
(예 : 2010-2015)
'학술논문' 에서 검색결과 1,128건 | 목록 1~10
Academic Journal
Landi, MTBishop, DTMacGregor, SMachiela, MJStratigos, AJGhiorzo, PBrossard, MCalista, DChoi, JFargnoli, MCZhang, TWRodolfo, MTrower, AJMenin, CMartinez, JHadjisavvas, ASong, LStefanaki, IScolyer, RYang, RGoldstein, AMPotrony, MKypreou, KPPastorino, LQueirolo, PPellegrini, CCattaneo, LZawistowski, MGimenez-Xavier, PRodriguez, AElefanti, LManoukian, SRivoltini, LSmith, BHLoizidou, MADel Regno, LMassi, DMandala, MKhosrotehrani, KAkslen, LAAmos, CIAndresen, PAAvril, MFAzizi, ESoyer, HPBataille, VDalmasso, BBowdler, LMBurdon, KPChen, WVCodd, VCraig, JEDebniak, TFalchi, MFang, SFriedman, ESimi, SGalan, PGarcia-Casado, ZGillanders, EMGordon, SGreen, AGruis, NAHansson, JHarland, MHarris, JHelsing, PHenders, AHocevar, MHoiom, VHunter, DIngvar, CKumar, RLang, JLathrop, GMLee, JELi, XLubinski, JMackie, RMMalt, MMalvehy, JMcAloney, KMohamdi, HMolven, AMoses, EKNeale, RENovakovic, SNyholt, DROlsson, HOrr, NFritsche, LGPuig-Butille, JAQureshi, AARadford-Smith, GLRanderson-Moor, JRequena, CRowe, CSamani, NJSanna, MSchadendorf, DSchulze, HJSimms, LASmithers, MSong, FSwerdlow, AJvan der Stoep, NKukutsch, NAVisconti, AWallace, LWard, SVWheeler, LSturm, RAHutchinson, AJones, KMalasky, MVogt, AZhou, WPooley, KAElder, DEHan, JLHicks, BHayward, NKKanetsky, PABrummett, CMontgomery, GWOlsen, CMHayward, CDunning, AMMartin, NGEvangelou, EMann, GJLong, GPharoah, PDPEaston, DFBarrett, JHCust, AEAbecasis, GDuffy, DLWhiteman, DCGogas, HDe Nicolo, ATucker, MANewton-Bishop, JAPeris, KChanock, SJDemenais, FBrown, KMPuig, SNagore, EShi, JXIles, MMLaw, MH
Nature genetics. 52(5):494
Academic Journal
Campbell, PJGetz, GKorbel, JOStuart, JMJennings, JLStein, LDPerry, MDNahal-Bose, HKOuellette, BFFLi, CHRheinbay, ENielsen, GPSgroi, DCWu, CLFaquin, WCDeshpande, VBoutros, PCLazar, AJHoadley, KALouis, DNDursi, LJYung, CKBailey, MHSaksena, GRaine, KMBuchhalter, IKleinheinz, KSchlesner, MZhang, JWang, WWheeler, DADing, LSimpson, JTO'Connor, BDYakneen, SEllrott, KMiyoshi, NButler, APRoyo, RShorser, SVazquez, MRausch, TTiao, GWaszak, SMRodriguez-Martin, BShringarpure, SWu, DYDemidov, GMDelaneau, OHayashi, SImoto, SHabermann, NSegre, AGarrison, ECafferkey, AAlvarez, EGHeredia-Genestar, JMMuyas, FDrechsel, OBruzos, ALTemes, JZamora, JBaez-Ortega, AKim, HLMashl, RJYe, KDiBiase, AHuang, KLLetunic, IMcLellan, MDNewhouse, SJShmaya, TKumar, SWedge, DCWright, MHYellapantula, VDGerstein, MKhurana, EMarques-Bonet, TNavarro, ABustamante, CDSiebert, RNakagawa, HEaston, DFOssowski, STubio, JMCDe La Vega, FMEstivill, XYuen, DMihaiescu, GLOmberg, LFerretti, VSabarinathan, RPich, OGonzalez-Perez, AWeiner, ATFittall, MWDemeulemeester, JTarabichi, MRoberts, NDVan