
(예 : 2010-2015)
'학술논문' 에서 검색결과 10건 | 목록 1~10
Academic Journal
Abela, I.Aebi-Popp, K.Anagnostopoulos, A.Battegay, M.Bernasconi, E.Braun, D.L.Bucher, H.C.Calmy, A.Cavassini, M.Ciuffi, A.Dollenmaier, G.Egger, M.Elzi, L.Fehr, J.Fellay, J.Furrer, H.Fux, C.A.Günthard, H.F.Hachfeld, A.Haerry, D.Hasse, B.Hirsch, H.H.Hoffmann, M.Hösli, I.Huber, M.Jackson-Perry, D.Kahlert, C.R.Kaiser, L.Keiser, O.Klimkait, T.Kouyos, R.D.Kovari, H.Kusejko, K.Labhardt, N.Leuzinger, K.de Tejada B, MartinezMarzolini, C.Metzner, K.J.Müller, N.Nemeth, J.Nicca, D.Notter, J.Paioni, P.Pantaleo, G.Perreau, M.Rauch, A.Salazar-Vizcaya, L.Schmid, P.Speck, R.Stöckle, M.Tarr, P.Trkola, A.Wandeler, G.Weisser, M.Yerly, S.van der Valk, M.Geerlings, S.E.Goorhuis, A.Harris, V.C.Hovius, J.W.Lempkes, B.Nellen, F.J.B.van der Poll, T.Prins, J.M.Spoorenberg, V.van Vugt, M.Wiersinga, W.J.Wit, F.W.M.N.Bruins, C.van Eden, J.Hylkema-van den Bout, I.J.van Hes, A.M.H.Pijnappel, F.J.J.Smalhout, S.Y.Weijsenfeld, A.M.Back, N.K.T.Berkhout, B.Cornelissen, M.T.E.van Houdt, R.Jonges, M.Jurriaans, S.Schinkel, C.J.Wolthers, K.C.Zaaijer, H.L.Peters, E.J.G.van Agtmael, M.A.Autar, R.S.Bomers, M.Sigaloff, K.C.E.Heitmuller, M.Laan, L.M.van den Berge, M.Stegeman, A.Baas, S.Hage de Looff, L.van Arkel, A.Stohr, J.Wintermans, B.Pronk, M.J.H.Ammerlaan, H.S.M.de Munnik, E.S.Deiman, B.Jansz, A.R.Scharnhorst, V.Tjhie, J.Wegdam, M.C.A.van Eeden, A.Hoornenborg, E.Nellen, J.Alers, W.Elsenburg, L.J.M.Nobel, H.van Kasteren, M.E.E.Berrevoets, M.A.H.Brouwer, A.E.de Kruijf-van de Wiel, B.A.F.M.Adams, A.Rijkevoorsel, M. Pawels-vanBuiting, A.G.M.Murck, J.L.Rokx, C.Anas, A.A.Bax, H.I.van Gorp, E.C.M.de Mendonça Melo, M.van Nood, E.Nouwen, J.L.Rijnders, B.J.A.Schurink, C.A.M.Slobbe, L.de Vries-Sluijs, T.E.M.S.Bassant, N.van Beek, J.E.A.Vriesde, M.van Zonneveld, L.M.de Groot, J.van Kampen, J.J.A.Koopmans, M.P.G.Rahamat-Langendoen, J.C.Branger, J.Douma, R.A.Cents-Bosma, A.S.Duijf-van de Ven, C.J.H.M.Schippers, E.F.van Nieuwkoop, C.Geilings, J.van Winden, S.van der Hut, G.van Burgel, N.D.Leyten, E.M.S.Gelinck, L.B.S.Mollema, F.Wildenbeest, G.S.Nguyen, T.Groeneveld, P.H.P.Bouwhuis, J.W.Lammers, A.J.J.van Hulzen, A.G.W.Kraan, S.Kruiper, M.S.M.van der Bliek, G.L.Bor, P.C.J.Debast, S.B.Wagenvoort, G.H.J.Roukens, A.H.E.de Boer, M.G.J.Jolink, H.Lambregts, M.M.C.Scheper, H.Dorama, W.van Holten, N.Claas, E.C.J.Wessels, E.Hollander, J.G. denEl Moussaoui, R.Pogany, K.Brouwer, C.J.Heida-Peters, D.Mulder, E.Smit, J.V.Struik-Kalkman, D.van Niekerk, T.Pontesilli, O.van Tienen, C.Lowe, S.H.Lashof, A.M.L. OudePosthouwer, D.van Wolfswinkel, M.E.Ackens, R.P.Burgers, K.Elasri, M.Schippers, J.Havenith, T.R.A.van Loo, M.van Vonderen, M.G.A.Kampschreur, L.M.van Broekhuizen, M.C.SFaberAl Moujahid, A.Kootstra, G.J.Delsing, C.E.van der Burg-van de Plas, M.Scheiberlich, L.Kortmann, W.van Twillert, G.Renckens, R.Wagenaar, J.Ruiter-Pronk, D.van Truijen-Oud, F.A.Stuart, J.W.T. CohenHoogewerf, M.Rozemeijer, W.Sinnige, J.C.Brinkman, K.van den Berk, G.E.L.Lettinga, K.D.de Regt, M.Schouten, W.E.M.Stalenhoef, J.E.Veenstra, J.Vrouenraets, S.M.E.Blaauw, H.Geerders, G.F.Kleene, M.J.Knapen, M.Kok, M.van der Meché, I.B.Toonen, A.J.M.Wijnands, S.Wttewaal, E.Kwa, D.van de Laar, T.J.W.van Crevel, R.van Aerde, K.Dofferhoff, A.S.M.Henriet, S.S.V.Hofstede, H.J.M. terHoogerwerf, J.Richel, O.Albers, M.Grintjes-Huisman, K.J.T.de Haan, M.Marneef, M.McCall, M.Burger, D.Gisolf, E.H.Claassen, M.Hassing, R.J.Beest, G. tervan Bentum, P.H.M.Gelling, M.Neijland, Y.Swanink, C.M.A.Velderman, M. Kleinvan Lelyveld, S.F.L.Soetekouw, R.van der Prijt, L.M.M.van der Swaluw, J.Kalpoe, J.S.Wagemakers, A.Vahidnia, A.Lauw, F.N.Verhagen, D.W.M.van Wijk, M.Bierman, W.F.W.Bakker, M.van Bentum, R.A.van den Boomgaard, M.A.Kleinnijenhuis, J.Kloeze, E.Middel, A.Postma, D.F.Schenk, H.M.Stienstra, Y.Wouthuyzen-Bakker, M.Boonstra, A.de Jonge, H.Maerman, M.M.M.de Weerd, D.A.van Eije, K.J.Knoester, M.van Leer-Buter, C.C.Niesters, H.G.M.T.MudrikovaBarth, R.E.Bruns, A.H.W.Ellerbroek, P.M.Hensgens, M.P.M.Oosterheert, J.J.Schadd, E.M.Verbon, A.van Welzen, B.J.Berends, H.Santen, B.M.G. Griffioen-vande Kroon, I.Lunel, F.M. VerduynWensing, A.M.J.Zaheri, S.Boyd, A.C.Bezemer, D.O.van Sighem, A.I.Smit, C.Hillebregt, M.M.J.Woudstra, T.J.Rutkens, T.Bergsma, D.Brétin, N.M.Lelivelt, K.J.van de Sande, L.van der Vliet, K.M. Visser.S.T.Paling, F.de Groot-Berndsen, L.G.M.van den Akker, M.Alexander, R.Bakker, Y.El Berkaoui, A.Bezemer-Goedhart, M.Djoechro, E.A.Groters, M.Koster, L.E.Lodewijk, C.R.E.Lucas, E.G.A.Munjishvili, L.Peeck, B.M.Ree, C.M.J.Regtop, R.van Rijk, A.F.Ruijs-Tiggelman, Y.M.C.Schnörr, P.P.Schoorl, M.J.C.Tuijn, E.M.Veenenberg, D.P.Witte, E.C.M.Bretin, N.M.Karpov, I.Losso, M.Lundgren, J.Rockstroh, J.Aho, I.Rasmussen, L.D.Novak, P.Pradier, C.Chkhartishvili, N.Matulionyte, R.Oprea, C.Kowalska, J.D.Begovac, J.Miró, J.M.Guaraldi, G.Paredes, R.Peters, L.Larsen, J.F.Neesgaard, B.Jaschinski, N.Fursa, O.Raben, D.Kristensen, D.Fischer, A.H.Jensen, S.K.Elsing, T.W.Gardizi, M.Mocroft, A.Phillips, A.Reekie, J.Cozzi-Lepri, A.Pelchen-Matthews, A.Roen, A.Tusch, E.S.Bannister, W.Bellecave, P.Blanco, P.Bonnet, F.Bouchet, S.Breilh, D.Cazanave, C.Desjardin, S.Gaborieau, V.Gimbert, A.Hessamfar, M.Lacaze-Buzy, L.Lacoste, D.Lafon, M.E.Lazaro, E.Leleux, O.Le Marec, F.Le Moal, G.Malvy, D.Marchand, L.Mercié, P.Neau, D.Pellegrin, I.Perrier, A.Petrov-Sanchez, V.Vareil, M.O.Wittkop, L.Bernard, N.Chaussade, D. Bronnimann H.Dondia, D.Duffau, P.Faure, I.Morlat, P.Mériglier, E.Paccalin, F.Riebero, E.Rivoisy, C.Vandenhende, M.A.Barthod, L.Dauchy, F.A.Desclaux, A.Ducours, M.Dutronc, H.Duvignaud, A.Leitao, J.Lescure, M.Nguyen, D.Pistone, T.Puges, M.Wirth, G.Courtault, C.Camou, F.Greib, C.Pellegrin, J.L.Rivière, E.Viallard, J.F.Imbert, Y.Thierry-Mieg, M.Rispal, P.Caubet, O.Ferrand, H.Tchamgoué, S.Farbos, S.Wille, H.Andre, K.Caunegre, L.Gerard, Y.Osorio-Perez, F.Chossat, I.Iles, G.Labasse-Depis, M.Lacassin, F.Barret, A.Castan, B.Koffi, J.Rouanes, N.Saunier, A.Zabbe, J.B.Dumondin, G.Beraud, G.Catroux, M.Garcia, M.Giraud, V.Martellosio, J.P.Roblot, F.Pasdeloup, T.Riché, A.Grosset, M.Males, S.Bell, C. NgoCarpentier, C.Bellecave, Virology P.Tumiotto, C.Miremeont-Salamé, G.Arma, D.Arnou, G.Blaizeau, M.J.Camps, P.Decoin, M.Delveaux, S.Diarra, F.Gabrea, L.Lawson-Ayayi, S.Lenaud, E.Plainchamps, D.Pougetoux, A.Uwamaliya, B.Zara, K.Conte, V.Gapillout, M.Surial, BernardRamírez Mena, AdriàRoumet, MarieLimacher, AndreasSmit, ColetteLeleux, OlivierMocroft, Amandavan der Valk, MarcBonnet, FabricePeters, LarsRockstroh, Jürgen K.Günthard, Huldrych F.Berzigotti, AnnalisaRauch, AndriWandeler, Gilles
In Journal of Hepatology December 2022
Academic Journal
Aalbers, Arend G.J.van Aalten, Susanna M.Amelung, Femke J.Ankersmit, MarjoleinAntonisse, Imogeen E.Ashruf, Jesse F.Aukema, Tjeerd S.Avenarius, HenkBahadoer, Renu R.Bakers, Frans C.H.Bakker, Ilsalien S.Bangert, FleurBarendse, Renée M.Beekhuis, Heleen M.D.Beets, Geerard L.Bemelman, Willem A.Berbée, Maaikede Bie, Shira H.Bisschops, Robert H.C.Blok, Robin D.van Bockel, Liselotte W.Boer, Anniek H.den Boer, Frank C.Boerma, Evert-Jan G.Boogerd, Leonora S.F.Borstlap, JaapBorstlap, Wernard A.A.Bouwman, Johanna E.Braak, Sicco J.Braat, Manon N.G.J.A.Bradshaw, JenniferBrandsma, Amarins T.A.van Breest Smallenburg, Vivianvan den Broek, Wim T.van der Burg, Sjirk W.Burger, Jacobus W.A.Burghgraef, Thijs A.ten Cate, David W.G.Ceha, Heleen M.Cnossen, Jeltsje S.Coebergh van den Braak, Robert R.J.Consten, Esther C.J.Corver, MaaikeCrolla, Rogier M.P.H.Curutchet, SamDaniëls-Gooszen, Alette W.Davids, Paul H.P.Dekker, Emmelie N.Dekker, Jan Willem T.Demirkiran, AhmetDerksen, TycheDiederik, Arjen L.Dinaux, Anne M.Dogan, Kemalvan Dop, Ilse M.Droogh-de Greve, Kitty E.Duijsens, Hanneke M.H.Dunker, Michalda S.Duyck, Johanvan Duyn, Eino B.van Egdom, Laurentine S.E.Eijlers, BramEl-Massoudi, Youssefvan Elderen, SaskiaEmmen, Anouk M.L.H.Engelbrecht, Marcvan Erp, Anne C.van Essen, Jeroen A.Fabry, Hans F.J.Fassaert, ThomasFeitsma, Eline A.Feshtali, Shirin S.Frietman, BasFurnée, Edgar J.B.van Geel, Anne M.Geijsen, Elisabeth D.van Geloven, Anna A.W.Gerhards, Michael F.Gielkens, Hugovan Gils, Renza A.H.Goense, LucasGovaert, Marc J.P.M.van Grevenstein, Wilhelmina M.U.Joline de Groof, E.de Groot, Irenede Haas, Robbert J.Hakkenbrak, Nadia A.G.den Hartogh, Mariska D.Heesink, VeraHeikens, Joost T.Hendriksen, Ellen M.van den Hoek, Sjoerdvan der Hoeven, Erik J.R.J.Hoff, ChristiaanHogewoning, AnnaHogewoning, Cornelis R.C.Hoogendoorn, Stefanvan Hoorn, Francoisvan der Hul, René L.van Hulst, RiekeImani, FarshadInberg, BasIntven, Martijn P.W.Janssen, Pedrode Jong, Chris E.J.Jonkers, JacolineJou-Valencia, DanielaKeizers, BasKetelaers, Stijn H.J.Knöps, Evavan Koeverden, SebastiaanKok, SylviaKolderman, Stephanie E.M.de Korte, Fleur I.Kortekaas, Robert T.J.Korving, Julie C.Koster, Ingrid M.Krdzalic, JasenkoKrielen, PepijnKroese, Leonard F.Krul, Eveline J.T.Lahuis, Derk H.H.Lamme, Basvan Landeghem, An A.G.Leijtens, Jeroen W.A.Leseman-Hoogenboom, Mathilde M.de Lijster, Manou S.Marsman, Martijn S.Martens, MilouH.Masselink, Ilsevan der Meij, WoutMeijnen, PhilipMelenhorst, Jarnode Mey, Dietrich J.L.Moelker-Galuzina, JuliaMorsink, LindaMulder, Erik J.Muller, KarinMusters, Gijsbert D.Neijenhuis, Peter A.de Nes, Lindsey C.F.Nielen, M.van den Nieuwboer, Jan B.J.Nieuwenhuis, Jonanne F.Nonner, JoostNoordman, Bo J.Nordkamp, StefiOlthof, Pim B.Oosterling, Steven J.Ootes, DaanOppedijk, VeraOtt, PieterPaulusma, IdaPeeters, Koen C.M.J.Pereboom, Ilona T.A.Peringa, JanPironet, ZoëPlate, Joost D.J.Polat, FatihPoodt, Ingrid G.M.Posma, Lisanne A.E.Prette, Jeroen F.Pultrum, Bareld B.Qaderi, Seyed M.van Rees, Jan M.Renger, Rutger-JanRombouts, Anouk J.M.Roosen, Lodewijk J.Roskott-ten Brinke, Ellen A.Rothbarth, JoostRouw, Dennis B.Rozema, TomRütten, HeidiRutten, Harm J.T.van der Sande, Marit E.Schaafsma, Boudewijn E.Schasfoort, Renske A.Scheurkogel, Merel M.Schouten van der Velden, Arjan P.Schreurs, Wilhelmina H.Schuivens, Puck M.E.Sietses, ColinSimons, Petra C.G.Slob, Marjan J.Slooter, Gerrit D.van der Sluis, MartsjeSmalbroek, Bo P.Smits, Anke B.Spillenaar-Bilgen, Ernst J.Spruit, Patty H.Stam, Tanja C.Stoker, JaapTalsma, Aaldert K.Temmink, Sofieke J.D.The, G.Y. MireilleTielbeek, Jeroen A.W.van Tilborg, Aukje A.J.M.van Tilborg, Fiekvan Trier, DorothéeTuynman, Jurriaan B.van der Valk, Maxime J.M.Vanhooymissen, Inge J.S.Vasbinder, G. Boudewijn C.Veeken, Cornelis J.Velema, Laura A.van de Ven, Anthony W.H.Verdaasdonk, Emiel G.G.Verduin, Wouter M.Verhagen, TimVerheijen, Paul M.Vermaas, MaartenVerrijssen, An-Sofie E.Verschuur, Anna V.D.Schaik, Harmke Verwoerd-vanVliegen, Roy F.A.Voets, SophieVogelaar, F. JeroenVogelij, Clementine L.A.Vos-Westerman, Johannade Vries, MarianneVroemen, Joy C.van Vugt, Bas S.T.Wegdam, Johannes A.van Wely, Bob J.Westerterp, Marinkevan Westerveld, Paul P.van Westreenen, Henderik L.Wijma, Allard G.de Wilt, Johannes H.W.de Wit, Bart W.K.Wit, FennieWoensdregt, Karlijnvan Woerden, Victorvan der Wolf, Floor S.W.van der Wolk, SanderWybenga, Johannes M.van der Zaag, Edwin S.Zamaray, BobbyZandvoort, Herman J.A.van der Zee, DennisZeilstra, Annette P.Zheng, Kang J.Zimmerman, David D.E.Zorgdrager, MarcelGeffen, Eline G.M. vanNederend, JoostSluckin, Tania C.Hazen, Sanne-Marije J.A.Horsthuis, KarinBeets-Tan, Regina G.H.Marijnen, Corrie A.M.Tanis, Pieter J.Kusters, Miranda
In European Journal of Surgical Oncology June 2024 50(6)
Oomen, Patrick G AWit, Ferdinand W N MBrinkman, KeesVrouenraets, Saskia M EMudrikova, Taniavan Welzen, Berend Jvan der Valk, Marcvan Agtmael, M.A.Bomers, M.Geerlings, S.E.Goorhuis, A.Harris, V.C.Hovius, J.W.Lemkes, B.Nellen, F.J.B.Peters, E.J.G.van der Poll, T.Prins, J.M.Sigaloff, K.C.E.Spoorenberg, V.van Vugt, M.Wiersinga, W.J.Bruins, C.van Eden, J.Hylkema-van den Bout, I.J.Laan, L.M.Pijnappel, F.J.J.Smalhout, S.Y.Spelbrink, M.E.Weijsenfeld, A.M.Back, N.K.T.Cornelissen, M.T.E.van Houdt, R.Jonges, M.Jurriaans, S.Schinkel, C.J.Welkers, M.R.A.Wolthers, K.C.van den Berge, M.Stegeman, A.Baas, S.Hage de Looff, L.van Arkel, A.Stohr, J.Wintermans, B.Pronk, M.J.H.Ammerlaan, H.S.M.de Bree, C.de Munnik, E.S.Phaf, S.Deiman, B.Jansz, A.R.Scharnhorst, V.Tjhie, J.Wegdam, M.C.A.Nellen, J.van Eeden, A.Hoornenborg, E.de Stoppelaar, S.Alers, W.Elsenburg, L.J.M.Nobel, H.Schinkel, C.J.van Kasteren, M.E.E.Berrevoets, M.A.H.Brouwer, A.E.de Kruijf-van de Wiel, B.A.F.M.Adams, A.Pawels-van Rijkevoorsel, M.Murck, J.L.Rokx, C.Anas, A.A.Bax, H.I.van Gorp, E.C.M.de Mendonça Melo, M.van Nood, E.Nouwen, J.L.Rijnders, B.J.A.Schurink, C.A.M.Slobbe, L.de Vries-Sluijs, T.E.M.S.Bassant, N.van Beek, J.E.A.Vriesde, M.van Zonneveld, L.M.de Groot, J.van Kampen, J.J.A.Koopmans, M.P.G.Rahamat-Langendoen, J.C.Branger, J.Douma, R.A.Cents-Bosma, A.S.Mulder, M.A.Schippers, E.F.van Nieuwkoop, C.Geilings, J.van de Ven, E.van der Hut, G.van Burgel, N.D.Leyten, E.M.S.Gelinck, L.B.S.Mollema, F.Langbein, M.Wildenbeest, G.S.Nguyen, T.Groeneveld, P.H.P.Bouwhuis, J.W.Lammers, A.J.J.van Hulzen, A.G.W.Kraan, S.Kruiper, M.S.M.Debast, S.B.Wagenvoort, G.H.J.Roukens, A.H.E.de Boer, M.G.J.Jolink, H.Lambregts, M.M.C.Scheper, H.van Holten, N.van der Sluis, D.Claas, E.C.J.Wessels, E.den Hollander, J.G.El Moussaoui, R.Pogany, K.Brouwer, C.J.Heida-Peters, D.Mulder, E.Smit, J.V.Struik-Kalkman, D.van Niekerk, T.Pontesilli, O.van Tienen, C.Lowe, S.H.Oude Lashof, A.M.L.Posthouwer, D.Stoop, A.van Wolfswinkel, M.E.Ackens, R.P.Elasri, M.Houben-Pintaric, K.Schippers, J.Havenith, T.R.A.van Loo, M.van Vonderen, M.G.A.Kampschreur, L.M.Timmer, C.van Broekhuizen, M.C.Faber, S.Al Moujahid, A.Kootstra, G.J.Delsing, C.E.van der Burg-van de Plas, M.Scheiberlich, L.Kortmann, W.van Twillert, G.Renckens, R.Wagenaar, J.Ruiter-Pronk, D.Stander, B.Cohen Stuart, J.W.T.Hoogewerf, M.Rozemeijer, W.Sinnige, J.C.Brinkman, K.van den Berk, G.E.L.Lettinga, K.D.de Regt, M.Schouten, W.E.M.Stalenhoef, J.E.Blaauw, H.Geerders, G.F.Kleene, M.J.Knapen, M.Kok, M.van der Meché, I.B.Toonen, A.J.M.Wijnands, S.Wttewaal, E.Kwa, D.van de Laar, T.J.W.van Crevel, R.van Aerde, K.Dofferhoff, A.S.M.Henriet, S.S.V.ter Hofstede, H.J.M.Hoogerwerf, J.Richel, O.Albers, M.Grintjes-Huisman, K.J.T.de Haan, M.Marneef, M.McCall, M.Rahamat-Langendoen, J.Ruizendaal, E.Burger, D.Gisolf, E.H.Claassen, M.Hassing, R.J.ter Beest, G.van Bentum, P.H.M.Neijland, Y.Valette, M.Swanink, C.M.A.Klein Velderman, M.van Lelyveld, S.F.L.Soetekouw, R.van der Prijt, L.M.M.van der Swaluw, J.Kalpoe, J.S.Wagemakers, A.Vahidnia, A.Lauw, F.N.Verhagen, D.W.M.van Wijk, M.Bierman, W.F.W.Bakker, M.van Bentum, R.A.van den Boomgaard, M.A.Kleinnijenhuis, J.Kloeze, E.Middel, A.Postma, D.F.Schenk, H.M.Stienstra, Y.Wouthuyzen-Bakker, M.Boonstra, A.Maerman, M.M.M.de Weerd, D.A.van Eije, K.J.Knoester, M.van Leer-Buter, C.C.Niesters, H.G.M.Barth, R.E.Bruns, A.H.W.Ellerbroek, P.M.Hensgens, M.P.M.Oosterheert, J.J.Schadd, E.M.Verbon, A.Griffioen-van Santen, B.M.G.de Kroon, I.Schuurman, R.Verduyn Lunel, F.M.Wensing, A.M.J.van der Valk, M.Zaheri, S.Boyd, A.C.Bezemer, D.O.Jongen, V.W.van Sighem, A.I.Smit, C.Wit, F.W.M.N.Hillebregt, M.M.J.Woudstra, T.J.Rutkens, T.Bergsma, D.Brétin, N.M.Koster, L.E.Lelivelt, K.J.van de Sande, L.Schoorl, M.J.C.Visser, K.M.van der Vliet, S.T.Paling, F.van den Akker, M.Akpomukai, O.M.Alexander, R.Bakker, Y.M.Bastos Sales, L.El Berkaoui, A.Bezemer-Goedhart, M.Djoechro, E.A.Grolleman, J.M.El Hammoud, I.Khouw, M.R.Lodewijk, C.R.E.Lucas, E.G.A.van Meerveld-Derks, S.Mulder, H.W.Munjishvili, L.Ree, C.M.J.Regtop, R.van Rijk, A.F.Ruijs-Tiggelman, Y.M.C.Schnörr, P.P.van Veen, R.van Vliet-Klein Gunnewiek, W.H.G.Witte, E.C.M.
The Lancet HIV; September 2024, Vol. 11 Issue: 9 pe576-e585, 10p
Academic Journal
Surial, B.Ramírez Mena, A.Rauch, A.Wandeler, G.Roumet, M.Limacher, A.Smit, C.van der Valk, M.Leleux, O.Bonnet, F.Mocroft, A.Peters, L.Rockstroh, J.K.Günthard, H.F.Berzigotti, A.Abela, I.Aebi-Popp, K.Anagnostopoulos, A.Battegay, M.Bernasconi, E.Braun, D.L.Bucher, H.C.Calmy, A.Cavassini, M.Ciuffi, A.Dollenmaier, G.Egger, M.Elzi, L.Fehr, J.Fellay, J.Furrer, H.Fux, C.A.Günthard, H.F.Hachfeld, A.Haerry, D.Hasse, B.Hirsch, H.H.Hoffmann, M.Hösli, I.Huber, M.Jackson-Perry, D.Kahlert, C.R.Kaiser, L.Keiser, O.Klimkait, T.Kouyos, R.D.Kovari, H.Kusejko, K.Labhardt, N.Leuzinger, K.de Tejada B, M.Marzolini, C.Metzner, K.J.Müller, N.Nemeth, J.Nicca, D.Notter, J.Paioni, P.Pantaleo, G.Perreau, M.Salazar-Vizcaya, L.Schmid, P.Speck, R.Stöckle, M.Tarr, P.Trkola, A.Wandeler, G.Weisser, M.Yerly, S.van der Valk, M.Geerlings, S.E.Goorhuis, A.Harris, V.C.Hovius, J.W.Lempkes, B.Nellen, F.J.B.van der Poll, T.Prins, J.M.Spoorenberg, V.van Vugt, M.Wiersinga, W.J.Wit, F.W.M.N.Bruins, C.van Eden, J.Hylkema-van den Bout, I.J.van Hes, A.M.H.Pijnappel, F.J.J.Smalhout, S.Y.Weijsenfeld, A.M.Back, N.K.T.Berkhout, B.Cornelissen, M.T.E.van Houdt, R.Jonges, M.Jurriaans, S.Schinkel, C.J.Wolthers, K.C.Zaaijer, H.L.Peters, E.J.G.van Agtmael, M.A.Autar, R.S.Bomers, M.Sigaloff, K.C.E.Heitmuller, M.Laan, L.M.van den Berge, M.Stegeman, A.Baas, S.Hage de Looff, L.van Arkel, A.Stohr, J.Wintermans, B.Pronk, M.J.H.Ammerlaan, H.S.M.de Munnik, E.S.Deiman, B.Jansz, A.R.Scharnhorst, V.Tjhie, J.Wegdam, M.C.A.van Eeden, A.Hoornenborg, E.Nellen, J.Alers, W.Elsenburg, L.J.M.Nobel, H.van Kasteren, M.E.E.Berrevoets, M.A.H.Brouwer, A.E.de Kruijf-van de Wiel, B.A.F.M.Adams, A.Rijkevoorsel, M.P.-V.Buiting, A.G.M.Murck, J.L.Rokx, C.Anas, A.A.Bax, H.I.van Gorp, E.C.M.de Mendonça Melo, M.van Nood, E.Nouwen, J.L.Rijnders, B.J.A.Schurink, C.A.M.Slobbe, L.de Vries-Sluijs, T.E.M.S.Bassant, N.van Beek, J.E.A.Vriesde, M.van Zonneveld, L.M.de Groot, J.van Kampen, J.J.A.Koopmans, M.P.G.Rahamat-Langendoen, J.C.Branger, J.Douma, R.A.Cents-Bosma, A.S.Duijf-van de Ven, C.J.H.M.Schippers, E.F.van Nieuwkoop, C.Geilings, J.van Winden, S.van der Hut, G.van Burgel, N.D.Leyten, E.M.S.Gelinck, L.B.S.Mollema, F.Wildenbeest, G.S.Nguyen, T.Groeneveld, P.H.P.Bouwhuis, J.W.Lammers, A.J.J.van Hulzen, A.G.W.Kraan, S.Kruiper, M.S.M.van der Bliek, G.L.Bor, P.C.J.Debast, S.B.Wagenvoort, G.H.J.Roukens, A.H.E.de Boer, M.G.J.Jolink, H.Lambregts, M.M.C.Scheper, H.Dorama, W.van Holten, N.Claas, E.C.J.Wessels, E.Hollander, J.G.D.El Moussaoui, R.Pogany, K.Brouwer, C.J.Heida-Peters, D.Mulder, E.Smit, J.V.Struik-Kalkman, D.van Niekerk, T.Pontesilli, O.van Tienen, C.Lowe, S.H.Lashof, A.M.L.O.Posthouwer, D.van Wolfswinkel, M.E.Ackens, R.P.Burgers, K.Elasri, M.Schippers, J.Havenith, T.R.A.van Loo, M.van Vonderen, M.G.A.Kampschreur, L.M.van Broekhuizen, M.C.SFaberAl Moujahid, A.Kootstra, G.J.Delsing, C.E.van der Burg-van de Plas, M.Scheiberlich, L.Kortmann, W.van Twillert, G.Renckens, R.Wagenaar, J.Ruiter-Pronk, D.van Truijen-Oud, F.A.Stuart, J.W.T.C.Hoogewerf, M.Rozemeijer, W.Sinnige, J.C.Brinkman, K.van den Berk, G.E.L.Lettinga, K.D.de Regt, M.Schouten, W.E.M.Stalenhoef, J.E.Veenstra, J.Vrouenraets, S.M.E.Blaauw, H.Geerders, G.F.Kleene, M.J.Knapen, M.Kok, M.van der Meché, I.B.Toonen, A.J.M.Wijnands, S.Wttewaal, E.Kwa, D.van de Laar, T.J.W.van Crevel, R.van Aerde, K.Dofferhoff, A.S.M.Henriet, S.S.V.Hofstede, H.J.M.T.Hoogerwerf, J.Richel, O.Albers, M.Grintjes-Huisman, K.J.T.de Haan, M.Marneef, M.McCall, M.Burger, D.Gisolf, E.H.Claassen, M.Hassing, R.J.Beest, G.T.van Bentum, P.H.M.Gelling, M.Neijland, Y.Swanink, C.M.A.Velderman, M.K.van Lelyveld, S.F.L.Soetekouw, R.van der Prijt, L.M.M.van der Swaluw, J.Kalpoe, J.S.Wagemakers, A.Vahidnia, A.Lauw, F.N.Verhagen, D.W.M.van Wijk, M.Bierman, W.F.W.Bakker, M.van Bentum, R.A.van den Boomgaard, M.A.Kleinnijenhuis, J.Kloeze, E.Middel, A.Postma, D.F.Schenk, H.M.Stienstra, Y.Wouthuyzen-Bakker, M.Boonstra, A.de Jonge, H.Maerman, M.M.M.de Weerd, D.A.van Eije, K.J.Knoester, M.van Leer-Buter, C.C.Niesters, H.G.M.T.MudrikovaBarth, R.E.Bruns, A.H.W.Ellerbroek, P.M.Hensgens, M.P.M.Oosterheert, J.J.Schadd, E.M.Verbon, A.van Welzen, B.J.Berends, H.Santen, B.M.G.G.-V.de Kroon, I.Lunel, F.M.V.Wensing, A.M.J.Zaheri, S.Boyd, A.C.Bezemer, D.O.van Sighem, A.I.Smit, C.Hillebregt, M.M.J.Woudstra, T.J.Rutkens, T.Bergsma, D.Brétin, N.M.Lelivelt, K.J.van de Sande, L.van der Vliet, K.M.V.S.T.Paling, F.de Groot-Berndsen, L.G.M.van den Akker, M.Alexander, R.Bakker, Y.El Berkaoui, A.Bezemer-Goedhart, M.Djoechro, E.A.Groters, M.Koster, L.E.Lodewijk, C.R.E.Lucas, E.G.A.Munjishvili, L.Peeck, B.M.Ree, C.M.J.Regtop, R.van Rijk, A.F.Ruijs-Tiggelman, Y.M.C.Schnörr, P.P.Schoorl, M.J.C.Tuijn, E.M.Veenenberg, D.P.Witte, E.C.M.Karpov, I.Losso, M.Lundgren, J.Rockstroh, J.Aho, I.Rasmussen, L.D.Novak, P.Pradier, C.Chkhartishvili, N.Matulionyte, R.Oprea, C.Kowalska, J.D.Begovac, J.Miró, J.M.Guaraldi, G.Paredes, R.Peters, L.Larsen, J.F.Neesgaard, B.Jaschinski, N.Fursa, O.Raben, D.Kristensen, D.Fischer, A.H.Jensen, S.K.Elsing, T.W.Gardizi, M.Mocroft, A.Phillips, A.Reekie, J.Cozzi-Lepri, A.Pelchen-Matthews, A.Roen, A.Tusch, E.S.Bannister, W.Bellecave, P.Blanco, P.Bonnet, F.Bouchet, S.Breilh, D.Cazanave, C.Desjardin, S.Gaborieau, V.Gimbert, A.Hessamfar, M.Lacaze-Buzy, L.Lacoste, D.Lafon, M.E.Lazaro, E.Leleux, O.Le Marec, F.Le Moal, G.Malvy, D.Marchand, L.Mercié, P.Neau, D.Pellegrin, I.Perrier, A.Petrov-Sanchez, V.Vareil, M.O.Wittkop, L.Bernard, N.Chaussade, D.B.H.Dondia, D.Duffau, P.Faure, I.Morlat, P.Mériglier, E.Paccalin, F.Riebero, E.Rivoisy, C.Vandenhende, M.A.Barthod, L.Dauchy, F.A.Desclaux, A.Ducours, M.Dutronc, H.Duvignaud, A.Leitao, J.Lescure, M.Nguyen, D.Pistone, T.Puges, M.Wirth, G.Courtault, C.Camou, F.Greib, C.Pellegrin, J.L.Rivière, E.Viallard, J.F.Imbert, Y.Thierry-Mieg, M.Rispal, P.Caubet, O.Ferrand, H.Tchamgoué, S.Farbos, S.Wille, H.Andre, K.Caunegre, L.Gerard, Y.Osorio-Perez, F.Chossat, I.Iles, G.Labasse-Depis, M.Lacassin, F.Barret, A.Castan, B.Koffi, J.Rouanes, N.Saunier, A.Zabbe, J.B.Dumondin, G.Beraud, G.Catroux, M.Garcia, M.Giraud, V.Martellosio, J.P.Roblot, F.Pasdeloup, T.Riché, A.Grosset, M.Males, S.Bell, C.N.Carpentier, C.Bellecave, V.P.Tumiotto, C.Miremeont-Salamé, G.Arma, D.Arnou, G.Blaizeau, M.J.Camps, P.Decoin, M.Delveaux, S.Diarra, F.Gabrea, L.Lawson-Ayayi, S.Lenaud, E.Plainchamps, D.Pougetoux, A.Uwamaliya, B.Zara, K.Conte, V.Gapillout, M.
