에서 검색결과 826건 | 목록
Academic Journal
Khoury, Lara M.; Sheehan, Kristin N.; Mariencheck, William I.; Gershner, Katherine A.; Maslonka, Matthew; Niehaus, Angela G.; Isom, Scott; Bellinger, Christina R.
Lung: Publishing continuously since 1903. 202(3):325-330
Academic Journal
31 Crim. Just. Pol'y Rev. 1119 (2020) / Criminal Justice Policy Review, Vol. 31, Issue 8 (October 2020), pp. 1119-1135
Academic Journal
100 Prison J. 488 (2020) / Prison Journal: An International Forum on Incarceration and Alternative Sanctions, Vol. 100, Issue 4 (September 2020), pp. 488-509
Academic Journal
31 J. Crim. Just. Educ. 462 (2020) / Journal of Criminal Justice Education, Vol. 31, Issue 3 (2020), pp. 462-465
Academic Journal
10 Race & Just. 20 (2020) / Race and Justice, Vol. 10, Issue 1 (January 2020), pp. 20-42
Academic Journal
26 Critical Criminology 49 (2018) / Critical Criminology, Vol. 26, Issue 1 (March 2018), pp. 49-74
Academic Journal
Mottl, Amy K.; Tryggestad, Jeanie B.; Isom, Scott; Gubitosi-Klug, Rose A.; Henkin, Leora; White, Neil H.; D'Agostino, Ralph, Jr; Hughan, Kara S.; Dolan, Lawrence M.; Drews, Kimberly L.
Diabetes Research and Clinical Practice. 210
Academic Journal
Ressler, Hadley W.; Cramer, Christina K.; Isom, Scott; McCormack, Michael; Ruiz, Jimmy; Xing, Fei; Li, Wencheng; Whitlow, Christopher T.; White, Jaclyn J.; Laxton, Adrian W.; Tatter, Stephen B.; Chan, Michael D.
Clinical Neurology and Neurosurgery. 238
Academic Journal
Reed, Daniel R.; Wooster, Margaux; Isom, Scott; Ellis, Leslie R.; Howard, Dianna S.; Manuel, Megan; Dralle, Sarah; Lyerly, Susan; Bhave, Rupali; Powell, Bayard L.; Pardee, Timothy S.
Annals of Hematology. 102(4):897-906
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[검색어] Isom, Scott
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