Loo, PCortes-Ciriano, IUrban, LPark, Pin ZhuPitkaenen, ELi, YSaini, NKlimczak, LJWeischenfeldt, JSidiropoulos, NAlexandrov, LBRabionet, REscaramis, GBosio, MHolik, AZSusak, HPrasad, AErkek, SCalabrese, CRaeder, BHarrington, EMayes, STurner, DJuul, SRoberts, SASong, LKoster, RMirabello, LHua, XTanskanen, TJTojo, MChen, JAaltonen, LARatsch, GSchwarz, RFButte, AJBrazma, AChanock, SJChatterjee, NStegle, OHarismendy, OBova, GSGordenin, DAHaan, DSieverling, LFeuerbach, LChalmers, DJoly, YKnoppers, BMolnar-Gabor, FPhillips, MThorogood, ATownend, DGoldman, MFonseca, NAXiang, QCraft, BPineiro-Yanez, EMunoz, APetryszak, RFullgrabe, AAl-Shahrour, FKeays, MHaussler, DWeinstein, JHuber, WValencia, APapatheodorou, IZhu, JFan, YTorrents, DBieg, MChen, KChong, ZCibulskis, KEils, RFulton, RSGelpi, JLGonzalez, SGut, IGHach, FHeinold, MHu, THuang, VHutter, BJaeger, NJung, JKumar, YLalansingh, CLeshchiner, ILivitz, DMa, EZMaruvka, YEMilovanovic, ANielsen, MMParamasivam, NPedersen, JSPuiggros, MSahinalp, SCSarrafi, IStewart, CStobbe, MDWala, JAWang, JWendl, MWerner, JWu, ZXue, HYamaguchi, TNYellapantula, VDavis-Dusenbery, BNGrossman, RLKim, YHeinold, MCHinton, JJones, DRMenzies, AStebbings, LHess, JMRosenberg, MDunford, AJGupta, MImielinski, MMeyerson, MBeroukhim, RReimand, JDhingra, PFavero, FDentro, SWintersinger, JRudneva, VPark, JWHong, EPHeo, SGKahles, Ajong-Van LehmannSoulette, CMShiraishi, YLiu, FHe, YDemircioglu, DDavidson, NRGreger, LLi, SLiu, DStark, SGZhang, FAmin, SBBailey, PChateigner, AFrenkel-Morgenstern, MHou, YHuska, MRKilpinen, HLamaze, FCLi, CLi, XLiu, XMarin, MGMarkowski, JNandi, TOjesina, APan-Hammarstrom, QPark, PJPedamallu, CSSu, HTan, PTeh, BXiong, HYe, CYung, CZhang, XQZheng, LTZhu, SAwadalla, PCreighton, CJWu, KYang, HMGoke, JZhang, ZBrooks, ANMartincorena, IRubio-Perez, CJuul, MSchumacher, SShapira, OTamborero, DMularoni, LHornshoj, HDeu-Pons, JMuinos, FBertl, JGuo, QBazant, WBarrera, EAl-Sedairy, STAretz, ABell, CBetancourt, MBuchholz, CCalvo, FChomienne, CDunn, MEdmonds, SGreen, EGupta, SHutter, CMJegalian, KJones, NLu, YYNakagama, HNettekoven, GPlanko, LScott, DShibata, TShimizu, KStratton, MRYugawa, TTortora, GVijayRaghavan, KZenklusen, JCKnoppers, BMAminou, BBartolome, JBoroevich, KABoyce, RBuchanan, AByrne, NJChen, ZCho, SChoi, WClapham, PDow, MTEils, JFarcas, CFayzullaev, NFlicek, PHeath, APHofmann, OHong, JHHudson, TJHuebschmann, DIvkovic, SJeon, SHJiao, WKabbe, RKerssemakers, JNAKim, HKim, JKoscher, MKoures, AKovacevic, MLawerenz, CLiu, JMijalkovic, SMijalkovic-Lazic, AMMiyano, SNastic, MNicholson, JOcana, DOhi, KOhno-Machado, LPihl, TDPrinz, MRadovic, PShort, CSofia, HJSpring, JStruck, AJTijanic, NVicente, DWang, ZWilliams, AWoo, YWright, AJYang, LHamilton, MPJohnson, TAKahraman, AKellis, MPolak, PSallari, RSinnott-Armstrong, Nvon