In: Journal of Hepatology. (Journal of Hepatology, May 2023, 78(5):947-957)
Academic Journal
McLean, K.A.Kamarajah, S.K.Chaudhry, D.Gujjuri, R.R.Raubenheimer, K.Trout, I.Alameer, E.Creagh-Brown, B.Harrison, E.M.Nepogodiev, D.Roslani, A.C.Li, E.Pata, F.Ramos-De La Medina, A.Van Ramshorst, G.H.Sayyed, R.Simoes, J.Smart, N.Bhangu, A.Glasbey, J.C.Khaw, R.A.Ahmed, W.Akhbari, M.Baker, D.Borakati, A.Mills, E.Murray, V.Thavayogan, R.Yasin, I.Glasbey, J.Ridley, W.Sarrami, M.Zhang, G.Egoroff, N.Pockney, P.Richards, T.Edwards, M.Lee, M.Pinkney, T.Pearse, R.Vohra, R.Sohrabi, C.Jamieson, A.Nguyen, M.Rahman, A.English, C.Tincknell, L.Kakodkar, P.Kwek, I.Punjabi, N.Burns, J.Varghese, S.Erotocritou, M.McGuckin, S.Vayalapra, S.Dominguez, E.Moneim, J.Bhatia, S.Kouli, O.Salehi, M.Tan, H.L.Yoong, A.Zhu, L.Seale, B.Nowinka, Z.Patel, N.Chrisp, B.Harris, J.Maleyko, I.Muneeb, F.Gough, M.James, C.E.Skan, O.Chowdhury, A.Rebuffa, N.Khan, H.Down, B.Fatimah, H.Q.Siaw-Acheampong, K.Benson, R.A.Bywater, E.Dawson, B.E.Evans, J.P.Heritage, E.Jones, C.S.Khatri, C.Keatley, J.M.Knight, A.Lawday, S.Mann, H.S.Marson, E.J.McKay, S.C.Mills, E.C.Pellino, G.Picciochi, M.Taylor, E.H.Tiwari, A.Simoes, J.F.F.Trout, I.M.Venn, M.L.Wilkin, R.J.W.Smart, N.J.Minaya-Bravo, A.Gallo, G.Moug, S.Saverio, S.D.Vallance, A.Vimalchandran, D.Griffiths, E.A.Evans, R.P.T.Townend, P.Roberts, K.McKay, S.Isaac, J.Satoi, S.Edwards, J.Coonar, A.S.Marchbank, A.Caruana, E.J.Layton, G.R.Patel, A.Brunelli, A.Ford, S.Desai, A.Gronchi, A.Fiore, M.Almond, M.Tirotta, F.Dumitra, S.Kolias, A.Price, S.J.Fountain, D.M.Jenkinson, M.D.Hutchinson, P.Marcus, H.J.Piper, R.J.Lippa, L.Servadei, F.Esene, I.Freyschlag, C.Neville, I.Rosseau, G.Schaller, K.Demetriades, A.K.Robertson, F.Alamri, A.Shaw, R.Schache, A.G.Winter, S.C.Ho, M.Nankivell, P.Biel, J.R.Batstone, M.Ganly, I.Vidya, R.Wilkins, A.Singh, J.K.Thekinkattil, D.Sundar, S.Fotopoulou, C.Leung, E.Khan, T.Chiva, L.Sehouli, J.Fagotti, A.Cohen, P.Gutelkin, M.Ghebre, R.Konney, T.Pareja, R.Bristow, R.Dowdy, S.Rajkumar, S.T.S.Ng, J.Fujiwara, K.Stewart, G.D.Lamb, B.Narahari, K.McNeill, A.Colquhoun, A.McGrath, J.Bromage, S.Barod, R.Kasivisvanathan, V.Klatte, T.Abbott, T.E.F.Abukhalaf, S.Adamina, M.Ademuyiwa, A.O.Agarwal, A.Akkulak, M.Alameer, C.Alderson, D.Alakaloko, F.Albertsmeiers, M.Alser, O.Alshaar, M.Alshryda, S.Arnaud, A.P.Augestad, K.Ayasra, F.Azevedo, J.Bankhead-Kendall, B.K.Barlow, E.Beard, D.Blanco-Colino, R.Brar, A.Breen, K.A.Bretherton, C.Buarque, I.L.Burke, J.Chaar, M.Chakrabortee, S.Christensen, P.Cox, D.Cukier, M.Cunha, M.F.Davidson, G.H.Saverio, S.Drake, T.M.Edwards, J.G.Elhadi, M.Emile, S.Farik, S.Fitzgerald, E.J.Garmanova, T.Ghosh, D.Gomes, G.M.A.Grecinos, G.Ndl, M.G.Halkias, C.Hisham, I.Hutchinson, P.J.Hwang, S.Isik, A.Jonker, P.Kaafarani, H.M.A.Keller, D.Kruijff, S.Lawani, I.Lederhuber, H.Leventoglu, S.Litvin, A.Loehrer, A.Ffler, M.W.L.Lorena, M.Modolo, M.Major, P.Martin, J.Mashbari, H.N.Mazingi, D.Metallidis, S.Mohan, H.M.Moore, R.Moszkowicz, D.Ng-Kamstra, J.S.Maimbo, M.Negoi, I.Niquen, M.Ntirenganya, F.Olivos, M.Oussama, K.Outani, O.Sacdalanm, M.P.Rivera, C.J.P.Pinkney, T.D.Plas, W.V.D.Qureshi, A.Radenkovic, D.Rd, M.R.Segura-Sampedro, J.J.Santos, I.Schache, A.Schnitzbauer, A.A.Seyi-Olajide, J.O.Sharma, N.Shu, S.Soreide, K.Spinelli, A.Sund, M.Tabiri, S.Tsoulfas, G.Vimalachandran, D.Warren, O.J.Wedderburn, D.Wright, N.Allemand, C.Boccalatte, L.Figari, M.Lamm, M.Larrañaga, J.Marchitelli, C.Noll, F.Odetto, D.Perrotta, M.Saadi, J.Zamora, L.Alurralde, C.Caram, E.L.Eskinazi, D.Mendoza, J.P.Usandivaras, M.Badra, R.Esteban, A.García, J.S.García, P.M.Gerchunoff, J.I.Lucchini, S.M.Nigra, M.A.Vargas, L.Hovhannisyan, T.Stepanyan, A.Gould, T.Gourlay, R.Griffiths, B.Gananadha, S.McLaren, M.Cecire, J.Joshi, N.Salindera, S.Sutherland, A.Ahn, J.H.Charlton, G.Chen, S.Gauri, N.Hayhurst, R.Jang, S.Jia, F.Mulligan, C.Yang, W.Ye, G.Zhang, H.Ballal, M.Gibson, D.Hayne, D.Moss, J.Viswambaram, P.Vo, U.G.Bennetts, J.Bright, T.Brooke-Smith, M.Fong, R.Gricks, B.Lam, Y.H.Ong, B.S.Szpytma, M.Watson, D.Bagraith, K.Caird, S.Chan, E.Dawson, C.Ho, D.Jeyarajan, E.Jordan, S.Lim, A.Nolan, G.J.Oar, A.Parker, D.Puhalla, H.Quennell, A.Rutherford, L.Von Papen, M.Wullschleger, M.Blatt, A.Cope, D.Fenton, M.Gani, J.Lott, N.Shugg, N.Elliott, M.Phung, D.Phan, D.Townend, D.Bong, C.Gundara, J.Frankel, A.Bowman, S.Guerra, G.R.Bolt, J.Buddingh, K.Dudi-Venkata, N.N.Jog, S.Kroon, H.M.Sammour, T.Smith, R.Stranz, C.Lah, K.McGahan, W.Mitchell, D.Morton, A.Pearce, A.Roberts, M.Sheahan, G.Swinson, B.Alam, N.Banting, S.Chong, L.Choong, P.Clatworthy, S.Foley, D.Fox, A.Hii, M.W.Knowles, B.Mack, J.Read, M.Rowcroft, A.Ward, S.Wright, G.Lanner, M.Nigsrainer, I.K.Bauer, M.Kafka, M.Messner, F.Fner, D.O.Tsibulak, I.Emmanuel, K.Grechenig, M.Gruber, R.Harald, M.Hlberger, L.O.Presl, J.Wimmer, A.Namazov, I.Samadov, E.Barker, D.Boyce, R.Corbin, S.Doyle, A.Eastmond, A.Gill, R.Haynes, A.Millar, S.O'Shea, M.Padmore, G.Paquette, N.Phillips, E.St, J.S.Walkes, K.Flamey, N.Pattyn, P.Oosterlinck, W.Van Den Eynde, J.Van Den Eynde, R.Gatti, A.Nardi, C.Oliva, R.De Cicco, R.Cecconello, I.Gregorio, P.Pontual, L.L.Ribeiro, J.U.Takeda, F.Terra, R.M.Sokolov, M.Kidane, B.Srinathan, S.Boutros, M.Caminsky, N.Ghitulescu, G.Jamjoum, G.Moon, J.Pelletier, J.Vanounou, T.Wong, S.Kouyoumdjian, A.Johnston, B.Russell, C.Demyttenaere, S.Garfinkle, R.Abou-Khalil, J.Nessim, C.Stevenson, J.Heredia, F.Almeciga, A.Fletcher, A.Merchan, A.Puentes, L.O.Mendoza, Q.J.Baćcićc, G.Karlovićc, D.Krścul, D.Zelićc, M.Luksic, I.Mamic, M.Bakmaz, B.Oza, I.C.Dijan, E.Katusic, Z.Mihanovic, J.Rakvin, I.Frantzeskou, K.Gouvas, N.Kokkinos, G.Papatheodorou, P.Pozotou, I.Stavrinidou, O.Yiallourou, A.Martinek, L.Skrovina, M.Szubota, I.Zateckýc, J.Javurkova, V.Klat, J.Avlund, T.Harbjerg, J.L.Iversen, L.H.Kjaer, D.W.Kristensen, H.Ø.Mekhael, M.Ebbehøj, A.L.Krarup, P.Schlesinger, N.Smith, H.Abdelsamed, A.Azzam, A.Y.Salem, H.Seleim, A.Abdelmajeed, A.Abdou, M.Abosamak, N.E.Al, S.M.Ashoush, F.Atta, R.Elazzazy, E.Elhoseiny, M.Elnemr, M.Elqasabi, M.S.Elsayed, H.M.E.Elsherbini, I.Essam, E.Eweda, M.Ghallab, I.Hassan, E.Ibrahim, M.Metwalli, M.Mourad, M.Qatora, M.S.Ragab, M.Sabry, A.Saifeldin, H.Saleh, M.M.E.M.Samih, A.Samir, A.A.Shehata, S.Shenit, K.Attia, D.Kamal, N.Osman, N.Abbas, A.M.Abd, E.H.A.S.Abdelkarem, M.M.Alaa, S.Ali, A.K.Ayman, A.Azizeldine, M.G.Elkhayat, H.Melghazaly, S.Monib, F.A.Nageh, M.A.Saad, M.M.Salah, M.Shahine, M.Yousof, E.A.Youssef, A.Eldaly, A.Elfiky, M.Nabil, A.Amira, G.Sallam, I.Sherief, M.Sherif, A.Abdelrahman, A.Aboulkassem, H.Ghaly, G.Hamdy, R.Morsi, A.Sherif, G.Abdeldayem, H.Abdelkader, S.I.Balabel, M.Fayed, Y.Sherif, A.E.Bekele, A.Kauppila, J.Sarjanoja, E.Helminen, O.Huhta, H.Kauppila, J.H.Beyrne, C.Jouffret, L.Lugans, L.Marie-Macron, L.Chouillard, E.De Simone, B.Bettoni, J.Dakpé, S.Devauchelle, B.Lavagen, N.Testelin, S.Boucher, S.Breheret, R.Gueutier, A.Kahn, A.Barrabe, A.Lakkis, Z.Louvrier, A.Manfredelli, S.Mathieu, P.Chebaro, A.Drubay, V.El, A.M.Eveno, C.Lecolle, K.Legault, G.Martin, L.Piessen, G.Pruvot, F.R.Truant, S.Zerbib, P.Ballouhey, Q.Barrat, B.Laloze, J.Salle, H.Taibi, A.Usseglio, J.Bergeat, D.Merdrignac, A.Le, R.B.Perotto, L.O.Scalabre, A.Aimé, A.Ezanno, A.Malgras, B.Bouche, P.Tzedakis, S.Cotte, E.Glehen, O.Kepenekian, V.Lifante, J.Passot, G.D'Urso, A.Felli, E.Mutter, D.Pessaux, P.Seeliger, B.Bardet, J.Berry, R.Boddaert, G.Bonnet, S.Brian, E.Denet, C.Fuks, D.Gossot, D.Grigoroiu, M.Laforest, A.Levy-Zauberman, Y.Louis-Sylvestre, C.Moumen, A.Pourcher, G.Seguin-Givelet, A.Tribillon, E.Duchalais, E.Espitalier, F.Ferron, C.Malard, O.Bork, U.Distler, M.Fritzmann, J.Kirchberg, J.Praetorius, C.Riediger, C.Weitz, J.Welsch, T.Wimberger, P.Beyer, K.Kamphues, C.Lauscher, J.Loch, F.N.Schineis, C.Albertsmeier, M.Angele, M.Kappenberger, A.Niess, H.Schiergens, T.Werner, J.Becker, R.Jonescheit, J.Pergolini, I.Reim, D.Boeker, C.Hakami, I.Mall, J.Liokatis, P.Smolka, W.Nowak, K.Reinhard, T.Lzle, F.H.Modabber, A.Winnand, P.Knitschke, M.Kauffmann, P.Wolfer, S.Kleeff, J.Lorenz, K.Michalski, C.Ronellenfitsch, U.Schneider, R.Bertolani, E.Nigsrainer, A.K.Quante, M.Steidle, C.Ck, L.U.B.Yurttas, C.Betz, C.S.Bewarder, J.Ttcher, A.B.Burg, S.Busch, C.Gosau, M.Heuer, A.Izbicki, J.Klatte, T.O.Koenig, D.Moeckelmann, N.Nitschke, C.Priemel, M.Smeets, R.Speth, U.Thole, S.Uzunoglu, F.G.Vollkommer, T.Zeller, N.Battista, M.J.Gillen, K.Hasenburg, A.Krajnak, S.Linz, V.Schwab, R.Angelou, K.Haidopoulos, D.Rodolakis, A.Antonakis, P.Bramis, K.Chardalias, L.Contis, I.Dafnios, N.Dellaportas, D.Fragulidis, G.Gklavas, A.Konstadoulakis, M.Memos, N.Papaconstantinou, I.Polydorou, A.Theodosopoulos, T.Vezakis, A.Antonopoulou, M.I.Manatakis, D.K.Tasis, N.Arkadopoulos, N.Danias, N.Economopoulou, P.Kokoropoulos, P.Larentzakis, A.Michalopoulos, N.Selmani, J.Sidiropoulos, T.Tsaousis, V.Vassiliu, P.Bouchagier, K.Klimopoulos, S.Paspaliari, D.Stylianidis, G.Baxevanidou, K.Bouliaris, K.Chatzikomnitsa, P.Efthimiou, M.Giaglaras, A.Kalfountzos, C.Koukoulis, G.Ntziovara, A.M.Petropoulos, K.Soulikia, K.Tsiamalou, I.Zervas, K.Zourntou, S.Baloyiannis, I.Diamantis, A.Gkrinia, E.Hajiioannou, J.Korais, C.Koukoura, O.Perivoliotis, K.Saratziotis, A.Skoulakis, C.Symeonidis, D.Tepetes, K.Tzovaras, G.Zacharoulis, D.Alexoudi, V.Antoniades, K.Astreidis, I.Christidis, P.Deligiannidis, D.Grivas, T.Ioannidis, O.Kalaitsidou, I.Loutzidou, L.Mantevas, A.Michailidou, D.Paraskevopoulos, K.Politis, S.Stavroglou, A.Tatsis, D.Tilaveridis, I.Vahtsevanos, K.Venetis, G.Karaitianos, I.Tsirlis, T.Charalabopoulos, A.Liakakos, T.Mpaili, E.Schizas, D.Spartalis, E.Syllaios, A.Zografos, C.Anthoulakis, C.Christou, C.Papadopoulos, V.Tooulias, A.Tsolakidis, D.Zouzoulas, D.Athanasakis, E.Chrysos, E.Tsiaoussis, J.Xenaki, S.Xynos, E.Futaba, K.Ho, M.F.Hon, S.F.Mak, T.W.C.Ng, S.S.M.Foo, C.C.Banky, B.Susztá, K.N.Aremu, M.Martinez, A.C.Cullivan, O.Murphy, C.Owens, P.Pickett, L.Akmenkalne, L.Byrne, J.Corrigan, M.Cullinane, C.Daly, A.Fleming, C.Jordan, P.Killeen, S.Lynch, N.McCarthy, A.Mustafa, H.O'Brien, S.O'Leary, P.Syed, W.A.S.Vernon, L.Callanan, D.Huang, L.Ionescu, A.Sheahan, P.Balasubramanian, I.Boland, M.Conlon, K.Evoy, D.Fearon, N.Gallagher, T.Geraghty, J.Heneghan, H.Kennedy, N.Maguire, D.McCartan, D.McDermott, E.W.Prichard, R.S.Winter, D.Alazawi, D.Barry, C.Boyle, T.Butt, W.Connolly, E.M.Donlon, N.Donohue, C.Fahey, B.A.Farrell, R.Fitzgerald, C.Kinsella, J.Larkin, J.O.Lennon, P.Maguire, P.J.McCormick, P.Mehigan, B.J.Mohan, H.Nugent, T.O'Sullivan, H.Ravi, N.Reynolds, J.V.Rogers, A.Shokuhi, P.Smith, J.Smith, L.A.Timon, C.Bashir, Y.Bass, G.Connelly, T.Creavin, B.Earley, H.Elliott, J.A.Gillis, A.Kavanagh, D.Neary, P.O'Riordan, J.Reynolds, I.S.Rice, D.Ridgway, P.Umair, M.Whelan, M.Carroll, P.Collins, C.Corless, K.Finnegan, L.Fowler, A.Hogan, A.Kerin, M.Lowery, A.McAnena, P.McKevitt, K.Nizami, K.Ryan, E.Samy, A.Coffey, J.C.Cunningham, R.Devine, M.Nally, D.Peirce, C.Tormey, S.Hardy, N.O'Malley, S.Ryan, M.MacIna, S.Mariani, N.M.Opocher, E.Pisani, C.A.Ferrari, F.Odicino, F.Sartori, E.Cotsoglou, C.Granieri, S.Bianco, F.Camillo, A.Colledan, M.Tornese, S.Zambelli, M.F.Bissolotti, G.Fusetti, S.Lemma, F.Marino, M.V.Mirabella, A.Vaccarella, G.Agostini, C.Alemanno, G.Bartolini, I.Bergamini, C.Bruscino, A.Checcucci, C.De Vincenti, R.Di, B.A.Fambrini, M.Fortuna, L.Maltinti, G.Muiesan, P.Petraglia, F.Prosperi, P.Ringressi, M.N.Risaliti, M.Sorbi, F.Taddei, A.Tucci, R.Bassi, C.Bortolasi, L.Campagnaro, T.Casetti, L.De Pastena, M.Esposito, A.Fontana, M.Guglielmi, A.Landoni, L.Malleo, G.Marchegiani, G.Nobile, S.Paiella, S.Pedrazzani, C.Rattizzato, S.Ruzzenente, A.Salvia, R.Turri, G.Tuveri, M.Bellora, P.D'Aloisio, G.Ferrari, M.Francone, E.Gentilli, S.Nikaj, H.Bianchini, M.Chiarugi, M.Coccolini, F.Di, F.G.Furbetta, N.Gianardi, D.Guadagni, S.Morelli, L.Palmeri, M.Tartaglia, D.Anania, G.Carcoforo, P.Chiozza, M.De Troia, A.Koleva, R.M.Portinari, M.Sibilla, M.G.Urbani, A.Fabbri, N.Feo, C.V.Gennari, S.Parini, S.Righini, E.Ampollini, L.Bellanti, L.Bergonzani, M.Bertoli, G.Bocchialini, G.D'Angelo, G.Lanfranco, D.Musini, L.Poli, T.Santoro, G.P.Varazzani, A.Aguzzoli, L.Borgonovo, G.Castro, R.C.Coiro, S.Falco, G.Mandato, V.D.Mastrofilippo, V.Montella, M.T.Annessi, V.Zizzo, M.Grossi, U.Novello, S.Romano, M.Rossi, S.Zanus, G.Esposito, G.Frongia, F.Pisanu, A.Podda, M.Belluco, C.Lauretta, A.Montori, G.Moras, L.Olivieri, M.Bussu, F.Carta, A.G.Cossu, M.L.Cottu, P.Fancellu, A.Feo, C.F.Ginesu, G.C.Giuliani, G.Madonia, M.Perra, T.Piras, A.Porcu, A.Rizzo, D.Scanu, A.M.Tedde, A.Tedde, M.Delrio, P.Rega, D.Badalamenti, G.Campisi, G.Cordova, A.Franza, M.Maniaci, G.Rinaldi, G.Toia, F.Calabró, M.Farnesi, F.Lunghi, E.G.Muratore, A.Pipitone, F.N.S.Mbina, F.B.D'Andrea, G.Familiari, P.Picotti, V.De Palma, G.Luglio, G.Pagano, G.Tropeano, F.P.Baldari, L.Beltramini, G.A.Boni, L.Cassinotti, E.Gianni, A.Pignataro, L.Torretta, S.Abatini, C.Baia, M.Biasoni, D.Bogani, G.Cadenelli, P.Capizzi, V.Cioffi, S.P.B.Citterio, D.Comini, L.V.Cosimelli, M.Folli, S.Gennaro, M.Giannini, L.Guaglio, M.MacChi, A.Martinelli, F.Mazzaferro, V.Mosca, A.Pasquali, S.Piazza, C.Raspagliesi, F.Rolli, L.Salvioni, R.Sarpietro, G.Sarre, C.Sorrentino, L.Agnes, A.Alfieri, S.Belia, F.Biondi, A.Cozza, V.D'Amore, A.D'Ugo, D.De Simone, V.Gasparini, G.Gordini, L.Litta, F.Lombardi, C.P.Lorenzon, L.Marra, A.A.Marzi, F.Moro, A.Parello, A.Perrone, E.Persiani, R.Ratto, C.Rosa, F.Saponaro, G.Scambia, G.Scrima, O.Sganga, G.Tudisco, R.Belli, A.Granata, V.Izzo, F.Palaia, R.Patrone, R.Carrano, F.M.Carvello, M.M.De Virgilio, A.Di, C.F.Ferreli, F.Gaino, F.Mercante, G.Rossi, V.Spriano, G.Donati, D.M.Frisoni, T.Palmerini, E.Aprile, A.Barra, F.Batistotti, P.Ferrero, S.Fregatti, P.Scabini, S.Sparavigna, M.Asti, E.Bernardi, D.Bonavina, L.Lovece, A.Adamoli, L.Ansarin, M.Cenciarelli, S.Chu, F.De Berardinis, R.Fumagalli, R.U.Mastrilli, F.Pietrobon, G.Tagliabue, M.Badellino, E.Ferrero, A.Massobrio, R.De Manzoni, G.A.Federico, P.Maida, P.Marra, E.Marte, G.Petrillo, A.Tammaro, T.Tufo, A.Berselli, M.Borroni, G.Cocozza, E.Conti, L.Desio, M.Livraghi, L.Quintodei, V.Rizzi, A.Zullo, A.Baldi, C.Corbellini, C.Sampietro, G.M.Cellerino, P.Baldini, E.Capelli, P.Isolani, S.M.Ribolla, M.Bondurri, A.Colombo, F.Ferrario, L.Guerci, C.Maffioli, A.Armao, T.Ballabio, M.Bisagni, P.Gagliano, A.Longhi, M.Madonini, M.Pizzini, P.Baietti, A.M.Biasini, M.Maremonti, P.Neri, F.Prucher, G.M.Ricci, S.Ruggiero, F.Zarabini, A.G.Barmasse, R.Mochet, S.Usai, A.Incollingo, P.Mancini, S.Marino, C.L.Sagnotta, A.Fruscio, R.Grassi, T.Nespoli, L.C.Tamini, N.Anastasi, A.Bartalucci, B.Bellacci, A.Canonico, G.Capezzuoli, L.Di, M.C.Ipponi, P.Linari, C.Montelatici, M.Nelli, T.Spagni, G.Tirloni, L.Vitali, A.Casati, M.Casiraghi, T.Laface, L.Schiavo, M.Arminio, A.Cotoia, A.Lizzi, V.Vovola, F.Vergari, R.D'Ugo, S.Depalma, N.Spampinato, M.G.Bartolucci, P.Brachini, G.Bruzzaniti, P.Chiappini, A.Chiarella, V.Ciccarone, F.Cicerchia, P.M.Cirillo, B.De Toma, G.Di, B.A.Fiori, E.Fonsi, G.B.Franco, G.Frati, A.Giugliano, M.Iannone, I.La, T.F.Lapolla, P.Leonardo, C.Marruzzo, G.Meneghini, S.Mingoli, A.Ribuffo, D.Salvati, M.Santoro, A.Sapienza, P.Scafa, A.K.Simonelli, L.Zambon, M.Capolupo, G.T.Carannante, F.Caricato, M.Mascianá, G.Mazzotta, E.Gattolin, A.Migliore, M.Rimonda, R.Sasia, D.Travaglio, E.Cervellera, M.Gori, A.Sartarelli, L.Tonini, V.Giacometti, M.Zonta, S.Chessa, A.Fiorini, A.Norcini, C.Colletti, G.Confalonieri, M.Costanzi, A.Frattaruolo, C.Mari, G.Monteleone, M.Bandiera, A.Bocciolone, L.Bonavina, G.Candiani, M.Candotti, G.De Nardi, P.Gagliardi, F.Medone, M.Mortini, P.Negri, G.Parise, P.Piloni, M.Sileri, P.Vignali, A.Belvedere, A.Bernante, P.Bertoglio, P.Boussedra, S.Brunocilla, E.Cipriani, R.Cisternino, G.De Crescenzo, E.De Iaco, P.Dondi, G.Frio, F.Jovine, E.Mineo, B.F.Neri, J.Parlanti, D.Perrone, A.M.Pezzuto, A.P.Pignatti, M.Pinto, V.Poggioli, G.Ravaioli, M.Rottoli, M.Schiavina, R.Serenari, M.Serra, M.Solli, P.Taffurelli, M.Tanzanu, M.Tesei, M.Violante, T.Zanotti, S.Borghi, F.Cianflocca, D.Di, M.G.S.Donati, D.Gelarda, E.Geretto, P.Giraudo, G.Giuffrida, M.C.Marano, A.Palagi, S.Pellegrino, L.Peluso, C.Testa, V.Agresta, F.Prando, D.Zese, M.Aquila, F.Gambacciani, C.Pieri, F.Santonocito, O.S.Armatura, G.Bertelli, G.Frena, A.Marinello, P.Notte, F.Patauner, S.Scotton, G.Fulginiti, S.F.Sammarco, G.Vescio, G.Balercia, P.Catarzi, L.Consorti, G.Di, M.F.Fontana, T.Daiko, H.Ishikawa, M.Ishiyama, K.Iwata, S.Kanematsu, K.Kanemitsu, Y.Kato, T.Kawai, A.Kobayashi, E.Kobayashi, K.M.Moritani, K.Nakatani, F.Oguma, J.Tanase, Y.Uno, M.Al, A.M.Ayasra, Y.Qasem, A.Abu, Z.F.J.Fahmawee, T.Hmedat, A.Ibrahim, A.Obeidat, K.Abdel, A.S.Abdel, J.R.Abou, C.M.K.Al-Masri, M.Al-Najjar, H.Alawneh, F.Alsaraireh, O.Elayyan, M.Ghanem, R.Lataifeh, I.Alkadeeki, G.Z.Al, M.F.S.Aldokali, N.Senossi, O.Subhi, M.T.Burgan, D.Kamoka, E.Kilani, A.I.Salamah, A.Salem, M.Shuwayyah, A.Abdulwahed, E.Alshareea, E.Aribi, N.Aribi, S.Biala, M.Ghamgh, R.Morgom, M.Aldayri, Z.Ellojli, I.Kredan, A.Bradulskis, S.Dainius, E.Kubiliute, E.Kutkevićcius, J.Parseliunas, A.Subocius, A.Venskutonis, D.Rasoaherinomenjanahary, F.Razafindrahita, J.B.Samison, L.H.Ong, E.C.Hamdan, K.H.Ibrahim, M.R.Tan, J.A.Thanapal, M.R.Amin, S.N.Hayati, F.Jayasilan, J.Sriram, R.K.Subramaniam, S.Che, J.A.Hussain, A.H.Mohamed, S.A.S.Mohd, Y.M.F.Soh, J.Y.Wong, M.P.K.Zakaria, A.D.Zakaria, Z.Fadzli, A.Fathi, N.Q.Koh, P.S.Liew, Y.T.Tang, C.Y.Teoh, L.Y.Wong, W.J.Yahaya, A.S.Alvarez, M.R.Arrangoiz, R.Cordera, F.De La Rosa, A.M.A.Mez-Pedraza, A.G.Hernandez, R.Maffuz-Aziz, A.Posada, J.A.Becerra, G.F.C.Alfaro-Goldaracena, A.Buerba, G.A.Castillejos-Molina, R.A.Chan, C.Dominguez-Rosado, I.Franco, H.M.Mercado, M.A.Oropeza-Aguilar, M.Peña, G.P.E.Posadas-Trujillo, O.E.Rodriguez-Covarrubias, F.Salgado-Nesme, N.Vilatoba, M.Arkha, Y.Bechri, H.El, O.A.Oudrhiri, M.Y.Derkaoui, H.F.El, A.N.Amrani, L.Belkhadir, Z.H.Benkabbou, A.Chakib, O.El, A.B.El, B.Y.Essangri, H.Ghannam, A.Majbar, A.M.Mohsine, R.Souadka, A.Hompes, R.Meima-Van, P.E.M.Pronk, A.J.M.Sharabiany, S.Grotenhuis, B.Hartveld, L.Reijers, S.Van Houdt, W.Baaij, J.Bolstervan, E.M.De Graaff, M.Sloothaak, D.Van Duijvendijk, P.Bouman, L.P.Derksen, T.Franken, J.Oosterling, S.De Bree, R.Konsten, J.Van Heinsbergen, M.Fidelis, L.Sholadoye, T.T.Tolani, M.A.Olaogun, J.Egbuchulem, I.K.Lawal, T.A.Ogundoyin, O.Olulana, D.I.Abdur-Rahman, L.Adeyeye, A.Aremu, I.Bello, J.Olasehinde, O.Popoola, A.Massoud, J.Massoud, R.Sorour, T.M.Jamal, A.Kerawala, A.A.Memon, A.S.Nafees, A.R.Rai, L.Ayub, B.Hassan, N.Martins, R.S.Ramesh, P.Butt, U.Kashif, M.Khan, W.H.Umar, M.Waris, F.M.Wasim, T.Ayubi, A.Rashid, I.Waqar, S.H.Falcon, G.M.Robles, R.Jocson, R.Teh, C.Bobińcski, M.Kotarski, J.Rasoul-Pelińcska, K.Azevedo, C.MacHado, D.Mendes, F.De Sousa, X.Fernandes, U.Ferreira, C.Guidi, G.Leal, C.Marçal, A.Marques, R.Martins, D.Melo, A.Tenreiro, N.Vaz, P.R.Vieira, B.Almeida, J.I.Correia, D.S.T.Costa, M.J.M.A.Fernandes, V.Ferraz, I.Gil, C.G.Lima, D.S.C.Lopes, L.MacHado, N.Marialva, J.Nunes, C.M.Pedro, J.Pereira, C.Reis, R.Ribeiro, A.Santos, R.Saraiva, P.Silva, R.Tavares, F.Teixeira, M.Almeida, A.C.Amaral, M.J.Andrade, R.Athayde, N.S.R.Breda, D.Camacho, C.Canhoto, C.Colino, M.Correia, S.Costa, M.De Barros, J.De Oliveira, L.A.L.Duque, M.Garrido, S.Guerreiro, P.Guimarães, A.Zaro, A.L.Lopes, C.Martins, R.Nogueira, O.Oliveira, A.Oliveira, J.M.Rodrigues, M.Ruivo, A.Santos, E.Silva, M.Simões, J.Valente, D.C.A.Almeida, A.Cavaleiro, S.Devezas, V.Faria, C.S.Come, F.J.Magalhães, M.M.Nogueiro, J.Pereira, A.Pereira-Neves, A.Pina-Vaz, T.Sousa, H.S.Silveira, H.Vaz, S.Vieira, P.Gomes, D.C.A.Lobo, A.I.Pinto, J.Tojal, A.Cardoso, N.Cardoso, P.Domingues, J.C.Henriques, P.Manso, M.I.Martins, D.S.G.Morais, H.Pereira, R.Revez, T.Ribeiro, R.Ribeiro, V.I.Soares, A.Sousa, S.Teixeira, J.Amorim, E.Baptista, V.H.Dias, B.Fazenda, A.Melo, N.J.P.Policarpo, F.da Novoa, G.M.I.I.S.Veiga, D.Andrade, A.K.Bandovas, J.P.Borges, N.Branquinho, A.Chumbinho, B.Correia, J.Fidalgo, H.Figueiredo, D.B.I.Frade, S.Gomes, J.MacIel, J.Pina, S.Rodrigues, A.Silva, N.Silveira, N.I.Sousa, R.Ascensão, J.Azevedo, P.Costeira, B.Cunha, C.Garrido, R.Gomes, H.Lourenço, I.Mendinhos, G.Miranda, P.Nobre, P.A.Peralta, F.M.Ribeiro, J.Rio, R.L.Sousa, F.M.Galvão, D.Soares, A.C.Vieira, A.Patrício, B.Santos, P.M.D.D.Vieira, P.L.A.C.Cunha, R.Faustino, A.Freitas, A.Martins, A.B.Mendes, J.R.Parreira, R.Rosa, J.Teves, M.Abreu, D.S.A.Claro, M.Costa, S.D.Deus, A.C.Grilo, J.V.Borges, F.Corte, R.J.Henriques, S.Lima, M.J.Matos, C.P.Brito, D.S.F.Caiado, A.Fonseca, F.Ngelo, M.A.Baiao, J.M.Martins, J.D.Vieira, C.T.Messias, J.Millan, A.Salgado, I.Santos, P.Baía, C.Canotilho, R.Correia, A.M.Ferreira, P.A.P.Peyroteo, M.Videira, J.F.Escobar, P.Maldonado, S.M.Kassir, R.Sauvat, F.Bezede, C.Chitul, A.Ciofic, E.Cristian, D.Grama, F.Pirtea, L.Secosan, C.Bonci, E.Gata, V.Titu, S.Ginghina, O.Iordache, N.Iosifescu, R.V.Kazachenko, E.Markaryan, D.Rodimov, S.Tsarkov, P.Tulina, I.Litvina, Y.Provozina, A.Agapov, M.Galliamov, E.Kakotkin, V.Kubyshkin, V.Ravakjd, F.Alshahrani, M.Alsharif, F.Eskander, M.Al, R.R.Majrashi, S.Mashat, A.Akeel, N.Alharthi, M.Aljiffry, M.Basendowah, M.Farsi, A.Ghunaim, M.Khoja, A.Maghrabi, A.Malibary, N.Nassif, M.Nawawi, A.Saleem, A.Samkari, A.Trabulsi, N.Al, A.S.Alghamdi, M.Alnumani, T.Nasser, M.Said, B.A.Alhefdhi, A.Almalik, O.Alomair, A.Alotaibi, N.Alresaini, F.Alsalamah, R.Alsobhi, S.Mahasin, Z.Othman, E.Velagapudi, S.Ghedan, S.Alharthi, R.Awad, S.Sharara, M.I.Abdelrahman, S.Habes, H.Alkarak, S.Alqannas, M.Alyami, M.Alzamanan, M.Elawad, A.Alaamer, O.Alriyees, L.Alselaim, N.Abdulkareem, A.Ajlan, A.Akkour, K.Al-Habib, A.Al-Khayal, K.Alatar, A.Alburakan, A.Alhalal, H.Alhassan, B.Alhassan, N.Alobeed, O.Alsaif, A.Alsaif, F.Alshammari, S.Alshaygy, I.Barry, M.Bin, N.A.Bin, T.T.Bokhari, A.Elwatidy, S.Helmi, H.Madkhali, A.Nouh, T.Rabah, P.D.Zubaidi, A.Paunovic, I.Slijepcevic, N.Aleksićc, L.Antic, A.Barisic, G.Ceranic, M.Galun, D.Grubaćc, Z.Jelenkovic, J.Kecmanovićc, D.Kmezićc, S.Knezevic, D.Krivokapic, Z.Latinćcićc, S.Markovic, V.Matićc, S.Miladinov, M.Pavlov, M.Pejovic, I.Tadic, B.Vasljevićc, J.Velickovic, D.Zivanovic, M.Perovic, M.Srbinovic, L.Andrijasevic, S.Bozanovic, T.Cerovic, P.R.Dokic, M.Janjic, T.Jeremic, K.Kadija, S.Ladjevic, L.I.Mirkovic, L.Pantovic, S.Pilic, I.Radojevic, M.Stefanovic, A.Vidakovic, S.Vilendecic, Z.Antic, S.Dund-Erovićc, D.Jelovac, D.Jezdic, Z.Konstantinovic, V.Kotlar, B.Kuzmanovic, C.Lazićc, M.Petrovic, M.Popovic, F.Pucar, A.Romic, M.Sumrak, S.Vujanac, V.Bascarevic, V.Bogdanovićc, I.Grujićcićc, D.Ilic, R.Milićcevićc, M.Milisavljevićc, F.Miljkovićc, A.Paunovic, A.Sćcepanovićc, V.Stanimirovic, A.Todorovic, M.Jotic, A.Milovanovic, J.Trivic, A.Bumbasirevic, U.Dzamic, Z.Kajmakovićc, B.Prijovićc, N.Zivkovic, M.Buta, M.Cvetkovic, A.Djurisic, I.Gacic, S.Goran, M.Inic, Z.Jeftic, N.Jevric, M.Jokic, V.Markovic, I.Milanovićc, M.Nikolic, S.Pejnovic, L.Savkovićc, N.Spurnic, I.Stevic, D.Stojiljkovic, D.Vucic, N.Zegarac, M.Karamarkovic, A.Kenic, M.Kovacevic, B.Krdzic, I.Milutinovićc, V.Chan, C.W.Lieske, B.Lis, B.G.Ścimko, K.Almgla, N.Bernon, M.Boutall, A.Cairncross, L.Herman, A.Hilton, T.Jonas, E.Kloppers, C.Malherbe, F.Mugla, W.Nel, D.Rayamajhi, S.Van Wyngaard, T.Vogel, J.Castaño-Leon, A.M.Delgado, F.J.Eiriz, F.C.Espino, S.