
(예 : 2010-2015)
'학술논문' 에서 검색결과 9건 | 목록 1~10
Academic Journal
Walker, Simon M.Cox, EdwardRevill, PaulMusiime, VictorBwakura?Dangarembizi, MutsaMallewa, JaneCheruiyot, PriscillaMaitland, KathrynFord, NathanGibb, Diana M.Walker, A SarahSoares, MartaMugyenyi, PKityo, CMusiime, VWavamunno, PNambi, EOcitti, PNdigendawani, MKabahenda, SKemigisa, MAcen, JOlebo, DMpamize, GAmone, AOkweny, DMbonye, ANambaziira, FRweyora, AKangah, MKabaswahili, VAbach, JAbongomera, GOmongin, JAciro, IPhilliam, AArach, BOcung, EAmone, GMiles, PAdong, CTumsuiime, CKidega, POtto, BApio, FBaleeta, KMukuye, AAbwola, MSsennono, FBaliruno, DTuhirwe, SNamisi, RKigongo, FKikyonkyo, DMushahara, FTusiime, JMusiime, ANankya, AAtwongyeire, DSirikye, SMula, SNoowe, NLugemwa, AKasozi, MMwebe, SAtwine, LSenkindu, TNatuhurira, TKatemba, CNinsiima, EAcaku, MKyomuhangi, JAnkunda, RTukwasibwe, DAyesiga, LHakim, JNathoo, KBwakura?Dangarembizi, MReid, AChidziva, EMhute, TTinago, GcBhiri, JMudzingwa, SPhiri, MSteamer, JNhema, RWarambwa, CMusoro, GMutsai, SNemasango, BMoyo, CChitongo, SRashirai, KVhembo, SMlambo, BNkomani, SNdemera, BWillard, MBerejena, CMusodza, YMatiza, PMudenge, BGuti, VEtyang, AAgutu, CBerkley, JMaitland, KNjuguna, PMwaringa, SEtyang, TAwuondo, KWale, SShangala, JKithunga, JMwarumba, SMaitha, S SaidMutai, RLewa, M LoziMwambingu, GMwanzu, AKalama, CLatham, HShikuku, JFondo, ANjogu, AKhadenge, CMwakisha, BSiika, AWools?Kaloustian, KNyandiko, WCheruiyot, PSudoi, AWachira, SMeli, BKaroney, MNzioka, ATanui, MMokaya, MEkiru, WMboya, CMwimali, DMengich, CChoge, JInjera, WNjenga, KCherutich, SOrido, M AnyangoLwande, G OmondiRutto, PMudogo, AKutto, IShali, AJaika, LJerotich, HPierre, MMallewa, JKaunda, SVan Oosterhout, JO'Hare, BHeydermann, RGonzalez, CDzabala, NKelly, CDenis, BSelemani, GMipando, L NyondoChirwa, EBanda, PMvula, LMsuku, HZiwoya, MManda, YNicholas, SMasesa, CMwalukomo, TMakhaza, LSheha, IBwanali, JLimbuni, MGibb, DThomason, MWalker, AsPett, SSzubert, AGriffiths, AWilkes, HRajapakse, CSpyer, MPrendergast, AKlein, NRauchenberger, MVan Looy, NLittle, EFairbrother, KCowan, FSeeley, JBernays, SKawuma, RMupambireyi, ZKyomuhendo, FNakalanzi, SPeshu, JNdaa, SChabuka, JMkandawire, NMatandika, LKapuya, CWeller, IMalianga, EMwansambo, CMiiro, FElyanu, PBukusi, EKatabira, EMugurungi, OPeto, TMusoke, PMatenga, JPhiri, SLyall, HJohnston, VFitzgerald, FPost, FSsali, FArenas?Pinto, ATurkova, ABamford, A
Journal of the International AIDS Society. March, 2020, Vol. 23 Issue 3
Academic Journal
Kityo, CissySzubert, Alexander J.Siika, AbrahamHeyderman, RobertBwakura-Dangarembizi, MutsaLugemwa, AbbasMwaringa, ShaltonGriffiths, AnnaNkanya, ImmaculateKabahenda, SheilaWachira, SimonMusoro, GodfreyRajapakse, ChatuEtyang, TimothyAbach, JamesSpyer, Moira J.Wavamunno, PriscillaNyondo-Mipando, LindaChidziva, EnnieNathoo, KusumKlein, NigelHakim, JamesGibb, Diana M.Walker, A. SarahPett, Sarah L.Mugyenyi, P.Kityo, C.Musiime, V.Wavamunno, P.Nambi, E.Ocitti, P.Ndigendawani, M.Kabahenda, S.Kemigisa, M.Acen, J.Olebo, D.Mpamize, G.Amone, A.Okweny, D.Mbonye, A.Nambaziira, F.Rweyora, A.Kangah, M.Kabaswahili, V.Abach, J.Abongomera, G.Omongin, J.Aciro, I.Philliam, A.Arach, B.Ocung, E.Amone, G.Miles, P.Adong, C.Tumsuiime, C.Kidega, P.Otto, B.Apio, F.Baleeta, K.Mukuye, A.Abwola, M.Ssennono, F.Baliruno, D.Tuhirwe, S.Namisi, R.Kigongo, F.Kikyonkyo, D.Mushahara, F.Tusiime, J.Musiime, A.Nankya, A.Atwongyeire, D.Sirikye, S.Mula, S.Noowe, N.Lugemwa, A.Kasozi, M.Mwebe, S.Atwine, L.Senkindu, T.Natuhurira, T.Katemba, C.Ninsiima, E.Acaku, M.Kyomuhangi, J.Ankunda, R.Tukwasibwe, D.Ayesiga, L.Hakim, J.Nathoo, K.Bwakura-Dangarembizi, M.Reid, A.Chidziva, E.Mhute, T.Tinago, G. C.Bhiri, J.Mudzingwa, S.Phiri, M.Steamer, J.Nhema, R.Warambwa, C.Musoro, G.Mutsai, S.Nemasango, B.Moyo, C.Chitongo, S.Rashirai, K.Vhembo, S.Mlambo, B.Nkomani, S.Ndemera, B.Willard, M.Berejena, C.Musodza, Y.Matiza, P.Mudenge, B.Guti, V.Etyang, A.Agutu, C.Berkley, J.Maitland, K.Njuguna, P.Mwaringa, S.Etyang, T.Awuondo, K.Wale, S.Shangala, J.Kithunga, J.Mwarumba, S.Maitha, S. SaidMutai, R.Lewa, M. LoziMwambingu, G.Mwanzu, A.Kalama, C.Latham, H.Shikuku, J.Fondo, A.Njogu, A.Khadenge, C.Mwakisha, B.Siika, A.Wools-Kaloustian, K.Nyandiko, W.Cheruiyot, P.Sudoi, A.Wachira, S.Meli, B.Karoney, M.Nzioka, A.Tanui, M.Mokaya, M.Ekiru, W.Mboya, C.Mwimali, D.Mengich, C.Choge, J.Injera, W.Njenga, K.Cherutich, S.Orido, M. AnyangoLwande, G. OmondiRutto, P.Mudogo, A.Kutto, I.Shali, A.Jaika, L.Jerotich, H.Pierre, M.Mallewa, J.Kaunda, S.Van Oosterhout, J.O'Hare, B.Heydermann, R.Gonzalez, C.Dzabala, N.Kelly, C.Denis, B.Selemani, G.Mipando, L. NyondoChirwa, E.Banda, P.Mvula, L.Msuku, H.Ziwoya, M.Manda, Y.Nicholas, S.Masesa, C.Mwalukomo, T.Makhaza, L.Sheha, I.Bwanali, J.Limbuni, M.REALITY Trial Team
PLOS MEDICINE; DEC 2018, 15 12, pe1002706 20p.
Academic Journal
Mallewa, J.Kelly, C.Szubert, A.J.Thomason, M.J.Wilkes, H.Pett, S.L.Gibb, D.M.Walker, A.S.Mugyenyi, P.Musiime, V.Chidziva, E.Warambwa, C.Mudzingwa, S.Nkomani, S.Bwakura-Dangarembizi, M.Chepkorir, P.Melly, B.Abongomera, G.Baleeta, K.Etyang, A.Agutu, C.Berkley, J.A.Lugemwa, A.Prendergast, A.J.Okweny, D.Kityo, C.Wavamunno, P.Nambi, E.Ocitti, P.Ndigendawani, M.Kabahenda, S.Kemigisa, M.Acen, J.Olebo, D.F.Mpamize, G.Amone, A.Mbonye, A.Nambaziira, F.Rweyora, A.Kangah, M.Kabaswahili, B.Abach, J.Omongin, J.Aciro, I.Philliam, A.Arach, B.Ocung, E.Amone, G.Miles, P.Adong, C.Tumsuiime, C.Kidega, P.Otto, B.Apio, F.Mukuye, A.Abwola, M.Ssennono, F.Baliruno, D.Tuhirwe, S.Namisi, R.Kigongo, F.Kikyonkyo, D.Mushahara, F.Tusiime, J.Musiime, A.Nankya, A.Atwongyeire, D.Sirikye, S.Myalo, S.Noowe, N.Kasozi, M.Mwebe, S.Atwine, L.Senkindu, T.Natuhurira, I.Katemba, C.Ninsiima, E.Acaku, M.Kyomuhangi, J.Ankunda, R.Tukwasibwe, D.Ayesiga, L.Hakim, J.Nathoo, K.Reid, A.Mhute, T.Tinago, G.Bhiri, J.Phiri, M.Steamer, J.Nhema, R.Musoro, G.Mutsai, S.Nemasango, B.Moyo, C.Chitongo, S.Rashirai, K.Vhembo, S.Mlambo, B.Ndemera, B.Willard, M.Berejena, C.Musodza, Y.Matiza, P.Mudenge, B.Guti, V.Berkley, J.Maitland, K.Njuguna, P.Mwaringa, S.Etyang, T.Awuondo, K.Wale, S.Shangala, J.Kithunga, J.Mwarumba, S.Said Maitha, S.Mutai, R.Lozi Lewa, M.Mwambingu, G.Mwanzu, A.Kalama, C.Latham, H.Shikuku, J.Fondo, A.Njogu, A.Khadenge, C.Mwakisha, B.Siika, A.Wools-Kaloustian, K.Nyandiko, W.Chepkorir-Cheruiyot, P.Sudoi, A.Wachira, S.Meli, B.Karoney, M.Nzioka, A.Tanui, M.Mokaya, M.Ekiru, W.Mboya, C.Mwimali, D.Mengich, C.Choge, J.Injera, W.Njenga, K.Cherutich, S.Anyango Orido, M.Omondi Lwande, G.Rutto, P.Mudogo, A.Kutto, I.Shali, A.Jaika, L.Jerotich, H.Pierre, M.Mallewa, J.Kaunda, S.Van Oosterhout, J.O'Hare, B.Heydermann, R.Gonzalez, C.Dzabala, N.Denis, B.Selemani, G.Nyondo-Mipando, L.Chirwa, E.Banda, P.Mvula, L.Msuku, H.Ziwoya, M.Manda, Y.Nicholas, S.Masesa, C.Mwalukomo, T.Makhaza, L.Sheha, I.Bwanali, J.Limbuni, M.Griffiths, A.Rajapakse, C.Spyer, M.J.Klein, N.Rauchenberger, M.Van Looy, N.Little, E.Fairbrother, K.Cowan, F.Seeley, J.Bernays, S.Kawuma, R.Mupambireyi, Z.