Mering, CBeltran, SGerhard, DSGut, MTrotta, JRWhalley, JPNiu, BEspiritu, SMGGao, SHuang, YLalansingh, CMTeague, JWWendl, MCAbascal, FBader, GDBandopadhayay, PBarenboim, JBrunak, SFita, JCChakravarty, DChan, CWYChoi, JKDiamanti, KFink, JLFrigola, JGambacorti-Passerini, CGarsed, DWHaradhvala, NJHarmanci, AOHelmy, MHerrmann, CHobolth, AHodzic, EHong, CIsaev, KIzarzugaza, JMGJohnson, RJuul, RIKim, JKKomorowski, JLanzos, ALarsson, ELee, DLin, ZLiu, EMLochovsky, LLou, SMadsen, TMarchal, KFundichely, AMMcGillivray, PDMeyerson, WPaczkowska, MPark, KPons, TPulido-Tamayo, SSalazar, IRReyna, MARubin, MASalichos, LSander, CSchumacher, SEShackleton, MShen, CShrestha, RShuai, STsunoda, TUmer, HMUuskula-Reimand, LVerbeke, LPCWadelius, CWadi, LWarrell, JWu, GYu, JZhang, XZhang, YZhao, ZZou, LLawrence, MSRaphael, BJBailey, PJCraft, DGoldman, MJAburatani, HBinder, HDinh, HQHeath, SCHoffmann, SImbusch, CDKretzmer, HLaird, PWMartin-Subero, JNagae, GShen, HWang, QWeichenhan, DZhou, WBerman, BPBrors, BPlass, CAkdemir, KCBowtell, DDLBurns, KHBusanovich, JChan, KDueso-Barroso, AEdwards, PAEtemadmoghadam, DHaber, JEJones, DTWJu, YSKazanov, MDKoh, YKumar, KLee, EALee, JJKLynch, AGMacintyre, GMarkowetz, FNavarro, FCPPearson, JRippe, KScully, RVillasante, IWaddell, NYao, XYoon, SSZhang, CZBergstrom, ENBoot, ACovington, KFujimoto, AHuang, MNIslam, SMAMcPherson, JRMorganella, SMustonen, VNg, AWTProkopec, SDVazquez-Garcia, IWu, YYousif, FYu, WRozen, SGRudneva, VAShringarpure, SSTurner, DJXia, TAtwal, GChang, DKCooke, SLFaltas, BMHaider, SKaiser, VBKarlic, RKato, MKubler, KMargolin, AMartin, SNik-Zainal, SP'ng, CSemple, CASmith, JSun, RXThai, KWright, DWYuan, KBiankin, AGarraway, LGrimmond, SMAdams, DJAnur, PCao, SChristie, ELCmero, MCun, YDawson, KJDentro, SCDeshwar, AGDonmez, NDrews, RMGerstung, MHa, GHaase, KJerman, LJi, YJolly, CLee, JLee-Six, HMalikic, SMitchell, TJMorris, QDOesper, LPeifer, MPeto, MRosebrock, DRubanova, YSalcedo, ASengupta, SShi, RShin, SJSpiro, OVembu, SWintersinger, JAYang, TPYu, KZhu, HSpellman, PTWeinstein, JNChen, YFujita, MHan, LHasegawa, TKomura, MLi, JMizuno, SShimizu, EWang, YXu, YYamaguchi, RYang, FYang, YYoon, CJYuan, YLiang, HAlawi, MBorozan, IBrewer, DSCooper, CSDesai, NGrundhoff, AIskar, MSu, XZapatka, MLichter, PAlsop, KBruxner, TJCChrist, ANCordner, SMCowin, PADrapkin, RFereday, SGeorge, JHamilton, AHolmes, OHung, JAKassahn, KSKazakoff, SHKennedy, CJLeonard, CRMileshkin, LMiller, DKArnau, GMMitchell, CNewell, FNones, KPatch, AMQuinn, MCTaylor, DFThorne, HTraficante, NVedururu, RWaddell, NMWaring, PMWood, SXu, QDeFazio, AAnderson, MJAntonello, DBarbour, APBassi, CBersani, SCataldo, IChantrill, LAChiew, YEChou, ACingarlini, SCloonan, NCorbo, VDavi, MVDuthie, FRGill, AJGraham, JSHarliwong, IJamieson, NBJohns, ALKench, JGLandoni, LLawlor, RTMafficini, AMerrett, NDMiotto, MMusgrove, EANagrial, AMOien, KAPajic, MPinese, MRobertson, AJRooman, IRusev, BCSamra, JSScardoni, MScarlett, CJScarpa, ASereni, ESikora, KOSimbolo, MTaschuk, MLToon, CWVicentini, CWu, JZeps, NBehren, ABurke, HCebon, JDagg, RADe Paoli-Iseppi, RDutton-Regester, KField, MAFitzgerald, AHersey, PJakrot, VJohansson, PAKakavand, HKefford, RFLau, LMSLong, GPickett, HAPritchard, ALPupo, GMSaw, RPMSchramm, SJShang, CAShang, PSpillane, AJStretch, JRTembe, VThompson, JFVilain, REWilmott, JSYang, JYHayward, NKMann, GJScolyer, RABartlett, JBavi, PChadwick, DEChan-Seng-Yue, MCleary, SConnor, AACzajka, KDenroche, REDhani, NCEagles, JGallinger, SGrant, RCHedley, DHollingsworth, MAJang, GHJohns, JKalimuthu, SLiang, SBLungu, ILuo, XMbabaali, FMcPherson, TAMiller, JKMoore, MJNotta, FPasternack, DPetersen, GMRoehrl, MHASam, MSelander, ISerra, SShahabi, SThayer, SPTimms, LEWilson, GWWilson, JMWouters, BGMcPherson, JDBeck, TABhandari, VCollins, CCFleshner, NEFox, NSFraser, MHeisler, LELalonde, ELivingstone, JMeng, ASabelnykova, VYShiah, YJVan Der Kwast, TBristow, RGDing, SFan, DLi, LNie, YXiao, XXing, RYang, SLYu, YYZhou, YBanks, REBourque, GBrennan, PLetourneau, LRiazalhosseini, YScelo, GVasudev, NViksna, JLathrop, MTost, JAhn, SMAparicio, SArnould, LAure, MRBhosle, SGBirney, EBorg, ABoyault, SBrinkman, ABBrock, JEBroeks, ABorresen-Dale, ALCaldas, CChin, SFDavies, HDesmedt, CDirix, LDronov, SEhinger, AEyfjord, JEFatima, AFoekens, JAFutreal, PAGarred, OGiri, DDGlodzik, DGrabau, DHilmarsdottir, HHooijer, GKJacquemier, JJang, SJJonasson, JGJonkers, JKim, HYKing, TAKnappskog, SKong, GKrishnamurthy, SLakhani, SRLangerod, ALarsimont, DLee, HJLee, JYLee, MTMLingjaerde, OCMacGrogan, GMartens, JWMO'Meara, SPauporte, IPinder, SPivot, XProvenzano, EPurdie, CARamakrishna, MRamakrishnan, KReis, JRichardson, ALRingner, MRodriguez, JBRodriguez-Gonzalez, FGRomieu, GSalgado, RSauer, TShepherd, RSieuwerts, AMSimpson, PTSmid, MSotiriou, CSpan, PNStefansson, OAStenhouse, AStunnenberg, HGSweep, FTan, BKTThomas, GThompson, AMTommasi, STreilleux, ITutt, AUeno, NTVan Laere, SVan den Eynden, GGVermeulen, PViari, AVincent-Salomon, AWong, BHYates, LZou, Xvan Deurzen, CHMvan de Vijver, MJvan't