에서 검색결과 65건 | 목록
Academic Journal
Johnson, Joseph French; Cleveland, F. A.; Sharpe, Henry D.; Mixter, Charles W.; Crook, James W.; Muhleman, Maurice L.
Publications of the American Economic Association, 1907 Feb 01. 8(1), 54-75.
Academic Journal
The Quarterly Journal of Economics, 1908 Feb 01. 22(2), 300-303.
Academic Journal
The Quarterly Journal of Economics, 1902 May 01. 16(3), 385-412.
Academic Journal
The Quarterly Journal of Economics, 1904 May 01. 18(3), 357-385.
Academic Journal
Publications of the American Economic Association, 1902 Feb 01. 3(1), 158-166.
Academic Journal
State and Local Taxation: National Conference under the Auspices of the National Tax Association: Addresses and Proceedings, 1907 Nov 01. 1, 358-363.
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[검색어] Mixter, Charles W.
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