-I.M.Esteban, S.O.Garcia, P.D.Gomez, P.Jimenez-Roldan, L.Lagares, A.Moreno-Gomez, L.Paredes, I.Rez, N.A.P.Sánchez, A.G.Santas, M.Ndez, R.P.F.Paniagua, G.S.M.Sanchez-Santos, R.Vigorita, V.Acrich, E.Baena, S.E.Barrios, O.Golda, T.Santanach, C.Serrano-Navidad, M.Sorribas, G.M.Vives, R.V.Escolá, D.Nez, A.J.Cayetano, P.L.Gómez, F.L.Artigues, E.Bernal-Sprekelsen, J.C.Catalá, B.J.C.Collera, P.Diaz, D.G.R.Farre, F.R.Flores, C.R.Rdia, N.G.Guariglia, C.A.Osorio, A.Sanchez, J.R.Sanchon, L.Soto, M.C.Albi, M.B.García, V.J.E.Alonso-Lamberti, L.Assaf, M.Baeza, P.N.Carabias, A.García-Quijada, J.Huertas, F.M.A.Jimenez, M.J.Jimenez, V.Jover, J.M.Landeo, A.S.A.Leon, R.Martín, S.M.B.Rez, S.V.P.Ponce, S.Rodriguez, J.L.Salazar, A.Valle, R.A.Aguado, H.Aldecoa, A.I.Bravo, I.R.De Lacy, F.B.Di, S.A.Díaz-Feijoo, B.Enseñat, N.J.Fabregas, N.Ferré, A.Gil Ibañez, B.Gonzalez, S.J.J.Gracia, I.Hoyos, C.J.A.Lacy, A.M.Langdon, C.Momblán, D.Morales, X.Oleaga, L.Otero, A.Pedrosa, L.Poblete, C.J.Reyes, F.L.A.Roldan, R.P.Rumia-Arboix, J.Tercero-Uribe, A.I.Topczewski, T.E.Torales, J.Torne, A.Torné, R.Turrado-Rodriguez, V.Valero, R.Valverde, S.Anula, R.Valderrama, O.C.Del, C.M.M.Díez-Valladares, L.Domínguez, I.Dziakova, J.García, A.M.García, R.E.Mez, L.L.G.Muguerza, J.M.Pizarro, M.J.Saez, C.P.Del Pueblo, C.S.Sánchez-Pernaute, A.Sanz, O.G.Lopez, R.S.Torres, A.S-Albir, M.G.Lopez, F.Martín-Arévalo, J.Moro-Valdezate, D.Pla-Marti, V.Beltrán, D.H.J.De André, S.A.B.Mez, S.T.G.Jezieniecki, C.Nuñez, D.B.H.De Solórzano Aurusa, F.J.O.Romero, D.D.A.Ruiz, S.M.Trujillo, D.J.Vazquez, F.A.Lora-Cumplido, P.Sosa, M.V.Gonzalez-Gonzalez, E.Minaya, B.A.M.De La Fuente, N.A.Cazador, L.M.Cecchini, L.Espinosa, C.A.Jimenez, T.M.Pez, C.A.L.Mancebo, G.Martorell, P.Munarriz, M.Martin-Perez, B.Benavides, B.J.A.Carrasco, P.M.Ndez, P.V.F.Pez, A.F.N.-L.García, E.D.García, P.V.J.Garcia, S.V.Giménez, F.S.C.González, V.F.M.Gurrea, E.Pez-Morales, P.L.Marco, G.A.Martínez, A.J.A.Medina, E.Muñoz, C.J.M.Parra, B.P.A.Peña, R.E.Ramirez, F.M.Ruiz-Marín, M.Sanchez, R.C.Valero, S.M.Estaire, G.M.Ndez, C.A.F.Garcia, S.E.P.Jimenez, H.E.Martínez-Pinedo, C.Muñoz-Atienza, V.Padilla-Valverde, D.Picón, R.R.Redondo, C.F.J.Nchez-García, S.S.Sanchez-Pelaez, D.Colombari, R.C.Del, V.E.Ndez, M.F.Lozano, L.P.Martín, L.Rey, V.C.Steiner, M.A.Tudela, M.Zorrilla, O.Z.J.Alcaide, M.F.García, P.J.M.Troncoso, P.P.Mora-Guzmán, I.Abellán, M.Achalandabaso, B.M.Jorba, R.Memba, I.R.Olona, C.Sales, M.R.Cavallé, B.P.Gavalda, P.M.G.P.Salinas, P.J.Aragon, A.E.J.Barbier, L.Caja, V.P.Gainza, A.García, G.J.J.Mallabiabarrena, O.G.Marín, H.Martin, P.P.Melchor, C.S.I.Prieto, C.M.Rodriguez, F.A.Villalabeitia, A.I.De Andres, O.U.Durán, B.M.Fernández, P.F.J.Sanz, L.A.Ugarte-Sierra, B.De La Hoz, R.A.Di, M.M.García, S.J.Martin-Perez, E.De Nova, J.L.M.Calvo, E.P.Guillamot, R.P.Colao, G.L.Díaz, P.R.D.Esteban, A.E.Galindo, J.P.Gutierrez, S.M.Hernandez, B.M.A.Serrano, G.L.J.Alonso, P.A.Diéguez, B.García-Conde, M.Ndez-García, M.H.Losada, M.Chiesa-Estomba, C.M.Lez, G.J.G.Larruscain, E.Rez, J.S.-S.Alvarez, E.Chavarrias, N.Frías, L.García, P.V.Ndez, S.A.G.Zar, S.G.Gracia, M.Guevara, J.Hernández, G.A.Loayza, A.María, D.D.T.Martí, C.Melendez, M.Moreno-Palacios, E.Perez, Y.Prieto, N.M.I.Ramos-Martín, P.Rubio-Perez, I.Saavedra, J.Sanchez-Mendez, J.I.Siegrist, R.J.Urbieta, A.Zapardiel, I.Cantalejo, D.M.De Miguel, A.M.D.C.Duque-Mallén, V.Gascon, F.I.Gracia-Roche, C.Herrero, L.M.Jariod, F.U.M.Lanzon, A.Martinez, G.A.Matute, M.Redondo, C.Sánchez, F.N.Nchez-Rubio, M.S.Santero-Ramirez, M.S.Saudí, S.Simón, S.M.V.Uson-Bouthelier, T.Blazquez, M.A.Diez, A.M.García, R.E.Garcia-Loarte, G.E.Garcia-Moreno, N.F.Gutierrez, C.A.Hernandez, P.Lasa, I.Mendoza-Moreno, F.Morales, P.N.Ovejero, M.E.Vera, M.C.Acebes, G.F.Bailón, M.Bueno, C.A.D.Choolani, B.E.Santos, P.M.Miguel, T.Pacheco, S.N.D.Rez-Saborido, B.P.Sanchez, G.J.Tejero-Pintor, F.J.Alconchel, F.Conesa, A.Gil, M.J.Gutiérrez, F.A.I.Lopez, A.A.Pez, T.N.S.-L.Ramirez, R.P.Roca, C.M.J.Rodrigues, K.Ruiz, M.J.J.Soriano, A.I.Cano, A.Capitan-Morales, L.Cintas, C.J.Rosado, J.G.Oliva, M.F.Pérez, S.M.A.Río, L.F.D.Torres, A.C.Valdes-Hernandez, J.Cholewa, H.Domingo, S.Frasson, M.Lago, V.Marina, M.T.Martínez, C.C.Muriel, J.S.Landaluce-Olavarria, A.Lecumberri, D.Abad, G.A.Abad-Motos, A.Martínez-Hurtado, E.Ripollés-Melchor, J.Ruiz, E.A.Cuadrado-García, A.Garcia-Sancho, T.L.Heras, A.J.Maté, P.Ortega, V.Z.I.Picardo, A.L.Rojo, L.J.A.Sanchez, C.N.F.Serralta, D.C.D.Anchuelo, L.J.Cagigas, F.C.Caiña, R.R.Gomez, R.M.Hernanz, F.Jimeno, F.J.Rez, P.M.-P.Poch, C.Santarrufina, M.S.Valbuena, J.V.Nchez, C.M.-S.Pingarron-Martin, L.Rey-Biel, J.Ruiz, M.I.Blas, L.J.L.Cros, B.Escartin, J.Garcia, E.J.Nogué, A.Talal, E.-A.I.Nez, C.Y.Cagigal, O.E.P.Cervera, I.Díaz, P.P.Elena, G.D.C.R.Enjuto, D.Ndez, B.P.F.Garcé, G.R.Gonzalez, J.Ndez, I.H.Herrera-Merino, N.Marqueta, D.S.M.Martinez, P.P.Perez, G.M.Ramos, B.A.Rodríguez, G.L.Bescó, C.Brana, I.Caimari, B.García-Cuenca, D.P.A.Valles, F.D.Espin-Basany, E.de Sagredo, L.J.G.Pamias, J.Prat, N.Pujol, P.R.Saez, B.M.Arulanantham, A.Bandara, G.B.K.Jayarajah, U.Ravindrakumar, S.Rodrigo, V.S.Srishankar, S.Ali, K.A.A.Elbe, P.Lindqvist, E.K.Taflin, H.Lga, A.A.Heinius, G.Nordberg, M.Pieniowski, E.Gkekas, I.Fgren, N.L.Arigoni, M.Bernasconi, M.Christoforidis, D.Di, G.M.La, R.D.Mongelli, F.Chevallay, M.Dwidar, O.Gialamas, E.Sauvain, M.Klenke, F.Kollá, A.Kurze, C.Chler, T.B.Crugnale, A.S.Giardini, M.Guglielmetti, L.Peros, G.Solimene, F.Aghayeva, A.Hamzaoglu, I.Sahin, I.Akaydin, E.Aliyeva, Z.Aytac, E.Baca, B.Lgeroglu, O.D.Ozben, V.Ozmen, B.B.Uras, C.Arikan, A.E.Bilgin, I.A.Bozkirli, B.Ceyhan, G.O.Kara, H.Karahasanoglu, T.Celik, H.Meydanli, M.M.Akilli, H.Ayhan, A.Kuscu, E.Onan, M.A.Akgor, U.Dincer, H.A.Erol, T.Gultekin, M.Orhan, N.Ozgul, N.Salman, M.C.Soyak, B.Alhamed, A.Ergü, S.Ozcelik, M.F.Sanli, A.N.Uludac, S.S.Velidedeoglu, M.Zengin, A.K.Bozkurt, M.A.Kara, Y.Kocatas, A.Cimenoglu, B.Demirhan, R.Saracoglu, K.Azamat, I.F.Balik, E.Buǵcra, D.Giray, B.Kulle, C.B.Taskiran, C.Vatansever, D.Zal, K.G.Ler, S.A.G.Ken, H.K.Tatar, O.C.Utkan, N.Z.Yildirim, A.Ksel, E.Y.Akin, E.Altintoprak, F.Bayhan, Z.Cakmak, G.Çapoǵclu, R.Çelebi, F.Demir, H.Dikicier, E.Firat, N.Llü, E.G.Kamburoǵclu, M.B.Kocer, B.Mantoglu, B.Çolak, E.Kucuk, G.O.Uyanik, M.S.Ksoy, B.G.Bozkurt, E.Citgez, B.Mihmanli, M.Tanal, M.Yetkin, G.Akalin, M.Arican, C.Avci, E.K.Aydin, C.Demirli, A.S.Emiroglu, M.Kaya, T.Kebabçi, E.Kilinc, G.Kirmizi, Y.Salimoǵclu, S.Sert, I.Tugmen, C.Tuncer, K.Uslu, G.Yeşilyurt, D.Karaman, E.Kolusari, A.Yildiz, A.Benson, O.Lule, H.Agilinko, J.Ahmeidat, A.Barabasz, M.Bekheit, M.Cheung, L.K.Colloc, T.Cymes, W.Elhusseini, M.Gradinariu, G.Hannah, A.Kamera, B.S.Mignot, G.Shaikh, S.Sharma, P.Abu-Nayla, I.Agrawal, A.Al-Mohammad, A.Ali, S.Ashcroft, J.Azizi, A.Baker, O.Balakrishnan, A.Byrne, M.Cotter, A.Coughlin, P.Davies, R.J.Durrani, A.Elshaer, M.Fordington, S.Forouhi, P.Georgiades, F.Grimes, H.Habeeb, A.Hudson, V.Irune, E.Jah, A.Khan, D.Z.Kyriacou, H.Liau, S.Luke, L.Mahmoud, R.Mannion, R.Masterson, L.Mitrofan, C.G.Mohan, M.Morris, A.Murphy, S.O'Neill, R.Price, S.Pushpa-Rajah, J.Raby-Smith, W.Ramzi, J.Rooney, S.Santarius, T.Singh, A.Tan, X.S.Townson, A.Tweedle, E.Walker, C.Waseem, S.Yordanov, S.Jones, T.Kattakayam, A.Loh, C.Lunevicius, R.Pringle, S.Sheel, A.Rossborough, C.Angelou, D.Choynowski, M.McAree, B.McCanny, A.Neely, D.Tutoveanu, G.Ahad, S.Mosley, F.Oktseloglou, V.Alanbuki, A.Patel, M.Shabana, A.Perera, E.Raveendran, D.Ravi-Shankar, K.Thiruchelvam, J.Arrowsmith, L.Campbell, W.Grove, T.Kontovounisios, C.Warren, O.Rolland, P.Aggarwal, A.Brown, S.Jelley, C.Neal, N.Clifford, R.Eardley, N.Krishnan, E.Manu, N.Martin, E.Roy, M.S.Serevina, O.L.Smith, C.Bordenave, M.Houston, R.Putnam, G.Robson, A.Tustin, H.Emslie, K.Labib, P.L.Miller, D.Minto, G.Natale, J.Nwinee, H.Panahi, P.Rogers, L.Abubakar, A.Akhter, R.M.M.Ko, K.Y.K.O'Brien, H.Sasapu, K.Woodun, H.Inglis, R.Ng, H.J.De Gea, R.A.Ghazali, N.Lambert, J.Markose, G.Math, S.Sarantitis, I.Shrestha, D.Sultana, A.Taggarsi, M.Timbrell, S.Vaz, O.P.Vitone, L.Day, A.Dent, H.Fahim, M.Waheed, S.Hunt, A.Laskar, N.Gupta, A.Steinke, J.Thrumurthy, S.Massie, E.McGivern, K.Rutherford, D.Wilson, M.Hardie, J.Kazzaz, S.Handa, S.Kaushal, M.Kler, A.Patel, P.Redfern, J.Tezas, S.Aawsaj, Y.Amonkar, S.Blackwell, L.Blake, D.Carter, J.Emerson, H.Fisher, A.Katory, M.Korompelis, P.McCormick, W.Mustafa, A.Pearce, L.Ratnavelu, N.Reehal, R.Kretzmer, L.Lalou, L.Manku, B.Parwaiz, I.Stafford, J.Abdelkarim, M.Asqalan, A.Gala, T.Ibrahim, S.Maw, A.Mithany, R.Morgan, R.Sundaram, V.G.Ang, K.Chowdhry, M.F.Mohammad, A.Nakas, A.Rathinam, S.Boal, M.Brown, O.Dwerryhouse, S.Higgs, S.Boyd, E.Irvine, V.Kirk, A.Bakolas, G.Boulton, A.Chandock, A.Kumar, M.Agoston, P.Billé, A.Challacombe, B.Fraser, S.Phipps, K.H.King, J.Mehra, G.Mills, L.Najdy, M.Nath, R.Okiror, L.Pilling, J.Rizzo, V.Routledge, T.Sayasneh, A.Stroman, L.Wali, A.Fehervari, M.Habib, N.Hamrang-Yousefi, S.Jawad, Z.Jiao, L.Pai, M.Ploski, J.Rajagopal, P.Saso, S.Sodergren, M.Spalding, D.Laws, S.Hardie, C.McNaught, C.Alam, R.Budacan, A.Cahill, J.Kalkat, M.Karandikar, S.Kenyon, L.Naumann, D.Ayorinde, J.Chase, T.Cuming, T.Ghanbari, A.Humphreys, L.Tayeh, S.Aboelkassem, I.A.Bichoo, R.Cao, H.Chai, A.K.W.Choudhury, J.Evans, C.Fitzjohn, H.Ikram, H.Langstroth, M.Loubani, M.McMillan, A.Nazir, S.Qadri, S.S.A.Robinson, A.Ross, E.Sehgal, T.Dixon, J.Dunning, J.Freystaetter, K.Jha, M.Lester, S.Madhavan, A.Thulasiraman, S.V.Viswanath, Y.Curl-Roper, T.Delimpalta, C.Liao, C.C.L.Velchuru, V.Westwood, E.Belcher, E.Bond-Smith, G.Chidambaram, S.Di, C.F.Fasanmade, K.Fraser, L.Fu, H.Ganau, M.Gore, S.Graystone, J.Jeyaretna, D.Khatkar, H.Lami, M.Maher, M.Mastoridis, S.Mihai, R.Piper, R.Prabhu, S.Risk, O.B.F.Selbong, U.Shah, K.Smillie, R.Soleymani, M.H.Sravanam, S.Stavroulias, D.Tebala, G.D.Vatish, M.Verberne, C.Wallwork, K.Winter, S.Bhatti, M.I.Boyd-Carson, H.Elsey, E.Gemmill, E.Herrod, P.Jibreel, M.Lenzi, E.Saafan, T.Sapre, D.Sian, T.Watson, N.Athanasiou, A.Bourke, G.Bradshaw, L.Coe, P.Costigan, F.Elkadi, H.Johnstone, J.Kanatas, A.Kantola, V.Kaufmann, A.Laios, A.Lam, S.MacInnes, E.Munot, S.Nahm, C.Otify, M.Pompili, C.Smith, I.Theophilou, G.Toogood, G.Wade, R.Ward, D.West, C.Annamalai, S.Ashmore, C.Boddy, A.Hossain, T.Kourdouli, A.Gvaramadze, A.Jibril, A.Prusty, L.Thekkinkattil, D.Harky, A.Shackcloth, M.Askari, A.Cirocchi, N.Kudchadkar, S.Patel, K.Sagar, J.Shaw, S.Talwar, R.Abdalla, M.Edmondson, R.Ismail, O.Jones, D.Newton, K.Stylianides, N.Aderombi, A.Andaleeb, U.Bajomo, O.Beatson, K.Garrett, W.Mehmood, M.Ng, V.Al-Habsi, R.Divya, G.S.Keeler, B.Egan, R.Harries, R.Henry, A.Kittur, M.Li, Z.Parkins, K.Soliman, F.Spencer, N.Thompson, D.Burgess, C.Gemmell, C.Grieco, C.Hollyman, M.Hunt, L.Morrison, J.Ojha, S.Ryan, N.Abbadessa, F.Barnard, S.Dawe, N.Hammond, J.Mahmoud, A.F.McPherson, I.Mellor, C.Moir, J.Pandanaboyana, S.Powell, J.Rai, B.Roy, C.Sachdeva, A.Saleh, C.Tingle, S.Williams, T.Manickavasagam, J.McDonald, C.McGrath, N.McSorley, N.Ragupathy, K.Ramsay, L.Solth, A.Kakisi, O.Seebah, K.Shaikh, I.Sreedharan, L.Youssef, M.Shah, J.Ameerally, P.McLarty, N.Mills, S.Shenfine, A.Sahnan, K.Abu, J.Addae-Boateng, E.Bratt, D.Brock, L.Burnside, N.Cadwell-Sneath, S.Gajjar, K.Gan, C.Grundy, C.Hallam, K.Hassell, K.Hawari, M.Joshi, A.Khout, H.Konstantinidi, K.Lee, R.X.N.Nunns, D.Schiemer, R.Walton, T.Weaver, H.Whisker, L.Williamson, K.McVeigh, J.Myatt, R.Williams, M.A.Kaur, R.Michel, M.Patil, S.Ravindran, S.Sarveswaran, J.Scott, L.Edmond, M.King, E.Breik, O.Cato, L.D.Griffiths, E.Idle, M.Kamal, M.Kisiel, A.Kulkarni, R.Mak, J.K.C.Martin, T.Parente, A.Parmar, S.Pathanki, A.M.Phelan, L.Praveen, P.Saeed, S.Singh, J.Vijayan, D.Geddes, A.McCaul, J.McMahon, J.Khan, A.H.Khan, F.Mansuri, A.Mukherjee, S.Sarigul, M.Singh, S.Tan, K.L.Woodham, A.Adiamah, A.Brewer, H.Evans, J.Humes, D.Jackman, J.Koh, A.Lewis-Lloyd, C.Oyende, O.Reilly, J.Worku, D.Cool, P.Cribb, G.Shepherd, K.Bisset, C.Elson, N.Faulkner, G.Saleh, P.Underwood, C.Brixton, G.Findlay, L.Majkowska, A.Manson, J.Potter, R.Bhalla, A.Chia, Z.Daliya, P.Goyal, A.Grimley, E.Hamad, A.Kumar, A.Malcolm, F.L.Theophilidou, E.Bowden, J.Campain, N.Daniels, I.Fowler, G.John, J.Massey, L.McDermott, F.McLennan, A.Ng, M.Pascoe, J.Rajaretnam, N.Bulathsinhala, S.Davidson, B.Fusai, G.Hidalgo, S.C.MacHairas, N.Pissanou, T.Pollok, J.M.Raptis, D.A.Soggiu, F.Tzerbinis, H.Xyda, S.E.Beamish, A.Davies, E.Foulkes, R.Magowan, D.Nassa, H.Ooi, R.Price, C.Smith, L.Solari, F.Tang, A.Williams, G.Al-Tamimi, Y.Bacon, A.Beasley, N.Chew, D.Crank, M.Ilenkovan, N.MacDonald, M.Narice, B.Rominiyi, O.Thompson, A.Varley, I.Drake, T.Harrison, E.Linder, G.Mayes, J.McGregor, R.Skipworth, R.Zamvar, V.Hawkin, P.Raymond, T.Ryska, O.Baron, R.Dunne, D.Gahunia, S.Halloran, C.Howes, N.McKinney, R.McNicol, F.Russ, J.Szatmary, P.Tan, J.R.Thomas, A.Whelan, P.Anzak, A.Banerjee, A.Fuwa, O.Hughes, F.Jayasinghe, J.D.Knowles, C.Kocher, H.Leal, S.I.Ledesma, F.S.Minicozzi, A.Navaratne, L.Rahman, R.Ramamoorthy, R.Thaha, M.Thakur, B.Venn, M.Yip, V.Baumber, R.Parry, J.Evans, S.Jeys, L.Morris, G.Parry, M.Ahmadi, N.Aresu, G.Barrett-Brown, Z.M.Durio, Y.H.Gearon, D.Hogan, J.King, M.Peryt, A.Pradeep, I.S.Adishesh, M.Atherton, R.Baxter, K.Brocklehurst, M.Chaudhury, M.Krishnamohan, N.McAleer, J.Owens, G.Parkin, E.Patkar, P.Phang, I.Aladeojebi, A.Ali, M.Barmayehvar, B.Gaunt, A.Gowda, M.Halliday, E.Kitchen, M.Mansour, F.Thomas, M.Zakai, D.Abbassi-Ghadi, N.Assalaarachchi, H.Currie, A.Flavin, M.Frampton, A.Hague, M.Hammer, C.Hopper, J.Horsnell, J.Humphries, S.Kamocka, A.Madhuri, T.K.Preston, S.Singh, P.Stebbing, J.Tailor, A.Walker, D.Aljanadi, F.Jones, M.Mhandu, P.O'Donnell, C.Turkington, R.Ishaq, Z.A.Bhasin, S.Bodla, A.S.Burahee, A.Crichton, A.Fossett, R.Pigadas, N.Pickford, S.Rahman, E.Snee, D.Yassin, N.Fountain, D.Hasan, M.T.Karabatsou, K.Laurente, R.Pathmanaban, O.Almukhtar, A.Giblin, A.Kelty, C.Lye, G.Newman, T.Sharkey, A.Steele, C.Sureshkumar, S.N.Whitehall, E.Athwal, R.Baker, A.Jones, L.Konstantinou, C.Ramcharan, S.Vatish, J.Wilkin, R.Ethunandan, M.Sekhon, G.K.Shields, H.Singh, R.Wensley, F.Lyons, A.Abbott, T.Anwar, S.Ghufoor, K.Chung, E.Hagger, R.Hainsworth, A.Karim, A.Owen, H.Ramwell, A.Williams, K.Baker, C.Davies, A.Gossage, J.Kelly, M.Knight, W.Hall, J.Harris, G.James, G.Kang, C.Lin, D.J.Rajgor, A.D.Royle, T.Scurrah, R.Steel, B.Watson, L.J.Choi, D.Hutchison, R.Jain, A.Luoma, V.Marcus, H.May, R.Menon, A.Pramodana, B.Webber, L.Aneke, I.A.Asaad, P.Brown, B.Collis, J.Duff, S.Khan, A.Moura, F.Wadham, B.Warburton, H.Elmoslemany, T.Jenkinson, M.Millward, C.Zakaria, R.McCluney, S.Parmar, C.Shah, S.Allison, J.Babar, M.S.Collard, B.Goodrum, S.Lau, K.Scott, R.Thomas, E.Whitmore, H.Balasubramaniam, D.Jayasankar, B.Kapoor, S.Ramachandran, A.Elhamshary, A.Imam, S.M.B.Kapriniotis, K.Lindsay, J.Rakhshani-Moghadam, S.Beech, N.Chand, M.Green, L.Kalavrezos, N.Kiconco, H.McEwen, R.Schilling, C.Sinha, D.Pereca, J.Chopra, S.Egbeare, D.Thomas, R.Combellack, T.Jones, S.E.F.Kornaszewska, M.Mohammed, M.Sharma, A.Tahhan, G.Valtzoglou, V.Williams, J.Eskander, P.Gash, K.Gourbault, L.Hanna, M.MacCabe, T.Newton, C.Olivier, J.Rozwadowski, S.Teh, E.West, D.Al-Omishy, H.Baig, M.Bates, H.Di, T.G.Dickson, K.Dunne, N.Gill, C.Howe, D.Jeevan, D.Khajuria, A.Martin-Ucar, A.McEvoy, K.Naredla, P.Robertson, S.Sait, M.Sarma, D.R.Shanbhag, S.Shortland, T.Simmonds, S.Skillman, J.Tewari, N.Walton, G.Akhtar, M.A.Brunt, A.McIntyre, J.Milne, K.Rashid, M.M.Sgró, A.Stewart, K.E.Turnbull, A.Aguilar, G.M.Talukder, S.Boyle, C.Fernando, D.Gallagher, K.Laird, A.Tham, D.Bath, M.Patki, P.Tanabalan, C.Arif, T.Magee, C.Nambirajan, T.Powell, S.Vinayagam, R.Flindall, I.Hanson, A.Mahendran, V.Green, S.Lim, M.MacDonald, L.Miu, V.Onos, L.Sheridan, K.Young, R.Alam, F.Griffiths, O.Houlden, C.Jones, R.Kolli, V.S.Lala, A.K.Leeson, S.Peevor, R.Seymour, Z.Chen, L.Henderson, E.Brown, K.Fleming, D.Heron, C.Hill, C.Kay, H.Leede, E.McElhinney, K.Olson, K.Osterberg, E.C.Riley, C.Srikanth, P.Thornhill, M.Blazer, D.Dilalla, G.Hwang, E.S.Lee, W.Lidsky, M.Plichta, J.Rosenberger, L.Scheri, R.Turnage, K.Visgauss, J.Zani, S.Farma, J.Clark, J.Kwon, D.Etchill, E.Gabre-Kidan, A.Jenny, H.E.Kent, A.Ladd, M.Long, C.Malapati, H.Margalit, A.Rapaport, S.Rose, J.Stevens, K.Tsai, L.Vervoort, D.Yesantharao, P.Dehal, A.Klaristenfeld, D.Huynh, K.Brown, L.Mullinax, J.Gusani, N.Hazelton, J.Maines, J.Oh, J.S.Ssentongo, A.Ssentongo, P.Azam, M.Choudhry, A.Marx, W.Fleming, J.Fuson, A.Gigliotti, J.Ovaitt, A.Ying, Y.Abel, M.K.Andaya, V.Bigay, K.Boeck, M.A.Chern, H.Corvera, C.El-Sayed, I.Glencer, A.Ha, P.Hamilton, B.C.S.Heaton, C.Hirose, K.Jablons, D.M.Kirkwood, K.Kornblith, L.Z.Kratz, J.R.Lee, R.Miller, P.N.Nakakura, E.Nunez-Garcia, B.O'Donnell, R.Ozgediz, D.Park, P.Robinson, B.Sarin, A.Sheu, B.Varma, M.Wai, K.Wustrack, R.Xu, M.J.Beswick, D.Goddard, J.Manor, J.Song, J.Fullmer, T.Gaskill, C.Gross, N.Kiong, K.Roland, C.L.Zafar, S.N.Abdallah, M.Abouassi, A.Almasri, M.Kulkarni, G.Marwan, H.Mehdi, M.Aoun, S.Ban, V.S.Batjer, H.H.Caruso, J.Abbott, D.Acher, A.Aiken, T.Barrett, J.Foley, E.Schwartz, P.Hawkins, A.Maiga, A.Laufer, J.Scasso, S.Adams, M.Bailey, A.Cullen, G.Fu, Y.X.J.McClement, B.Taylor, A.Aitken, S.Bachelet, B.Brousse, D.G.J.Chang, C.Khehra, B.Lahoud, N.Lee, S.M.Louca, M.Rozenbroek, P.Rozitis, E.Agbinya, N.Anderson, E.Arwi, G.Barry, I.Batchelor, C.Chong, T.Choo, L.Y.Clark, L.Daniels, M.Goh, J.Handa, A.Hanna, J.Huynh, L.Jeon, A.Kanbour, A.Lee, A.Lee, J.Lee, T.Leigh, J.Ly, D.McGregor, F.Nejatian, M.O'Loughlin, E.Ramos, I.Sanchez, B.Shrivathsa, A.Sincari, A.Sobhi, S.Swart, R.Trimboli, J.Wignall, P.Bourke, E.Chong, A.Clayton, S.Dawson, A.Hardy, E.Iqbal, R.Le, L.Mao, S.Marinelli, I.Metcalfe, H.Panicker, D.Rdgwey, H.H.Ridgway, S.Tan, H.H.Thong, S.Van, M.Woon, S.Woon-Shoo-Tong, X.S.Yu, S.Ali, K.Chee, J.Chiu, C.Chow, Y.W.Duller, A.Nagappan, P.Ng, S.Selvanathan, M.Sheridan, C.Temple, M.Do, J.E.Humphries, E.Li, L.Mansour, L.T.Massy-Westropp, C.Fang, B.Farbood, K.Hong, H.Huang, Y.Joan, M.Koh, C.Liu, Y.H.A.Mahajan, T.Muller, E.Park, R.Tanudisastro, M.Wu, J.J.G.Chopra, P.Giang, S.Radcliffe, S.Thach, P.Wallace, D.Wilkes, A.Chinta, S.H.Li, J.Phan, J.Rahman, F.Segaran, A.Segaran, C.Shannon, J.Zhang, M.Adams, N.Bonte, A.Colterjohn, N.Croyle, J.A.Donohue, J.Feighery, A.Keane, A.McNamara, D.Munir, K.Roche, D.Sabnani, R.Seligman, D.Sharma, S.Stickney, Z.Suchy, H.Tan, R.Yordi, S.Ahmed, I.Aranha, M.El, S.D.Garwood, P.Harnett, M.Holohan, R.Howard, R.Kayyal, Y.Krakoski, N.Lupo, M.Nepon, H.Scoleri, Y.Urbina, C.Ahmad, F.M.F.Ahmed, O.Jaswantlal, D.Kelly, E.Khan, M.H.T.Naidu, D.Neo, W.X.Sugrue, M.Abbas, J.D.Abdul-Fattah, S.Azlan, A.Barry, K.Idris, N.S.Kaka, N.Mc, D.D.Mohammad, N.M.N.Mozo, M.Rehal, A.Shaikh, Y.M.Wong, R.H.Curran, E.Gardner, M.Julka, R.Lasser, G.Ting, J.Browne, R.George, S.Janjua, Z.Leung, S.V.Megally, M.Ravenscroft, L.Vedadi, A.Vyas, V.Bryan, A.Sheikh, A.Ubhi, J.Vannelli, K.Vawda, A.Adeusi, L.Doherty, C.Gallagher, H.Gill, P.Hamza, H.Hogan, M.Kelly, S.Larry, J.Lynch, P.Mazeni, N.A.O'Connell, R.O'Loghlin, R.Singh, K.Abbas, S.R.Ali, A.Alkandari, B.Arnold, A.Arora, E.Azam, R.Breathnach, C.Cheema, J.Compton, M.Curran, S.Jayasamraj, O.Mohammed, N.Noone, A.Pal, A.Pandey, S.Quinn, P.Sheridan, R.Siew, L.Tan, E.P.Tio, S.W.Toh, V.T.R.Walsh, M.Yap, C.Yassa, J.Young, T.Agarwal, N.Almoosawy, S.A.Bowen, K.Bruce, D.Connachan, R.Cook, A.Daniell, A.Fung, H.K.F.Irving, A.Laurie, S.Lee, Y.J.Lim, Z.X.Maddineni, S.McClenaghan, R.E.Muthuganesan, V.Ravichandran, P.Roberts, N.Shaji, S.Solt, S.Toshney, E.Arnold, C.Belais, F.Bojanic, C.Chau, C.Y.C.De Soysa, S.Eldridge, M.Fairey, M.Fearnhead, N.Roult, A.G.Ho, J.S.Y.Joshi, K.Kadiyala, N.Khalid, S.Kumar, K.Lewis, E.Magee, J.Manetta-Jones, D.Mann, S.McKeown, L.Mitrofan, C.Mohamed, T.Monnickendam, A.Ng, A.Y.K.C.Ortu, A.Pope, T.Pressling, S.Purohit, K.Saji, S.Shah, F.J.Shah, R.Siddiqui, S.S.Surman, K.Utukuri, M.Varghese, A.Williams, C.Y.K.Yang, J.J.Billson, E.Cheah, E.Holmes, P.Hussain, S.Murdock, D.Nicholls, A.Ramana, G.Saleki, M.Spence, H.Thomas, D.Yu, C.Abousamra, M.Brown, C.Conti, I.Donnelly, A.Durand, M.French, N.Goan, R.O'Kane, E.Rubinchik, P.Gardiner, H.Kempf, B.Lai, Y.L.Matthews, H.Minford, E.Rafferty, C.Reid, C.Sheridan, N.Al, B.T.Bhoombla, N.Rao, B.M.Titu, L.Chatha, S.Field, C.Gandhi, T.Gulati, R.Jha, R.Jones, S.M.T.Karim, S.Patel, R.Saunders, M.Sharma, K.Abid, S.Heath, E.Kurup, D.Cresswell, B.Felstead, D.Jennings, K.Kaluarachchi, T.Lazzereschi, L.Mayson, H.Miah, J.E.Reinders, B.Rosser, A.Thomas, C.Williams, H.Al-Hamid, Z.Alsadoun, L.Chlubek, M.Fernando, P.Gaunt, E.Gercek, Y.Maniar, R.Ma, R.Matson, M.Moore, S.Nagappan, P.G.Ratnayake, M.Rockall, L.Shallcross, O.Sinha, A.Tan, K.E.Virdee, S.Wenlock, R.Donnelly, H.A.Ghazal, R.Hughes, I.Liu, X.McFadden, M.Misbert, E.Mogey, P.O'Hara, A.Peace, C.Rainey, C.Raja, P.Salmon, J.Tan, C.H.Alves, D.Bahl, S.Coulthurst, J.Koysombat, K.Linn, T.Rai, P.Shergill, A.Ahmed, M.Ahmed, S.Belk, L.H.Choudhry, H.Cummings, D.Dixon, Y.Dobinson, C.Flint, J.Franco, D.S.C.Gallie, R.Gardener, M.Glover, T.Greasley, M.Hatab, A.Howells, R.Hussey, T.Mann, A.Morrison, H.Ng, A.Osmond, R.Padmakumar, N.Pervaiz, F.Prince, R.Sawhney, R.Sigurdson, B.Stephenson, L.Vora, K.Zacken, A.Cope, P.Di, T.R.Ferarrio, I.Hackett, N.Healicon, R.Horseman, L.Lam, L.I.Meerdink, M.Menham, D.Murphy, R.Nimmo, I.Ramaesh, A.Rees, J.Soame, R.Dilaver, N.Adebambo, D.Brown, E.Burt, J.Foster, K.Kaliyappan, L.Knight, P.Politis, A.Richardson, E.Townsend, J.Abdi, M.Ball, M.Easby, S.Gill, N.Ho, E.Iqbal, H.Matthews, M.Nubi, S.Nwokocha, J.O.Okafor, I.Perry, G.Sinartio, B.Vanukuru, N.Walkley, D.Welch, T.Yates, J.Yeshitila, N.Bryans, K.Campbell, B.Gray, C.Keys, R.MacArtney, M.Chamberlain, G.Khatri, A.Kucheria, A.Lee, S.T.P.Reese, G.Roy, C.J.Tan, W.Y.R.Teh, J.J.Ting, A.Kazi, S.Vutipongsatorn, K.Amarnath, T.Balasubramanian, N.Bassett, E.Gurung, P.Lim, J.Panjikkaran, A.Sanalla, A.Alkoot, M.Bacigalupo, V.Horton, M.Hurry, A.Isti, C.Maskell, P.Nursiah, K.Punn, G.Salih, H.Epanomeritakis, E.Foulkes, A.Henderson, R.Johnston, E.McCullough, H.McLarnon, M.Morrison, E.Cheung, A.Cho, S.H.Eriksson, F.Hedges, J.Low, Z.May, C.Musto, L.Nagi, S.Nur, S.Salau, E.Shabbir, S.Thomas, M.C.Uthayanan, L.Vig, S.Zaheer, M.Zeng, G.Ashcroft-Quinn, S.Brown, R.Hayes, J.McConville, R.French, R.Gilliam, A.Sheetal, S.Shehzad, M.U.Bani, W.Christie, I.Franklyn, J.Khan, M.Russell, J.Smolarek, S.Varadarassou, R.Ahmed, S.K.Narayanaswamy, S.Sealy, J.Shah, M.Dodhia, V.Manukyan, A.O'Hare, R.Orbell, J.Chung, I.Forenc, K.Al, D.A.Bennewith, R.Bottomley, J.Chu, T.S.M.Chu, Y.Y.A.Doherty, W.Evans, B.Hainsworth, P.Hosfield, T.Li, C.H.McCullagh, I.Mehta, A.Thaker, A.Thompson, B.Virdi, A.Walker, H.Wilkins, E.Dixon, C.Hassan, M.R.Lotca, N.Tong, K.S.Batchelor-Parry, H.Chaudhari, S.Harris, T.Hooper, J.Johnson, C.Mulvihill, C.Nayler, J.Olutobi, O.Piramanayagam, B.Stones, K.Sussman, M.Weaver, C.Al, R.M.Andrew, F.Arrayeh, A.Azizan, N.Hassan, A.Iqbal, Z.John, I.Kalake, O.Keast, M.Nicholas, J.Patil, A.Powell, K.Roberts, P.Sabri, A.Segue, A.K.Shah, A.Shaik, M.S.A.Shehadeh, A.Shenoy, S.Tong, A.Upcott, M.Vijayasingam, D.Anarfi, S.Dauncey, J.Devindaran, A.Havalda, P.Mwendwa, E.Norman, C.Richards, J.Urquhart, A.Allan, J.Cahya, E.Hunt, H.McWhirter, C.Norton, R.Roxburgh, C.Tan, J.Y.Ali, B.S.Hansdot, S.Haq, I.Mootien, A.Sanchez, I.Vainas, T.Deliyannis, E.Tan, M.Vipond, M.Chittoor, S.N.N.Dattani, A.De Carvalho, L.Gaston-Grubb, M.Karunanithy, L.Lowe, B.Pace, C.Raju, K.Roope, J.Taylor, C.Youssef, H.Munro, T.Thorn, C.Wong, K.H.F.Yunus, A.Chawla, S.Datta, A.Dinesh, A.A.Field, D.Georgi, T.Gwozdz, A.Hamstead, E.Howard, N.Isleyen, N.Jackson, N.Kingdon, J.Sagoo, K.S.Schizas, A.Yin, L.Aung, E.Aung, Y.Y.Franklin, S.Han, S.M.Kim, W.C.Martin, S.A.Rossi, M.Ross, T.Tirimanna, R.Wang, B.Zakieh, O.Arzi, H.B.Flach, A.Jackson, E.Magers, S.Olu, A.C.Rogers, E.Sugden, K.Tan, H.Veliah, S.Walton, U.Asif, A.Bharwada, Y.Bowley, D.Broekhuizen, A.Cooper, L.Evans, N.Girdlestone, H.Ling, C.Mann, H.Mehmood, N.Mulvenna, C.L.Rainer, N.Gujjuri, R.Jeyaraman, D.Leong, E.Singh, D.Smith, E.Anderton, J.Barabas, M.Goyal, S.Howard, D.Weatherby, T.Badminton, R.Bird, R.Burtle, D.Choi, N.Y.Devalia, K.Farr, E.Fischer, F.Fish, J.Gunn, F.Jacobs, D.Johnston, P.Kalakoutas, A.Lau, E.Loo, Y.N.A.F.Louden, H.Makariou, N.Mohammadi, K.Nayab, Y.Ruhomaun, S.Ryliskyte, R.Saeed, M.Shinde, P.Sudul, M.Theodoropoulou, K.Valadao-Spoorenberg, J.Vlachou, F.Arshad, S.R.Janmohamed, A.M.Noor, M.Oyerinde, O.Saha, A.Syed, Y.Ahmadi, H.Akintunde, A.Alsaady, A.Bradley, J.Brothwood, D.Burton, M.Higgs, M.Hoyle, C.Katsura, C.Lathan, R.Louani, A.Mandalia, R.Prihartadi, A.S.Qaddoura, B.Sandland-Taylor, L.Thadani, S.Walshaw, J.Teo, S.Bawa, J.H.Fox, S.Gargan, K.Haider, S.A.Hanna, N.Hatoum, A.Khan, Z.Krzak, A.M.Li, T.Pitt, J.Tan, G.J.S.Ullah, Z.Wilson, E.Cleaver, J.Colman, J.Copeland, L.Coulson, A.Davis, P.Faisal, H.Hassan, F.Hughes, J.T.Jabr, Y.Nahaboo, S.Z.N.Sangheli, A.Shaya, S.Thompson, R.Cornwall, H.De