
(예 : 2010-2015)
'학술논문' 에서 검색결과 9건 | 목록 1~10
Academic Journal
Nidorf, S.M.Xu, X.F.Ireland, M.A.Latchem, D.Whelan, A.Hendriks, R.Salkani, P.Tan, I.W.Thompson, A.G.Morton, A.M.Hockings, B.E.Thompson, P.L.King, B.Cornel, J.H.Bakker-Lohmeijer, H.Mosterd, A.Bunschoten, P.The, S.H.K.van der Kooi, S.Lenderink, T.Lardinois, R.G.J.L.Hoogslag, P.A.M.de Vos, A.Jerzewski, A.Jansen, S.Nierop, P.R.van der Knaap, M.Swart, H.P.Kingma, R.Schaap, J.Blom, L.B.Kuijper, A.F.M.Bayraktar-Verver, E.van Hessen, M.W.J.Engelen, W.C.T.C.van Eck, J.W.M.van der Ven-Elzebroek, N.van Hal, J.M.C.Drost, I.M.J.den Hartog, F.R.van Wijk, D.van Beek, E.van der Horst, C.Bartels, G.L.Hendriks, M.de Nooijer, C.Welten, C.Ronner, E.Dijkshoorn, A.Prins, F.J.Rutten, R.N.A.Beele, D.P.W.Hendriks, I.van der Sluis, A.Badings, E.A.Westendorp, I.C.D.Melein, A.Römer, Tj.J.Bruines, P.van de Wal, R.Leenders - van Lieshout, I.Hemels, M.E.W.Meinen-Werner, K.de Groot, M.R.Post, G.Mulder, M.W.C.Stuij, S.van Nes, E.Luyten, P.Plomp, J.Veldmeijer, S.V.Asselman, M.J.Scholtus, P.A.Opstal, Tjerk S.J.Fiolet, Aernoud T.L.van Broekhoven, AmberMosterd, ArendEikelboom, John W.Nidorf, Stefan M.Thompson, Peter L.Duyvendak, Michielvan Eck, J.W. Martijnvan Beek, Eugène A.den Hartog, FrankBudgeon, Charley A.Bax, Willem A.Tijssen, Jan G.P.El Messaoudi, SalouaCornel, Jan H.
In Journal of the American College of Cardiology 31 August 2021 78(9):859-866
Academic Journal
Linschoten, M.Uijl, A.Schut, A.Jakob, C. E. M.Romao, L. R.Bell, R. M.McFarlane, E.Stecher, M.Zondag, A. G. M.van Iperen, E. P. A.Hermans-van Ast, J. F.Lea, N. C.Schaap, J.Jewbali, L. S.Smits, P. C.Patel, R. S.Aujayeb, A.van Smeden, M.Siebelink, H. J.Williams, S.Pilgram, L.Tieleman, R. G.Williams, B.Asselbergs, F. W.Al-Ali, A. K.Al-Muhanna, F. A.Al-Rubaish, A. M.Al-Windy, N. Y. Y.Alkhalil, M.Almubarak, Y. A.Al Nafie, A. N.Al Shahrani, M.Al Shehri, A. M.Anning, C.Anthonio, R. L.Badings, E. A.Ball, C.Van Beek, E. A.Ten Berg, J. M.Von Bergwelt-Baildon, M.Bianco, M.Blagova, O., VBleijendaal, H.Bor, W. L.Borgmann, S.van Boxem, A. J. M.van den Brink, F. S.Bucciarelli-Ducci, C.Van Bussel, B. C. T.Byrom-Goulthorp, R.Captur, G.Caputo, M.Charlotte, N.vom Dahl, J.Dark, P.De Sutter, J.Degenhardt, C.Delsing, C. E.Dolff, S.Dorman, H. G. R.Drost, J. T.Eberwein, L.Emans, M. E.Er, A. G.Ferreira, J. B.Forner, M. J.Friedrichs, A.Gabriel, L.Groenemeijer, B. E.Groenendijk, A. L.Gruener, B.Guggemos, W.Haerkens-Arends, H. E.Hanses, F.Hedayat, B.Heigener, D.van der Heijden, D. J.Hellou, E.Hellwig, K.Henkens, M. T. H. M.Hermanides, R. S.Hermans, W. R. M.van Hessen, M. W. J.Heymans, S. R. B.Hilt, A. D.van der Horst, I. C. C.Hower, M.van Ierssel, S. H.Isberner, N.Jensen, B.Kearney, M. T.Kielstein, J. T.Kietselaer, B. L. J. H.Kochanek, M.Kolk, M. Z. H.Koning, A. M. H.Kopylov, P. Y.Kuijper, A. F. M.Kwakkel-van, E. R. P. J. M.Lanznaster, J.van der Linden, M. M. J. M.van der Lingen, A. C. J.Linssen, G. C. M.Lomas, D.Maarse, M.Magdelijns, F. J. H.Magro, M.Markart, P.Martens, F. M. A. C.Mazzilli, S. G.McCann, G. P.van der Meer, P.Meijs, M. F. L.Merle, U.Messiaen, P.Milovanovic, M.Monraats, P. S.Montagna, L.Moriarty, A.Moss, A. J.Mosterd, A.Nadalin, S.Nattermann, J.Neufang, M.Nierop, P. R.Offerhaus, J. A.Van Ofwegen-Hanekamp, C. E. E.Parker, E.Persoon, A. M.Piepel, C.Pinto, Y. M.Poorhosseini, H.Prasad, S.Raafs, A. G.Raichle, C.Rauschning, D.Redon, J.Reidinga, A. C.Ribeiro, M. I. A.Riedel, C.Rieg, S.Ripley, D. P.Rommele, C.Rothfuss, K.Ruddel, J.Ruthrich, M. M.Salah, R.Saneei, E.Saxena, M.Schellings, D. A. A. M.Scholte, N. T. B.Schubert, J.Seelig, J.Shafiee, A.Shore, A. C.Spinner, C.Stieglitz, S.Strauss, R.Sturkenboom, N. H.Tessitore, E.Thomson, R. J.Timmermans, P. J. R.Tio, R. A.Tjong, F. V. Y.Tometten, L.Trauth, J.Van Craenenbroeck, E. M.van Veen, H. P. A. A.den Uil, C. A.Vehreschild, M. J. G. T.Veldhuis, L., IVeneman, T.Verschure, D. O.Voigt, IWalter, L.vande Watering, D. J.de Vries, J. K.vande Wal, R. M. A.Westendorp, I. C. D.Westendorp, P. H. M.Westhoff, T.Weytjens, C.Wierda, E.Wille, K.de With, K.Worm, M.Woudstra, P.Wu, K. W.Zaal, R.Zaman, A. G.van der Zee, P. M.Zijlstra, L. E.Alling, T. E.Ahmed, R.Bayraktar-Verver, E. C. E.van Aken, K.Jimenes, Bermudez F. J.Biole, C. A.Den Boer-Penning, P.Bontje, M.Bos, M.Bosch, L.Broekman, M.Broeyer, F. J. F.de Bruijn, E. A. W.Bruinsma, S.Cardoso, N. M.Cosyns, B.Len, van Da D. H.Dekimpe, E.Domange, J.van Doorn, J. L.van DOorn, P.Dormal, F.Drost, I. M. J.Dunnink, A.van Eck, J. W. M.Elshinawy, K.Gevers, R. M. M.Gognieva, D. G.van der Graaf, M.Grangeon, S.Guclu, A.Habib, A.Haenen, N. A.Hamilton, K.Handgraaf, S.Heidbuchel, H.Hendriks-van Woerden, M.Hessels-Linnemeijer, B. M.Hosseini, K.Huisman, J.Jacobs, T. C.Jansen, S. E.Janssen, A.Jourdan, K.ten Kate, G. L.van Kempen, M. J.Kievit, C. M.Kleikers, P.Knufman, N.van der Kooi, S. E.Koole, B. A. S.Koole, M. A. C.Kui, K. K.Kuipers-Elferink, L.Lemoine, ILensink, E.van Marrewijk, VMeijer, E. J.Melein, A. J.Mesitskaya, D. F.van Nes, C. P. M.Paris, F. M. A.Perrelli, M. G.Pieterse-Rots, A.Pisters, R.Polkerman, B. C.van Poppel, A.Reinders, S.Reitsma, M. J.Ruiter, A. H.Selder, J. L.van der Sluis, A.Sousa, A. I. C.Tajdini, M.Sanchez, Tercedor L.Van de Heyning, C. M.Vial, H.Vlieghe, E.Vonkeman, H. E.Vreugdenhil, P.de Vries, T. A. C.Willems, A. M.Wils, A. M.Zoet-Nugteren, S. K.CAPACITY-COVID Collaborative ConsoLEOSS Study Grp
EUROPEAN HEART JOURNAL; MAR 14 2022, 43 11, p1104-p+, 19p.
