
(예 : 2010-2015)
'학술논문' 에서 검색결과 28건 | 목록 1~10
Academic Journal
Hochart, AGower-Rousseau, CSarter, HFumery, MLey, DSpyckerelle, CPeyrin-Biroulet, LLaberenne, J-EVasseur, FSavoye, GTurck, DAndre, JMAntonietti, MAouakli, AArmand, AAroichane, IAssi, FAubet, JPAuxenfants, EAyafi-Ramelot, FAzzouzi, KBankovski, DBarbry, BBardoux, NBaron, PBaudet, ABazin, BBebahani, ABecqwort, JPBenet, VBenali, HBenguigui, CBen Soussan, EBental, ABerkelmans, IBernet, JBernou, KBernou-Dron, CBertot, PBertiaux-Vandaële, NBertrand, VBilloud, EBiron, NBismuth, BBleuet, MBlondel, FBlondin, VBohon, PBoniface, EBonnière, PBonvarlet, EBonvarlet, PBoruchowicz, ABostvironnois, RBoualit, MBouche, BBoudaillez, CBourgeaux, CBourgeois, MBourguet, ABourienne, ABranche, JBray, GBrazier, FBreban, PBridenne, MBrihier, HBrung-Lefebvre, VBulois, PBurgiere, PButel, JCanva, JYCanva-Delcambre, VCapron, JPCardot, FCarpentier, PCartier, ECassar, JFCassagnou, MCastex, JFCatala, PCattan, SCatteau, SCaujolle, BCayron, GChandelier, CChantre, MCharles, JCharneau, TChavance-Thelu, MChirita, DChoteau, AClaerbout, JFClergue, PYCoevoet, HCohen, GCollet, RColombel, JFCoopman, SCorvisart, JCortot, ACouttenier, FCrinquette, JFCrombe, VDadamessi, IDapvril, VDavion, TDautreme, SDebas, JDegrave, NDehont, FDelatre, CDelcenserie, RDelette, ODelgrange, TDelhoustal, LDelmotte, JSDemmane, SDeregnaucourt, GDescombes, PDesechalliers, JPDesmet, PDesreumaux, PDesseaux, GDesurmont, PDevienne, ADevouge, EDevred, MDevroux, ADewailly, ADharancy, SDi Fiore, ADjeddi, DDjedir, RDreher-Duwat, MLDubois, RDubuque, CDucatillon, PDuclay, JDucrocq, BDucrot, FDucrotte, PDufilho, ADuhamel, CDujardin, DDumant-Forest, CDupas, JLDupont, FDuranton, YDuriez, AEl Achkar, KEl Farisi, MElie, CElie-Legrand, MCElkhaki, AEoche, MEvrard, DEvrard, JPFatome, AFiloche, BFinet, LFlahaut, MFlamme, CFoissey, DFournier, PFoutrein-Comes, MCFoutrein, PFremond, DFrere, TGallet, PGamblin, CGanga, SGerard, RGeslin, GGheyssens, YGhossini, NGhrib, SGilbert, TGillet, BGodard, DGodard, PGodchaux, JMGodchaux, RGoegebeur, GGoria, OGottrand, FGower, PGrandmaison, BGroux, MGuedon, CGuillard, JFGuillem, LGuillemot, FGuimberd, DHaddouche, BHakim, SHanon, DHautefeuille, VHeckestweiller, PHecquet, GHedde, JPHellal, HHenneresse, PEHeyman, BHeraud, MHerve, SHochain, PHoussin-Bailly, LHoucke, PHuguenin, BIobagiu, SIvanovic, AIwanicki-Caron, IJanicki, EJarry, MJeu, JJoly, JPJonas, CKatherin, FKerleveo, AKhachfe, AKiriakos, AKiriakos, JKlein, OKohut, MKornhauser, RKoutsomanis, DLaffineur, GLagarde, MLalanne, ALannoy, PLapchin, JLaprand, MLaude, DLeblanc, RLecieux, PLeclerc, NLe Couteulx, CLedent, JLefebvre, JLefiliatre, PLegrand, CLe Grix, ALelong, PLeluyer, BLenaerts, CLepileur, LLeplat, ALepoutre-Dujardin, ELeroi, HLeroy, MYLesage, JPLesage, XLesage, JLescanne-Darchis, ILescut, JLescut, DLeurent, BLevy, PLhermie, MLion, ALisambert, BLoire, FLouf, SLouvet, ALuciani, MLucidarme, DLugand, JMacaigne, OMaetz, DMaillard, DMancheron, HManolache, OMarks-Brunel, ABMarti, RMartin, FMartin, GMarzloff, EMathurin, PMauillon, JMaunoury, VMaupas, JLMesnard, BMetayer, PMethari, LMeurisse, BMeurisse, FMichaud, LMirmaran, XModaine, PMonthe, AMorel, LMortier, PEMoulin, EMouterde, OMudry, JNachury, MNʼGuyen