
(예 : 2010-2015)
'학술논문' 에서 검색결과 167건 | 목록 1~10
Academic Journal
O'Dushlaine, CRossin, LLee, PHDuncan, LParikshak, NNNewhouse, SRipke, SNeale, BMPurcell, SMPosthuma, DNurnberger, JILee, SHFaraone, SVPerlis, RHMowry, BJThapar, AGoddard, MEWitte, JSAbsher, DAgartz, IAkil, HAmin, FAndreassen, OAAnjorin, AAnney, RAnttila, VArking, DEAsherson, PAzevedo, MHBacklund, LBadner, JABailey, AJBanaschewski, TBarchas, JDBarnes, MRBarrett, TBBass, NBattaglia, ABauer, MBayes, MBellivier, FBergen, SEBerrettini, WBetancur, CBettecken, TBiederman, JBinder, EBBlack, DWBlackwood, DHRBloss, CSBoehnke, MBoomsma, DIBreuer, RBruggeman, RCormican, PBuccola, NGBuitelaar, JKBunney, WEBuxbaum, JDByerley, WFByrne, EMCaesar, SCahn, WCantor, RMCasas, MChakravarti, AChambert, KChoudhury, KCichon, SMattheisen, MCloninger, CRCollier, DACook, EHCoon, HCormand, BCorvin, ACoryell, WHCraig, DWCraig, IWCrosbie, JCuccaro, MLCurtis, DCzamara, DDatta, SDawson, GDay, RDe Geus, EJDegenhardt, FDjurovic, SDonohoe, GJDoyle, AEDuan, JDudbridge, FDuketis, EEbstein, RPEdenberg, HJElia, JEnnis, SEtain, BFanous, AFarmer, AEFerrier, INFlicldnger, MFombonne, EForoud, TFrank, JFranke, BFraser, CFreedman, RFreimer, NBFreitag, CMFriedl, MFrisen, LGailagher, LGejman, PVGeorgieva, LGershon, ESGiegling, IGill, MGordon, SDGordon-Smith, KGreen, EKGreenwood, TAGrice, DEGross, MGrozeva, DGuan, WGurling, HDe Haan, LHaines, JLHakonarson, HHallmayer, JHamilton, SPHamshere, MLHansen, TFHartmann, AMHautzinger, MHeath, ACHenders, AKHerms, SHickie, IBHipolito, MHoefels, SHolsboer, FHoogendijk, WJHottenga, JJHultman, CMHus, VIngason, AIsing, MJamain, SJones, EGJones, IJones, LTzeng, JYKahler, AKKahn, RSKandaswamy, RKeller, MCKennedy, JLKenny, EKent, LKim, YJKirov, GKKlauck, SMKlei, LKnowles, JAKohli, MAKoller, DLKonte, BKorszun, AKrabbendam, LKrasucki, RKuntsi, JKwan, PLanden, MLangstrom, NLathrop, MLawrence, JLawson, WBLeboyer, MLedbetter, DHLencz, TLesch, KPLevinson, DFLewis, CMLi, JLichtenstein, PLieberman, JALin, DYLinszen, DHLiu, CYLohoff, FWLoo, SKLord, CLowe, JKLucae, SMacIntyre, DJMadden, PAFMaestrini, EMagnusson, PKEMahon, PBMaier, WMalhotra, AKMane, SMMartin, CLMartin, NGMatthews, KMattingsdal, MMcCarroll, SAMcGhee, KAMcGough, JJMcGrath, PJMcGuffin, PMcInnis, MGMcIntosh, AMcKinney, RMcLean, AWMcMahon, FJMcMahon, WMMcQuillin, AMedeiros, HMedland, SEMeier, SMelle, IMeng, FMeyer, JMiddeldorp, CMMiddleton, LMilanova, VMiranda, AMonaco, APMontgomery, GWMoran, JLMoreno-De-Luca, DMorken, GMorris, DWMorrow, EMMoskvina, VMuglia, PMuhleisen, TWMuir, WJMuller-Myhsok, BMurtha, MMyers, RMMyin-Germeys, INeale, MCNelson, SFNievergelt, CMNikolov, INimgaonkar, VNolen, WANothen, MMNwulia, EANyholt, DROades, RDOlincy, AOliveira, GOlsen, LOphoff, RAOsby, UOwen, MJPalotie, AParr, JRPaterson, ADPato, CNPato, MTPenninx, BWPergadia, MLPericak-Vance, MAPickard, BSPimm, JPiven, JPotash, JBPoustka, FPropping, PPuri, VQuested, DJQuinn, EMRamos-Quiroga, JARasmussen, HBRaychaudhuri, SRehnstrom, KReif, ARibases, MRice, JPRietschel, MRoeder, KRoeyers, HRothenberger, ARouleau, GRuderfer, DRujescu, DSanders, ARSanders, SJSantangelo, SLSergeant, JASchachar, RSchalling, MSchatzberg, AFScheftner, WASchellenberg, GDScherer, SWSchork, NJSchulze, TGSchumacher, JSchwarz, MScolnick, EScott, LJShi, JXShilling, PDShyn, SISilverman, JMSlager, SLSmalley, SLSmit, JHSmith, ENSonuga-Barke, EJSCair, DSState, MSteffens, MSteinhausen, HCStrauss, JSStrohmaier, JStroup, TSSutdiffe, JSSzatmari, PSzelinger, SThirumalai, SThompson, RCTodorov, AATozzi, FTreutlein, JUhr, MVan