Veer, LAmmerpohl, OAukema, SBergmann, AKBernhart, SHBorkhardt, ABorst, CBurkhardt, BClaviez, AGoebler, MEHaake, AHaas, SHansmann, MHoell, JHummel, MKarsch, DKlapper, WKneba, MKreuz, MKube, DKueppers, RLenze, DLoeffler, MLopez, CMantovani-Loeffler, LMoeller, POtt, GRadlwimmer, BRichter, JRohde, MRosenstiel, PCRosenwald, ASchilhabel, MBSchreiber, SStadler, PFStaib, PStilgenbauer, SSungalee, SSzczepanowski, MToprak, UHTruemper, LHPWagener, RZenz, THovestadt, Vvon Kalle, CKool, MKorshunov, ALandgraf, PLehrach, HNorthcott, PAPfister, SMReifenberger, GWarnatz, HJWolf, SYaspo, MLAssenov, YGerhauser, CMinner, SSchlomm, TSimon, RSauter, GSueltmann, HBiswas, NKMaitra, AMajumder, PPSarin, RBarbi, SBonizzato, GCantu, CDei Tos, APFassan, MGrimaldi, SLuchini, CMalleo, GMarchegiani, GMilella, MPaiella, SPea, APederzoli, PRuzzenente, ASalvia, RSperandio, NArai, YHama, NHiraoka, NHosoda, FNakamura, HOjima, HOkusaka, TTotoki, YUrushidate, TFukayama, MIshikawa, SKatai, HKatoh, HKomura, DRokutan, HSaito-Adachi, MSuzuki, ATaniguchi, HTatsuno, KUshiku, TYachida, SYamamoto, SAikata, HArihiro, KAriizumi, SChayama, KFuruta, MGotoh, KHayami, SHirano, SKawakami, YMaejima, KNakamura, TNakano, KOhdan, HSasaki-Oku, ATanaka, HUeno, MYamamoto, MYamaue, HChoo, SPCutcutache, IKhuntikeo, NOng, CKPairojkul, CPopescu, IAhn, KSAymerich, MLopez-Guillermo, ALopez-Otin, CPuente, XSCampo, EAmary, FBaumhoer, DBehjati, SBjerkehagen, BMyklebost, OPillay, NTarpey, PTirabosco, RZaikova, OFlanagan, AMBoultwood, JBowen, DTCazzola, MGreen, ARHellstrom-Lindberg, EMalcovati, LNangalia, JPapaemmanuil, EVyas, PAng, YBarr, HBeardsmore, DEldridge, MGossage, JGrehan, NHanna, GBHayes, SJHupp, TRKhoo, DLagergren, JLovat, LBMacRae, SO'Donovan, MO'Neill, JRParsons, SLPreston, SRPuig, SRoques, TSanders, GSothi, STavare, STucker, OTurkington, RUnderwood, TJWelch, IFitzgerald, RCBerney, DMDe Bono, JSCahill, DCamacho, NDennis, NMDudderidge, TEdwards, SEFisher, CFoster, CSGhori, MGill, PGnanapragasam, VJGundem, GHamdy, FCHawkins, SHazell, SHowat, WIsaacs, WBKaraszi, KKay, JDKhoo, VKote-Jarai, ZKremeyer, BKumar, PLambert, ALeongamornlert, DALivni, NLu, YJLuxton, HJMarsden, LMassie, CEMatthews, LMayer, EMcDermott, UMerson, SNeal, DENg, ANicol, DOgden, CRowe, EWShah, NCThomas, SThompson, AVerrill, CVisakorpi, TWarren, AYWhitaker, HCZhang, Hvan As, NEeles, RAAbeshouse, AAgrawal, NAkbani, RAl