In: The Lancet HIV. (The Lancet HIV, 1 May 2018, 5(5):e231-e240)
Academic Journal
Siika, A.McCabe, L.Griffiths, A.Thomason, M.J.Walker, A.S.Gibb, D.M.Bwakura-Dangarembizi, M.Mudzingwa, S.Nathoo, K.Kityo, C.Mallewa, J.Berkley, J.Maitland, K.Baleeta, K.Abach, J.Prendergast, A.J.Mugyenyi, P.Musiime, V.Wavamunno, P.Nambi, E.Ocitti, P.Ndigendawani, M.Kemigisa, M.Acen, J.Olebo, D.Mpamize, G.Amone, A.Okweny, D.Mbonye, A.Nambaziira, F.Rweyora, A.Kangah, M.Kabaswahili, V.Abongomera, G.Omongin, J.Aciro, I.Philliam, A.Arach, B.Ocung, E.Amone, G.Miles, P.Adong, C.Tumsuiime, C.Kidega, P.Otto, B.Apio, F.Mukuye, A.Abwola, M.Ssennono, F.Baliruno, D.Tuhirwe, S.Namisi, R.Kigongo, F.Kikyonkyo, D.Mushahara, F.Tusiime, J.Musiime, A.Nankya, A.Atwongyeire, D.Sirikye, S.Mula, S.Noowe, N.Lugemwa, A.Kasozi, M.Mwebe, S.Atwine, L.Senkindu, T.Natuhurira, T.Katemba, C.Ninsiima, E.Acaku, M.Kyomuhangi, J.Ankunda, R.Tukwasibwe, D.Ayesiga, L.Hakim, J.Reid, A.Chidziva, E.Mhute, T.Tinago, G.C.Bhiri, J.Phiri, M.Steamer, J.Nhema, R.Warambwa, C.Musoro, G.Mutsai, S.Nemasango, B.Moyo, C.Chitongo, S.Rashirai, K.Vhembo, S.Mlambo, B.Nkomani, S.Ndemera, B.Willard, M.Berejena, C.Musodza, Y.Matiza, P.Mudenge, B.Guti, V.Etyang, A.Agutu, C.Njuguna, P.Mwaringa, S.Etyang, T.Awuondo, K.Wale, S.Shangala, J.Kithunga, J.Mwarumba, S.Said Maitha, S.Mutai, R.Lozi Lewa, M.Mwambingu, G.Mwanzu, A.Kalama, C.Latham, H.Shikuku, J.Fondo, A.Njogu, A.Khadenge, C.Mwakisha, B.Wools-Kaloustian, K.Nyandiko, W.Cheruiyot, P.Sudoi, A.Wachira, S.Meli, B.Karoney, M.Nzioka, A.Tanui, M.Mokaya, M.Ekiru, W.Mboya, C.Mwimali, D.Mengich, C.Choge, J.Injera, W.Njenga, K.Cherutich, S.Anyango Orido, M.Omondi Lwande, G.Rutto, P.Mudogo, A.Kutto, I.Shali, A.Jaika, L.Jerotich, H.Pierre, M.Kaunda, S.Van Oosterhout, J.O'Hare, B.Heydermann, R.Gonzalez, C.Dzabala, N.Kelly, C.Denis, B.Selemani, G.Nyondo Mipando, L.Chirwa, E.Banda, P.Mvula, L.Msuku, H.Ziwoya, M.Manda, Y.Nicholas, S.Masesa, C.Mwalukomo, T.Makhaza, L.Sheha, I.Bwanali, J.Limbuni, M.Pett, S.Szubert, A.Wilkes, H.Rajapakse, C.Spyer, M.Klein, N.Van Looy, N.Little, E.Fairbrother, K.Cowan, F.Seeley, J.Bernays, S.Kawuma, R.Mupambireyi, Z.Kyomuhendo, F.Nakalanzi, S.Peshu, J.Ndaa, S.Chabuka, J.Mkandawire, N.Matandika, L.Kapuya, C.Weller, I.Malianga, E.Mwansambo, C.Miiro, F.Elyanu, P.Bukusi, E.Katabira, E.Mugurungi, O.Peto, T.Musoke, P.Matenga, J.Phiri, S.Lyall, H.Johnston, V.Fitzgerald, F.Post, F.Ssali, F.Arenas-Pinto, A.Turkova, A.Bamford, A.