Khac, ENotteghem, BOllevier, VOstyn, AOuraghi, AOuvry, DPaillot, BPanien-Claudot, NPaoletti, CPapazian, AParent, BPariente, BParis, JCPatrier, PPaupart, LPauwels, BPauwels, MPetit, RPiat, MPiotte, SPlane, CPlouvier, BPollet, EPommelet, PPop, DPordes, CPouchain, GPrades, PPrevost, APrevost, JCQuesnel, BQueuniet, AMQuinton, JFRabache, ARabelle, PRaclot, GRatajczyk, SRault, DRazemon, VReix, NRevillon, MRichez, CRobinson, PRodriguez, JRoger, JRoux, JMRudelli, ASaber, ASchlosseberg, PSegrestin, MSeguy, DSerin, MSeryer, ASevenet, FShekh, NSilvie, JSimon, VTalbodec, NTechy, AThelu, JLThevenin, AThiebault, HThomas, JThorel, JMTielman, GTode, MToisin, JTonnel, JTouchais, JYTouze, YTranvouez, JLTriplet, CUhlen, SVaillant, EValmage, CVanco, DVandamme, HVanderbecq, EVander Eecken, EVandermolen, PVandevenne, PVandeville, LVandewalle, AVandewalle, CVaneslander, PVanhoove, JPVanrenterghem, AVarlet, PVasies, IVerbiese, GVernier-Massouille, GVermelle, PVerne, CVezilier-Cocq, PVigneron, BVincendet, MViot, JVoiment, YMWacrenier, AWaeghemaecker, LWallez, JYWantiez, MWartel, FWeber, JWillocquet, JLWizla, NWolschies, EZalar, AZaouri, BZellweger, AZiade, C
Gut. Nov 01, 2017 66(11):1912-1917
Academic Journal
Ghione S; Division of Gastroenterology, Hepatology and Nutrition, Department of Pediatrics, Lille University Jeanne de Flandre Children's Hospital and Faculty of Medicine, Lille, France.; Sarter H; Public Health, Epidemiology and Economic Health, Epimad registry, Regional house of clinical research, Lille Hospital and University, Lille, France.; Lille Inflammation Research International Center LIRIC-UMR 995 Inserm-'IBD and environmental factors: epidemiology and functional analyses', Lille University, Lille, France.; Fumery M; Gastroenterology Unit, Epimad registry, Amiens Hospital and University, Amiens, France.; Armengol-Debeir L; Gastroenterology Unit, Epimad registry, Rouen Hospital and University, Rouen, France.; Savoye G; Gastroenterology Unit, Epimad registry, Rouen Hospital and University, Rouen, France.; Ley D; Division of Gastroenterology, Hepatology and Nutrition, Department of Pediatrics, Lille University Jeanne de Flandre Children's Hospital and Faculty of Medicine, Lille, France.; Lille Inflammation Research International Center LIRIC-UMR 995 Inserm-'IBD and environmental factors: epidemiology and functional analyses', Lille University, Lille, France.; Spyckerelle C; Department of Pediatrics, St Vincent de Paul Hospital and Lille Catholic University, Lille, France.; Pariente B; Lille Inflammation Research International Center LIRIC-UMR 995 Inserm-'IBD and environmental factors: epidemiology and functional analyses', Lille University, Lille, France.; Gastroenterology Unit, Epimad registry, Lille Hospital and University, Lille, France.; Peyrin-Biroulet L; Gastroenterology Unit, Inserm U954, Nancy Hospital and University, Nancy, France.; Turck D; Division of Gastroenterology, Hepatology and Nutrition, Department of Pediatrics, Lille University Jeanne de Flandre Children's Hospital and Faculty of Medicine, Lille, France.; Lille Inflammation Research International Center LIRIC-UMR 995 Inserm-'IBD and environmental factors: epidemiology and functional analyses', Lille University, Lille, France.; Gower-Rousseau C; Public Health, Epidemiology and Economic Health, Epimad registry, Regional house