Ahmadie, HAlbert, MAldape, KAlly, AAppelbaum, ELArmenia, JAsa, SAuman, JTBalasundaram, MBalu, SBarnholtz-Sloan, JBathe, OFBaylin, SBBenz, CBerchuck, ABerrios, MBigner, DBirrer, MBodenheimer, TBoice, LBootwalla, MSBosenberg, MBowlby, RBoyd, JBroaddus, RRBrock, MBrooks, DBullman, SCaesar-Johnson, SJCarey, TECarlsen, RCerfolio, RChandan, VSChen, HWCherniack, ADChien, JCho, JChuah, ECibulskis, CCope, LCordes, MGCurley, ECzerniak, BDanilova, LDavis, IJDefreitas, TDemchok, JADhalla, NDhir, RDoddapaneni, HEl-Naggar, AFelau, IFerguson, MLFinocchiaro, GFong, KMFrazer, SFriedman, WFronick, CCFulton, LAGabriel, SBGao, JGehlenborg, NGershenwald, JEGhossein, RGiama, NHGibbs, RAGomez, CGovindan, RHayes, DNHegde, AMHeiman, DHeins, ZHepperla, AJHolbrook, AHolt, RAHoyle, APHruban, RHHu, JHuang, MHuntsman, DHuse, JDonahue, CAIIttmann, MJayaseelan, JCJefferys, SRJones, CDJones, SJMJuhl, HKang, KJKarlan, BKasaian, KKebebew, EKim, HKKorchina, VKundra, RLai, PHLander, ELe, XLevine, DALewis, LLey, TLi, HILin, PLinehan, WMLiu, FFLu, YLype, LMa, YMaglinte, DTMardis, ERMarks, JMarra, MAMatthew, TJMayo, MMcCune, KMeier, SRMeng, SMieczkowski, PAMikkelsen, TMiller, CAMills, GBMoore, RAMorrison, CMose, LEMoser, CDMungall, AJMungall, KMutch, DMuzny, DMMyers, JNewton, YNoble, MSO'Donnell, PO'Neill, BPOchoa, AParker, JSPass, HPastore, APennell, NAPerou, CMPetrelli, NPotapova, ORader, JSRamalingam, SRathmell, WKReuter, VReynolds, SMRingel, MRoach, JRoberts, LRRobertson, AGSadeghi, SSaller, CSanchez-Vega, FSchadendorf, DSchein, JESchmidt, HKSchultz, NSeethala, RSenbabaoglu, YShelton, TShi, YShih, JShmulevich, IShriver, CSignoretti, SSimons, JSinger, SSipahimalani, PSkelly, TJMcCune, KSSocci, NDSoloway, MGSood, AKTam, ATan, DTarnuzzer, RThiessen, NThompson, RHThorne, LBTsao, MUmbricht, CVan Den Berg, DJVan Meir, EGVeluvolu, UVoet, DWang, LWeinberger, PWeisenberger, DJWigle, DWilkerson, MDWilson, RKWinterhoff, BWiznerowicz, MWong, TWong, WXi, LYau, C
Nature. 578(7793):82
Academic Journal
Krebs LD; Department of Emergency Medicine, Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry, College of Health Sciences, Edmonton, Canada.; Hill N; Department of Emergency Medicine, Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry, College of Health Sciences, Edmonton, Canada.; Department of Sociology, Faculty of Arts, All at the University of Alberta in Edmonton, Edmonton, AB, Canada.; Lesyk N; Department of Emergency Medicine, Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry, College of Health Sciences, Edmonton, Canada.; Villa-Roel C; Department of Emergency Medicine, Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry, College of Health Sciences, Edmonton, Canada.; Rowe BH; Department of Emergency Medicine, Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry, College of Health Sciences, Edmonton, Canada.; School of Public Health, College of Health Sciences, All at the University of Alberta in Edmonton, AB, Canada.