In: Clinical Infectious Diseases. (Clinical Infectious Diseases, 4 March 2018, 66:S140-S146)
Academic Journal
Post, F.A.Szubert, A.J.Rajapakse, C.Wilkes, H.Sarah Walker, A.Gibb, D.M.Pett, S.L.Prendergast, A.J.Johnston, V.Lyall, H.Fitzgerald, F.Musiime, V.Mugyenyi, P.Musoro, G.Hakim, J.Chepkorir, P.Agutu, C.Mallewa, J.Kityo, C.Wavamunno, P.Nambi, E.Ocitti, P.Ndigendawani, M.Portal, F.Kabahenda, S.Kemigisa, M.Acen, J.Olebo, D.Mpamize, G.Amone, A.Okweny, D.Mbonye, A.Nambaziira, F.Rweyora, A.Kangah, M.Kabaswahili, V.Abach, J.Abongomera, G.Omongin, J.Aciro, I.Philliam, A.Arach, B.Ocung, E.Amone, G.Miles, P.Adong, C.Tumsuiime, C.Kidega, P.Otto, B.Apio, F.Baleeta, K.Mukuye, A.Abwola, M.Ssennono, F.Baliruno, D.Tuhirwe, S.Namisi, R.Kigongo, F.Kikyonkyo, D.Mushahara, F.Tusiime, J.Musiime, A.Nankya, A.Atwongyeire, D.Sirikye, S.Mula, S.Noowe, N.Lugemwa, A.Kasozi, M.Mwebe, S.Atwine, L.Senkindu, T.Natuhurira, T.Katemba, C.Ninsiima, E.Acaku, M.Kyomuhangi, J.Ankunda, R.Tukwasibwe, D.Ayesiga, L.Nathoo, K.Bwakura-Dangarembizi, M.Reid, A.Chidziva, E.Mhute, T.Tinago, G.C.Bhiri, J.Mudzingwa, S.Phiri, M.Steamer, J.Nhema, R.Warambwa, C.Mutsai, S.Nemasango, B.Moyo, C.Chitongo, S.Rashirai, K.Vhembo, S.Mlambo, B.Nkomani, S.Ndemera, B.Willard, M.Berejena, C.Musodza, Y.Matiza, P.Mudenge, B.Guti, V.Etyang, A.Berkley, J.Maitland, K.Njuguna, P.Mwaringa, S.Etyang, T.Awuondo, K.Wale, S.Shangala, J.Kithunga, J.Mwarumba, S.Said Maitha, S.Mutai, R.Lozi Lewa, M.Mwambingu, G.Mwanzu, A.Kalama, C.Latham, H.Shikuku, J.Fondo, A.Njogu, A.Khadenge, C.Mwakisha, B.Siika, A.Wools-Kaloustian, K.Nyandiko, W.Cheruiyot, P.Sudoi, A.Wachira, S.Meli, B.Karoney, M.Nzioka, A.Tanui, M.Mokaya, M.Ekiru, W.Mboya, C.Mwimali, D.Mengich, C.Choge, J.Injera, W.Njenga, K.Cherutich, S.Anyango Orido, M.Omondi Lwande, G.Rutto, P.Mudogo, A.Kutto, I.Shali, A.Jaika, L.Jerotich, H.Pierre, M.Kaunda, S.Van Oosterhout, J.O'Hare, B.Heydermann, R.Gonzalez, C.Dzabala, N.Kelly, C.Denis, B.Selemani, G.Nyondo Mipando, L.Chirwa, E.Banda, P.Mvula, L.Msuku, H.Ziwoya, M.Manda, Y.Nicholas, S.Masesa, C.Mwalukomo, T.Makhaza, L.Sheha, I.Bwanali, J.Limbuni, M.Thomason, M.Griffiths, A.Spyer, M.Klein, N.Rauchenberger, M.Van Looy, N.Little, E.Fairbrother, K.Cowan, F.Seeley, J.Bernays, S.Kawuma, R.Mupambireyi, Z.Kyomuhendo, F.Nakalanzi, S.Peshu, J.Ndaa, S.Chabuka, J.Mkandawire, N.Matandika, L.Kapuya, C.Weller, I.Malianga, E.Mwansambo, C.Miiro, F.Elyanu, P.Bukusi, E.Katabira, E.Mugurungi, O.Peto, T.Musoke, P.Matenga, J.Phiri, S.Ssali, F.Arenas-Pinto, A.Turkova, A.Bamford, A.
In: Clinical Infectious Diseases. (Clinical Infectious Diseases, 4 March 2018, 66:S132-S139)
Academic Journal
In: International Education Journal. (International Education Journal, April 2007, 8(1):118-126)
Academic Journal
Hakim J; From the University of Zimbabwe Clinical Research Center, Harare, Zimbabwe (J.H., M.B.-D., G.M., K.N.); Joint Clinical Research Center, Kampala (V.M., C.K., P.M.), Mbarara (A.L.), and Fort Portal (S. Kabahenda) - all in Uganda; Medical Research Council Clinical Trials Unit at University College London (A.J.S., S.L.P., A.G., M.J.T., A.S.W., D.M.G.), Wellcome Trust Centre for Clinical Tropical Medicine and Department of Paediatrics, Imperial College (K.M.), and Queen Mary University of London (A.J.P.), London, and the Centre for Health Economics, University of York, York (S.W.) - all in the United Kingdom; the Department of Medicine and Malawi-Liverpool-Wellcome Trust Clinical Research Program, Blantyre, Malawi (J.M., S. Kaunda); and Moi University School of Medicine, Eldoret (A.S., M.K.), and the Kenya Medical Research Institute (KEMRI) Wellcome Trust Research Program, Kilifi (C.A., K.M.) - both in Kenya.; Musiime V; From the University of Zimbabwe Clinical Research Center, Harare, Zimbabwe (J.H., M.B.-D., G.M., K.N.); Joint Clinical Research Center, Kampala (V.M., C.K., P.M.), Mbarara (A.L.), and Fort Portal (S. Kabahenda) - all in Uganda; Medical Research Council Clinical Trials Unit at University College London (A.J.S., S.L.P., A.G., M.J.T., A.S.W., D.M.G.), Wellcome Trust Centre for Clinical Tropical Medicine and Department of Paediatrics, Imperial College (K.M.), and Queen Mary University of London (A.J.P.), London, and the Centre for Health Economics, University of York, York (S.W.) - all in the United Kingdom; the Department of Medicine and Malawi-Liverpool-Wellcome Trust Clinical Research Program, Blantyre, Malawi (J.M., S. Kaunda); and Moi University School of Medicine, Eldoret (A.S., M.K.), and the Kenya Medical Research Institute (KEMRI) Wellcome Trust Research Program, Kilifi (C.A., K.M.) - both in Kenya.; Szubert AJ; From the University of Zimbabwe Clinical Research Center, Harare, Zimbabwe (J.H., M.B.