of clinical research, Lille Hospital and University, Lille, France.; Lille Inflammation Research International Center LIRIC-UMR 995 Inserm-'IBD and environmental factors: epidemiology and functional analyses', Lille University, Lille, France.; Andre JMAntonietti MAouakli AArmand AAroichane IAssi FAubet JPAuxenfants EAyafi-Ramelot FBankovski DBarbry BBardoux NBaron PBaudet ABazin BBebahani ABecqwort JPBenet VBenali HBenguigui CSoussan BEBental ABerkelmans IBernet JBernou KBernou-Dron CBertot PBertiaux-Vandaële NBertrand VBilloud EBiron NBismuth BBleuet MBlondel FBlondin VBohon PBoniface EBonnière PBonvarlet EBonvarlet PBoruchowicz ABostvironnois RBoualit MBouche BBoudaillez CBourgeaux CBourgeois MBourguet ABourienne ABranche JBray GBrazier FBreban PBrihier HBrung-Lefebvre VBulois PBurgiere PButel JCanva JYCanva-Delcambre VCapron JPCardot FCarpentier PCartier ECassar JFCassagnou MCastex JFCatala PCattan SCatteau SCaujolle BCayron GChandelier CChantre MCharles JCharneau TChavance-Thelu MChirita DChoteau AClaerbout JFClergue PYCoevoet HCohen GCollet RColombel JFCoopman SCorvisart JCortot ACouttenier FCrinquette JFCrombe VDadamessi IDapvril VDavion TDautreme SDebas JDegrave NDehont FDelatre CDelcenserie RDelette ODelgrange TDelhoustal LDelmotte JSDemmane SDeregnaucourt GDescombes PDesechalliers JPDesmet PDesreumaux PDesseaux GDesurmont PDevienne ADevouge EDevred MDevroux ADewailly ADharancy SDi Fiore ADjeddi DDjedir RDreher-Duwat MLDubois RDubuque CDucatillon PDuclay JDucrocq BDucrot FDucrotte PDufilho ADuhamel CDujardin DDumant-Forest CDupas JLDupont FDuranton YDuriez AEl Achkar KEl Farisi MElie CElie-Legrand MCElkhaki AEoche MEvrard DEvrard JPFatome AFiloche BFinet LFlahaut MFlamme CFoissey DFournier PFoutrein-Comes MCFoutrein PFremond DFrere TFumery MGallet PGamblin CGanga-Zandzou PSGérard RGeslin GGheyssens YGhossini NGhrib SGilbert TGillet BGodard DGodard PGodchaux JMGodchaux RGoegebeur GGoria OGottrand FGower PGrandmaison BGroux MGuedon CGuillard JFGuillem LGuillemot FGuimber DHaddouche BHakim SHanon DHautefeuille VHeckestweiller PHecquet GHedde JPHellal HHenneresse PEHeyman BHeraud MHerve SHochain PHoussin-Bailly LHoucke PHuguenin BIobagiu SIvanovic AIwanicki-Caron IJanicki EJarry MJeu JJoly JPJonas CKatherin FKerleveo AKhachfe AKiriakos AKiriakos JKlein OKohut MKornhauser RKoutsomanis DLaberenne JELaffineur GLagarde MLannoy PLapchin JLapprand MLaude DLeblanc RLecieux PLeclerc NLe Couteulx CLedent JLefebvre JLefiliatre PLegrand CLe Grix ALelong PLeluyer BLenaerts CLepileur LLeplat ALepoutre-Dujardin ELeroi HLeroy MYLesage JPLesage XLesage JLescanne-Darchis ILescut JLescut DLeurent BLevy PLhermie MLion ALisambert BLoire FLouf SLouvet ALuciani MLucidarme DLugand JMacaigne OMaetz DMaillard DMancheron HManolache OMarks-Brunel ABMarti RMartin FMartin GMarzloff EMathurin PMauillon JMaunoury VMaupas JLMesnard BMetayer PMethari LMeurisse BMeurisse FMichaud LMirmaran XModaine PMonthe AMorel LMortier PEMoulin EMouterde OMudry JNachury MKhac NENotteghem BOllevier VOstyn AOuraghi AOuvry DPaillot BPanien-Claudot NPaoletti CPapazian AParent BPariente BParis JCPatrier PPaupart LPauwels BPauwels MPetit RPiat MPiotte SPlane CPlouvier BPollet EPommelet PPop DPordes CPouchain GPrades PPrevost APrevost JCQuesnel BQueuniet AMQuinton JFRabache