, RRoman, MPPerunicic, VPery, RPetrovic, DPezzolla, FPhoti, EPikarsky, APiramanayagam, BCeretti, APPlanellas, PPlatt, EPletinckx, PPodda, MPoskus, TPoskus, EPozdnyakov, APravosudov, IPrevisic, APrieto, DProchazka, VProdan, AProud, DPsaila, JPsaras, GPulighe, FPullig, FQureshi, MRachadell, JRadovanovic, ZRadovanovic, DRaguan, BRahman, MRaiss, MFaraco, MRRamos, JRamos-Prada, JRantala, ARao, MRasulov, ARatnatunga, KRaymond, TRefky, BReggiani, LRegusci, LDiaz, MRRichardson, JRichiteanu, GRios, ARis, FGarcia, PRRoffi, NRomairone, ERomano, GRomero, Ide Diego, ARRomero-Simo, MRoque, CRosati, RRossi, BRossi, ERossini, RRuano, ARubbini, MRubio-Perez, IRuffo, GRuiz, HCarmona, MRRyska, OSabia, DSacchi, MSacco, RSakr, ASaladzinskas, ZSalamone, GSalomon, MRuiz, SSSammarco, GSampietro, GSamsonov, DSamsonyuk, VSanchez, JRomero, ASSanchez-Guillen, LSantak, GSantamaria-Olabarrieta, MSantos, JSaraceno, FSaralegui, YSarici, ISavino, GScabini, SSchafli, JSchiltz, BSchofield, ASchon, MScurtu, RSegalini, ESegelman, JSegura-Sampedro, JSeicean, RSekulic, ASelniahina, LSeretis, FPaz, PSShaikh, IShalaby, MShams, NSharma, ASharma, GShukla, AShussman, NShweejawee, ZSielezneff, ISigurdsson, HSileri, PSilva, MSimcikas, DSimoes, JSimonka, ZSingh, BSivins, ASkroubis, GSkull, ASlavchev, MSlavin, MSmart, NSmart, CSmart, PSmedh, KSmolarek, SSokmen, SSokolov, MBueno, ASSolar, LSorrentino, LSotona, OSpacca, DSpinelli, AStanojevic, GStearns, AStefan, SStift, AStijns, JStoyanov, VStraarup, DStrupas, KStubbs, BSubocius, ASudlow, ASuero, CSungurtekin, USvagzdys, SSyk, ITamelis, ATamhane, RTamini, NTamosiunas, ATanis, PTarasov, NTate, STennakoon, ATeo, NTerzi, CTezas, SThabet, WTham, JThavanesan, NTheodosopoulos, TThomas, WTiret, ETiselius, CTodorov, GTomazic, ATomulescu, VTorkington, JTotis, MTrostchansky, ITruan, NTulchinsky, HTutino, RTzivanakis, ATzovaras, GUgolini, GUnger, LUpanishad, IUrbani, LOvesen, AUVaizey, CVallribera, FValsdottir, EValverde, IValverde-Sintas, JVan Belle, KVan Cleven, Svan Hagen, Pvan Loon, Yvan Ruler, OVan Wijck, KVarabei, AVarcada, MVarpe, PVartic, MVelchuru, VVencius, JVenskutonis, DVercher, DVermaas, MVertruyen, MVerza, LVescio, GVezakis, AVieira, PVignali, AVigorita, VTura, MVVinson-Bonnet, BPons, LVVoloshin, SVoronin, YVukusic, LWang, XWang, JWani, RWarusavitarne, JWasserberg, NWeerts, JWeiss, DWeizman, AWesterduin, EWheat, JWhite, IWik, TWilson, JWinter, DWolthuis, AWong, MYahia, SYamamoto, TYanishev, AYao, CYuksel, OZain, ZZakaria, AZakaria, ZZampitis, NZarand, AZarco-Pleguezuelos, AZattoni, DZelic, MZeromskas, PZhuravlev, AZimmerman, DZuhdy, MZukanovic, G
Colorectal disease : the official journal of the Association of Coloproctology of Great Britain and Ireland. 23(11):2980-2987
Academic Journal
湖南生态科学学报 / Journal of Hunan Ecological Science. 10(4):18-25
Academic Journal
Taylor SJ; Department of Cell Biology, Albert Einstein College of Medicine, Bronx, NY, USA.; Stauber J; Department of Cell Biology, Albert Einstein College of Medicine, Bronx, NY, USA.; Bohorquez O; Department of Cell Biology, Albert Einstein College of Medicine, Bronx, NY, USA.; Tatsumi G; Department of Cell Biology, Albert Einstein College of Medicine, Bronx, NY, USA.; Kumari R; Department of Cell Biology, Albert Einstein College of Medicine, Bronx, NY, USA.; Chakraborty J; Department of Cell Biology, Albert Einstein College of Medicine, Bronx, NY, USA.; Bartholdy BA; Department of Cell Biology, Albert Einstein College of Medicine, Bronx, NY, USA.; Schwenger E; Department of