Andres, C.M.Fay, E.Findlay, J.Groves, E.Jones, O.Killen, A.Millo, J.Thomas, S.Ward, J.Wilkins, M.Zaki, F.Zilber, E.Bhavra, K.Bilolikar, A.Charalambous, M.Eleni, A.Fawdon, R.Gibbins, A.Livingstone, D.Mala, D.Oke, S.E.Padmakumar, D.Patsalides, M.A.Payne, D.Ralphs, C.Roney, A.Sardar, N.Stefanova, K.Surti, F.Timms, R.Tosney, G.Bannister, J.Clement, N.S.Cullimore, V.Kamal, F.Lendor, J.McKay, J.McSwiggan, J.Minhas, N.Seneviratne, K.Simeen, S.Valverde, J.Bloom, I.Dinh, T.H.Hirniak, J.Joseph, R.Kansagra, M.Lai, C.K.N.Melamed, N.Patel, J.Randev, J.Sedighi, T.Shurovi, B.Sodhi, J.Vadgama, N.Abdulla, S.Adabavazeh, B.Champion, A.Chennupati, R.Chu, K.Devi, S.Haji, A.Schulz, J.Testa, F.Davies, P.Gurung, B.Howell, S.Modi, P.Pervaiz, A.Zahid, M.Abdolrazaghi, S.Abi, A.R.Anjum, Z.Bawa, G.Bhardwaj, R.Enver, M.Gill, D.Gopikrishna, D.Gurung, D.Kanwal, A.Kaushal, P.Khanna, A.Lovell, E.McEvoy, C.Mirza, M.Nabeel, S.Naseem, S.Pandya, K.Perkins, R.Pulakal, R.Ray, M.Reay, C.Reilly, S.Round, A.Seehra, J.Shakeel, N.M.Singh, B.Vijay, S.M.Desai, B.Elzanati, H.Godhaniya, J.Kavanagh, E.Kent, J.Kishor, A.Liu, A.Norwood, M.Shaari, N.Wood, C.Wood, M.Brown, A.Chellapuri, A.Ferriman, A.Ghosh, I.Kulkarni, N.Noton, T.Pinto, A.Rajesh, S.Varghese, B.Wenban, C.Aly, R.Barciela, C.Brookes, T.Corrin, E.Goldsworthy, M.Mohamed, A.M.S.Moore, J.Nakhuda, S.Ng, D.Pillay, S.Port, S.Abdullah, M.Akinyemi, J.Islam, S.Kale, A.Lewis, A.Manjunath, T.McCabe, H.Misra, S.Stubley, T.Tam, J.P.Waraich, N.Chaora, T.Ford, C.Osinkolu, I.Pong, G.Rai, J.Risquet, R.Ainsworth, J.Ayandokun, P.Barham, E.Barrett, G.Barry, J.Bisson, E.Bridges, I.Burke, D.Cann, J.Cloney, M.Coates, S.Cripps, P.Davies, C.Francis, N.Handley, G.Hathaway, D.Hurt, L.Jenkins, S.Johnston, C.Khadka, A.McGee, U.Morris, D.Murray, R.Norbury, C.Pierrepont, Z.Richards, C.Ross, O.Ruddy, A.Salmon, C.Shield, M.Soanes, K.Taverner, S.Williams, C.Wills-Wood, W.Woodward, S.Chow, J.Fan, J.Guest, O.Hunter, I.Moon, W.Y.Arthur-Quarm, S.Edwards, P.Hamlyn, V.McEneaney, L.Nnoy, D.G.Pranoy, S.Ting, M.Abada, S.Alawattegama, L.H.Ashok, A.Carey, C.Gogna, A.Haglund, C.Hurley, P.Leelo, N.Liu, B.Mannan, F.Paramjothy, K.Ramlogan, K.Raymond-Hayling, O.Shanmugarajah, A.Solichan, D.Wilkinson, B.Ahmad, N.A.Allan, D.Amin, A.Bakina, C.Burns, F.Cameron, F.Campbell, A.Cavanagh, S.Chan, S.M.Z.Chapman, S.Chong, V.Edelsten, E.Ekpete, O.El, S.M.Ghose, R.Hassane, A.Henderson, C.Hilton-Christie, S.Husain, M.Hussain, H.Javid, Z.Johnson-Ogbuneke, J.Johnston, A.Khalil, M.Leung, T.C.C.Makin, I.Muralidharan, V.Naeem, M.Patil, P.Ravichandran, S.Saraeva, D.Shafi, S.Shankey-Smith, W.Swan, R.Waudby-West, R.Wilkinson, A.Wright, K.Balasubramanian, A.Bhatti, S.Chalkley, M.Chou, W.K.Dixon, M.Evans, L.Fisher, K.Gandhi, P.Ho, S.Lau, Y.B.Lowe, S.Meechan, C.Murali, N.Musonda, C.Njoku, P.Ochieng, L.Pervez, M.U.Sikder, M.A.Vanker, R.Alom, J.Bajaj, V.Coleman, O.Finch, G.Goss, J.Jenkins, C.Kontothanassis, A.Liew, M.S.Ng, K.Outram, M.Shakeel, M.M.Tawn, J.Zuhairy, S.Chapple, K.Cinnamond, A.Coleman, S.George, H.A.Goulder, L.Hare, N.Hawksley, J.Kret, A.Luesley, A.Mecia, L.Porter, H.Puddy, E.Richardson, G.Sohail, B.Srikaran, V.Tadross, D.Tobin, J.Tokidis, E.Young, L.Ashdown, T.Bratsos, S.Koomson, A.Kufuor, A.Lim, M.Q.Thorne, E.P.C.Warusavitarne, J.Xu, S.Abigail, S.Ahmed, A.Ahmed, J.Akmal, A.Al-Khafaji, M.Amini, B.Arshad, M.Bogie, E.Brazkiewicz, M.Carroll, M.Chandegra, A.Cirelli, C.Deng, A.Fairclough, S.Fung, Y.J.Gornell, C.Green, R.L.Green, S.V.Gulamhussein, A.H.M.Isaac, A.G.Jan, R.Jegatheeswaran, L.Knee, M.Kotecha, J.Kotecha, S.Maxwell-Armstrong, C.McIntyre, C.Mendis, N.Naing, T.K.P.Oberman, J.Ong, Z.X.Ramalingam, A.Saeed, A.A.Tan, L.L.Towell, S.Yadav, J.Anandampillai, R.Chung, S.Hounat, A.Ibrahim, B.Jeyakumar, G.Khalil, A.Khan, U.A.Nair, G.Owusu-Ayim, M.Kanani, A.Kilkelly, B.Ogunmwonyi, I.Ong, L.Samra, B.Schomerus, L.Shea, J.Turner, O.Yang, Y.Amin, M.Blott, N.Clark, A.Feather, A.Forrest, M.Hague, S.Hamilton, K.Higginbotham, G.Hope, E.Karimian, S.Loveday, K.Malik, H.McKenna, O.Noor, A.Onsiong, C.Patel, B.Radcliffe, N.Shah, P.Tye, L.Verma, K.Walford, R.Yusufi, U.Zachariah, M.Casey, A.Doré, C.Fludder, V.Fortescue, L.Kalapu, S.S.Karel, E.Khera, G.Appleton, B.Ashaye, A.Boggon, E.Evans, A.Faris, M.H.Hinchcliffe, Z.Marei, O.Silva, I.Spooner, C.Thomas, G.Timlin, M.Wellington, J.Yao, S.L.Abdelrazek, M.Abdelrazik, Y.Bee, F.Joseph, A.Mounce, A.Parry, G.Vignarajah, N.Biddles, D.Creissen, A.Kolhe, S.Kller, T.Lea, A.Ledda, V.O'Loughlin, P.Scanlon, J.Shetty, N.Weller, C.Adeoye, A.Bhatti, M.Chadda, K.R.Chu, J.Elhakim, H.Foster-Davies, H.Rabie, M.Tailor, B.Webb, S.Abdelrahim, A.S.A.Choo, S.Y.Jiwa, A.Mangam, S.Murray, S.Shandramohan, A.Aghanenu, O.Budd, W.Hayre, J.Khanom, S.Liew, Z.Y.Moody, N.Muhammad-Kamal, H.Odogwu, J.Patel, D.Sattar, Z.Shahrokhi, N.Sinha, I.Thomson, E.Wonga, L.Bain, J.Khan, J.Ricardo, D.Bevis, R.Cherry, C.Darkwa, S.Konda, N.Madani, D.Meda, B.Odunukwe, U.Preest, G.Raheel, F.Rajaseharan, A.Ramgopal, A.Risbrooke, C.Selvaratnam, K.Sethunath, G.Tabassum, R.Taylor, J.Thakker, A.Wijesingha, N.Wybrew, R.Yasin, T.Ahmed, O.A.Alfadhel, S.Carberry, E.Chen, J.Y.Drake, I.Glen, P.Jayasuriya, N.Kawar, L.Sinan, L.O.H.Siu, S.S.Y.Tjen, V.Adeboyejo, O.Bacon, H.Barnes, R.Birnie, C.D'Cunha, K.A.Hughes, E.Middleton, S.Owen, R.Schofield, E.Short, C.Wang, H.Willett, M.Zimmerman, M.Balfour, J.Chadwick, T.Coombe-Jones, M.Do, L.H.P.Hobson, K.Shehata, Z.Beattie, M.Chmielewski, G.Chong, C.Donnelly, B.Drusch, B.Ellis, J.Farrelly, C.Feyi-Waboso, J.Hibell, I.Hoade, L.Ho, C.Jones, H.Kodiatt, B.Lidder, P.Ni, C.L.Norman, R.Patabendi, I.Penfold, H.Playfair, M.Pomeroy, S.Ralph, C.Rottenburg, H.Sebastian, J.Sheehan, M.Stanley, V.Welchman, J.Ajdarpasic, D.Antypas, A.Azouaghe, O.Basi, S.Bettoli, G.Bhattarai, S.Bommireddy, L.Bourne, K.Budding, J.Cookey-Bresi, R.Cummins, T.Davies, G.Fabelurin, C.Gwilliam, R.Hanley, J.Hird, A.Kruczynska, A.Langhorne, B.Lund, J.Lutchman, I.McGuinness, R.Neary, M.Pampapathi, S.Pang, E.Podbicanin, S.Rai, N.Redhouse, W.G.Sujith, J.Thomas, P.Walker, I.Winterton, R.Anderson, P.Barrington, M.Bhadra, K.Clark, G.Gibson, C.Hudson, S.Kaminskaite, V.Longshaw, A.MacKrill, E.McLachlan, F.Murdeshwar, A.Nieuwoudt, R.Parker, P.Randall, R.Rawlins, E.Reeves, S.A.Rye, D.Sirkis, T.Sykes, B.Ventress, N.Wosinska, N.Akram, B.Burton, L.Coombs, A.Long, R.Ong, C.Sethi, M.Cambridge, W.Chan, L.H.Gaba, F.Khor, Z.Les, J.W.Mak, R.Moin, S.Ng, K.K.K.C.Paterson-Brown, S.Tew, Y.Y.Bardon, A.Burrell, K.Coldwell, C.Costa, I.Dexter, E.Hardy, A.Khojani, M.Mazurek, J.Reddy, V.Reynolds, J.Soma, A.Agiotakis, S.Alsusa, H.Desai, N.Peristerakis, I.Adcock, A.Ayub, H.Bennett, T.Bibi, F.Brenac, S.Chapman, T.Clarke, G.Clark, F.Galvin, C.Gwyn-Jones, A.Henry-Blake, C.Kerner, S.Kiandee, M.Lovett, A.Pilecka, A.Ravindran, R.Siddique, H.Sikand, T.Treadwell, K.Akmal, K.Apata, A.Barton, O.Broad, G.Darling, H.Dhuga, Y.Emms, L.Habib, S.Jain, R.Jeater, J.Kan, C.Y.P.Kathiravelupillai, A.Kirmani, S.Kulasabanathan, K.Lacey, H.Lal, K.Manafa, C.Mansoor, M.McDonald, S.Mittal, A.Mustoe, S.Nottrodt, L.Oliver, P.Papapetrou, I.Pattinson, F.Raja, M.Reyhani, H.Shahmiri, A.Small, O.Soni, U.Aguirrezabala, A.B.Bunni, J.Hakim, M.A.Hooker, L.H.Howell, K.A.Hullait, R.Jaskowska, A.Ottewell, L.Jones, I.T.Vasudev, A.Clements, B.Fenton, J.Gill, M.Haider, S.Lim, A.J.M.Maguire, H.McMullan, J.Nicoletti, J.Samuel, S.Unais, M.A.White, N.Yao, P.C.Yow, L.Brady, R.Cheekoty, P.Cheong, J.Chew, S.J.H.L.Chow, R.Ganewatta, K.D.Mamer, L.Mohammed, B.Ng, C.H.J.Renji, C.R.Royston, A.Sharrad, E.Sinclair, R.Treherne, K.Wyatt, F.Maniarasu, V.S.Appanna, T.Bucknall, T.Hussain, F.Owen, A.Parry, R.Sagua, N.Spofforth, K.Yuen, E.C.T.Bosley, N.Hardie, W.Moore, T.Regas, C.Abdel-Khaleq, S.Ali, N.Bashiti, H.Buxton-Hopley, R.Constantinides, M.D'Afflitto, M.Deshpande, A.Duque, G.J.Frisira, E.Germani, B.M.Gomaa, A.Hay, D.Iakovou, A.Iakovou, D.Ismail, E.Jefferson, S.Khouli, Y.Mason, J.McCaughan, R.Moffatt, J.Morawala, A.Nadir, H.Neyroud, F.Nikookam, Y.Parmar, A.Pinto, L.Richards, E.Thomson, S.Trainer, C.Valetopoulou, A.Vassiliou, A.Wantman, A.Wilde, S.Dickinson, M.Rockall, T.Senn, D.Wcislo, K.Zalmay, P.Adelekan, K.Allen, K.Bajaj, M.Gatumbu, P.Hang, S.Hashmi, Y.Kaur, T.Kawesha, A.Woodmass, M.Adelowo, T.Ahari, D.Alhwaishel, K.Clayton, B.Cockroft, A.Curtis, L.C.Hilton, M.Ismail, N.Kouadria, M.Lee, L.MacConnachie, A.Monks, F.Mungroo, S.Nikoletopoulou, C.Sara, X.Shahid, A.Suresh, G.Wilcha, R.Atiyah, A.Dermanis, A.Gibbons, H.Hyde, A.Lawson, A.Lee, C.Leung-Tack, M.Li, S.H.J.Mostafa, O.Nair, D.Pattani, N.Plumbley-Jones, J.Pufal, K.Sanghera, J.Saram, S.Scadding, S.See, S.Stringer, H.Torrance, A.Vardon, H.Wyn-Griffiths, F.Brew, A.Kaur, G.Soni, D.Tickle, A.Akbar, Z.Appleyard, T.Figg, K.Jayawardena, P.Johnson, A.Kamran, S.Z.Lacy-Colson, J.Oatham, R.Rowlands, B.Sludden, E.Turnbull, C.Allin, D.Ansar, Z.Azeez, Z.Dale, V.H.Garg, J.Horner, A.Jones, S.Knight, S.McGregor, C.McKenna, J.McLelland, T.Packham-Smith, A.Rowsell, K.Spector-Hill, I.Adeniken, E.Baker, J.Bartlett, M.Chikomba, L.Connell, B.Deekonda, P.Dhar, M.Elmansouri, A.Gamage, K.Goodhew, R.Hanna, P.Knight, J.Luca, A.Maasoumi, N.Mahamoud, F.Manji, S.Marwaha, P.K.Mason, F.Oluboyede, A.Pigott, L.Razaq, A.M.Richardson, M.Saddaoui, I.Wijeyendram, P.Yau, S.Atkins, W.Liang, K.Miles, N.Praveen, B.Ashai, S.Braganza, J.Common, J.Cundy, A.Davies, R.Guthrie, J.Handa, I.Iqbal, M.Ismail, R.Jones, C.Jones, I.Lee, K.S.Levene, A.Okocha, M.Smith, A.Subramaniam, E.Tandle, S.Wang, A.Watson, A.Wilson, C.Chan, X.H.F.Khoo, E.Montgomery, C.Norris, M.Pugalenthi, P.P.Common, T.Cook, E.Mistry, H.Shinmar, H.S.Agarwal, G.Bandyopadhyay, S.Brazier, B.Carroll, L.Goede, A.Harbourne, A.Lakhani, A.Larwood, J.Merchant, J.Pattenden, S.Pradhan, A.Raafat, N.Rothwell, E.Shammoon, Y.Sudarshan, R.Vickers, E.Wingfield, L.Ashworth, I.Azizi, S.Bhate, R.Chowdhury, T.Christou, A.Davies, L.Dwaraknath, M.Farah, Y.Garner, J.Gureviciute, E.Hart, E.Javid, S.Kankam, H.K.Kaur, T.P.Kaz, R.Kermali, M.Khan, I.Mattson, A.McManus, A.Murphy, M.Nair, K.Ngemoh, D.Norton, E.Olabiran, A.Parry, L.Payne, T.Pillai, K.Punjabi, K.Raghunathan, A.Raza, M.Ritehnia, J.Simpson, G.Smith, W.Sodeinde, S.Studd, L.Subramaniam, M.Thomas, J.Towey, S.Tsang, E.Tuteja, D.Vasani, J.Vio, M.Badran, A.Adams, J.Anthony, W.J.Asvandi, S.Austin, T.Bald, A.Bix, E.Carrick, M.Chander, B.Chowdhury, S.Cooper, D.B.Crosbie, S.Cooper, P.S.Francis, D.Gallagher, C.Gillespie, R.Gravett, H.Gupta, P.Ilyas, C.Johny, J.Jones, A.Kinder, F.MacLeod, C.MacRow, C.Maqsood-Shah, A.Mather, J.McCann, L.McMahon, R.Mitham, E.Mohamed, M.Munton, E.Nightingale, K.O'Neill, K.Onyemuchara, I.Shanahan, A.Sherlock, J.Spyridoulias, A.Stavrou, C.Stokes, D.Tamang, R.Taylor, E.Trafford, C.Uden, C.Waddington, C.Yassin, D.Zaman, M.Bangi, S.Cheng, T.Hussain, N.Imani-Masouleh, S.Mahasivam, G.McKnight, G.Ng, H.L.Ota, H.C.Pasha, T.Ravindran, W.Vishnu, K.S.Zaman, S.Carr, W.Cope, S.Eagles, E.J.Maddison, M.H.Li, C.Y.Reed, J.Ridge, A.Stubbs, T.Teasdaled, D.Umar, R.Worthington, J.Dhebri, A.Kalenderov, R.Alattas, A.Arain, Z.Bhudia, R.Chia, D.Daniel, S.Dar, T.Garland, H.Girish, M.Hampson, A.Lehovsky, K.Mullins, W.Omorphos, N.Vasdev, N.Venkatesh, A.Waldock, W.Bhandari, A.Brown, G.Choa, G.Eichenauer, C.E.Ezennia, K.Kidwai, Z.Lloyd-Thomas, A.MacAskill, S.A.Massardi, C.Sinclair, E.Skajaa, N.Smith, M.Tan, I.Afsheen, N.Anuar, A.Azam, Z.Bhatia, P.Davies-Kelly, N.Dickinson, S.Elkawafi, M.Ganapathy, M.Gupta, S.Khoury, E.G.Licudi, D.Mehta, V.Neequaye, S.Nita, G.Tay, V.L.Zhao, S.Botsa, E.Cuthbert, H.Elliott, J.Furlepa, M.Lehmann, J.Mangtani, A.Narayan, A.Nazarian, S.Shah, D.Shaw, C.Zhao, Z.Beck, C.Caldwell, S.Clements, J.M.French, B.Kenny, R.Kirk, S.McClung, A.McLaughlin, N.Watson, S.Whiteside, E.Alyacoubi, S.Arumugam, V.Beg, R.Dawas, K.Garg, S.Lloyd, E.R.Mahfouz, Y.Manobharath, N.Moonesinghe, R.Morka, N.Prashar, J.Yip, S.Adeeko, E.S.Ajekigbe, F.Bhat, A.Farrugia, A.Gurung, C.Long, T.Malik, B.Manirajan, S.Newport, D.Rayer, J.Ridha, A.Saran, T.Sinker, A.Waruingi, D.Allen, R.Al, S.Y.Alves, D.C.B.H.Asharaf, H.Ashman, M.Balakumar, V.Barrington, J.Baskaran, R.Berry, A.Bhachoo, H.Bilal, A.Boaden, L.Chia, W.L.Covell, G.Crook, D.Dadnam, F.Davis, L.De Berker, H.Doyle, C.Fox, C.Davies, M.G.Hafouda, Y.Hill, A.Hubbard, E.Hunter, A.Inpadhas, V.Jamshaid, M.Jandu, G.Jeyanthi, M.Kantor, C.Kwak, S.Y.Malik, N.Matt, R.McNulty, P.Miles, C.Mohomed, A.Myat, P.Niharika, J.Nixon, A.O'Reilly, D.Parmar, K.Pengelly, S.Price, L.Ramsden, M.Turnor, R.Wales, E.Waring, H.Wu, M.Yang, T.Ye, T.T.S.Zander, A.Zeicu, C.Bellam, S.Francombe, J.Kawamoto, N.Rahman, M.R.Sathyanarayana, A.Tang, H.T.Cheung, J.Hollingshead, J.Page, V.Sugarman, J.Wong, E.Chiong, J.Fung, E.Kan, S.Y.Kiang, J.Kok, J.Krahelski, O.Liew, M.Y.Lyell, B.Sharif, Z.Speake, D.Alim, L.Amakye, N.Y.Chandrasekaran, J.Chandratreya, N.Drake, J.Owoso, T.Thu, Y.M.Abou, E.E.B.B.Alberts, J.Chapman, D.Rehnnuma, N.Ainsworth, K.Carpenter, H.Emmanuel, T.Fisher, T.Gabrel, M.Guan, Z.Hollows, S.Hotouras, A.Ip, F.C.N.Jaffer, S.Kallikas, G.Lewinsohn, B.Liu, F.Y.Mohammed, S.Rutherfurd, A.Situ, T.Stammer, A.Taylor, F.Thin, N.Urgesi, E.Zhang, N.Ahmad, M.A.Bishop, A.Bowes, A.Dixit, A.Glasson, R.Hatta, S.Hatt, K.Larcombe, S.Preece, J.Riordan, E.Fegredo, D.Haq, M.Z.Li, C.McCann, G.Stewart, D.Baraza, W.Bhullar, D.Burt, G.Coyle, J.Deans, J.Devine, A.Hird, R.Ikotun, O.Manchip, G.Ross, C.Storey, L.Tan, W.W.L.Tse, C.Warner, C.Whitehead, M.Wu, F.Court, E.L.Crisp, E.Huttman, M.Mayes, F.Robertson, H.Rosen, H.Sandberg, C.Al, B.M.Ashwell, W.Bajaj, S.Bandyopadhyay, D.Browlee, O.Burway, S.Chand, C.P.Elsayeh, K.Elsharkawi, A.Evans, E.Ferrin, S.Fort-Schaale, A.Iacob, M.Impelliziere, L.G.Mankoo, A.S.Olaniyan, T.Otun, J.Reddy, R.Saeed, D.Simmonds, O.Singhal, G.Tron, K.Wickstone, C.Williams, R.Bradshaw, E.De Kock, J.V.Knight, C.Metezai, H.Mirza-Davies, A.Spink, D.Wischhusen, S.
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Academic Journal
Blount BC; From the Division of Laboratory Sciences, National Center for Environmental Health (B.C.B., M.P.K., M.M.-E., L.V.-B., M.G., M.B., C.R.B., K.T.C., D.C., J.C., E.C., V.R.D.J., P.E., C.F., C.H., Z.K., J.D.K., C.N., G.B.R., J.R., C.R., L.S., T.S., C.S., D.T., L.W., C.W., B.X., J.R.B., J.T., J.L.P.), Epidemic Intelligence Service, Center for Surveillance, Epidemiology, and Laboratory Sciences (I.G.), the Office of the Director (P.B.) and the Office on Smoking and Health (B.A.K.), National Center for Chronic Disease Prevention and Health Promotion, the Office of the Director, National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (L.J.D.), the Office of Strategy and Innovation (C.M.J.) and the Division of Overdose Prevention (G.T.B.), National Center for Injury Prevention and Control, the Office of the Director, National Center for Immunization and Respiratory Diseases (A.P.), the Division of Birth Defects and Infant Disorders, National Center on Birth Defects and Developmental Disabilities (D.M.D.), the Division of Preparedness and Emerging Infections, National Center for Emerging and Zoonotic Infectious Diseases (D.R.), and the Office of the Director, National Center for Injury Prevention and Control (V.K.) - all at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Atlanta; the Comprehensive Cancer Center, Ohio State University and James Cancer Hospital (P.G.S.), and the Division of Environmental Health Science, College of Public Health (M.-A.S.), and Pulmonary and Critical Care Medicine, Department of Internal Medicine (C.R.S., M.D.W.), Ohio State University, Columbus; the Food and Drug Administration, Silver Spring, MD (D.T.H.); and the Illinois Department of Public Health, Chicago (I.G., J.L.).; Karwowski MP; From the Division of Laboratory Sciences, National Center for Environmental Health (B.C.B., M.P.K., M.M.-E., L.V.-B., M.G., M.B., C.R.B., K.T.C., D.C., J.C., E.C., V.R.D.J., P.E., C.F., C.H., Z.K., J.D.K., C.N., G.B.R., J.R., C.R., L.S., T.S., C.S., D.T., L.W., C.W., B.X., J.R.B., J.T., J.L.P.), Epidemic Intelligence Service, Center for Surveillance, Epidemiology, and Laboratory Sciences (I.G.), the Office of the Director (P.B.) and the Office on Smoking and Health (B.A.K.), National Center for Chronic Disease Prevention and Health Promotion, the Office of the Director, National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (L.J.D.), the Office of Strategy and Innovation (C.M.J.) and the Division of Overdose Prevention (G.T.B.), National Center for Injury Prevention and Control, the Office of the Director, National Center for Immunization and Respiratory Diseases (A.P.), the Division of Birth Defects and Infant Disorders, National Center on Birth Defects and Developmental Disabilities (D.M.D.), the Division of Preparedness and Emerging Infections, National Center for Emerging and Zoonotic Infectious Diseases (D.R.), and the Office of the Director, National Center for Injury Prevention and Control (V.K.) - all at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Atlanta; the Comprehensive Cancer Center, Ohio State University and James Cancer Hospital (P.G.S.), and the Division of Environmental Health Science, College of Public Health (M.-A.S.), and Pulmonary and Critical Care Medicine, Department of Internal Medicine (C.R.S., M.D.W.), Ohio State University, Columbus; the Food and Drug Administration, Silver Spring, MD (D.T.H.); and the Illinois Department of Public Health, Chicago (I.G., J.L.).; Shields PG; From the Division of Laboratory Sciences, National Center for Environmental Health (B.C.B., M.P.K., M.M.-E., L.V.-B., M.G., M.B., C.R.B., K.T.C., D.C., J.C., E.C., V.R.D.J., P.E., C.F., C.H., Z.K., J.D.K., C.N., G.B.R., J.R., C.R., L.S., T.S., C.S., D.T., L.W., C.W., B.X., J.R.B., J.T., J.L.P.), Epidemic Intelligence Service, Center for Surveillance, Epidemiology, and Laboratory Sciences (I.G.), the Office of the Director (P.B.) and the Office on Smoking and Health (B.A.K.), National Center for Chronic Disease Prevention and Health Promotion, the Office of the Director, National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (L.J.D.), the Office of Strategy and Innovation (C.M.J.) and the Division of Overdose Prevention (G.T.B.), National Center for Injury Prevention and Control, the Office of the Director, National Center for Immunization and Respiratory Diseases (A.P.), the Division of Birth Defects and Infant Disorders, National Center on Birth Defects and Developmental Disabilities (D.M.D.), the Division of Preparedness and Emerging Infections, National Center for Emerging and Zoonotic Infectious Diseases (D.R.), and the Office of the Director, National Center for Injury Prevention and Control (V.K.) - all at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Atlanta; the Comprehensive Cancer Center, Ohio State University and James Cancer Hospital (P.G.S.), and the Division of Environmental Health Science, College of Public Health (M.-A.S.), and Pulmonary and Critical Care Medicine, Department of Internal Medicine (C.R.S., M.D.W.), Ohio State University, Columbus; the Food and Drug Administration, Silver Spring, MD (D.T.H.); and the Illinois Department of Public Health, Chicago (I.G., J.L.).; Morel-Espinosa M; From the Division of Laboratory Sciences, National Center for Environmental Health (B.C.B., M.P.K., M.M.-E., L.V.-B., M.G., M.B., C.R.B., K.T.C., D.C., J.C., E.C., V.R.D.J., P.E., C.F., C.H., Z.K., J.D.K., C.N., G.B.R., J.R., C.R., L.S., T.S., C.S., D.T., L.W., C.W., B.X., J.R.B., J.T., J.L.P.), Epidemic Intelligence Service, Center for Surveillance, Epidemiology, and Laboratory Sciences (I.G.), the Office of the Director (P.B.) and the Office on Smoking and Health (B.A.K.), National Center for Chronic Disease Prevention and Health Promotion, the Office of the Director, National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (L.J.D.), the Office of Strategy and Innovation (C.M.J.) and the Division of Overdose Prevention (G.T.B.), National Center for Injury Prevention and Control, the Office of the Director, National Center for Immunization and Respiratory Diseases (A.P.), the Division of Birth Defects and Infant Disorders, National Center on Birth Defects and Developmental Disabilities (D.M.D.), the Division of Preparedness and Emerging Infections, National Center for Emerging and Zoonotic Infectious Diseases (D.R.), and the Office of the Director, National Center for Injury Prevention and Control (V.K.) - all at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Atlanta; the Comprehensive Cancer Center, Ohio State University and James Cancer Hospital (P.G.S.), and the Division of Environmental Health Science, College of Public Health (M.-A.S.), and Pulmonary and Critical Care Medicine, Department of Internal Medicine (C.R.S., M.D.W.), Ohio State University, Columbus; the Food and Drug Administration, Silver Spring, MD (D.T.H.); and the Illinois Department of Public Health, Chicago (I.G., J.L.).; Valentin-Blasini L; From the Division of Laboratory Sciences, National Center for Environmental Health (B.C.B., M.P.K., M.M.-E., L.V.-B., M.G., M.B., C.R.B., K.T.C., D.C., J.C., E.C., V.R.D.J., P.E., C.F., C.H., Z.K., J.D.K., C.N., G.B.R., J.R., C.R., L.S., T.S., C.S., D.T., L.W., C.W., B.X., J.R.B., J.T., J.L.P.), Epidemic Intelligence Service, Center for Surveillance, Epidemiology, and Laboratory Sciences (I.G.), the Office of the Director (P.B.) and the Office on Smoking and Health (B.A.K.), National Center for Chronic Disease Prevention and Health Promotion, the Office of the Director, National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (L.J.D.), the Office of Strategy and Innovation (C.M.J.) and the Division of Overdose Prevention (G.T.B.), National Center for Injury Prevention and Control, the Office of the Director, National Center for Immunization and Respiratory Diseases (A.P.), the Division of Birth Defects and Infant Disorders, National Center on Birth Defects and Developmental Disabilities (D.M.D.), the Division of Preparedness and Emerging Infections, National Center for Emerging and Zoonotic Infectious Diseases (D.R.), and the Office of the Director, National Center for Injury Prevention and Control (V.K.) - all at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Atlanta; the Comprehensive Cancer Center, Ohio State University and James Cancer Hospital (P.G.S.), and the Division of Environmental Health Science, College of Public Health (M.-A.S.), and Pulmonary and Critical Care Medicine, Department of Internal Medicine (C.R.S., M.D.W.), Ohio State University, Columbus; the Food and Drug Administration, Silver Spring, MD (D.T.H.); and the Illinois Department of Public Health, Chicago (I.G., J.L.).; Gardner M; From the Division of Laboratory Sciences, National Center for Environmental Health (B.C.B., M.P.K., M.M.-E., L.V.-B., M.G., M.B., C.R.B., K.T.C., D.C., J.C., E.C., V.R.D.J., P.E., C.F., C.H., Z.K., J.D.K., C.N., G.B.R., J.R., C.R., L.S., T.S., C.S., D.T., L.W., C.W., B.X., J.R.B., J.T., J.L.P.), Epidemic Intelligence Service, Center for Surveillance, Epidemiology, and Laboratory Sciences (I.G.), the Office of the Director (P.B.) and the Office on Smoking and Health (B.A.K.), National Center for Chronic Disease Prevention and Health Promotion, the Office of the Director, National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (L.J.D.), the Office of Strategy and Innovation (C.M.J.) and the Division of Overdose Prevention (G.T.B.), National Center for Injury Prevention and Control, the Office of the Director, National Center for Immunization and Respiratory Diseases (A.P.), the Division of Birth Defects and Infant Disorders, National Center on Birth Defects and Developmental Disabilities (D.M.D.), the Division of Preparedness and Emerging Infections, National Center for Emerging and Zoonotic Infectious Diseases (D.R.), and the Office of the Director, National Center for Injury Prevention and Control (V.K.) - all at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Atlanta; the Comprehensive Cancer Center, Ohio State University and James Cancer Hospital (P.G.S.), and the Division of Environmental Health Science, College of Public Health (M.