ARabelle PRaclot GRatajczyk SRault DRazemon VReix NRevillon MRichez CRobinson PRodriguez JRoger JRoux JMRudelli ASaber ASavoye GSchlosseberg PSegrestin MSeguy DSerin MSeryer ASevenet FShekh NSilvie JSimon VSpyckerelle CTalbodec NTechy AThelu JLThevenin AThiebault HThomas JThorel JMTielman GTode MToisin JTonnel JTouchais JYTouze YTranvouez JLTriplet CTurck DUhlen SVaillant EValmage CVanco DVandamme HVanderbecq EEecken VEVandermolen PVandevenne PVandeville LVandewalle AVandewalle CVaneslander PVanhoove JPVanrenterghem AVarlet PVasies IVerbiese GVernier-Massouille GVermelle PVerne CVezilier-Cocq PVigneron BVincendet MViot JVoiment YMWacrenier AWaeghemaecker LWallez JYWantiez MWartel FWeber JWillocquet JLWizla NWolschies EZalar AZaouri BZellweger AZiade C
Publisher: Wolters Kluwer Health Country of Publication: United States NLM ID: 0421030 Publication Model: Print-Electronic Cited Medium: Internet ISSN: 1572-0241 (Electronic) Linking ISSN: 00029270 NLM ISO Abbreviation: Am J Gastroenterol Subsets: MEDLINE
Publisher: Mosby Yearbook Country of Publication: United States NLM ID: 0010505 Publication Model: Print Cited Medium: Print ISSN: 0016-5107 (Print) Linking ISSN: 00165107 NLM ISO Abbreviation: Gastrointest Endosc Subsets: MEDLINE
Publisher: Elsevier Masson Country of Publication: France NLM ID: 7704825 Publication Model: Print Cited Medium: Print ISSN: 0399-8320 (Print) Linking ISSN: 03998320 NLM ISO Abbreviation: Gastroenterol Clin Biol Subsets: MEDLINE
Publisher: Wolters Kluwer Health Country of Publication: United States NLM ID: 0421030 Publication Model: Print Cited Medium: Print ISSN: 0002-9270 (Print) Linking ISSN: 00029270 NLM ISO Abbreviation: Am J Gastroenterol Subsets: MEDLINE
Academic Journal
Rabache A; Servie d'Hépato-Gastroentérologie, Centre Hospitalier Général, Valenciennes.; Crinquette JFVermersch ACuingnet PMaunoury VHanon DLescut J
Publisher: Elsevier Masson Country of Publication: France NLM ID: 7704825 Publication Model: Print Cited Medium: Print ISSN: 0399-8320 (Print) Linking ISSN: 03998320 NLM ISO Abbreviation: Gastroenterol Clin Biol Subsets: MEDLINE
Publisher: Elsevier Masson Country of Publication: France NLM ID: 7704825 Publication Model: Print Cited Medium: Print ISSN: 0399-8320 (Print) Linking ISSN: 03998320 NLM ISO Abbreviation: Gastroenterol Clin Biol Subsets: MEDLINE
Academic Journal
Publisher: Published for the Scandinavian Society of Clinical Physiology by Blackwell Scientific Publications Country of Publication: England NLM ID: 8309768 Publication Model: Print Cited Medium: Print ISSN: 0144-5979 (Print) Linking ISSN: 01445979 NLM ISO Abbreviation: Clin Physiol Subsets: MEDLINE
Academic Journal
Publisher: Elsevier Masson Country of Publication: France NLM ID: 7704825 Publication Model: Print Cited Medium: Print ISSN: 0399-8320 (Print) Linking ISSN: 03998320 NLM ISO Abbreviation: Gastroenterol Clin Biol Subsets: MEDLINE
Academic Journal
Publisher: Universa Press Country of Publication: Belgium NLM ID: 0414075 Publication Model: Print Cited Medium: Print ISSN: 1784-3227 (Print) Linking ISSN: 17843227 NLM ISO Abbreviation: Acta Gastroenterol Belg Subsets: MEDLINE
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[검색어] Crinquette, JF
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