Publisher: published by Cambridge University Press for the Canadian Neurological Sciences Federation Country of Publication: England NLM ID: 0415227 Publication Model: Print-Electronic Cited Medium: Internet ISSN: 0317-1671 (Print) Linking ISSN: 03171671 NLM ISO Abbreviation: Can J Neurol Sci Subsets: MEDLINE
Academic Journal
Kirkland S; Department of Emergency Medicine, Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry, College of Health Sciences, University of Alberta, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada.; Meyer J; Department of Emergency Medicine, Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry, College of Health Sciences, University of Alberta, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada.; Visser L; Department of Emergency Medicine, Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry, College of Health Sciences, University of Alberta, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada.; Campbell S; Health Sciences Library, University of Alberta, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada.; Villa-Roel C; Department of Emergency Medicine, Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry, College of Health Sciences, University of Alberta, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada.; Friedman BW; Albert Einstein College of Medicine, New York, New York, USA.; Essel NO; Department of Emergency Medicine, Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry, College of Health Sciences, University of Alberta, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada.; Rowe BH; Department of Emergency Medicine, Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry, College of Health Sciences, University of Alberta, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada.; School of Public Health, College of Health Sciences, University of Alberta, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada.
Publisher: Wiley Country of Publication: United States NLM ID: 2985091R Publication Model: Print-Electronic Cited Medium: Internet ISSN: 1526-4610 (Electronic) Linking ISSN: 00178748 NLM ISO Abbreviation: Headache Subsets: MEDLINE
Academic Journal
Fisher S; Department of Emergency Medicine, Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry, College of Health Sciences, University of Alberta, 1G1.43 WMC, 8440-112 Street NW, Edmonton, AB, T6G 2B7, Canada.; Couperthwaite S; Department of Emergency Medicine, Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry, College of Health Sciences, University of Alberta, 1G1.43 WMC, 8440-112 Street NW, Edmonton, AB, T6G 2B7, Canada.; Yang EH; Department of Emergency Medicine, Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry, College of Health Sciences, University of Alberta, 1G1.43 WMC, 8440-112 Street NW, Edmonton, AB, T6G 2B7, Canada.; SPOR SUPPORT Unit, Alberta Health Services (AHS), Edmonton, AB, Canada.; Essel NOM; Department of Emergency Medicine, Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry, College of Health Sciences, University of Alberta, 1G1.43 WMC, 8440-112 Street NW, Edmonton, AB, T6G 2B7, Canada.; Rowe BH; Department of Emergency Medicine, Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry, College of Health Sciences, University of Alberta, 1G1.43 WMC, 8440-112 Street NW, Edmonton, AB, T6G 2B7, Canada. brian.rowe@ualberta.ca.; School of Public Health, College of Health Sciences, University of Alberta, Edmonton, AB, Canada. brian.rowe@ualberta.ca.
Publisher: BioMed Central Country of Publication: England NLM ID: 101469435 Publication Model: Electronic Cited Medium: Print ISSN: 1865-1372 (Print) Linking ISSN: 18651372 NLM ISO Abbreviation: Int J Emerg Med Subsets: PubMed not MEDLINE
Academic Journal
Rowe BH; Department of Emergency Medicine, Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry, College of Health Sciences, University of Alberta, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada brian.rowe@ualberta.ca.; School of Public Health, College of Health Science, University of Alberta.; Yang E; Department of Emergency Medicine, Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry, College of Health Sciences, University of Alberta, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada.; SPOR SUPPORT Unit, Alberta Health Services (AHS), Edmonton.; Corrick S; Department of Emergency Medicine, Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry, College of Health Sciences, University of Alberta, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada.; Hussain MW; Department of Medicine, Division of Neurology, Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry, College of Health Sciences, University of Alberta.