-A.S.), and Pulmonary and Critical Care Medicine, Department of Internal Medicine (C.R.S., M.D.W.), Ohio State University, Columbus; the Food and Drug Administration, Silver Spring, MD (D.T.H.); and the Illinois Department of Public Health, Chicago (I.G., J.L.).; Braselton M; From the Division of Laboratory Sciences, National Center for Environmental Health (B.C.B., M.P.K., M.M.-E., L.V.-B., M.G., M.B., C.R.B., K.T.C., D.C., J.C., E.C., V.R.D.J., P.E., C.F., C.H., Z.K., J.D.K., C.N., G.B.R., J.R., C.R., L.S., T.S., C.S., D.T., L.W., C.W., B.X., J.R.B., J.T., J.L.P.), Epidemic Intelligence Service, Center for Surveillance, Epidemiology, and Laboratory Sciences (I.G.), the Office of the Director (P.B.) and the Office on Smoking and Health (B.A.K.), National Center for Chronic Disease Prevention and Health Promotion, the Office of the Director, National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (L.J.D.), the Office of Strategy and Innovation (C.M.J.) and the Division of Overdose Prevention (G.T.B.), National Center for Injury Prevention and Control, the Office of the Director, National Center for Immunization and Respiratory Diseases (A.P.), the Division of Birth Defects and Infant Disorders, National Center on Birth Defects and Developmental Disabilities (D.M.D.), the Division of Preparedness and Emerging Infections, National Center for Emerging and Zoonotic Infectious Diseases (D.R.), and the Office of the Director, National Center for Injury Prevention and Control (V.K.) - all at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Atlanta; the Comprehensive Cancer Center, Ohio State University and James Cancer Hospital (P.G.S.), and the Division of Environmental Health Science, College of Public Health (M.-A.S.), and Pulmonary and Critical Care Medicine, Department of Internal Medicine (C.R.S., M.D.W.), Ohio State University, Columbus; the Food and Drug Administration, Silver Spring, MD (D.T.H.); and the Illinois Department of Public Health, Chicago (I.G., J.L.).; Brosius CR; From the Division of Laboratory Sciences, National Center for Environmental Health (B.C.B., M.P.K., M.M.-E., L.V.-B., M.G., M.B., C.R.B., K.T.C., D.C., J.C., E.C., V.R.D.J., P.E., C.F., C.H., Z.K., J.D.K., C.N., G.B.R., J.R., C.R., L.S., T.S., C.S., D.T., L.W., C.W., B.X., J.R.B., J.T., J.L.P.), Epidemic Intelligence Service, Center for Surveillance, Epidemiology, and Laboratory Sciences (I.G.), the Office of the Director (P.B.) and the Office on Smoking and Health (B.A.K.), National Center for Chronic Disease Prevention and Health Promotion, the Office of the Director, National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (L.J.D.), the Office of Strategy and Innovation (C.M.J.) and the Division of Overdose Prevention (G.T.B.), National Center for Injury Prevention and Control, the Office of the Director, National Center for Immunization and Respiratory Diseases (A.P.), the Division of Birth Defects and Infant Disorders, National Center on Birth Defects and Developmental Disabilities (D.M.D.), the Division of Preparedness and Emerging Infections, National Center for Emerging and Zoonotic Infectious Diseases (D.R.), and the Office of the Director, National Center for Injury Prevention and Control (V.K.) - all at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Atlanta; the Comprehensive Cancer Center, Ohio State University and James Cancer Hospital (P.G.S.), and the Division of Environmental Health Science, College of Public Health (M.-A.S.), and Pulmonary and Critical Care Medicine, Department of Internal Medicine (C.R.S., M.D.W.), Ohio State University, Columbus; the Food and Drug Administration, Silver Spring, MD (D.T.H.); and the Illinois Department of Public Health, Chicago (I.G., J.L.).; Caron KT; From the Division of Laboratory Sciences, National Center for Environmental Health (B.C.B., M.P.K., M.M.-E., L.V.-B., M.G., M.B., C.R.B., K.T.C., D.C., J.C., E.C., V.R.D.J., P.E., C.F., C.H., Z.K., J.D.K., C.N., G.B.R., J.R., C.R., L.S., T.S., C.S., D.T., L.W., C.W., B.X., J.R.B., J.T., J.L.P.), Epidemic Intelligence Service, Center for Surveillance, Epidemiology, and Laboratory Sciences (I.G.), the Office of the Director (P.B.) and the Office on Smoking and Health (B.A.K.), National Center for Chronic Disease Prevention and Health Promotion, the Office of the Director, National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (L.J.D.), the Office of Strategy and Innovation (C.M.J.) and the Division of Overdose Prevention (G.T.B.), National Center for Injury Prevention and Control, the Office of the Director, National Center for Immunization and Respiratory Diseases (A.P.), the Division of Birth Defects and Infant Disorders, National Center on Birth Defects and Developmental Disabilities (D.M.D.), the Division of Preparedness and Emerging Infections, National Center for Emerging and Zoonotic Infectious Diseases (D.R.), and the Office of the Director, National Center for Injury Prevention and Control (V.K.) - all at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Atlanta; the Comprehensive Cancer Center, Ohio State University and James Cancer Hospital (P.G.S.), and the Division of Environmental Health Science, College of Public Health (M.-A.S.), and Pulmonary and Critical Care Medicine, Department of Internal Medicine (C.R.S., M.D.W.), Ohio State University, Columbus; the Food and Drug Administration, Silver Spring, MD (D.T.H.); and the Illinois Department of Public Health, Chicago (I.G., J.L.).; Chambers D; From the Division of Laboratory Sciences, National Center for Environmental Health (B.C.B., M.P.K., M.M.-E., L.V.-B., M.G., M.B., C.R.B., K.T.C., D.C., J.C., E.C., V.R.D.J., P.E., C.F., C.H., Z.K., J.D.K., C.N., G.B.R., J.R., C.R., L.S., T.S., C.S., D.T., L.W., C.W., B.X., J.R.B., J.T., J.L.P.), Epidemic Intelligence Service, Center for Surveillance, Epidemiology, and Laboratory Sciences (I.G.), the Office of the Director (P.B.) and the Office on Smoking and Health (B.A.K.), National Center for Chronic Disease Prevention and Health Promotion, the Office of the Director, National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (L.J.D.), the Office of Strategy and Innovation (C.M.J.) and the Division of Overdose Prevention (G.T.B.), National Center for Injury Prevention and Control, the Office of the Director, National Center for Immunization and Respiratory Diseases (A.P.), the Division of Birth Defects and Infant Disorders, National Center on Birth Defects and Developmental Disabilities (D.M.D.), the Division of Preparedness and Emerging Infections, National Center for Emerging and Zoonotic Infectious Diseases (D.R.), and the Office of the Director, National Center for Injury Prevention and Control (V.K.) - all at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Atlanta; the Comprehensive Cancer Center, Ohio State University and James Cancer Hospital (P.G.S.), and the Division of Environmental Health Science, College of Public Health (M.-A.S.), and Pulmonary and Critical Care Medicine, Department of Internal Medicine (C.R.S., M.D.W.), Ohio State University, Columbus; the Food and Drug Administration, Silver Spring, MD (D.T.H.); and the Illinois Department of Public Health, Chicago (I.G., J.L.).; Corstvet J; From the Division of Laboratory Sciences, National Center for Environmental Health (B.C.B., M.P.K., M.M.-E., L.V.-B., M.G., M.B., C.R.B., K.T.C., D.C., J.C., E.C., V.R.D.J., P.E., C.F., C.H., Z.K., J.D.K., C.N., G.B.R., J.R., C.R., L.S., T.S., C.S., D.T., L.W., C.W., B.X., J.R.B., J.T., J.L.P.), Epidemic Intelligence Service, Center for Surveillance, Epidemiology, and Laboratory Sciences (I.G.), the Office of the Director (P.B.) and the Office on Smoking and Health (B.A.K.), National Center for Chronic Disease Prevention and Health Promotion, the Office of the Director, National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (L.J.D.), the Office of Strategy and Innovation (C.M.J.) and the Division of Overdose Prevention (G.T.B.), National Center for Injury Prevention and Control, the Office of the Director, National Center for Immunization and Respiratory Diseases (A.P.), the Division of Birth Defects and Infant Disorders, National Center on Birth Defects and Developmental Disabilities (D.M.D.), the Division of Preparedness and Emerging Infections, National Center for Emerging and Zoonotic Infectious Diseases (D.R.), and the Office of the Director, National Center for Injury Prevention and Control (V.K.) - all at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Atlanta; the Comprehensive Cancer Center, Ohio State University and James Cancer Hospital (P.G.S.), and the Division of Environmental Health Science, College of Public Health (M.-A.S.), and Pulmonary and Critical Care Medicine, Department of Internal Medicine (C.R.S., M.D.W.), Ohio State University, Columbus; the Food and Drug Administration, Silver Spring, MD (D.T.H.); and the Illinois Department of Public Health, Chicago (I.G., J.L.).; Cowan E; From the Division of Laboratory Sciences, National Center for Environmental Health (B.C.B., M.P.K., M.M.-E., L.V.-B., M.G., M.B., C.R.B., K.T.C., D.C., J.C., E.C., V.R.D.J., P.E., C.F., C.H., Z.K., J.D.K., C.N., G.B.R., J.R., C.R., L.S., T.S., C.S., D.T., L.W., C.W., B.X., J.R.B., J.T., J.L.P.), Epidemic Intelligence Service, Center for Surveillance, Epidemiology, and Laboratory Sciences (I.G.), the Office of the Director (P.B.) and the Office on Smoking and Health (B.A.K.), National Center for Chronic Disease Prevention and Health Promotion, the Office of the Director, National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (L.J.D.), the Office of Strategy and Innovation (C.M.J.) and the Division of Overdose Prevention (G.T.B.), National Center for Injury Prevention and Control, the Office of the Director, National Center for Immunization and Respiratory Diseases (A.P.), the Division of Birth Defects and Infant Disorders, National Center on Birth Defects and Developmental Disabilities (D.M.D.), the Division of Preparedness and Emerging Infections, National Center for Emerging and Zoonotic Infectious Diseases (D.R.), and the Office of the Director, National Center for Injury Prevention and Control (V.K.) - all at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Atlanta; the Comprehensive Cancer Center, Ohio State University and James Cancer Hospital (P.G.S.), and the Division of Environmental Health Science, College of Public Health (M.-A.S.), and Pulmonary and Critical Care Medicine, Department of Internal Medicine (C.R.S., M.D.W.), Ohio State University, Columbus; the Food and Drug Administration, Silver Spring, MD (D.T.H.); and the Illinois Department of Public Health, Chicago (I.G., J.L.).; De Jesús VR; From the Division of Laboratory Sciences, National Center for Environmental Health (B.C.B., M.P.K., M.M.-E., L.V.-B., M.G., M.B., C.R.B., K.T.C., D.C., J.C., E.C., V.R.D.J., P.E., C.F., C.H., Z.K., J.D.K., C.N., G.B.R., J.R., C.R., L.S., T.S., C.S., D.T., L.W., C.W., B.X., J.R.B., J.T., J.L.P.), Epidemic Intelligence Service, Center for Surveillance, Epidemiology, and Laboratory Sciences (I.G.), the Office of the Director (P.B.) and the Office on Smoking and Health (B.A.K.), National Center for Chronic Disease Prevention and Health Promotion, the Office of the Director, National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (L.J.D.), the Office of Strategy and Innovation (C.M.J.) and the Division of Overdose Prevention (G.T.B.), National Center for Injury Prevention and Control, the Office of the Director, National Center for Immunization and Respiratory Diseases (A.P.), the Division of Birth Defects and Infant Disorders, National Center on Birth Defects and Developmental Disabilities (D.M.D.), the Division of Preparedness and Emerging Infections, National Center for Emerging and Zoonotic Infectious Diseases (D.R.), and the Office of the Director, National Center for Injury Prevention and Control (V.K.) - all at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Atlanta; the Comprehensive Cancer Center, Ohio State University and James Cancer Hospital (P.G.S.), and the Division of Environmental Health Science, College of Public Health (M.-A.S.), and Pulmonary and Critical Care Medicine, Department of Internal Medicine (C.R.S., M.D.W.), Ohio State University, Columbus; the Food and Drug Administration, Silver Spring, MD (D.T.H.); and the Illinois Department of Public Health, Chicago (I.G., J.L.).; Espinosa P; From the Division of Laboratory Sciences, National Center for Environmental Health (B.C.B., M.P.K., M.M.-E., L.V.-B., M.G., M.B., C.R.B., K.T.C., D.C., J.C., E.C., V.R.D.J., P.E., C.F., C.H., Z.K., J.D.K., C.N., G.B.R., J.R., C.R., L.S., T.S., C.S., D.T., L.W., C.W., B.X., J.R.B., J.T., J.L.P.), Epidemic Intelligence Service, Center for Surveillance, Epidemiology, and Laboratory Sciences (I.G.), the Office of the Director (P.B.) and the Office on Smoking and Health (B.A.K.), National Center for Chronic Disease Prevention and Health Promotion, the Office of the Director, National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (L.J.D.), the Office of Strategy and Innovation (C.M.J.) and the Division of Overdose Prevention (G.T.B.), National Center for Injury Prevention and Control, the Office of the Director, National Center for Immunization and Respiratory Diseases (A.P.), the Division of Birth Defects and Infant Disorders, National Center on Birth Defects and Developmental Disabilities (D.M.D.), the Division of Preparedness and Emerging Infections, National Center for Emerging and Zoonotic Infectious Diseases (D.R.), and the Office of the Director, National Center for Injury Prevention and Control (V.K.) - all at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Atlanta; the Comprehensive Cancer Center, Ohio State University and James Cancer Hospital (P.G.S.), and the Division of Environmental Health Science, College of Public Health (M.-A.S.), and Pulmonary and Critical Care Medicine, Department of Internal Medicine (C.R.S., M.D.W.), Ohio State University, Columbus; the Food and Drug Administration, Silver Spring, MD (D.T.H.); and the Illinois Department of Public Health, Chicago (I.G., J.L.).; Fernandez C; From the Division of Laboratory Sciences, National Center for Environmental Health (B.C.B., M.P.K., M.M.-E., L.V.-B., M.G., M.B., C.R.B., K.T.C., D.C., J.C., E.C., V.R.D.J., P.E., C.F., C.H., Z.K., J.D.K., C.N., G.B.R., J.R., C.R., L.S., T.S., C.S., D.T., L.W., C.W., B.X., J.R.B., J.T., J.L.P.), Epidemic Intelligence Service, Center for Surveillance, Epidemiology, and Laboratory Sciences (I.G.), the Office of the Director (P.B.) and the Office on Smoking and Health (B.A.K.), National Center for Chronic Disease Prevention and Health Promotion, the Office of the Director, National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (L.J.D.), the Office of Strategy and Innovation (C.M.J.) and the Division of Overdose Prevention (G.T.B.), National Center for Injury Prevention and Control, the Office of the Director, National Center for Immunization and Respiratory Diseases (A.P.), the Division of Birth Defects and Infant Disorders, National Center on Birth Defects and Developmental Disabilities (D.M.D.), the Division of Preparedness and Emerging Infections, National Center for Emerging and Zoonotic Infectious Diseases (D.R.), and the Office of the Director, National Center for Injury Prevention and Control (V.K.) - all at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Atlanta; the Comprehensive Cancer Center, Ohio State University and James Cancer Hospital (P.G.S.), and the Division of Environmental Health Science, College of Public Health (M.-A.S.), and Pulmonary and Critical Care Medicine, Department of Internal Medicine (C.R.S., M.D.W.), Ohio State University, Columbus; the Food and Drug Administration, Silver Spring, MD (D.T.H.); and the Illinois Department of Public Health, Chicago (I.G., J.L.).; Holder C; From the Division of Laboratory Sciences, National Center for Environmental Health (B.C.B., M.P.K., M.M.-E., L.V.-B., M.G., M.B., C.R.B., K.T.C., D.C., J.C., E.C., V.R.D.J., P.E., C.F., C.H., Z.K., J.D.K., C.N., G.B.R., J.R., C.R., L.S., T.S., C.S., D.T., L.W., C.W., B.X., J.R.B., J.T., J.L.P.), Epidemic Intelligence Service, Center for Surveillance, Epidemiology, and Laboratory Sciences (I.G.), the Office of the Director (P.B.) and the Office on Smoking and Health (B.A.K.), National Center for Chronic Disease Prevention and Health Promotion, the Office of the Director, National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (L.J.D.), the Office of Strategy and Innovation (C.M.J.) and the Division of Overdose Prevention (G.T.B.), National Center for Injury Prevention and Control, the Office of the Director, National Center for Immunization and Respiratory Diseases (A.P.), the Division of Birth Defects and Infant Disorders, National Center on Birth Defects and Developmental Disabilities (D.M.D.), the Division of Preparedness and Emerging Infections, National Center for Emerging and Zoonotic Infectious Diseases (D.R.), and the Office of the Director, National Center for Injury Prevention and Control (V.K.) - all at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Atlanta; the Comprehensive Cancer Center, Ohio State University and James Cancer Hospital (P.G.S.), and the Division of Environmental Health Science, College of Public Health (M.-A.S.), and Pulmonary and Critical Care Medicine, Department of Internal Medicine (C.R.S., M.D.W.), Ohio State University, Columbus; the Food and Drug Administration, Silver Spring, MD (D.T.H.); and the Illinois Department of Public Health, Chicago (I.G., J.L.).; Kuklenyik Z; From the Division of Laboratory Sciences, National Center for Environmental Health (B.C.B., M.P.K., M.M.-E., L.V.-B., M.G., M.B., C.R.B., K.T.C., D.C., J.C., E.C., V.R.D.J., P.E., C.F., C.H., Z.K., J.D.K., C.N., G.B.R., J.R., C.R., L.S., T.S., C.S., D.T., L.W., C.W., B.X., J.R.B., J.T., J.L.P.), Epidemic Intelligence Service, Center for Surveillance, Epidemiology, and Laboratory Sciences (I.G.), the Office of the Director (P.B.) and the Office on Smoking and Health (B.A.K.), National Center for Chronic Disease Prevention and Health Promotion, the Office of the Director, National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (L.J.D.), the Office of Strategy and Innovation (C.M.J.) and the Division of Overdose Prevention (G.T.B.), National Center for Injury Prevention and Control, the Office of the Director, National Center for Immunization and Respiratory Diseases (A.P.), the Division of Birth Defects and Infant Disorders, National Center on Birth Defects and Developmental Disabilities (D.M.D.), the Division of Preparedness and Emerging Infections, National Center for Emerging and Zoonotic Infectious Diseases (D.R.), and the Office of the Director, National Center for Injury Prevention and Control (V.K.) - all at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Atlanta; the Comprehensive Cancer Center, Ohio State University and James Cancer Hospital (P.G.S.), and the Division of Environmental Health Science, College of Public Health (M.-A.S.), and Pulmonary and Critical Care Medicine, Department of Internal Medicine (C.R.S., M.D.W.), Ohio State University, Columbus; the Food and Drug Administration, Silver Spring, MD (D.T.H.); and the Illinois Department of Public Health, Chicago (I.G., J.L.).; Kusovschi JD; From the Division of Laboratory Sciences, National Center for Environmental Health (B.C.B., M.P.K., M.M.-E., L.V.-B., M.G., M.B., C.R.B., K.T.C., D.C., J.C., E.C., V.R.D.J., P.E., C.F., C.H., Z.K., J.D.K., C.N., G.B.R., J.R., C.R., L.S., T.S., C.S., D.T., L.W., C.W., B.X., J.R.B., J.T., J.L.P.), Epidemic Intelligence Service, Center for Surveillance, Epidemiology, and Laboratory Sciences (I.G.), the Office of the Director (P.B.) and the Office on Smoking and Health (B.A.K.), National Center for Chronic Disease Prevention and Health Promotion, the Office of the Director, National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (L.J.D.), the Office of Strategy and Innovation (C.M.J.) and the Division of Overdose Prevention (G.T.B.), National Center for Injury Prevention and Control, the Office of the Director, National Center for Immunization and Respiratory Diseases (A.P.), the Division of Birth Defects and Infant Disorders, National Center on Birth Defects and Developmental Disabilities (D.M.D.), the Division of Preparedness and Emerging Infections, National Center for Emerging and Zoonotic Infectious Diseases (D.R.), and the Office of the Director, National Center for Injury Prevention and Control (V.K.) - all at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Atlanta; the Comprehensive Cancer Center, Ohio State University and James Cancer Hospital (P.G.S.), and the Division of Environmental Health Science, College of Public Health (M.-A.S.), and Pulmonary and Critical Care Medicine, Department of Internal Medicine (C.R.S., M.D.W.), Ohio State University, Columbus; the Food and Drug Administration, Silver Spring, MD (D.T.H.); and the Illinois Department of Public Health, Chicago (I.G., J.L.).; Newman C; From the Division of Laboratory Sciences, National Center for Environmental Health (B.C.B., M.P.K., M.M.-E., L.V.-B., M.G., M.B., C.R.B., K.T.C., D.C., J.C., E.C., V.R.D.J., P.E., C.F., C.H., Z.K., J.D.K., C.N., G.B.R., J.R., C.R., L.S., T.S., C.S., D.T., L.W., C.W., B.X., J.R.B., J.T., J.L.P.), Epidemic Intelligence Service, Center for Surveillance, Epidemiology, and Laboratory Sciences (I.G.), the Office of the Director (P.B.) and the Office on Smoking and Health (B.A.K.), National Center for Chronic Disease Prevention and Health Promotion, the Office of the Director, National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (L.J.D.), the Office of Strategy and Innovation (C.M.J.) and the Division of Overdose Prevention (G.T.B.), National Center for Injury Prevention and Control, the Office of the Director, National Center for Immunization and Respiratory Diseases (A.P.), the Division of Birth Defects and Infant Disorders, National Center on Birth Defects and Developmental Disabilities (D.M.D.), the Division of Preparedness and Emerging Infections, National Center for Emerging and Zoonotic Infectious Diseases (D.R.), and the Office of the Director, National Center for Injury Prevention and Control (V.K.) - all at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Atlanta; the Comprehensive Cancer Center, Ohio State University and James Cancer Hospital (P.G.S.), and the Division of Environmental Health Science, College of Public Health (M.-A.S.), and Pulmonary and Critical Care Medicine, Department of Internal Medicine (C.R.S., M.D.W.), Ohio State University, Columbus; the Food and Drug Administration, Silver Spring, MD (D.T.H.); and the Illinois Department of Public Health, Chicago (I.G., J.L.).; Reis GB; From the Division of Laboratory Sciences, National Center for Environmental Health (B.C.B., M.P.K., M.M.-E., L.V.-B., M.G., M.B., C.R.B., K.T.C., D.C., J.C., E.C., V.R.D.J., P.E., C.F., C.H., Z.K., J.D.K., C.N., G.B.R., J.R., C.R., L.S., T.S., C.S., D.T., L.W., C.W., B.X., J.R.B., J.T., J.L.P.), Epidemic Intelligence Service, Center for Surveillance, Epidemiology, and Laboratory Sciences (I.G.), the Office of the Director (P.B.) and the Office on Smoking and Health (B.A.K.), National Center for Chronic Disease Prevention and Health Promotion, the Office of the Director, National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (L.J.D.), the Office of Strategy and Innovation (C.M.J.) and the Division of Overdose Prevention (G.T.B.), National Center for Injury Prevention and Control, the Office of the Director, National Center for Immunization and Respiratory Diseases (A.P.), the Division of Birth Defects and Infant Disorders, National Center on Birth Defects and Developmental Disabilities (D.M.D.), the Division of Preparedness and Emerging Infections, National Center for Emerging and Zoonotic Infectious Diseases (D.R.), and the Office of the Director, National Center for Injury Prevention and Control (V.K.) - all at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Atlanta; the Comprehensive Cancer Center, Ohio State University and James Cancer Hospital (P.G.S.), and the Division of Environmental Health Science, College of Public Health (M.