Cell Biology, Albert Einstein College of Medicine, Bronx, NY, USA.; Sundaravel S; Department of Cell Biology, Albert Einstein College of Medicine, Bronx, NY, USA.; Farahat AA; Department of Pharmaceutical Organic Chemistry, Faculty of Pharmacy, Mansoura University, Mansoura, Egypt.; Master of Pharmaceutical Sciences Program, California Northstate University, Elk Grove, CA, USA.; Wheat JC; Department of Cell Biology, Albert Einstein College of Medicine, Bronx, NY, USA.; Goldfinger M; Department of Oncology, Albert Einstein College of Medicine - Montefiore Medical Center, Bronx, NY, USA.; Blood Cancer Institute, Albert Einstein College of Medicine - Montefiore Medical Center, Bronx, NY, USA.; Montefiore Einstein Comprehensive Cancer Center, Albert Einstein College of Medicine - Montefiore Medical Center, Bronx, NY, USA.; Verma A; Department of Oncology, Albert Einstein College of Medicine - Montefiore Medical Center, Bronx, NY, USA.; Blood Cancer Institute, Albert Einstein College of Medicine - Montefiore Medical Center, Bronx, NY, USA.; Montefiore Einstein Comprehensive Cancer Center, Albert Einstein College of Medicine - Montefiore Medical Center, Bronx, NY, USA.; Department of Developmental and Molecular Biology, Albert Einstein College of Medicine, Bronx, NY, USA.; Ruth L. and David S. Gottesman Institute for Stem Cell Research and Regenerative Medicine, Albert Einstein College of Medicine, Bronx, NY, USA.; Department of Medicine, Albert Einstein College of Medicine - Montefiore Medical Center, Bronx, NY, USA.; Kumar A; Department of Chemistry, Georgia State University, Atlanta, GA, USA.; Boykin DW; Department of Chemistry, Georgia State University, Atlanta, GA, USA.; Stengel KR; Department of Cell Biology, Albert Einstein College of Medicine, Bronx, NY, USA.; Blood Cancer Institute, Albert Einstein College of Medicine - Montefiore Medical Center, Bronx, NY, USA.; Montefiore Einstein Comprehensive Cancer Center, Albert Einstein College of Medicine - Montefiore Medical Center, Bronx, NY, USA.; Ruth L. and David S. Gottesman Institute for Stem Cell Research and Regenerative Medicine, Albert Einstein College of Medicine, Bronx, NY, USA.; Poon GMK; Department of Chemistry, Georgia State University, Atlanta, GA, USA.; Center for Diagnostics and Therapeutics, Georgia State University, Atlanta, GA, USA.; Steidl U; Department of Cell Biology, Albert Einstein College of Medicine, Bronx, NY, USA. ulrich.steidl@einsteinmed.edu.; Department of Oncology, Albert Einstein College of Medicine - Montefiore Medical Center, Bronx, NY, USA. ulrich.steidl@einsteinmed.edu.; Blood Cancer Institute, Albert Einstein College of Medicine - Montefiore Medical Center, Bronx, NY, USA. ulrich.steidl@einsteinmed.edu.; Montefiore Einstein Comprehensive Cancer Center, Albert Einstein College of Medicine - Montefiore Medical Center, Bronx, NY, USA. ulrich.steidl@einsteinmed.edu.; Ruth L. and David S. Gottesman Institute for Stem Cell Research and Regenerative Medicine, Albert Einstein College of Medicine, Bronx, NY, USA. ulrich.steidl@einsteinmed.edu.; Department of Medicine, Albert Einstein College of Medicine - Montefiore Medical Center, Bronx, NY, USA. ulrich.steidl@einsteinmed.edu.
Publisher: Nature Pub. Co Country of Publication: United States NLM ID: 9216904 Publication Model: Print-Electronic Cited Medium: Internet ISSN: 1546-1718 (Electronic) Linking ISSN: 10614036 NLM ISO Abbreviation: Nat Genet Subsets: MEDLINE
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