-D., G.M., K.N.); Joint Clinical Research Center, Kampala (V.M., C.K., P.M.), Mbarara (A.L.), and Fort Portal (S. Kabahenda) - all in Uganda; Medical Research Council Clinical Trials Unit at University College London (A.J.S., S.L.P., A.G., M.J.T., A.S.W., D.M.G.), Wellcome Trust Centre for Clinical Tropical Medicine and Department of Paediatrics, Imperial College (K.M.), and Queen Mary University of London (A.J.P.), London, and the Centre for Health Economics, University of York, York (S.W.) - all in the United Kingdom; the Department of Medicine and Malawi-Liverpool-Wellcome Trust Clinical Research Program, Blantyre, Malawi (J.M., S. Kaunda); and Moi University School of Medicine, Eldoret (A.S., M.K.), and the Kenya Medical Research Institute (KEMRI) Wellcome Trust Research Program, Kilifi (C.A., K.M.) - both in Kenya.; Mallewa J; From the University of Zimbabwe Clinical Research Center, Harare, Zimbabwe (J.H., M.B.-D., G.M., K.N.); Joint Clinical Research Center, Kampala (V.M., C.K., P.M.), Mbarara (A.L.), and Fort Portal (S. Kabahenda) - all in Uganda; Medical Research Council Clinical Trials Unit at University College London (A.J.S., S.L.P., A.G., M.J.T., A.S.W., D.M.G.), Wellcome Trust Centre for Clinical Tropical Medicine and Department of Paediatrics, Imperial College (K.M.), and Queen Mary University of London (A.J.P.), London, and the Centre for Health Economics, University of York, York (S.W.) - all in the United Kingdom; the Department of Medicine and Malawi-Liverpool-Wellcome Trust Clinical Research Program, Blantyre, Malawi (J.M., S. Kaunda); and Moi University School of Medicine, Eldoret (A.S., M.K.), and the Kenya Medical Research Institute (KEMRI) Wellcome Trust Research Program, Kilifi (C.A., K.M.) - both in Kenya.; Siika A; From the University of Zimbabwe Clinical Research Center, Harare, Zimbabwe (J.H., M.B.-D., G.M., K.N.); Joint Clinical Research Center, Kampala (V.M., C.K., P.M.), Mbarara (A.L.), and Fort Portal (S. Kabahenda) - all in Uganda; Medical Research Council Clinical Trials Unit at University College London (A.J.S., S.L.P., A.G., M.J.T., A.S.W., D.M.G.), Wellcome Trust Centre for Clinical Tropical Medicine and Department of Paediatrics, Imperial College (K.M.), and Queen Mary University of London (A.J.P.), London, and the Centre for Health Economics, University of York, York (S.W.) - all in the United Kingdom; the Department of Medicine and Malawi-Liverpool-Wellcome Trust Clinical Research Program, Blantyre, Malawi (J.M., S. Kaunda); and Moi University School of Medicine, Eldoret (A.S., M.K.), and the Kenya Medical Research Institute (KEMRI) Wellcome Trust Research Program, Kilifi (C.A., K.M.) - both in Kenya.; Agutu C; From the University of Zimbabwe Clinical Research Center, Harare, Zimbabwe (J.H., M.B.-D., G.M., K.N.); Joint Clinical Research Center, Kampala (V.M., C.K., P.M.), Mbarara (A.L.), and Fort Portal (S. Kabahenda) - all in Uganda; Medical Research Council Clinical Trials Unit at University College London (A.J.S., S.L.P., A.G., M.J.T., A.S.W., D.M.G.), Wellcome Trust Centre for Clinical Tropical Medicine and Department of Paediatrics, Imperial College (K.M.), and Queen Mary University of London (A.J.P.), London, and the Centre for Health Economics, University of York, York (S.W.) - all in the United Kingdom; the Department of Medicine and Malawi-Liverpool-Wellcome Trust Clinical Research Program, Blantyre, Malawi (J.M., S. Kaunda); and Moi University School of Medicine, Eldoret (A.S., M.K.), and the Kenya Medical Research Institute (KEMRI) Wellcome Trust Research Program, Kilifi (C.A., K.M.) - both in Kenya.; Walker S; From the University of Zimbabwe Clinical Research Center, Harare, Zimbabwe (J.H., M.B.-D., G.M., K.N.); Joint Clinical Research Center, Kampala (V.M., C.K., P.M.), Mbarara (A.L.), and Fort Portal (S. Kabahenda) - all in Uganda; Medical Research Council Clinical Trials Unit at University College London (A.J.S., S.L.P., A.G., M.J.T., A.S.W., D.M.G.), Wellcome Trust Centre for Clinical Tropical Medicine and Department of Paediatrics, Imperial College (K.M.), and Queen Mary University of London (A.J.P.), London, and the Centre for Health Economics, University of York, York (S.W.) - all in the United Kingdom; the Department of Medicine and Malawi-Liverpool-Wellcome Trust Clinical Research Program, Blantyre, Malawi (J.M., S. Kaunda); and Moi University School of Medicine, Eldoret (A.S., M.K.), and the Kenya Medical Research Institute (KEMRI) Wellcome Trust Research Program, Kilifi (C.A., K.M.) - both in Kenya.; Pett SL; From the University of Zimbabwe Clinical Research Center, Harare, Zimbabwe (J.H., M.B.