-A.S.), and Pulmonary and Critical Care Medicine, Department of Internal Medicine (C.R.S., M.D.W.), Ohio State University, Columbus; the Food and Drug Administration, Silver Spring, MD (D.T.H.); and the Illinois Department of Public Health, Chicago (I.G., J.L.).; Rees J; From the Division of Laboratory Sciences, National Center for Environmental Health (B.C.B., M.P.K., M.M.-E., L.V.-B., M.G., M.B., C.R.B., K.T.C., D.C., J.C., E.C., V.R.D.J., P.E., C.F., C.H., Z.K., J.D.K., C.N., G.B.R., J.R., C.R., L.S., T.S., C.S., D.T., L.W., C.W., B.X., J.R.B., J.T., J.L.P.), Epidemic Intelligence Service, Center for Surveillance, Epidemiology, and Laboratory Sciences (I.G.), the Office of the Director (P.B.) and the Office on Smoking and Health (B.A.K.), National Center for Chronic Disease Prevention and Health Promotion, the Office of the Director, National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (L.J.D.), the Office of Strategy and Innovation (C.M.J.) and the Division of Overdose Prevention (G.T.B.), National Center for Injury Prevention and Control, the Office of the Director, National Center for Immunization and Respiratory Diseases (A.P.), the Division of Birth Defects and Infant Disorders, National Center on Birth Defects and Developmental Disabilities (D.M.D.), the Division of Preparedness and Emerging Infections, National Center for Emerging and Zoonotic Infectious Diseases (D.R.), and the Office of the Director, National Center for Injury Prevention and Control (V.K.) - all at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Atlanta; the Comprehensive Cancer Center, Ohio State University and James Cancer Hospital (P.G.S.), and the Division of Environmental Health Science, College of Public Health (M.-A.S.), and Pulmonary and Critical Care Medicine, Department of Internal Medicine (C.R.S., M.D.W.), Ohio State University, Columbus; the Food and Drug Administration, Silver Spring, MD (D.T.H.); and the Illinois Department of Public Health, Chicago (I.G., J.L.).; Reese C; From the Division of Laboratory Sciences, National Center for Environmental Health (B.C.B., M.P.K., M.M.-E., L.V.-B., M.G., M.B., C.R.B., K.T.C., D.C., J.C., E.C., V.R.D.J., P.E., C.F., C.H., Z.K., J.D.K., C.N., G.B.R., J.R., C.R., L.S., T.S., C.S., D.T., L.W., C.W., B.X., J.R.B., J.T., J.L.P.), Epidemic Intelligence Service, Center for Surveillance, Epidemiology, and Laboratory Sciences (I.G.), the Office of the Director (P.B.) and the Office on Smoking and Health (B.A.K.), National Center for Chronic Disease Prevention and Health Promotion, the Office of the Director, National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (L.J.D.), the Office of Strategy and Innovation (C.M.J.) and the Division of Overdose Prevention (G.T.B.), National Center for Injury Prevention and Control, the Office of the Director, National Center for Immunization and Respiratory Diseases (A.P.), the Division of Birth Defects and Infant Disorders, National Center on Birth Defects and Developmental Disabilities (D.M.D.), the Division of Preparedness and Emerging Infections, National Center for Emerging and Zoonotic Infectious Diseases (D.R.), and the Office of the Director, National Center for Injury Prevention and Control (V.K.) - all at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Atlanta; the Comprehensive Cancer Center, Ohio State University and James Cancer Hospital (P.G.S.), and the Division of Environmental Health Science, College of Public Health (M.-A.S.), and Pulmonary and Critical Care Medicine, Department of Internal Medicine (C.R.S., M.D.W.), Ohio State University, Columbus; the Food and Drug Administration, Silver Spring, MD (D.T.H.); and the Illinois Department of Public Health, Chicago (I.G., J.L.).; Silva L; From the Division of Laboratory Sciences, National Center for Environmental Health (B.C.B., M.P.K., M.M.-E., L.V.-B., M.G., M.B., C.R.B., K.T.C., D.C., J.C., E.C., V.R.D.J., P.E., C.F., C.H., Z.K., J.D.K., C.N., G.B.R., J.R., C.R., L.S., T.S., C.S., D.T., L.W., C.W., B.X., J.R.B., J.T., J.L.P.), Epidemic Intelligence Service, Center for Surveillance, Epidemiology, and Laboratory Sciences (I.G.), the Office of the Director (P.B.) and the Office on Smoking and Health (B.A.K.), National Center for Chronic Disease Prevention and Health Promotion, the Office of the Director, National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (L.J.D.), the Office of Strategy and Innovation (C.M.J.) and the Division of Overdose Prevention (G.T.B.), National Center for Injury Prevention and Control, the Office of the Director, National Center for Immunization and Respiratory Diseases (A.P.), the Division of Birth Defects and Infant Disorders, National Center on Birth Defects and Developmental Disabilities (D.M.D.), the Division of Preparedness and Emerging Infections, National Center for Emerging and Zoonotic Infectious Diseases (D.R.), and the Office of the Director, National Center for Injury Prevention and Control (V.K.) - all at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Atlanta; the Comprehensive Cancer Center, Ohio State University and James Cancer Hospital (P.G.S.), and the Division of Environmental Health Science, College of Public Health (M.-A.S.), and Pulmonary and Critical Care Medicine, Department of Internal Medicine (C.R.S., M.D.W.), Ohio State University, Columbus; the Food and Drug Administration, Silver Spring, MD (D.T.H.); and the Illinois Department of Public Health, Chicago (I.G., J.L.).; Seyler T; From the Division of Laboratory Sciences, National Center for Environmental Health (B.C.B., M.P.K., M.M.-E., L.V.-B., M.G., M.B., C.R.B., K.T.C., D.C., J.C., E.C., V.R.D.J., P.E., C.F., C.H., Z.K., J.D.K., C.N., G.B.R., J.R., C.R., L.S., T.S., C.S., D.T., L.W., C.W., B.X., J.R.B., J.T., J.L.P.), Epidemic Intelligence Service, Center for Surveillance, Epidemiology, and Laboratory Sciences (I.G.), the Office of the Director (P.B.) and the Office on Smoking and Health (B.A.K.), National Center for Chronic Disease Prevention and Health Promotion, the Office of the Director, National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (L.J.D.), the Office of Strategy and Innovation (C.M.J.) and the Division of Overdose Prevention (G.T.B.), National Center for Injury Prevention and Control, the Office of the Director, National Center for Immunization and Respiratory Diseases (A.P.), the Division of Birth Defects and Infant Disorders, National Center on Birth Defects and Developmental Disabilities (D.M.D.), the Division of Preparedness and Emerging Infections, National Center for Emerging and Zoonotic Infectious Diseases (D.R.), and the Office of the Director, National Center for Injury Prevention and Control (V.K.) - all at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Atlanta; the Comprehensive Cancer Center, Ohio State University and James Cancer Hospital (P.G.S.), and the Division of Environmental Health Science, College of Public Health (M.-A.S.), and Pulmonary and Critical Care Medicine, Department of Internal Medicine (C.R.S., M.D.W.), Ohio State University, Columbus; the Food and Drug Administration, Silver Spring, MD (D.T.H.); and the Illinois Department of Public Health, Chicago (I.G., J.L.).; Song MA; From the Division of Laboratory Sciences, National Center for Environmental Health (B.C.B., M.P.K., M.M.-E., L.V.-B., M.G., M.B., C.R.B., K.T.C., D.C., J.C., E.C., V.R.D.J., P.E., C.F., C.H., Z.K., J.D.K., C.N., G.B.R., J.R., C.R., L.S., T.S., C.S., D.T., L.W., C.W., B.X., J.R.B., J.T., J.L.P.), Epidemic Intelligence Service, Center for Surveillance, Epidemiology, and Laboratory Sciences (I.G.), the Office of the Director (P.B.) and the Office on Smoking and Health (B.A.K.), National Center for Chronic Disease Prevention and Health Promotion, the Office of the Director, National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (L.J.D.), the Office of Strategy and Innovation (C.M.J.) and the Division of Overdose Prevention (G.T.B.), National Center for Injury Prevention and Control, the Office of the Director, National Center for Immunization and Respiratory Diseases (A.P.), the Division of Birth Defects and Infant Disorders, National Center on Birth Defects and Developmental Disabilities (D.M.D.), the Division of Preparedness and Emerging Infections, National Center for Emerging and Zoonotic Infectious Diseases (D.R.), and the Office of the Director, National Center for Injury Prevention and Control (V.K.) - all at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Atlanta; the Comprehensive Cancer Center, Ohio State University and James Cancer Hospital (P.G.S.), and the Division of Environmental Health Science, College of Public Health (M.-A.S.), and Pulmonary and Critical Care Medicine, Department of Internal Medicine (C.R.S., M.D.W.), Ohio State University, Columbus; the Food and Drug Administration, Silver Spring, MD (D.T.H.); and the Illinois Department of Public Health, Chicago (I.G., J.L.).; Sosnoff C; From the Division of Laboratory Sciences, National Center for Environmental Health (B.C.B., M.P.K., M.M.-E., L.V.-B., M.G., M.B., C.R.B., K.T.C., D.C., J.C., E.C., V.R.D.J., P.E., C.F., C.H., Z.K., J.D.K., C.N., G.B.R., J.R., C.R., L.S., T.S., C.S., D.T., L.W., C.W., B.X., J.R.B., J.T., J.L.P.), Epidemic Intelligence Service, Center for Surveillance, Epidemiology, and Laboratory Sciences (I.G.), the Office of the Director (P.B.) and the Office on Smoking and Health (B.A.K.), National Center for Chronic Disease Prevention and Health Promotion, the Office of the Director, National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (L.J.D.), the Office of Strategy and Innovation (C.M.J.) and the Division of Overdose Prevention (G.T.B.), National Center for Injury Prevention and Control, the Office of the Director, National Center for Immunization and Respiratory Diseases (A.P.), the Division of Birth Defects and Infant Disorders, National Center on Birth Defects and Developmental Disabilities (D.M.D.), the Division of Preparedness and Emerging Infections, National Center for Emerging and Zoonotic Infectious Diseases (D.R.), and the Office of the Director, National Center for Injury Prevention and Control (V.K.) - all at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Atlanta; the Comprehensive Cancer Center, Ohio State University and James Cancer Hospital (P.G.S.), and the Division of Environmental Health Science, College of Public Health (M.-A.S.), and Pulmonary and Critical Care Medicine, Department of Internal Medicine (C.R.S., M.D.W.), Ohio State University, Columbus; the Food and Drug Administration, Silver Spring, MD (D.T.H.); and the Illinois Department of Public Health, Chicago (I.G., J.L.).; Spitzer CR; From the Division of Laboratory Sciences, National Center for Environmental Health (B.C.B., M.P.K., M.M.-E., L.V.-B., M.G., M.B., C.R.B., K.T.C., D.C., J.C., E.C., V.R.D.J., P.E., C.F., C.H., Z.K., J.D.K., C.N., G.B.R., J.R., C.R., L.S., T.S., C.S., D.T., L.W., C.W., B.X., J.R.B., J.T., J.L.P.), Epidemic Intelligence Service, Center for Surveillance, Epidemiology, and Laboratory Sciences (I.G.), the Office of the Director (P.B.) and the Office on Smoking and Health (B.A.K.), National Center for Chronic Disease Prevention and Health Promotion, the Office of the Director, National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (L.J.D.), the Office of Strategy and Innovation (C.M.J.) and the Division of Overdose Prevention (G.T.B.), National Center for Injury Prevention and Control, the Office of the Director, National Center for Immunization and Respiratory Diseases (A.P.), the Division of Birth Defects and Infant Disorders, National Center on Birth Defects and Developmental Disabilities (D.M.D.), the Division of Preparedness and Emerging Infections, National Center for Emerging and Zoonotic Infectious Diseases (D.R.), and the Office of the Director, National Center for Injury Prevention and Control (V.K.) - all at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Atlanta; the Comprehensive Cancer Center, Ohio State University and James Cancer Hospital (P.G.S.), and the Division of Environmental Health Science, College of Public Health (M.-A.S.), and Pulmonary and Critical Care Medicine, Department of Internal Medicine (C.R.S., M.D.W.), Ohio State University, Columbus; the Food and Drug Administration, Silver Spring, MD (D.T.H.); and the Illinois Department of Public Health, Chicago (I.G., J.L.).; Tevis D; From the Division of Laboratory Sciences, National Center for Environmental Health (B.C.B., M.P.K., M.M.-E., L.V.-B., M.G., M.B., C.R.B., K.T.C., D.C., J.C., E.C., V.R.D.J., P.E., C.F., C.H., Z.K., J.D.K., C.N., G.B.R., J.R., C.R., L.S., T.S., C.S., D.T., L.W., C.W., B.X., J.R.B., J.T., J.L.P.), Epidemic Intelligence Service, Center for Surveillance, Epidemiology, and Laboratory Sciences (I.G.), the Office of the Director (P.B.) and the Office on Smoking and Health (B.A.K.), National Center for Chronic Disease Prevention and Health Promotion, the Office of the Director, National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (L.J.D.), the Office of Strategy and Innovation (C.M.J.) and the Division of Overdose Prevention (G.T.B.), National Center for Injury Prevention and Control, the Office of the Director, National Center for Immunization and Respiratory Diseases (A.P.), the Division of Birth Defects and Infant Disorders, National Center on Birth Defects and Developmental Disabilities (D.M.D.), the Division of Preparedness and Emerging Infections, National Center for Emerging and Zoonotic Infectious Diseases (D.R.), and the Office of the Director, National Center for Injury Prevention and Control (V.K.) - all at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Atlanta; the Comprehensive Cancer Center, Ohio State University and James Cancer Hospital (P.G.S.), and the Division of Environmental Health Science, College of Public Health (M.-A.S.), and Pulmonary and Critical Care Medicine, Department of Internal Medicine (C.R.S., M.D.W.), Ohio State University, Columbus; the Food and Drug Administration, Silver Spring, MD (D.T.H.); and the Illinois Department of Public Health, Chicago (I.G., J.L.).; Wang L; From the Division of Laboratory Sciences, National Center for Environmental Health (B.C.B., M.P.K., M.M.-E., L.V.-B., M.G., M.B., C.R.B., K.T.C., D.C., J.C., E.C., V.R.D.J., P.E., C.F., C.H., Z.K., J.D.K., C.N., G.B.R., J.R., C.R., L.S., T.S., C.S., D.T., L.W., C.W., B.X., J.R.B., J.T., J.L.P.), Epidemic Intelligence Service, Center for Surveillance, Epidemiology, and Laboratory Sciences (I.G.), the Office of the Director (P.B.) and the Office on Smoking and Health (B.A.K.), National Center for Chronic Disease Prevention and Health Promotion, the Office of the Director, National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (L.J.D.), the Office of Strategy and Innovation (C.M.J.) and the Division of Overdose Prevention (G.T.B.), National Center for Injury Prevention and Control, the Office of the Director, National Center for Immunization and Respiratory Diseases (A.P.), the Division of Birth Defects and Infant Disorders, National Center on Birth Defects and Developmental Disabilities (D.M.D.), the Division of Preparedness and Emerging Infections, National Center for Emerging and Zoonotic Infectious Diseases (D.R.), and the Office of the Director, National Center for Injury Prevention and Control (V.K.) - all at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Atlanta; the Comprehensive Cancer Center, Ohio State University and James Cancer Hospital (P.G.S.), and the Division of Environmental Health Science, College of Public Health (M.-A.S.), and Pulmonary and Critical Care Medicine, Department of Internal Medicine (C.R.S., M.D.W.), Ohio State University, Columbus; the Food and Drug Administration, Silver Spring, MD (D.T.H.); and the Illinois Department of Public Health, Chicago (I.G., J.L.).; Watson C; From the Division of Laboratory Sciences, National Center for Environmental Health (B.C.B., M.P.K., M.M.-E., L.V.-B., M.G., M.B., C.R.B., K.T.C., D.C., J.C., E.C., V.R.D.J., P.E., C.F., C.H., Z.K., J.D.K., C.N., G.B.R., J.R., C.R., L.S., T.S., C.S., D.T., L.W., C.W., B.X., J.R.B., J.T., J.L.P.), Epidemic Intelligence Service, Center for Surveillance, Epidemiology, and Laboratory Sciences (I.G.), the Office of the Director (P.B.) and the Office on Smoking and Health (B.A.K.), National Center for Chronic Disease Prevention and Health Promotion, the Office of the Director, National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (L.J.D.), the Office of Strategy and Innovation (C.M.J.) and the Division of Overdose Prevention (G.T.B.), National Center for Injury Prevention and Control, the Office of the Director, National Center for Immunization and Respiratory Diseases (A.P.), the Division of Birth Defects and Infant Disorders, National Center on Birth Defects and Developmental Disabilities (D.M.D.), the Division of Preparedness and Emerging Infections, National Center for Emerging and Zoonotic Infectious Diseases (D.R.), and the Office of the Director, National Center for Injury Prevention and Control (V.K.) - all at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Atlanta; the Comprehensive Cancer Center, Ohio State University and James Cancer Hospital (P.G.S.), and the Division of Environmental Health Science, College of Public Health (M.-A.S.), and Pulmonary and Critical Care Medicine, Department of Internal Medicine (C.R.S., M.D.W.), Ohio State University, Columbus; the Food and Drug Administration, Silver Spring, MD (D.T.H.); and the Illinois Department of Public Health, Chicago (I.G., J.L.).; Wewers MD; From the Division of Laboratory Sciences, National Center for Environmental Health (B.C.B., M.P.K., M.M.-E., L.V.-B., M.G., M.B., C.R.B., K.T.C., D.C., J.C., E.C., V.R.D.J., P.E., C.F., C.H., Z.K., J.D.K., C.N., G.B.R., J.R., C.R., L.S., T.S., C.S., D.T., L.W., C.W., B.X., J.R.B., J.T., J.L.P.), Epidemic Intelligence Service, Center for Surveillance, Epidemiology, and Laboratory Sciences (I.G.), the Office of the Director (P.B.) and the Office on Smoking and Health (B.A.K.), National Center for Chronic Disease Prevention and Health Promotion, the Office of the Director, National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (L.J.D.), the Office of Strategy and Innovation (C.M.J.) and the Division of Overdose Prevention (G.T.B.), National Center for Injury Prevention and Control, the Office of the Director, National Center for Immunization and Respiratory Diseases (A.P.), the Division of Birth Defects and Infant Disorders, National Center on Birth Defects and Developmental Disabilities (D.M.D.), the Division of Preparedness and Emerging Infections, National Center for Emerging and Zoonotic Infectious Diseases (D.R.), and the Office of the Director, National Center for Injury Prevention and Control (V.K.) - all at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Atlanta; the Comprehensive Cancer Center, Ohio State University and James Cancer Hospital (P.G.S.), and the Division of Environmental Health Science, College of Public Health (M.-A.S.), and Pulmonary and Critical Care Medicine, Department of Internal Medicine (C.R.S., M.D.W.), Ohio State University, Columbus; the Food and Drug Administration, Silver Spring, MD (D.T.H.); and the Illinois Department of Public Health, Chicago (I.G., J.L.).; Xia B; From the Division of Laboratory Sciences, National Center for Environmental Health (B.C.B., M.P.K., M.M.-E., L.V.-B., M.G., M.B., C.R.B., K.T.C., D.C., J.C., E.C., V.R.D.J., P.E., C.F., C.H., Z.K., J.D.K., C.N., G.B.R., J.R., C.R., L.S., T.S., C.S., D.T., L.W., C.W., B.X., J.R.B., J.T., J.L.P.), Epidemic Intelligence Service, Center for Surveillance, Epidemiology, and Laboratory Sciences (I.G.), the Office of the Director (P.B.) and the Office on Smoking and Health (B.A.K.), National Center for Chronic Disease Prevention and Health Promotion, the Office of the Director, National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (L.J.D.), the Office of Strategy and Innovation (C.M.J.) and the Division of Overdose Prevention (G.T.B.), National Center for Injury Prevention and Control, the Office of the Director, National Center for Immunization and Respiratory Diseases (A.P.), the Division of Birth Defects and Infant Disorders, National Center on Birth Defects and Developmental Disabilities (D.M.D.), the Division of Preparedness and Emerging Infections, National Center for Emerging and Zoonotic Infectious Diseases (D.R.), and the Office of the Director, National Center for Injury Prevention and Control (V.K.) - all at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Atlanta; the Comprehensive Cancer Center, Ohio State University and James Cancer Hospital (P.G.S.), and the Division of Environmental Health Science, College of Public Health (M.-A.S.), and Pulmonary and Critical Care Medicine, Department of Internal Medicine (C.R.S., M.D.W.), Ohio State University, Columbus; the Food and Drug Administration, Silver Spring, MD (D.T.H.); and the Illinois Department of Public Health, Chicago (I.G., J.L.).; Heitkemper DT; From the Division of Laboratory Sciences, National Center for Environmental Health (B.C.B., M.P.K., M.M.-E., L.V.-B., M.G., M.B., C.R.B., K.T.C., D.C., J.C., E.C., V.R.D.J., P.E., C.F., C.H., Z.K., J.D.K., C.N., G.B.R., J.R., C.R., L.S., T.S., C.S., D.T., L.W., C.W., B.X., J.R.B., J.T., J.L.P.), Epidemic Intelligence Service, Center for Surveillance, Epidemiology, and Laboratory Sciences (I.G.), the Office of the Director (P.B.) and the Office on Smoking and Health (B.A.K.), National Center for Chronic Disease Prevention and Health Promotion, the Office of the Director, National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (L.J.D.), the Office of Strategy and Innovation (C.M.J.) and the Division of Overdose Prevention (G.T.B.), National Center for Injury Prevention and Control, the Office of the Director, National Center for Immunization and Respiratory Diseases (A.P.), the Division of Birth Defects and Infant Disorders, National Center on Birth Defects and Developmental Disabilities (D.M.D.), the Division of Preparedness and Emerging Infections, National Center for Emerging and Zoonotic Infectious Diseases (D.R.), and the Office of the Director, National Center for Injury Prevention and Control (V.K.) - all at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Atlanta; the Comprehensive Cancer Center, Ohio State University and James Cancer Hospital (P.G.S.), and the Division of Environmental Health Science, College of Public Health (M.-A.S.), and Pulmonary and Critical Care Medicine, Department of Internal Medicine (C.R.S., M.D.W.), Ohio State University, Columbus; the Food and Drug Administration, Silver Spring, MD (D.T.H.); and the Illinois Department of Public Health, Chicago (I.G., J.L.).; Ghinai I; From the Division of Laboratory Sciences, National Center for Environmental Health (B.C.B., M.P.K., M.M.-E., L.V.