den Oord, EJCGVan Grootheest, GVan Os, JVicente, AMVieland, VJVincent, JBVisscher, PMWalsh, CAWassink, THWatson, SJWeissman, MMWerge, TWienker, TFWijsman, EMWillemsen, GWilliams, NWillsey, AJWitt, SHXu, WYoung, AHYu, TWZammit, SZandi, PPZhang, PZitman, FGZollner, SDevlin, BKelsoe, JRSklar, PDaly, MJO'Donovan, MCCraddock, NKendler, KSWeiss, LAWray, NRZhao, ZMGeschwind, DHSullivan, PFSmoller, JWHolmans, PABreen, G
Nature neuroscience. 18(2):199-209
Academic Journal
Lee, SHRipke, SNeale, BMFaraone, SVPurcell, SMPerlis, RHMowry, BJThapar, AGoddard, MEWitte, JSAbsher, DAgartz, IAkil, HAmin, FAndreassen, OAAnjorin, AAnney, RAnttila, VArking, DEAsherson, PAzevedo, MHBacklund, LBadner, JABailey, AJBanaschewski, TBarchas, JDBarnes, MRBarrett, TBBass, NBattaglia, ABauer, MBayes, MBellivier, FBergen, SEBerrettini, WBetancur, CBettecken, TBiederman, JBinder, EBBlack, DWBlackwood, DHRBloss, CSBoehnke, MBoomsma, DIBreen, GBreuer, RBruggeman, RCormican, PBuccola, NGBuitelaar, JKBunney, WEBuxbaum, JDByerley, WFByrne, EMCaesar, SCahn, WCantor, RMCasas, MChakravarti, AChambert, KChoudhury, KCichon, SCloninger, CRCollier, DACook, EHCoon, HCormand, BCorvin, ACoryell, WHCraig, DWCraig, IWCrosbie, JCuccaro, MLCurtis, DCzamara, DDatta, SDawson, GDay, RDe Geus, EJDegenhardt, FDjurovic, SDonohoe, GJDoyle, AEDuan, JBDudbridge, FDuketis, EEbstein, RPEdenberg, HJElia, JEnnis, SEtain, BFanous, AFarmer, AEFerrier, INFlickinger, MFombonne, EForoud, TFrank, JFranke, BFraser, CFreedman, RFreimer, NBFreitag, CMFriedl, MFrisen, LGallagher, LGejman, PVGeorgieva, LGershon, ESGeschwind, DHGiegling, IGill, MGordon, SDGordon-Smith, KGreen, EKGreenwood, TAGrice, DEGross, MGrozeva, DGuan, WHGurling, HDe Haan, LHaines, JLHakonarson, HHallmayer, JHamilton, SPHamshere, MLHansen, TFHartmann, AMHautzinger, MHeath, ACHenders, AKHerms, SHickie, IBHipolito, MHoefels, SHolmans, PAHolsboer, FHoogendijk, WJHottenga, JJHultman, CMHus, VIngason, AIsing, MJamain, SJones, EGJones, IJones, LTzeng, JYKahler, AKKahn, RSKandaswamy, RKeller, MCKennedy, JLKenny, EKent, LKim, YKirov, GKKlauck, SMKlei, LKnowles, JAKohli, MAKoller, DLKonte, BKorszun, AKrabbendam, LKrasucki, RKuntsi, JKwan, PLanden, MLangstrom, NLathrop, MLawrence, JLawson, WBLeboyer, MLedbetter, DHLee, PHLencz, TLesch, KPLevinson, DFLewis, CMLi, JLichtenstein, PLieberman, JALin, DYLinszen, DHLiu, CYLohoff, FWLoo, SKLord, CLowe, JKLucae, SMacIntyre, DJMadden, PAFMaestrini, EMagnusson, PKEMahon, PBMaier, WMalhotra, AKMane, SMMartin, CLMartin, NGMattheisen, MMatthews, KMattingsdal, MMcCarroll, SAMcGhee, KAMcGough, JJMcGrath, PJMcGuffin, PMcInnis, MGMcIntosh, AMcKinney, RMcLean, AWMcMahon, FJMcMahon, WMMcQuillin, AMedeiros, HMedland, SEMeier, SMelle, IMeng, FMeyer, JMiddeldorp, CMMiddleton, LMilanova, VMiranda, AMonaco, APMontgomery, GWMoran, JLMoreno-De-Luca, DMorken, GMorris, DWMorrow, EMMoskvina, VMuglia, PMuhleisen, TWMuir, WJMuller-Myhsok, BMurtha, MMyers, RMMyin-Germeys, INeale, MCNelson, SFNievergelt, CMNikolov, INimgaonkar, VNolen, WANothen, MMNurnberger, JINwulia, EANyholt, DRO'Dushlaine, COades, RDOlincy, AOliveira, GOlsen, LOphoff, RAOsby, UOwen, MJPalotie, AParr, JRPaterson, ADPato, CNPato, MTPenninx, BWPergadia, MLPericak-Vance, MAPickard, BSPimm, JPiven, JPosthuma, DPotash, JBPoustka, FPropping, PPuri, VQuested, DJQuinn, EMRamos-Quiroga, JARasmussen, HBRaychaudhuri, SRehnstrom, KReif, ARibases, MRice, JPRietschel, MRoeder, KRoeyers, HRossin, LRothenberger, ARouleau, GRuderfer, DRujescu, DSanders, ARSanders, SJSantangelo, SLSergeant, JASchachar, RSchalling, MSchatzberg, AFScheftner, WASchellenberg, GDScherer, SWSchork, NJSchulze, TGSchumacher, JSchwarz, MScolnick, EScott, LJShi, JXShilling, PDShyn, SISilverman, JMSlager, SLSmalley, SLSmit, JHSmith, ENSonuga-Barke, EJSSt Clair, DState, MSteffens, MSteinhausen, HCStrauss, JSStrohmaier, JStroup, TSSutcliffe, JSSzatmari, PSzelinger, SThirumalai, SThompson, RCTodorov, AATozzi, FTreutlein, JUhr, Mvan den Oord, EJCGVan Grootheest, GVan Os, JVicente, AMVieland, VJVincent, JBVisscher, PMWalsh, CAWassink, THWatson, SJWeissman, MMWerge, TWienker, TFWijsman, EMWillemsen, GWilliams, NWillsey, AJWitt, SHXu, WYoung, AHYu, TWZammit, SZandi, PPZhang, PZitman, FGZollner, SDevlin, BKelsoe, JRSklar, PDaly, MJO'Donovan, MCCraddock, NSullivan, PFSmoller, JWKendler, KSWray, NR
Nature genetics. 45(9):984
Academic Journal
Kranenburg LW; Department of Psychiatry, Erasmus Medical Center, Rotterdam, Zuid-Holland, The Netherlands l.kranenburg@erasmusmc.nl.; de Veer MR; Department of Psychiatry, Erasmus Medical Center, Rotterdam, Zuid-Holland, The Netherlands.; Oude Hengel KM; Department of Public Health, Erasmus Medical Center, Rotterdam, Zuid-Holland, The Netherlands.; Department of Work, Health and Technology, Netherlands Organization for Applied Scientific Research TNO, Leiden, The Netherlands.; Kouwenhoven-Pasmooij TA; Department of Occupational Health, Erasmus Medical Center, Rotterdam, Zuid-Holland, The Netherlands.; de Pagter AP; Challenge and Support Programme, Erasmus MC Sophia Children Hospital, Rotterdam, Zuid-Holland, The Netherlands.; Hoogendijk WJ; Department of Psychiatry, Erasmus Medical Center, Rotterdam, Zuid-Holland, The Netherlands.; Busschbach JJ; Department of Psychiatry, Erasmus Medical Center, Rotterdam, Zuid-Holland, The Netherlands.; van Mol MM; Department of Intensive Care Adults, Erasmus Medical Center, Rotterdam, Zuid-Holland, The Netherlands.
Publisher: BMJ Publishing Group Ltd Country of Publication: England NLM ID: 101552874 Publication Model: Electronic Cited Medium: Internet ISSN: 2044-6055 (Electronic) Linking ISSN: 20446055 NLM ISO Abbreviation: BMJ Open Subsets: MEDLINE
Academic Journal
Pluijms EM; Department of Psychiatry, Erasmus MC - University Medical Centre, Rotterdam, The Netherlands.; Kamperman AM; Department of Psychiatry, Erasmus MC - University Medical Centre, Rotterdam, The Netherlands.; Hoogendijk WJ; Department of Psychiatry, Erasmus MC - University Medical Centre, Rotterdam, The Netherlands.; Birkenhäger TK; Department of Psychiatry, Erasmus MC - University Medical Centre, Rotterdam, The Netherlands.; van den Broek WW; Department of Psychiatry, Erasmus MC - University Medical Centre, Rotterdam, The Netherlands.