-D., G.M., K.N.); Joint Clinical Research Center, Kampala (V.M., C.K., P.M.), Mbarara (A.L.), and Fort Portal (S. Kabahenda) - all in Uganda; Medical Research Council Clinical Trials Unit at University College London (A.J.S., S.L.P., A.G., M.J.T., A.S.W., D.M.G.), Wellcome Trust Centre for Clinical Tropical Medicine and Department of Paediatrics, Imperial College (K.M.), and Queen Mary University of London (A.J.P.), London, and the Centre for Health Economics, University of York, York (S.W.) - all in the United Kingdom; the Department of Medicine and Malawi-Liverpool-Wellcome Trust Clinical Research Program, Blantyre, Malawi (J.M., S. Kaunda); and Moi University School of Medicine, Eldoret (A.S., M.K.), and the Kenya Medical Research Institute (KEMRI) Wellcome Trust Research Program, Kilifi (C.A., K.M.) - both in Kenya.; Bwakura-Dangarembizi M; From the University of Zimbabwe Clinical Research Center, Harare, Zimbabwe (J.H., M.B.-D., G.M., K.N.); Joint Clinical Research Center, Kampala (V.M., C.K., P.M.), Mbarara (A.L.), and Fort Portal (S. Kabahenda) - all in Uganda; Medical Research Council Clinical Trials Unit at University College London (A.J.S., S.L.P., A.G., M.J.T., A.S.W., D.M.G.), Wellcome Trust Centre for Clinical Tropical Medicine and Department of Paediatrics, Imperial College (K.M.), and Queen Mary University of London (A.J.P.), London, and the Centre for Health Economics, University of York, York (S.W.) - all in the United Kingdom; the Department of Medicine and Malawi-Liverpool-Wellcome Trust Clinical Research Program, Blantyre, Malawi (J.M., S. Kaunda); and Moi University School of Medicine, Eldoret (A.S., M.K.), and the Kenya Medical Research Institute (KEMRI) Wellcome Trust Research Program, Kilifi (C.A., K.M.) - both in Kenya.; Lugemwa A; From the University of Zimbabwe Clinical Research Center, Harare, Zimbabwe (J.H., M.B.-D., G.M., K.N.); Joint Clinical Research Center, Kampala (V.M., C.K., P.M.), Mbarara (A.L.), and Fort Portal (S. Kabahenda) - all in Uganda; Medical Research Council Clinical Trials Unit at University College London (A.J.S., S.L.P., A.G., M.J.T., A.S.W., D.M.G.), Wellcome Trust Centre for Clinical Tropical Medicine and Department of Paediatrics, Imperial College (K.M.), and Queen Mary University of London (A.J.P.), London, and the Centre for Health Economics, University of York, York (S.W.) - all in the United Kingdom; the Department of Medicine and Malawi-Liverpool-Wellcome Trust Clinical Research Program, Blantyre, Malawi (J.M., S. Kaunda); and Moi University School of Medicine, Eldoret (A.S., M.K.), and the Kenya Medical Research Institute (KEMRI) Wellcome Trust Research Program, Kilifi (C.A., K.M.) - both in Kenya.; Kaunda S; From the University of Zimbabwe Clinical Research Center, Harare, Zimbabwe (J.H., M.B.-D., G.M., K.N.); Joint Clinical Research Center, Kampala (V.M., C.K., P.M.), Mbarara (A.L.), and Fort Portal (S. Kabahenda) - all in Uganda; Medical Research Council Clinical Trials Unit at University College London (A.J.S., S.L.P., A.G., M.J.T., A.S.W., D.M.G.), Wellcome Trust Centre for Clinical Tropical Medicine and Department of Paediatrics, Imperial College (K.M.), and Queen Mary University of London (A.J.P.), London, and the Centre for Health Economics, University of York, York (S.W.) - all in the United Kingdom; the Department of Medicine and Malawi-Liverpool-Wellcome Trust Clinical Research Program, Blantyre, Malawi (J.M., S. Kaunda); and Moi University School of Medicine, Eldoret (A.S., M.K.), and the Kenya Medical Research Institute (KEMRI) Wellcome Trust Research Program, Kilifi (C.A., K.M.) - both in Kenya.; Karoney M; From the University of Zimbabwe Clinical Research Center, Harare, Zimbabwe (J.H., M.B.-D., G.M., K.N.); Joint Clinical Research Center, Kampala (V.M., C.K., P.M.), Mbarara (A.L.), and Fort Portal (S. Kabahenda) - all in Uganda; Medical Research Council Clinical Trials Unit at University College London (A.J.S., S.L.P., A.G., M.J.T., A.S.W., D.M.G.), Wellcome Trust Centre for Clinical Tropical Medicine and Department of Paediatrics, Imperial College (K.M.), and Queen Mary University of London (A.J.P.), London, and the Centre for Health Economics, University of York, York (S.W.) - all in the United Kingdom; the Department of Medicine and Malawi-Liverpool-Wellcome Trust Clinical Research Program, Blantyre, Malawi (J.M., S. Kaunda); and Moi University School of Medicine, Eldoret (A.S., M.K.), and the Kenya Medical Research Institute (KEMRI) Wellcome Trust Research Program, Kilifi (C.A., K.M.) - both in Kenya.; Musoro G; From the University of Zimbabwe Clinical Research Center, Harare, Zimbabwe (J.H., M.B.-D., G.M., K.N.); Joint Clinical Research Center, Kampala (V.M., C.K., P.M.), Mbarara (A.L.), and Fort Portal (S. Kabahenda) - all in Uganda; Medical Research Council Clinical Trials Unit at University College London (A.J.S., S.L.P., A.G., M.J.T., A.S.W., D.M.G.), Wellcome Trust Centre for Clinical Tropical Medicine and Department of Paediatrics, Imperial College (K.M.), and Queen Mary University of London (A.J.P.), London, and the Centre for Health Economics, University of York, York (S.W.) - all in the United Kingdom; the Department of Medicine and Malawi-Liverpool-Wellcome Trust Clinical Research Program, Blantyre, Malawi (J.M., S. Kaunda); and Moi University School of Medicine, Eldoret (A.S., M.K.), and the Kenya Medical Research Institute (KEMRI) Wellcome Trust Research Program, Kilifi (C.A., K.M.) - both in Kenya.; Kabahenda S; From the University of Zimbabwe Clinical Research Center, Harare, Zimbabwe (J.H., M.B.