에서 검색결과 755건 | 목록
Academic Journal
In Astronomy and Computing January 2022 38
Academic Journal
Samandar, A.; Copi, C.J.; Mihaylov, D.P.; Starkman, G.D.; Akrami, Y.; Cornet-Gomez, F.; Tamosiunas, A.; Duque, J.C.; Barandiaran, M.M.; Pereira, T.S.; Jaffe, A.H.; Anselmi, S.; Eskilt, J.R.; Kosowsky, A.
In: Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics . (Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics, 1 November 2024, 2024(11))
Academic Journal
Computing in Science & Engineering Comput. Sci. Eng. Computing in Science & Engineering. 1(2):21-35 Apr, 1999
Academic Journal
Richardson, M.D.; Briggs, K.B.; Bibee, L.D.; Jumars, P.A.; Sawyer, W.B.; Albert, D.B.; Bennett, R.H.; Berger, T.K.; Buckingham, M.J.; Chotiros, N.P.; Dahl, P.H.; Dewitt, N.T.; Fleischer, P.; Flood, R.; Greenlaw, C.F.; Holliday, D.V.; Hulbert, M.H.; Hutnak, M.P.; Jackson, P.D.; Jaffe, J.S.; Johnson, H.P.; Lavoie, D.L.; Lyons, A.P.; Martens, C.S.; McGehee, D.E.; Moore, K.D.; Orsi, T.H.; Piper, J.N.; Ray, R.I.; Reed, A.H.; Self, R.F.L.; Schmidt, J.L.; Schock, S.G.; Simonet, F.; Stoll, R.D.; Tang, D.; Thistle, D.E.; Thorsos, E.I.; Walter, D.J.; Wheatcroft, R.A.
IEEE Journal of Oceanic Engineering IEEE J. Oceanic Eng. Oceanic Engineering, IEEE Journal of. 26(1):26-53 Jan, 2001
Academic Journal
Tamosiunas, A.; Cornet-Gomez, F.; Akrami, Y.; Copi, C.J.; Gungor, I.; Mertens, J.B.; Mihaylov, D.P.; Saha, S.; Samandar, A.; Starkman, G.D.; Taylor, Q.; Carron Duque, J.; Martin Barandiaran, M.; Eskilt, J.R.; Jaffe, A.H.; Anselmi, S.; Kosowsky, A.; Pereira, T.S.; Vardanyan, V.
In: Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics . (Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics, 1 September 2024, 2024(9))
IEEE 30th Annual Northeast Bioengineering Conference, 2004. Proceedings of the Bioengineering conference Bioengineering Conference, 2004. Proceedings of the IEEE 30th Annual Northeast. :128-129 2004
Academic Journal
Richards, P.L.; Abroe, M.; Ade, P.; Balbi, A.; Bock, J.; Borrill, J.; Boscaleri, A.; de Bernardis, P.; Collins, J.; Ferreira, P.G.; Hanany, S.; Hristov, V.V.; Jaffe, A.H.; Johnson, B.; Lee, A.T.; Matsumu, T.; Mauskopf, P.D.; Netterfield, C.B.; Pascale, E.; Rabii, B.; Smoot, G.F.; Stompor, R.; Winant, C.D.; Wu, J.H.P.
Academic Journal
Akrami, Y.; Copi, C.J.; Petersen, P.; Starkman, G.D.; González-Quesada, K.; Güngör, Ö.; Mihaylov, D.P.; Saha, S.; Tamosiunas, A.; Taylor, Q.; Eskilt, J.R.; Jaffe, A.H.; Anselmi, S.; Kosowsky, A.; Vardanyan, V.
In: Physical Review Letters . (Physical Review Letters, 26 April 2024, 132(17))
Academic Journal
de Bernardis, P.; Ade, P.A.R.; Bock, J.J.; Bond, J.R.; Borrill, J.; Boscaleri, A.; Coble, K.; Contaldi, C.R.; Crill, B.P.; De Troia, G.; Farese, P.; Ganga, K.; Giacometti, M.; Hivon, E.; Hristov, V.V.; Iacoangeli, A.; Jaffe, A.H.; Jones, W.C.; Lange, A.E.; Martinis, L.; Masi, S.; Mason, P.; Mauskopf, P.D.; Melchiorri, A.; Montroy, T.; Netterfield, C.B.; Pascale, E.; Piacentini, F.; Pogosyan, D.; Polenta, G.; Pongetti, F.; Prunet, S.; Romeo, G.; Ruhl, J.E.; Scaramuzzi, F.
Academic Journal
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[검색어] Jaffe, A.H.
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