Publisher: Sage Country of Publication: England NLM ID: 0111052 Publication Model: Print-Electronic Cited Medium: Internet ISSN: 1440-1614 (Electronic) Linking ISSN: 00048674 NLM ISO Abbreviation: Aust N Z J Psychiatry Subsets: MEDLINE
Academic Journal
Poels EM; Department of Psychiatry, Erasmus University Medical Center, Rotterdam, The Netherlands.; Sterrenburg K; Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Division of Obstetrics and Prenatal Medicine, Erasmus University Medical Center Rotterdam, Rotterdam, The Netherlands.; Wierdsma AI; Department of Psychiatry, Erasmus University Medical Center, Rotterdam, The Netherlands.; Wesseloo R; Department of Psychiatry, Erasmus University Medical Center, Rotterdam, The Netherlands.; Department of Psychiatry, GGZ Delfland, Delft, The Netherlands.; Beerthuizen A; Department of Psychiatry, Erasmus University Medical Center, Rotterdam, The Netherlands.; van Dijke L; Department of Obstetrics, Leiden University Medical Center, Leiden, The Netherlands.; Lau C; Department of Physics, City University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong SAR, China.; Hoogendijk WJ; Department of Psychiatry, Erasmus University Medical Center, Rotterdam, The Netherlands.; Marroun HE; Department of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry/Psychology, Erasmus MC University Medical Center, Rotterdam, The Netherlands.; Department of Pediatrics, Erasmus University Medical Center Rotterdam, Rotterdam, The Netherlands.; Department of Psychology, Education and Child Studies, Erasmus School of Social and Behavioral Sciences, Erasmus University, Rotterdam, The Netherlands.; van Kamp IL; Department of Obstetrics, Leiden University Medical Center, Leiden, The Netherlands.; Bijma HH; Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Division of Obstetrics and Prenatal Medicine, Erasmus University Medical Center Rotterdam, Rotterdam, The Netherlands.; Bergink V; Department of Psychiatry, Erasmus University Medical Center, Rotterdam, The Netherlands.; Department of Psychiatry, Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai, New York, United States of America.; Department of Obstetrics, Gynecology and Reproductive Science, Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai, New York, United States of America.
Publisher: Sage Publications Country of Publication: United States NLM ID: 8907828 Publication Model: Print-Electronic Cited Medium: Internet ISSN: 1461-7285 (Electronic) Linking ISSN: 02698811 NLM ISO Abbreviation: J Psychopharmacol Subsets: MEDLINE
Academic Journal
Bais B; Psychiatry, Erasmus Medical Center, Rotterdam, Zuid-Holland, The Netherlands b.bais@erasmusmc.nl.; Kamperman AM; Psychiatry, Erasmus Medical Center, Rotterdam, Zuid-Holland, The Netherlands.; Bijma HH; Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Erasmus Medical Center, Rotterdam, Zuid-Holland, The Netherlands.; Hoogendijk WJ; Psychiatry, Erasmus Medical Center, Rotterdam, Zuid-Holland, The Netherlands.; Souman JL; Lighting Applications, Signify NV, Eindhoven, Noord-Brabant, The Netherlands.; Knijff E; Psychiatry, Erasmus Medical Center, Rotterdam, Zuid-Holland, The Netherlands.; Lambregtse-van den Berg MP; Psychiatry, Erasmus Medical Center, Rotterdam, Zuid-Holland, The Netherlands.; Child and Adolescent Psychiatry/Psychology, Erasmus Medical Center, Rotterdam, Zuid-Holland, The Netherlands.
Publisher: BMJ Publishing Group Ltd Country of Publication: England NLM ID: 101552874 Publication Model: Electronic Cited Medium: Internet ISSN: 2044-6055 (Electronic) Linking ISSN: 20446055 NLM ISO Abbreviation: BMJ Open Subsets: MEDLINE
Academic Journal
Publisher: Uitgeverij De Tijdstroom Country of Publication: Netherlands NLM ID: 0423731 Publication Model: Print Cited Medium: Internet ISSN: 0303-7339 (Print) Linking ISSN: 03037339 NLM ISO Abbreviation: Tijdschr Psychiatr Subsets: MEDLINE
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[검색어] Hoogendijk, WJ
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