-D., G.M., K.N.); Joint Clinical Research Center, Kampala (V.M., C.K., P.M.), Mbarara (A.L.), and Fort Portal (S. Kabahenda) - all in Uganda; Medical Research Council Clinical Trials Unit at University College London (A.J.S., S.L.P., A.G., M.J.T., A.S.W., D.M.G.), Wellcome Trust Centre for Clinical Tropical Medicine and Department of Paediatrics, Imperial College (K.M.), and Queen Mary University of London (A.J.P.), London, and the Centre for Health Economics, University of York, York (S.W.) - all in the United Kingdom; the Department of Medicine and Malawi-Liverpool-Wellcome Trust Clinical Research Program, Blantyre, Malawi (J.M., S. Kaunda); and Moi University School of Medicine, Eldoret (A.S., M.K.), and the Kenya Medical Research Institute (KEMRI) Wellcome Trust Research Program, Kilifi (C.A., K.M.) - both in Kenya.; Nathoo K; From the University of Zimbabwe Clinical Research Center, Harare, Zimbabwe (J.H., M.B.-D., G.M., K.N.); Joint Clinical Research Center, Kampala (V.M., C.K., P.M.), Mbarara (A.L.), and Fort Portal (S. Kabahenda) - all in Uganda; Medical Research Council Clinical Trials Unit at University College London (A.J.S., S.L.P., A.G., M.J.T., A.S.W., D.M.G.), Wellcome Trust Centre for Clinical Tropical Medicine and Department of Paediatrics, Imperial College (K.M.), and Queen Mary University of London (A.J.P.), London, and the Centre for Health Economics, University of York, York (S.W.) - all in the United Kingdom; the Department of Medicine and Malawi-Liverpool-Wellcome Trust Clinical Research Program, Blantyre, Malawi (J.M., S. Kaunda); and Moi University School of Medicine, Eldoret (A.S., M.K.), and the Kenya Medical Research Institute (KEMRI) Wellcome Trust Research Program, Kilifi (C.A., K.M.) - both in Kenya.; Maitland K; From the University of Zimbabwe Clinical Research Center, Harare, Zimbabwe (J.H., M.B.-D., G.M., K.N.); Joint Clinical Research Center, Kampala (V.M., C.K., P.M.), Mbarara (A.L.), and Fort Portal (S. Kabahenda) - all in Uganda; Medical Research Council Clinical Trials Unit at University College London (A.J.S., S.L.P., A.G., M.J.T., A.S.W., D.M.G.), Wellcome Trust Centre for Clinical Tropical Medicine and Department of Paediatrics, Imperial College (K.M.), and Queen Mary University of London (A.J.P.), London, and the Centre for Health Economics, University of York, York (S.W.) - all in the United Kingdom; the Department of Medicine and Malawi-Liverpool-Wellcome Trust Clinical Research Program, Blantyre, Malawi (J.M., S. Kaunda); and Moi University School of Medicine, Eldoret (A.S., M.K.), and the Kenya Medical Research Institute (KEMRI) Wellcome Trust Research Program, Kilifi (C.A., K.M.) - both in Kenya.; Griffiths A; From the University of Zimbabwe Clinical Research Center, Harare, Zimbabwe (J.H., M.B.-D., G.M., K.N.); Joint Clinical Research Center, Kampala (V.M., C.K., P.M.), Mbarara (A.L.), and Fort Portal (S. Kabahenda) - all in Uganda; Medical Research Council Clinical Trials Unit at University College London (A.J.S., S.L.P., A.G., M.J.T., A.S.W., D.M.G.), Wellcome Trust Centre for Clinical Tropical Medicine and Department of Paediatrics, Imperial College (K.M.), and Queen Mary University of London (A.J.P.), London, and the Centre for Health Economics, University of York, York (S.W.) - all in the United Kingdom; the Department of Medicine and Malawi-Liverpool-Wellcome Trust Clinical Research Program, Blantyre, Malawi (J.M., S. Kaunda); and Moi University School of Medicine, Eldoret (A.S., M.K.), and the Kenya Medical Research Institute (KEMRI) Wellcome Trust Research Program, Kilifi (C.A., K.M.) - both in Kenya.; Thomason MJ; From the University of Zimbabwe Clinical Research Center, Harare, Zimbabwe (J.H., M.B.-D., G.M., K.N.); Joint Clinical Research Center, Kampala (V.M., C.K., P.M.), Mbarara (A.L.), and Fort Portal (S. Kabahenda) - all in Uganda; Medical Research Council Clinical Trials Unit at University College London (A.J.S., S.L.P., A.G., M.J.T., A.S.W., D.M.G.), Wellcome Trust Centre for Clinical Tropical Medicine and Department of Paediatrics, Imperial College (K.M.), and Queen Mary University of London (A.J.P.), London, and the Centre for Health Economics, University of York, York (S.W.) - all in the United Kingdom; the Department of Medicine and Malawi-Liverpool-Wellcome Trust Clinical Research Program, Blantyre, Malawi (J.M., S. Kaunda); and Moi University School of Medicine, Eldoret (A.S., M.K.), and the Kenya Medical Research Institute (KEMRI) Wellcome Trust Research Program, Kilifi (C.A., K.M.) - both in Kenya.; Kityo C; From the University of Zimbabwe Clinical Research Center, Harare, Zimbabwe (J.H., M.B.