Publisher: British Medical Association Country of Publication: England NLM ID: 8900488 Publication Model: Electronic Cited Medium: Internet ISSN: 1756-1833 (Electronic) Linking ISSN: 09598138 NLM ISO Abbreviation: BMJ Subsets: MEDLINE
Academic Journal
Leafloor CW; Department of Emergency Medicine, University of Ottawa, Ottawa, ON, Canada.; Department of Critical Care Medicine, University of Calgary, Calgary, AB, Canada.; Clinical Epidemiology Program, Ottawa Hospital Research Institute, Ottawa, ON, Canada.; McRae AD; Department of Emergency Medicine and Community Health Sciences, University of Calgary, Calgary, AB, Canada.; Mercier E; Department of Family Medicine and Emergency Medicine, Université Laval, Québec City, QC, Canada.; CHU de Québec - Université Laval Research Center, Québec City, QC, Canada.; Yan JW; Division of Emergency Medicine, Western University, London, ON, Canada.; Huang P; Department of Emergency Medicine, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, BC, Canada.; Mukarram M; Clinical Epidemiology Program, Ottawa Hospital Research Institute, Ottawa, ON, Canada.; School of Epidemiology and Public Health, University of Ottawa, Ottawa, ON, Canada.; Rowe BH; Department of Emergency Medicine and School of Public Health, College of Health Sciences, University of Alberta, Edmonton, AB, Canada.; Ishimwe AC; Clinical Epidemiology Program, Ottawa Hospital Research Institute, Ottawa, ON, Canada.; Hegdekar M; Department of Emergency Medicine, University of Manitoba, Winnipeg, MB, Canada.; Sivilotti MLA; Departments of Emergency Medicine, and of Biomedical and Molecular Sciences, Queen's University, Kingston, ON, Canada.; Taljaard M; Clinical Epidemiology Program, Ottawa Hospital Research Institute, Ottawa, ON, Canada.; Nemnom MJ; Clinical Epidemiology Program, Ottawa Hospital Research Institute, Ottawa, ON, Canada.; Thiruganasambandamoorthy V; Department of Emergency Medicine, University of Ottawa, Ottawa, ON, Canada. vthirug@ohri.ca.; Clinical Epidemiology Program, Ottawa Hospital Research Institute, Ottawa, ON, Canada. vthirug@ohri.ca.; School of Epidemiology and Public Health, University of Ottawa, Ottawa, ON, Canada. vthirug@ohri.ca.
Publisher: Springer Country of Publication: England NLM ID: 100893237 Publication Model: Print-Electronic Cited Medium: Internet ISSN: 1481-8043 (Electronic) Linking ISSN: 14818035 NLM ISO Abbreviation: CJEM Subsets: MEDLINE
Editorial & Opinion
Publisher: Hindawi Publishing Corporation Country of Publication: Egypt NLM ID: 9433332 Publication Model: Print Cited Medium: Print ISSN: 1198-2241 (Print) Linking ISSN: 11982241 NLM ISO Abbreviation: Can Respir J Subsets: MEDLINE
Academic Journal
Cummings GG; Faculty of Nursing, College of Health Sciences University of Alberta Edmonton Alberta Canada.; Tate K; Faculty of Nursing, College of Health Sciences University of Alberta Edmonton Alberta Canada.; Spiers J; Faculty of Nursing, College of Health Sciences University of Alberta Edmonton Alberta Canada.; El-Bialy R; Schulich School of Business York University Toronto Ontario Canada.; McLane P; Emergency Strategic Clinical Network Alberta Health Services (AHS) Edmonton Alberta Canada.; Park CS; Faculty of Nursing, College of Health Sciences University of Alberta Edmonton Alberta Canada.; Penconek T; Faculty of Nursing, College of Health Sciences University of Alberta Edmonton Alberta Canada.; Cummings G; Faculty of Nursing, College of Health Sciences University of Alberta Edmonton Alberta Canada.; Robinson CA; School of Nursing University of British Columbia Vancouver British Columbia Canada.; Reid RC; School of Health and Exercise Sciences University of British Columbia-Okanagan Campus Kelowna British Columbia Canada.; Estabrooks CA; Faculty of Nursing, College of Health Sciences University of Alberta Edmonton Alberta Canada.; Rowe BH; Department of Emergency Medicine, Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry University of Alberta Edmonton Alberta Canada.; Anderson C; Alberta Health Services (AHS) Edmonton Alberta Canada.
Publisher: John Wiley and Sons, Inc Country of Publication: United States NLM ID: 101728855 Publication Model: eCollection Cited Medium: Internet ISSN: 2398-8835 (Electronic) Linking ISSN: 23988835 NLM ISO Abbreviation: Health Sci Rep Subsets: PubMed not MEDLINE
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