-B., M.G., M.B., C.R.B., K.T.C., D.C., J.C., E.C., V.R.D.J., P.E., C.F., C.H., Z.K., J.D.K., C.N., G.B.R., J.R., C.R., L.S., T.S., C.S., D.T., L.W., C.W., B.X., J.R.B., J.T., J.L.P.), Epidemic Intelligence Service, Center for Surveillance, Epidemiology, and Laboratory Sciences (I.G.), the Office of the Director (P.B.) and the Office on Smoking and Health (B.A.K.), National Center for Chronic Disease Prevention and Health Promotion, the Office of the Director, National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (L.J.D.), the Office of Strategy and Innovation (C.M.J.) and the Division of Overdose Prevention (G.T.B.), National Center for Injury Prevention and Control, the Office of the Director, National Center for Immunization and Respiratory Diseases (A.P.), the Division of Birth Defects and Infant Disorders, National Center on Birth Defects and Developmental Disabilities (D.M.D.), the Division of Preparedness and Emerging Infections, National Center for Emerging and Zoonotic Infectious Diseases (D.R.), and the Office of the Director, National Center for Injury Prevention and Control (V.K.) - all at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Atlanta; the Comprehensive Cancer Center, Ohio State University and James Cancer Hospital (P.G.S.), and the Division of Environmental Health Science, College of Public Health (M.-A.S.), and Pulmonary and Critical Care Medicine, Department of Internal Medicine (C.R.S., M.D.W.), Ohio State University, Columbus; the Food and Drug Administration, Silver Spring, MD (D.T.H.); and the Illinois Department of Public Health, Chicago (I.G., J.L.).; Layden J; From the Division of Laboratory Sciences, National Center for Environmental Health (B.C.B., M.P.K., M.M.-E., L.V.-B., M.G., M.B., C.R.B., K.T.C., D.C., J.C., E.C., V.R.D.J., P.E., C.F., C.H., Z.K., J.D.K., C.N., G.B.R., J.R., C.R., L.S., T.S., C.S., D.T., L.W., C.W., B.X., J.R.B., J.T., J.L.P.), Epidemic Intelligence Service, Center for Surveillance, Epidemiology, and Laboratory Sciences (I.G.), the Office of the Director (P.B.) and the Office on Smoking and Health (B.A.K.), National Center for Chronic Disease Prevention and Health Promotion, the Office of the Director, National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (L.J.D.), the Office of Strategy and Innovation (C.M.J.) and the Division of Overdose Prevention (G.T.B.), National Center for Injury Prevention and Control, the Office of the Director, National Center for Immunization and Respiratory Diseases (A.P.), the Division of Birth Defects and Infant Disorders, National Center on Birth Defects and Developmental Disabilities (D.M.D.), the Division of Preparedness and Emerging Infections, National Center for Emerging and Zoonotic Infectious Diseases (D.R.), and the Office of the Director, National Center for Injury Prevention and Control (V.K.) - all at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Atlanta; the Comprehensive Cancer Center, Ohio State University and James Cancer Hospital (P.G.S.), and the Division of Environmental Health Science, College of Public Health (M.-A.S.), and Pulmonary and Critical Care Medicine, Department of Internal Medicine (C.R.S., M.D.W.), Ohio State University, Columbus; the Food and Drug Administration, Silver Spring, MD (D.T.H.); and the Illinois Department of Public Health, Chicago (I.G., J.L.).; Briss P; From the Division of Laboratory Sciences, National Center for Environmental Health (B.C.B., M.P.K., M.M.-E., L.V.-B., M.G., M.B., C.R.B., K.T.C., D.C., J.C., E.C., V.R.D.J., P.E., C.F., C.H., Z.K., J.D.K., C.N., G.B.R., J.R., C.R., L.S., T.S., C.S., D.T., L.W., C.W., B.X., J.R.B., J.T., J.L.P.), Epidemic Intelligence Service, Center for Surveillance, Epidemiology, and Laboratory Sciences (I.G.), the Office of the Director (P.B.) and the Office on Smoking and Health (B.A.K.), National Center for Chronic Disease Prevention and Health Promotion, the Office of the Director, National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (L.J.D.), the Office of Strategy and Innovation (C.M.J.) and the Division of Overdose Prevention (G.T.B.), National Center for Injury Prevention and Control, the Office of the Director, National Center for Immunization and Respiratory Diseases (A.P.), the Division of Birth Defects and Infant Disorders, National Center on Birth Defects and Developmental Disabilities (D.M.D.), the Division of Preparedness and Emerging Infections, National Center for Emerging and Zoonotic Infectious Diseases (D.R.), and the Office of the Director, National Center for Injury Prevention and Control (V.K.) - all at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Atlanta; the Comprehensive Cancer Center, Ohio State University and James Cancer Hospital (P.G.S.), and the Division of Environmental Health Science, College of Public Health (M.-A.S.), and Pulmonary and Critical Care Medicine, Department of Internal Medicine (C.R.S., M.D.W.), Ohio State University, Columbus; the Food and Drug Administration, Silver Spring, MD (D.T.H.); and the Illinois Department of Public Health, Chicago (I.G., J.L.).; King BA; From the Division of Laboratory Sciences, National Center for Environmental Health (B.C.B., M.P.K., M.M.-E., L.V.-B., M.G., M.B., C.R.B., K.T.C., D.C., J.C., E.C., V.R.D.J., P.E., C.F., C.H., Z.K., J.D.K., C.N., G.B.R., J.R., C.R., L.S., T.S., C.S., D.T., L.W., C.W., B.X., J.R.B., J.T., J.L.P.), Epidemic Intelligence Service, Center for Surveillance, Epidemiology, and Laboratory Sciences (I.G.), the Office of the Director (P.B.) and the Office on Smoking and Health (B.A.K.), National Center for Chronic Disease Prevention and Health Promotion, the Office of the Director, National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (L.J.D.), the Office of Strategy and Innovation (C.M.J.) and the Division of Overdose Prevention (G.T.B.), National Center for Injury Prevention and Control, the Office of the Director, National Center for Immunization and Respiratory Diseases (A.P.), the Division of Birth Defects and Infant Disorders, National Center on Birth Defects and Developmental Disabilities (D.M.D.), the Division of Preparedness and Emerging Infections, National Center for Emerging and Zoonotic Infectious Diseases (D.R.), and the Office of the Director, National Center for Injury Prevention and Control (V.K.) - all at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Atlanta; the Comprehensive Cancer Center, Ohio State University and James Cancer Hospital (P.G.S.), and the Division of Environmental Health Science, College of Public Health (M.-A.S.), and Pulmonary and Critical Care Medicine, Department of Internal Medicine (C.R.S., M.D.W.), Ohio State University, Columbus; the Food and Drug Administration, Silver Spring, MD (D.T.H.); and the Illinois Department of Public Health, Chicago (I.G., J.L.).; Delaney LJ; From the Division of Laboratory Sciences, National Center for Environmental Health (B.C.B., M.P.K., M.M.-E., L.V.-B., M.G., M.B., C.R.B., K.T.C., D.C., J.C., E.C., V.R.D.J., P.E., C.F., C.H., Z.K., J.D.K., C.N., G.B.R., J.R., C.R., L.S., T.S., C.S., D.T., L.W., C.W., B.X., J.R.B., J.T., J.L.P.), Epidemic Intelligence Service, Center for Surveillance, Epidemiology, and Laboratory Sciences (I.G.), the Office of the Director (P.B.) and the Office on Smoking and Health (B.A.K.), National Center for Chronic Disease Prevention and Health Promotion, the Office of the Director, National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (L.J.D.), the Office of Strategy and Innovation (C.M.J.) and the Division of Overdose Prevention (G.T.B.), National Center for Injury Prevention and Control, the Office of the Director, National Center for Immunization and Respiratory Diseases (A.P.), the Division of Birth Defects and Infant Disorders, National Center on Birth Defects and Developmental Disabilities (D.M.D.), the Division of Preparedness and Emerging Infections, National Center for Emerging and Zoonotic Infectious Diseases (D.R.), and the Office of the Director, National Center for Injury Prevention and Control (V.K.) - all at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Atlanta; the Comprehensive Cancer Center, Ohio State University and James Cancer Hospital (P.G.S.), and the Division of Environmental Health Science, College of Public Health (M.-A.S.), and Pulmonary and Critical Care Medicine, Department of Internal Medicine (C.R.S., M.D.W.), Ohio State University, Columbus; the Food and Drug Administration, Silver Spring, MD (D.T.H.); and the Illinois Department of Public Health, Chicago (I.G., J.L.).; Jones CM; From the Division of Laboratory Sciences, National Center for Environmental Health (B.C.B., M.P.K., M.M.-E., L.V.-B., M.G., M.B., C.R.B., K.T.C., D.C., J.C., E.C., V.R.D.J., P.E., C.F., C.H., Z.K., J.D.K., C.N., G.B.R., J.R., C.R., L.S., T.S., C.S., D.T., L.W., C.W., B.X., J.R.B., J.T., J.L.P.), Epidemic Intelligence Service, Center for Surveillance, Epidemiology, and Laboratory Sciences (I.G.), the Office of the Director (P.B.) and the Office on Smoking and Health (B.A.K.), National Center for Chronic Disease Prevention and Health Promotion, the Office of the Director, National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (L.J.D.), the Office of Strategy and Innovation (C.M.J.) and the Division of Overdose Prevention (G.T.B.), National Center for Injury Prevention and Control, the Office of the Director, National Center for Immunization and Respiratory Diseases (A.P.), the Division of Birth Defects and Infant Disorders, National Center on Birth Defects and Developmental Disabilities (D.M.D.), the Division of Preparedness and Emerging Infections, National Center for Emerging and Zoonotic Infectious Diseases (D.R.), and the Office of the Director, National Center for Injury Prevention and Control (V.K.) - all at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Atlanta; the Comprehensive Cancer Center, Ohio State University and James Cancer Hospital (P.G.S.), and the Division of Environmental Health Science, College of Public Health (M.-A.S.), and Pulmonary and Critical Care Medicine, Department of Internal Medicine (C.R.S., M.D.W.), Ohio State University, Columbus; the Food and Drug Administration, Silver Spring, MD (D.T.H.); and the Illinois Department of Public Health, Chicago (I.G., J.L.).; Baldwin GT; From the Division of Laboratory Sciences, National Center for Environmental Health (B.C.B., M.P.K., M.M.-E., L.V.-B., M.G., M.B., C.R.B., K.T.C., D.C., J.C., E.C., V.R.D.J., P.E., C.F., C.H., Z.K., J.D.K., C.N., G.B.R., J.R., C.R., L.S., T.S., C.S., D.T., L.W., C.W., B.X., J.R.B., J.T., J.L.P.), Epidemic Intelligence Service, Center for Surveillance, Epidemiology, and Laboratory Sciences (I.G.), the Office of the Director (P.B.) and the Office on Smoking and Health (B.A.K.), National Center for Chronic Disease Prevention and Health Promotion, the Office of the Director, National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (L.J.D.), the Office of Strategy and Innovation (C.M.J.) and the Division of Overdose Prevention (G.T.B.), National Center for Injury Prevention and Control, the Office of the Director, National Center for Immunization and Respiratory Diseases (A.P.), the Division of Birth Defects and Infant Disorders, National Center on Birth Defects and Developmental Disabilities (D.M.D.), the Division of Preparedness and Emerging Infections, National Center for Emerging and Zoonotic Infectious Diseases (D.R.), and the Office of the Director, National Center for Injury Prevention and Control (V.K.) - all at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Atlanta; the Comprehensive Cancer Center, Ohio State University and James Cancer Hospital (P.G.S.), and the Division of Environmental Health Science, College of Public Health (M.-A.S.), and Pulmonary and Critical Care Medicine, Department of Internal Medicine (C.R.S., M.D.W.), Ohio State University, Columbus; the Food and Drug Administration, Silver Spring, MD (D.T.H.); and the Illinois Department of Public Health, Chicago (I.G., J.L.).; Patel A; From the Division of Laboratory Sciences, National Center for Environmental Health (B.C.B., M.P.K., M.M.-E., L.V.-B., M.G., M.B., C.R.B., K.T.C., D.C., J.C., E.C., V.R.D.J., P.E., C.F., C.H., Z.K., J.D.K., C.N., G.B.R., J.R., C.R., L.S., T.S., C.S., D.T., L.W., C.W., B.X., J.R.B., J.T., J.L.P.), Epidemic Intelligence Service, Center for Surveillance, Epidemiology, and Laboratory Sciences (I.G.), the Office of the Director (P.B.) and the Office on Smoking and Health (B.A.K.), National Center for Chronic Disease Prevention and Health Promotion, the Office of the Director, National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (L.J.D.), the Office of Strategy and Innovation (C.M.J.) and the Division of Overdose Prevention (G.T.B.), National Center for Injury Prevention and Control, the Office of the Director, National Center for Immunization and Respiratory Diseases (A.P.), the Division of Birth Defects and Infant Disorders, National Center on Birth Defects and Developmental Disabilities (D.M.D.), the Division of Preparedness and Emerging Infections, National Center for Emerging and Zoonotic Infectious Diseases (D.R.), and the Office of the Director, National Center for Injury Prevention and Control (V.K.) - all at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Atlanta; the Comprehensive Cancer Center, Ohio State University and James Cancer Hospital (P.G.S.), and the Division of Environmental Health Science, College of Public Health (M.-A.S.), and Pulmonary and Critical Care Medicine, Department of Internal Medicine (C.R.S., M.D.W.), Ohio State University, Columbus; the Food and Drug Administration, Silver Spring, MD (D.T.H.); and the Illinois Department of Public Health, Chicago (I.G., J.L.).; Meaney-Delman D; From the Division of Laboratory Sciences, National Center for Environmental Health (B.C.B., M.P.K., M.M.-E., L.V.-B., M.G., M.B., C.R.B., K.T.C., D.C., J.C., E.C., V.R.D.J., P.E., C.F., C.H., Z.K., J.D.K., C.N., G.B.R., J.R., C.R., L.S., T.S., C.S., D.T., L.W., C.W., B.X., J.R.B., J.T., J.L.P.), Epidemic Intelligence Service, Center for Surveillance, Epidemiology, and Laboratory Sciences (I.G.), the Office of the Director (P.B.) and the Office on Smoking and Health (B.A.K.), National Center for Chronic Disease Prevention and Health Promotion, the Office of the Director, National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (L.J.D.), the Office of Strategy and Innovation (C.M.J.) and the Division of Overdose Prevention (G.T.B.), National Center for Injury Prevention and Control, the Office of the Director, National Center for Immunization and Respiratory Diseases (A.P.), the Division of Birth Defects and Infant Disorders, National Center on Birth Defects and Developmental Disabilities (D.M.D.), the Division of Preparedness and Emerging Infections, National Center for Emerging and Zoonotic Infectious Diseases (D.R.), and the Office of the Director, National Center for Injury Prevention and Control (V.K.) - all at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Atlanta; the Comprehensive Cancer Center, Ohio State University and James Cancer Hospital (P.G.S.), and the Division of Environmental Health Science, College of Public Health (M.-A.S.), and Pulmonary and Critical Care Medicine, Department of Internal Medicine (C.R.S., M.D.W.), Ohio State University, Columbus; the Food and Drug Administration, Silver Spring, MD (D.T.H.); and the Illinois Department of Public Health, Chicago (I.G., J.L.).; Rose D; From the Division of Laboratory Sciences, National Center for Environmental Health (B.C.B., M.P.K., M.M.-E., L.V.-B., M.G., M.B., C.R.B., K.T.C., D.C., J.C., E.C., V.R.D.J., P.E., C.F., C.H., Z.K., J.D.K., C.N., G.B.R., J.R., C.R., L.S., T.S., C.S., D.T., L.W., C.W., B.X., J.R.B., J.T., J.L.P.), Epidemic Intelligence Service, Center for Surveillance, Epidemiology, and Laboratory Sciences (I.G.), the Office of the Director (P.B.) and the Office on Smoking and Health (B.A.K.), National Center for Chronic Disease Prevention and Health Promotion, the Office of the Director, National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (L.J.D.), the Office of Strategy and Innovation (C.M.J.) and the Division of Overdose Prevention (G.T.B.), National Center for Injury Prevention and Control, the Office of the Director, National Center for Immunization and Respiratory Diseases (A.P.), the Division of Birth Defects and Infant Disorders, National Center on Birth Defects and Developmental Disabilities (D.M.D.), the Division of Preparedness and Emerging Infections, National Center for Emerging and Zoonotic Infectious Diseases (D.R.), and the Office of the Director, National Center for Injury Prevention and Control (V.K.) - all at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Atlanta; the Comprehensive Cancer Center, Ohio State University and James Cancer Hospital (P.G.S.), and the Division of Environmental Health Science, College of Public Health (M.-A.S.), and Pulmonary and Critical Care Medicine, Department of Internal Medicine (C.R.S., M.D.W.), Ohio State University, Columbus; the Food and Drug Administration, Silver Spring, MD (D.T.H.); and the Illinois Department of Public Health, Chicago (I.G., J.L.).; Krishnasamy V; From the Division of Laboratory Sciences, National Center for Environmental Health (B.C.B., M.P.K., M.M.-E., L.V.-B., M.G., M.B., C.R.B., K.T.C., D.C., J.C., E.C., V.R.D.J., P.E., C.F., C.H., Z.K., J.D.K., C.N., G.B.R., J.R., C.R., L.S., T.S., C.S., D.T., L.W., C.W., B.X., J.R.B., J.T., J.L.P.), Epidemic Intelligence Service, Center for Surveillance, Epidemiology, and Laboratory Sciences (I.G.), the Office of the Director (P.B.) and the Office on Smoking and Health (B.A.K.), National Center for Chronic Disease Prevention and Health Promotion, the Office of the Director, National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (L.J.D.), the Office of Strategy and Innovation (C.M.J.) and the Division of Overdose Prevention (G.T.B.), National Center for Injury Prevention and Control, the Office of the Director, National Center for Immunization and Respiratory Diseases (A.P.), the Division of Birth Defects and Infant Disorders, National Center on Birth Defects and Developmental Disabilities (D.M.D.), the Division of Preparedness and Emerging Infections, National Center for Emerging and Zoonotic Infectious Diseases (D.R.), and the Office of the Director, National Center for Injury Prevention and Control (V.K.) - all at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Atlanta; the Comprehensive Cancer Center, Ohio State University and James Cancer Hospital (P.G.S.), and the Division of Environmental Health Science, College of Public Health (M.-A.S.), and Pulmonary and Critical Care Medicine, Department of Internal Medicine (C.R.S., M.D.W.), Ohio State University, Columbus; the Food and Drug Administration, Silver Spring, MD (D.T.H.); and the Illinois Department of Public Health, Chicago (I.G., J.L.).; Barr JR; From the Division of Laboratory Sciences, National Center for Environmental Health (B.C.B., M.P.K., M.M.-E., L.V.-B., M.G., M.B., C.R.B., K.T.C., D.C., J.C., E.C., V.R.D.J., P.E., C.F., C.H., Z.K., J.D.K., C.N., G.B.R., J.R., C.R., L.S., T.S., C.S., D.T., L.W., C.W., B.X., J.R.B., J.T., J.L.P.), Epidemic Intelligence Service, Center for Surveillance, Epidemiology, and Laboratory Sciences (I.G.), the Office of the Director (P.B.) and the Office on Smoking and Health (B.A.K.), National Center for Chronic Disease Prevention and Health Promotion, the Office of the Director, National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (L.J.D.), the Office of Strategy and Innovation (C.M.J.) and the Division of Overdose Prevention (G.T.B.), National Center for Injury Prevention and Control, the Office of the Director, National Center for Immunization and Respiratory Diseases (A.P.), the Division of Birth Defects and Infant Disorders, National Center on Birth Defects and Developmental Disabilities (D.M.D.), the Division of Preparedness and Emerging Infections, National Center for Emerging and Zoonotic Infectious Diseases (D.R.), and the Office of the Director, National Center for Injury Prevention and Control (V.K.) - all at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Atlanta; the Comprehensive Cancer Center, Ohio State University and James Cancer Hospital (P.G.S.), and the Division of Environmental Health Science, College of Public Health (M.-A.S.), and Pulmonary and Critical Care Medicine, Department of Internal Medicine (C.R.S., M.D.W.), Ohio State University, Columbus; the Food and Drug Administration, Silver Spring, MD (D.T.H.); and the Illinois Department of Public Health, Chicago (I.G., J.L.).; Thomas J; From the Division of Laboratory Sciences, National Center for Environmental Health (B.C.B., M.P.K., M.M.-E., L.V.-B., M.G., M.B., C.R.B., K.T.C., D.C., J.C., E.C., V.R.D.J., P.E., C.F., C.H., Z.K., J.D.K., C.N., G.B.R., J.R., C.R., L.S., T.S., C.S., D.T., L.W., C.W., B.X., J.R.B., J.T., J.L.P.), Epidemic Intelligence Service, Center for Surveillance, Epidemiology, and Laboratory Sciences (I.G.), the Office of the Director (P.B.) and the Office on Smoking and Health (B.A.K.), National Center for Chronic Disease Prevention and Health Promotion, the Office of the Director, National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (L.J.D.), the Office of Strategy and Innovation (C.M.J.) and the Division of Overdose Prevention (G.T.B.), National Center for Injury Prevention and Control, the Office of the Director, National Center for Immunization and Respiratory Diseases (A.P.), the Division of Birth Defects and Infant Disorders, National Center on Birth Defects and Developmental Disabilities (D.M.D.), the Division of Preparedness and Emerging Infections, National Center for Emerging and Zoonotic Infectious Diseases (D.R.), and the Office of the Director, National Center for Injury Prevention and Control (V.K.) - all at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Atlanta; the Comprehensive Cancer Center, Ohio State University and James Cancer Hospital (P.G.S.), and the Division of Environmental Health Science, College of Public Health (M.-A.S.), and Pulmonary and Critical Care Medicine, Department of Internal Medicine (C.R.S., M.D.W.), Ohio State University, Columbus; the Food and Drug Administration, Silver Spring, MD (D.T.H.); and the Illinois Department of Public Health, Chicago (I.G., J.L.).; Pirkle JL; From the Division of Laboratory Sciences, National Center for Environmental Health (B.C.B., M.P.K., M.M.-E., L.V.-B., M.G., M.B., C.R.B., K.T.C., D.C., J.C., E.C., V.R.D.J., P.E., C.F., C.H., Z.K., J.D.K., C.N., G.B.R., J.R., C.R., L.S., T.S., C.S., D.T., L.W., C.W., B.X., J.R.B., J.T., J.L.P.), Epidemic Intelligence Service, Center for Surveillance, Epidemiology, and Laboratory Sciences (I.G.), the Office of the Director (P.B.) and the Office on Smoking and Health (B.A.K.), National Center for Chronic Disease Prevention and Health Promotion, the Office of the Director, National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (L.J.D.), the Office of Strategy and Innovation (C.M.J.) and the Division of Overdose Prevention (G.T.B.), National Center for Injury Prevention and Control, the Office of the Director, National Center for Immunization and Respiratory Diseases (A.P.), the Division of Birth Defects and Infant Disorders, National Center on Birth Defects and Developmental Disabilities (D.M.D.), the Division of Preparedness and Emerging Infections, National Center for Emerging and Zoonotic Infectious Diseases (D.R.), and the Office of the Director, National Center for Injury Prevention and Control (V.K.) - all at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Atlanta; the Comprehensive Cancer Center, Ohio State University and James Cancer Hospital (P.G.S.), and the Division of Environmental Health Science, College of Public Health (M.-A.S.), and Pulmonary and Critical Care Medicine, Department of Internal Medicine (C.R.S., M.D.W.), Ohio State University, Columbus; the Food and Drug Administration, Silver Spring, MD (D.T.H.); and the Illinois Department of Public Health, Chicago (I.G., J.L.).