-D., G.M., K.N.); Joint Clinical Research Center, Kampala (V.M., C.K., P.M.), Mbarara (A.L.), and Fort Portal (S. Kabahenda) - all in Uganda; Medical Research Council Clinical Trials Unit at University College London (A.J.S., S.L.P., A.G., M.J.T., A.S.W., D.M.G.), Wellcome Trust Centre for Clinical Tropical Medicine and Department of Paediatrics, Imperial College (K.M.), and Queen Mary University of London (A.J.P.), London, and the Centre for Health Economics, University of York, York (S.W.) - all in the United Kingdom; the Department of Medicine and Malawi-Liverpool-Wellcome Trust Clinical Research Program, Blantyre, Malawi (J.M., S. Kaunda); and Moi University School of Medicine, Eldoret (A.S., M.K.), and the Kenya Medical Research Institute (KEMRI) Wellcome Trust Research Program, Kilifi (C.A., K.M.) - both in Kenya.; Mugyenyi P; From the University of Zimbabwe Clinical Research Center, Harare, Zimbabwe (J.H., M.B.-D., G.M., K.N.); Joint Clinical Research Center, Kampala (V.M., C.K., P.M.), Mbarara (A.L.), and Fort Portal (S. Kabahenda) - all in Uganda; Medical Research Council Clinical Trials Unit at University College London (A.J.S., S.L.P., A.G., M.J.T., A.S.W., D.M.G.), Wellcome Trust Centre for Clinical Tropical Medicine and Department of Paediatrics, Imperial College (K.M.), and Queen Mary University of London (A.J.P.), London, and the Centre for Health Economics, University of York, York (S.W.) - all in the United Kingdom; the Department of Medicine and Malawi-Liverpool-Wellcome Trust Clinical Research Program, Blantyre, Malawi (J.M., S. Kaunda); and Moi University School of Medicine, Eldoret (A.S., M.K.), and the Kenya Medical Research Institute (KEMRI) Wellcome Trust Research Program, Kilifi (C.A., K.M.) - both in Kenya.; Prendergast AJ; From the University of Zimbabwe Clinical Research Center, Harare, Zimbabwe (J.H., M.B.-D., G.M., K.N.); Joint Clinical Research Center, Kampala (V.M., C.K., P.M.), Mbarara (A.L.), and Fort Portal (S. Kabahenda) - all in Uganda; Medical Research Council Clinical Trials Unit at University College London (A.J.S., S.L.P., A.G., M.J.T., A.S.W., D.M.G.), Wellcome Trust Centre for Clinical Tropical Medicine and Department of Paediatrics, Imperial College (K.M.), and Queen Mary University of London (A.J.P.), London, and the Centre for Health Economics, University of York, York (S.W.) - all in the United Kingdom; the Department of Medicine and Malawi-Liverpool-Wellcome Trust Clinical Research Program, Blantyre, Malawi (J.M., S. Kaunda); and Moi University School of Medicine, Eldoret (A.S., M.K.), and the Kenya Medical Research Institute (KEMRI) Wellcome Trust Research Program, Kilifi (C.A., K.M.) - both in Kenya.; Walker AS; From the University of Zimbabwe Clinical Research Center, Harare, Zimbabwe (J.H., M.B.-D., G.M., K.N.); Joint Clinical Research Center, Kampala (V.M., C.K., P.M.), Mbarara (A.L.), and Fort Portal (S. Kabahenda) - all in Uganda; Medical Research Council Clinical Trials Unit at University College London (A.J.S., S.L.P., A.G., M.J.T., A.S.W., D.M.G.), Wellcome Trust Centre for Clinical Tropical Medicine and Department of Paediatrics, Imperial College (K.M.), and Queen Mary University of London (A.J.P.), London, and the Centre for Health Economics, University of York, York (S.W.) - all in the United Kingdom; the Department of Medicine and Malawi-Liverpool-Wellcome Trust Clinical Research Program, Blantyre, Malawi (J.M., S. Kaunda); and Moi University School of Medicine, Eldoret (A.S., M.K.), and the Kenya Medical Research Institute (KEMRI) Wellcome Trust Research Program, Kilifi (C.A., K.M.) - both in Kenya.; Gibb DM; From the University of Zimbabwe Clinical Research Center, Harare, Zimbabwe (J.H., M.B.-D., G.M., K.N.); Joint Clinical Research Center, Kampala (V.M., C.K., P.M.), Mbarara (A.L.), and Fort Portal (S. Kabahenda) - all in Uganda; Medical Research Council Clinical Trials Unit at University College London (A.J.S., S.L.P., A.G., M.J.T., A.S.W., D.M.G.), Wellcome Trust Centre for Clinical Tropical Medicine and Department of Paediatrics, Imperial College (K.M.), and Queen Mary University of London (A.J.P.), London, and the Centre for Health Economics, University of York, York (S.W.) - all in the United Kingdom; the Department of Medicine and Malawi-Liverpool-Wellcome Trust Clinical Research Program, Blantyre, Malawi (J.M., S. Kaunda); and Moi University School of Medicine, Eldoret (A.S., M.K.), and the Kenya Medical Research Institute (KEMRI) Wellcome Trust Research Program, Kilifi (C.A., K.M.) - both in Kenya.
Publisher: Massachusetts Medical Society Country of Publication: United States NLM ID: 0255562 Publication Model: Print Cited Medium: Internet ISSN: 1533-4406 (Electronic) Linking ISSN: 00284793 NLM ISO Abbreviation: N Engl J Med Subsets: MEDLINE
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