Publisher: Massachusetts Medical Society Country of Publication: United States NLM ID: 0255562 Publication Model: Print-Electronic Cited Medium: Internet ISSN: 1533-4406 (Electronic) Linking ISSN: 00284793 NLM ISO Abbreviation: N Engl J Med Subsets: MEDLINE
Academic Journal
Werner AK; From the National Center for Environmental Health (A.K.W., E.D.M.), the National Center for Chronic Disease Prevention and Health Promotion (E.H.K., S.E., E.E.P., P. Briss, B.A.K.), the National Center on Birth Defects and Developmental Disabilities (K.C.-S., M.L.D.), the Epidemic Intelligence Service, Center for Surveillance, Epidemiology, and Laboratory Services (P.P.S., I.G.), the National Center for Injury Prevention and Control (P.P.S., G.T.B., C.M.J., V.K.), the Center for Preparedness and Response (S.M.H.), the Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry (E.A.K.), and the National Center for Emerging and Zoonotic Infectious Diseases (D.A.R., S.R.-S.), Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, and Emory University School of Medicine (E.A.K.) - all in Atlanta; the California Department of Public Health, Sacramento (C.A.); the Mississippi State Department of Health, Jackson (P. Byers); the Indiana State Department of Health, Indianapolis (C.R.C.); the Illinois Department of Public Health, Springfield (I.G.); the Minnesota Department of Health, St. Paul (S.M.H.); and the New York State Department of Health, Albany (K.A.N.).; Koumans EH; From the National Center for Environmental Health (A.K.W., E.D.M.), the National Center for Chronic Disease Prevention and Health Promotion (E.H.K., S.E., E.E.P., P. Briss, B.A.K.), the National Center on Birth Defects and Developmental Disabilities (K.C.-S., M.L.D.), the Epidemic Intelligence Service, Center for Surveillance, Epidemiology, and Laboratory Services (P.P.S., I.G.), the National Center for Injury Prevention and Control (P.P.S., G.T.B., C.M.J., V.K.), the Center for Preparedness and Response (S.M.H.), the Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry (E.A.K.), and the National Center for Emerging and Zoonotic Infectious Diseases (D.A.R., S.R.-S.), Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, and Emory University School of Medicine (E.A.K.) - all in Atlanta; the California Department of Public Health, Sacramento (C.A.); the Mississippi State Department of Health, Jackson (P. Byers); the Indiana State Department of Health, Indianapolis (C.R.C.); the Illinois Department of Public Health, Springfield (I.G.); the Minnesota Department of Health, St. Paul (S.M.H.); and the New York State Department of Health, Albany (K.A.N.).; Chatham-Stephens K; From the National Center for Environmental Health (A.K.W., E.D.M.), the National Center for Chronic Disease Prevention and Health Promotion (E.H.K., S.E., E.E.P., P. Briss, B.A.K.), the National Center on Birth Defects and Developmental Disabilities (K.C.-S., M.L.D.), the Epidemic Intelligence Service, Center for Surveillance, Epidemiology, and Laboratory Services (P.P.S., I.G.), the National Center for Injury Prevention and Control (P.P.S., G.T.B., C.M.J., V.K.), the Center for Preparedness and Response (S.M.H.), the Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry (E.A.K.), and the National Center for Emerging and Zoonotic Infectious Diseases (D.A.R., S.R.-S.), Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, and Emory University School of Medicine (E.A.K.) - all in Atlanta; the California Department of Public Health, Sacramento (C.A.); the Mississippi State Department of Health, Jackson (P. Byers); the Indiana State Department of Health, Indianapolis (C.R.C.); the Illinois Department of Public Health, Springfield (I.G.); the Minnesota Department of Health, St. Paul (S.M.H.); and the New York State Department of Health, Albany (K.A.N.).; Salvatore PP; From the National Center for Environmental Health (A.K.W., E.D.M.), the National Center for Chronic Disease Prevention and Health Promotion (E.H.K., S.E., E.E.P., P. Briss, B.A.K.), the National Center on Birth Defects and Developmental Disabilities (K.C.-S., M.L.D.), the Epidemic Intelligence Service, Center for Surveillance, Epidemiology, and Laboratory Services (P.P.S., I.G.), the National Center for Injury Prevention and Control (P.P.S., G.T.B., C.M.J., V.K.), the Center for Preparedness and Response (S.M.H.), the Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry (E.A.K.), and the National Center for Emerging and Zoonotic Infectious Diseases (D.A.R., S.R.-S.), Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, and Emory University School of Medicine (E.A.K.) - all in Atlanta; the California Department of Public Health, Sacramento (C.A.); the Mississippi State Department of Health, Jackson (P. Byers); the Indiana State Department of Health, Indianapolis (C.R.C.); the Illinois Department of Public Health, Springfield (I.G.); the Minnesota Department of Health, St. Paul (S.M.H.); and the New York State Department of Health, Albany (K.A.N.).; Armatas C; From the National Center for Environmental Health (A.K.W., E.D.M.), the National Center for Chronic Disease Prevention and Health Promotion (E.H.K., S.E., E.E.P., P. Briss, B.A.K.), the National Center on Birth Defects and Developmental Disabilities (K.C.-S., M.L.D.), the Epidemic Intelligence Service, Center for Surveillance, Epidemiology, and Laboratory Services (P.P.S., I.G.), the National Center for Injury Prevention and Control (P.P.S., G.T.B., C.M.J., V.K.), the Center for Preparedness and Response (S.M.H.), the Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry (E.A.K.), and the National Center for Emerging and Zoonotic Infectious Diseases (D.A.R., S.R.-S.), Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, and Emory University School of Medicine (E.A.K.) - all in Atlanta; the California Department of Public Health, Sacramento (C.A.); the Mississippi State Department of Health, Jackson (P. Byers); the Indiana State Department of Health, Indianapolis (C.R.C.); the Illinois Department of Public Health, Springfield (I.G.); the Minnesota Department of Health, St. Paul (S.M.H.); and the New York State Department of Health, Albany (K.A.N.).; Byers P; From the National Center for Environmental Health (A.K.W., E.D.M.), the National Center for Chronic Disease Prevention and Health Promotion (E.H.K., S.E., E.E.P., P. Briss, B.A.K.), the National Center on Birth Defects and Developmental Disabilities (K.C.-S., M.L.D.), the Epidemic Intelligence Service, Center for Surveillance, Epidemiology, and Laboratory Services (P.P.S., I.G.), the National Center for Injury Prevention and Control (P.P.S., G.T.B., C.M.J., V.K.), the Center for Preparedness and Response (S.M.H.), the Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry (E.A.K.), and the National Center for Emerging and Zoonotic Infectious Diseases (D.A.R., S.R.-S.), Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, and Emory University School of Medicine (E.A.K.) - all in Atlanta; the California Department of Public Health, Sacramento (C.A.); the Mississippi State Department of Health, Jackson (P. Byers); the Indiana State Department of Health, Indianapolis (C.R.C.); the Illinois Department of Public Health, Springfield (I.G.); the Minnesota Department of Health, St. Paul (S.M.H.); and the New York State Department of Health, Albany (K.A.N.).; Clark CR; From the National Center for Environmental Health (A.K.W., E.D.M.), the National Center for Chronic Disease Prevention and Health Promotion (E.H.K., S.E., E.E.P., P. Briss, B.A.K.), the National Center on Birth Defects and Developmental Disabilities (K.C.-S., M.L.D.), the Epidemic Intelligence Service, Center for Surveillance, Epidemiology, and Laboratory Services (P.P.S., I.G.), the National Center for Injury Prevention and Control (P.P.S., G.T.B., C.M.J., V.K.), the Center for Preparedness and Response (S.M.H.), the Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry (E.A.K.), and the National Center for Emerging and Zoonotic Infectious Diseases (D.A.R., S.R.-S.), Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, and Emory University School of Medicine (E.A.K.) - all in Atlanta; the California Department of Public Health, Sacramento (C.A.); the Mississippi State Department of Health, Jackson (P. Byers); the Indiana State Department of Health, Indianapolis (C.R.C.); the Illinois Department of Public Health, Springfield (I.G.); the Minnesota Department of Health, St. Paul (S.M.H.); and the New York State Department of Health, Albany (K.A.N.).; Ghinai I; From the National Center for Environmental Health (A.K.W., E.D.M.), the National Center for Chronic Disease Prevention and Health Promotion (E.H.K., S.E., E.E.P., P. Briss, B.A.K.), the National Center on Birth Defects and Developmental Disabilities (K.C.-S., M.L.D.), the Epidemic Intelligence Service, Center for Surveillance, Epidemiology, and Laboratory Services (P.P.S., I.G.), the National Center for Injury Prevention and Control (P.P.S., G.T.B., C.M.J., V.K.), the Center for Preparedness and Response (S.M.H.), the Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry (E.A.K.), and the National Center for Emerging and Zoonotic Infectious Diseases (D.A.R., S.R.-S.), Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, and Emory University School of Medicine (E.A.K.) - all in Atlanta; the California Department of Public Health, Sacramento (C.A.); the Mississippi State Department of Health, Jackson (P. Byers); the Indiana State Department of Health, Indianapolis (C.R.C.); the Illinois Department of Public Health, Springfield (I.G.); the Minnesota Department of Health, St. Paul (S.M.H.); and the New York State Department of Health, Albany (K.A.N.).; Holzbauer SM; From the National Center for Environmental Health (A.K.W., E.D.M.), the National Center for Chronic Disease Prevention and Health Promotion (E.H.K., S.E., E.E.P., P. Briss, B.A.K.), the National Center on Birth Defects and Developmental Disabilities (K.C.-S., M.L.D.), the Epidemic Intelligence Service, Center for Surveillance, Epidemiology, and Laboratory Services (P.P.S., I.G.), the National Center for Injury Prevention and Control (P.P.S., G.T.B., C.M.J., V.K.), the Center for Preparedness and Response (S.M.H.), the Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry (E.A.K.), and the National Center for Emerging and Zoonotic Infectious Diseases (D.A.R., S.R.-S.), Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, and Emory University School of Medicine (E.A.K.) - all in Atlanta; the California Department of Public Health, Sacramento (C.A.); the Mississippi State Department of Health, Jackson (P. Byers); the Indiana State Department of Health, Indianapolis (C.R.C.); the Illinois Department of Public Health, Springfield (I.G.); the Minnesota Department of Health, St. Paul (S.M.H.); and the New York State Department of Health, Albany (K.A.N.).; Navarette KA; From the National Center for Environmental Health (A.K.W., E.D.M.), the National Center for Chronic Disease Prevention and Health Promotion (E.H.K., S.E., E.E.P., P. Briss, B.A.K.), the National Center on Birth Defects and Developmental Disabilities (K.C.-S., M.L.D.), the Epidemic Intelligence Service, Center for Surveillance, Epidemiology, and Laboratory Services (P.P.S., I.G.), the National Center for Injury Prevention and Control (P.P.S., G.T.B., C.M.J., V.K.), the Center for Preparedness and Response (S.M.H.), the Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry (E.A.K.), and the National Center for Emerging and Zoonotic Infectious Diseases (D.A.R., S.R.-S.), Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, and Emory University School of Medicine (E.A.K.) - all in Atlanta; the California Department of Public Health, Sacramento (C.A.); the Mississippi State Department of Health, Jackson (P. Byers); the Indiana State Department of Health, Indianapolis (C.R.C.); the Illinois Department of Public Health, Springfield (I.G.); the Minnesota Department of Health, St. Paul (S.M.H.); and the New York State Department of Health, Albany (K.A.N.).; Danielson ML; From the National Center for Environmental Health (A.K.W., E.D.M.), the National Center for Chronic Disease Prevention and Health Promotion (E.H.K., S.E., E.E.P., P. Briss, B.A.K.), the National Center on Birth Defects and Developmental Disabilities (K.C.-S., M.L.D.), the Epidemic Intelligence Service, Center for Surveillance, Epidemiology, and Laboratory Services (P.P.S., I.G.), the National Center for Injury Prevention and Control (P.P.S., G.T.B., C.M.J., V.K.), the Center for Preparedness and Response (S.M.H.), the Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry (E.A.K.), and the National Center for Emerging and Zoonotic Infectious Diseases (D.A.R., S.R.-S.), Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, and Emory University School of Medicine (E.A.K.) - all in Atlanta; the California Department of Public Health, Sacramento (C.A.); the Mississippi State Department of Health, Jackson (P. Byers); the Indiana State Department of Health, Indianapolis (C.R.C.); the Illinois Department of Public Health, Springfield (I.G.); the Minnesota Department of Health, St. Paul (S.M.H.); and the New York State Department of Health, Albany (K.A.N.).; Ellington S; From the National Center for Environmental Health (A.K.W., E.D.M.), the National Center for Chronic Disease Prevention and Health Promotion (E.H.K., S.E., E.E.P., P. Briss, B.A.K.), the National Center on Birth Defects and Developmental Disabilities (K.C.-S., M.L.D.), the Epidemic Intelligence Service, Center for Surveillance, Epidemiology, and Laboratory Services (P.P.S., I.G.), the National Center for Injury Prevention and Control (P.P.S., G.T.B., C.M.J., V.K.), the Center for Preparedness and Response (S.M.H.), the Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry (E.A.K.), and the National Center for Emerging and Zoonotic Infectious Diseases (D.A.R., S.R.-S.), Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, and Emory University School of Medicine (E.A.K.) - all in Atlanta; the California Department of Public Health, Sacramento (C.A.); the Mississippi State Department of Health, Jackson (P. Byers); the Indiana State Department of Health, Indianapolis (C.R.C.); the Illinois Department of Public Health, Springfield (I.G.); the Minnesota Department of Health, St. Paul (S.M.H.); and the New York State Department of Health, Albany (K.A.N.).; Moritz ED; From the National Center for Environmental Health (A.K.W., E.D.M.), the National Center for Chronic Disease Prevention and Health Promotion (E.H.K., S.E., E.E.P., P. Briss, B.A.K.), the National Center on Birth Defects and Developmental Disabilities (K.C.-S., M.L.D.), the Epidemic Intelligence Service, Center for Surveillance, Epidemiology, and Laboratory Services (P.P.S., I.G.), the National Center for Injury Prevention and Control (P.P.S., G.T.B., C.M.J., V.K.), the Center for Preparedness and Response (S.M.H.), the Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry (E.A.K.), and the National Center for Emerging and Zoonotic Infectious Diseases (D.A.R., S.R.-S.), Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, and Emory University School of Medicine (E.A.K.) - all in Atlanta; the California Department of Public Health, Sacramento (C.A.); the Mississippi State Department of Health, Jackson (P. Byers); the Indiana State Department of Health, Indianapolis (C.R.C.); the Illinois Department of Public Health, Springfield (I.G.); the Minnesota Department of Health, St. Paul (S.M.H.); and the New York State Department of Health, Albany (K.A.N.).; Petersen EE; From the National Center for Environmental Health (A.K.W., E.D.M.), the National Center for Chronic Disease Prevention and Health Promotion (E.H.K., S.E., E.E.P., P. Briss, B.A.K.), the National Center on Birth Defects and Developmental Disabilities (K.C.-S., M.L.D.), the Epidemic Intelligence Service, Center for Surveillance, Epidemiology, and Laboratory Services (P.P.S., I.G.), the National Center for Injury Prevention and Control (P.P.S., G.T.B., C.M.J., V.K.), the Center for Preparedness and Response (S.M.H.), the Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry (E.A.K.), and the National Center for Emerging and Zoonotic Infectious Diseases (D.A.R., S.R.-S.), Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, and Emory University School of Medicine (E.A.K.) - all in Atlanta; the California Department of Public Health, Sacramento (C.A.); the Mississippi State Department of Health, Jackson (P. Byers); the Indiana State Department of Health, Indianapolis (C.R.C.); the Illinois Department of Public Health, Springfield (I.G.); the Minnesota Department of Health, St. Paul (S.M.H.); and the New York State Department of Health, Albany (K.A.N.).; Kiernan EA; From the National Center for Environmental Health (A.K.W., E.D.M.), the National Center for Chronic Disease Prevention and Health Promotion (E.H.K., S.E., E.E.P., P. Briss, B.A.K.), the National Center on Birth Defects and Developmental Disabilities (K.C.-S., M.L.D.), the Epidemic Intelligence Service, Center for Surveillance, Epidemiology, and Laboratory Services (P.P.S., I.G.), the National Center for Injury Prevention and Control (P.P.S., G.T.B., C.M.J., V.K.), the Center for Preparedness and Response (S.M.H.), the Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry (E.A.K.), and the National Center for Emerging and Zoonotic Infectious Diseases (D.A.R., S.R.-S.), Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, and Emory University School of Medicine (E.A.K.) - all in Atlanta; the California Department of Public Health, Sacramento (C.A.); the Mississippi State Department of Health, Jackson (P. Byers); the Indiana State Department of Health, Indianapolis (C.R.C.); the Illinois Department of Public Health, Springfield (I.G.); the Minnesota Department of Health, St. Paul (S.M.H.); and the New York State Department of Health, Albany (K.A.N.).; Baldwin GT; From the National Center for Environmental Health (A.K.W., E.D.M.), the National Center for Chronic Disease Prevention and Health Promotion (E.H.K., S.E., E.E.P., P. Briss, B.A.K.), the National Center on Birth Defects and Developmental Disabilities (K.C.-S., M.L.D.), the Epidemic Intelligence Service, Center for Surveillance, Epidemiology, and Laboratory Services (P.P.S., I.G.), the National Center for Injury Prevention and Control (P.P.S., G.T.B., C.M.J., V.K.), the Center for Preparedness and Response (S.M.H.), the Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry (E.A.K.), and the National Center for Emerging and Zoonotic Infectious Diseases (D.A.R., S.R.-S.), Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, and Emory University School of Medicine (E.A.K.) - all in Atlanta; the California Department of Public Health, Sacramento (C.A.); the Mississippi State Department of Health, Jackson (P. Byers); the Indiana State Department of Health, Indianapolis (C.R.C.); the Illinois Department of Public Health, Springfield (I.G.); the Minnesota Department of Health, St. Paul (S.M.H.); and the New York State Department of Health, Albany (K.A.N.).; Briss P; From the National Center for Environmental Health (A.K.W., E.D.M.), the National Center for Chronic Disease Prevention and Health Promotion (E.H.K., S.E., E.E.P., P. Briss, B.A.K.), the National Center on Birth Defects and Developmental Disabilities (K.C.-S., M.L.D.), the Epidemic Intelligence Service, Center for Surveillance, Epidemiology, and Laboratory Services (P.P.S., I.G.), the National Center for Injury Prevention and Control (P.P.S., G.T.B., C.M.J., V.K.), the Center for Preparedness and Response (S.M.H.), the Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry (E.A.K.), and the National Center for Emerging and Zoonotic Infectious Diseases (D.A.R., S.R.-S.), Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, and Emory University School of Medicine (E.A.K.) - all in Atlanta; the California Department of Public Health, Sacramento (C.A.); the Mississippi State Department of Health, Jackson (P. Byers); the Indiana State Department of Health, Indianapolis (C.R.C.); the Illinois Department of Public Health, Springfield (I.G.); the Minnesota Department of Health, St. Paul (S.M.H.); and the New York State Department of Health, Albany (K.A.N.).; Jones CM; From the National Center for Environmental Health (A.K.W., E.D.M.), the National Center for Chronic Disease Prevention and Health Promotion (E.H.K., S.E., E.E.P., P. Briss, B.A.K.), the National Center on Birth Defects and Developmental Disabilities (K.C.-S., M.L.D.), the Epidemic Intelligence Service, Center for Surveillance, Epidemiology, and Laboratory Services (P.P.S., I.G.), the National Center for Injury Prevention and Control (P.P.S., G.T.B., C.M.J., V.K.), the Center for Preparedness and Response (S.M.H.), the Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry (E.A.K.), and the National Center for Emerging and Zoonotic Infectious Diseases (D.A.R., S.R.-S.), Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, and Emory University School of Medicine (E.A.K.) - all in Atlanta; the California Department of Public Health, Sacramento (C.A.); the Mississippi State Department of Health, Jackson (P. Byers); the Indiana State Department of Health, Indianapolis (C.R.C.); the Illinois Department of Public Health, Springfield (I.G.); the Minnesota Department of Health, St. Paul (S.M.H.); and the New York State Department of Health, Albany (K.A.N.).; King BA; From the National Center for Environmental Health (A.K.W., E.D.M.), the National Center for Chronic Disease Prevention and Health Promotion (E.H.K., S.E., E.E.P., P. Briss, B.A.K.), the National Center on Birth Defects and Developmental Disabilities (K.C.-S., M.L.D.), the Epidemic Intelligence Service, Center for Surveillance, Epidemiology, and Laboratory Services (P.P.S., I.G.), the National Center for Injury Prevention and Control (P.P.S., G.T.B., C.M.J., V.K.), the Center for Preparedness and Response (S.M.H.), the Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry (E.A.K.), and the National Center for Emerging and Zoonotic Infectious Diseases (D.A.R., S.R.-S.), Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, and Emory University School of Medicine (E.A.K.) - all in Atlanta; the California Department of Public Health, Sacramento (C.A.); the Mississippi State Department of Health, Jackson (P. Byers); the Indiana State Department of Health, Indianapolis (C.R.C.); the Illinois Department of Public Health, Springfield (I.G.); the Minnesota Department of Health, St. Paul (S.M.H.); and the New York State Department of Health, Albany (K.A.N.).; Krishnasamy V; From the National Center for Environmental Health (A.K.W., E.D.M.), the National Center for Chronic Disease Prevention and Health Promotion (E.H.K., S.E., E.E.P., P. Briss, B.A.K.), the National Center on Birth Defects and Developmental Disabilities (K.C.-S., M.L.D.), the Epidemic Intelligence Service, Center for Surveillance, Epidemiology, and Laboratory Services (P.P.S., I.G.), the National Center for Injury Prevention and Control (P.P.S., G.T.B., C.M.J., V.K.), the Center for Preparedness and Response (S.M.H.), the Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry (E.A.K.), and the National Center for Emerging and Zoonotic Infectious Diseases (D.A.R., S.R.-S.), Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, and Emory University School of Medicine (E.A.K.) - all in Atlanta; the California Department of Public Health, Sacramento (C.A.); the Mississippi State Department of Health, Jackson (P. Byers); the Indiana State Department of Health, Indianapolis (C.R.C.); the Illinois Department of Public Health, Springfield (I.G.); the Minnesota Department of Health, St. Paul (S.M.H.); and the New York State Department of Health, Albany (K.A.N.).; Rose DA; From the National Center for Environmental Health (A.K.W., E.D.M.), the National Center for Chronic Disease Prevention and Health Promotion (E.H.K., S.E., E.E.P., P. Briss, B.A.K.), the National Center on Birth Defects and Developmental Disabilities (K.C.-S., M.L.D.), the Epidemic Intelligence Service, Center for Surveillance, Epidemiology, and Laboratory Services (P.P.S., I.G.), the National Center for Injury Prevention and Control (P.P.S., G.T.B., C.M.J., V.K.), the Center for Preparedness and Response (S.M.H.), the Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry (E.A.K.), and the National Center for Emerging and Zoonotic Infectious Diseases (D.A.R., S.R.-S.), Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, and Emory University School of Medicine (E.A.K.) - all in Atlanta; the California Department of Public Health, Sacramento (C.A.); the Mississippi State Department of Health, Jackson (P. Byers); the Indiana State Department of Health, Indianapolis (C.R.C.); the Illinois Department of Public Health, Springfield (I.G.); the Minnesota Department of Health, St. Paul (S.M.H.); and the New York State Department of Health, Albany (K.A.N.).; Reagan-Steiner S; From the National Center for Environmental Health (A.K.W., E.D.M.), the National Center for Chronic Disease Prevention and Health Promotion (E.H.K., S.E., E.E.P., P. Briss, B.A.K.), the National Center on Birth Defects and Developmental Disabilities (K.C.-S., M.L.D.), the Epidemic Intelligence Service, Center for Surveillance, Epidemiology, and Laboratory Services (P.P.S., I.G.), the National Center for Injury Prevention and Control (P.P.S., G.T.B., C.M.J., V.K.), the Center for Preparedness and Response (S.M.H.), the Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry (E.A.K.), and the National Center for Emerging and Zoonotic Infectious Diseases (D.A.R., S.R.-S.), Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, and Emory University School of Medicine (E.A.K.) - all in Atlanta; the California Department of Public Health, Sacramento (C.A.); the Mississippi State Department of Health, Jackson (P. Byers); the Indiana State Department of Health, Indianapolis (C.R.C.); the Illinois Department of Public Health, Springfield (I.G.); the Minnesota Department of Health, St. Paul (S.M.H.); and the New York State Department of Health, Albany (K.A.N.).
Publisher: Massachusetts Medical Society Country of Publication: United States NLM ID: 0255562 Publication Model: Print Cited Medium: Internet ISSN: 1533-4406 (Electronic) Linking ISSN: 00284793 NLM ISO Abbreviation: N Engl J Med Subsets: MEDLINE
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