Academic Journal
Asselbergs, F.W.Linschoten, M.van der Harst, P.Alling, T.E.Uijl, A.Zondag, A.G.M.van Smeden, M.Schut, A.Schaap, J.Jakob, C.E.M.Stecher, M.Romão, L.R.Williams, B.Lea, N.C.Patel, R.S.Bell, R.M.McFarlane, E.Captur, G.van Iperen, E.P.A.Hermans-Van Ast, J.F.Jewbali, L.S.Scholte, N.T.B.den Uil, C.A.van der Graaf, M.Ruiter, A.H.Smits, P.C.Aujayeb, A.Siebelink, H.J.Hilt, A.D.Zijlstra, L.E.Williams, S.Pilgram, L.van Gilst, W.H.Tieleman, R.G.Hendriks-Van Woerden, M.Vreugdenhil, P.Al-Ali, A.K.Al-Muhanna, F.A.Al-Rubaish, A.M.Al-Windy, N.Y.Y.Alkhalil, M.Almubarak, Y.A.Alnafie, A.N.Alshahrani, M.Alshehri, A.M.Anning, C.Ball, C.Shore, A.C.Anthonio, R.L.van der Kooi, S.E.Paris, F.M.A.Badings, E.A.Martens, F.M.A.C.van der Sluis, A.van Beek, E.A.van der Zee, P.M.Ten Berg, J.M.Bor, W.L.Maarse, M.von Bergwelt-Baildon, M.Bianco, M.Blagova, O.V.Bleijendaal, H.Kolk, M.Z.H.Offerhaus, J.A.Pinto, Y.M.Tjong, F.V.Y.Selder, J.L.de Vries, T.A.C.Borgmann, S.van Boxem, A.J.M.van den Brink, F.S.Woudstra, P.Bucciarelli-Ducci, C.van Bussel, B.C.T.van der Horst, I.C.C.Byrom-Goulthorp, R.Kearney, M.T.Caputo, M.Charlotte, N.vom Dahl, J.Dark, P.Lomas, D.De Sutter, J.Willems, A.M.Degenhardt, C.Delsing, C.E.Dolff, S.Dorman, H.G.R.Jacobs, T.C.Wils, A.M.Drost, J.T.Meijer, E.J.Eberwein, L.Emans, M.E.den Boer-Penning, P.Zoet-Nugteren, S.K.Er, A.G.Ferreira, J.B.Forner, M.J.Redón, J.Friedrichs, A.Gabriel, L.Domange, J.Dormal, F.Jourdan, K.Groenemeijer, B.E.Jansen, S.E.Pölkerman, B.C.Groenendijk, A.L.Grüner, B.Guggemos, W.Haerkens-Arends, H.E.van Dalen, D.H.van Eck, J.W.M.Gevers, R.M.M.Hanses, F.Hedayat, B.Hosseini, K.Heigener, D.van der Heijden, D.J.Knufman, N.van Marrewijk, V.Hellou, E.Hellwig, K.Henkens, M.T.H.M.Heymans, S.R.B.Raafs, A.G.Hermanides, R.S.Dunnink, A.Guclu, A.Hermans, W.R.M.Magro, M.Monraats, P.S.van Hessen, M.W.J.Bos, M.Broekman, M.Hower, M.van Ierssel, S.H.ten Kate, G.L.Vlieghe, E.Isberner, N.Jensen, B.van Kesteren, H.A.M.Huisman, J.Koole, B.A.S.Kielstein, J.T.Kietselaer, B.L.J.H.Hessels-Linnemeijer, B.M.Kleikers, P.Kochanek, M.Koning, A.M.H.Reitsma, M.J.Kopylov, P.Y.Gognieva, D.G.Kuijper, A.F.M.Bayraktar-Verver, E.C.E.Kwakkel-Van Erp, J.M.van Meerbeeck, J.P.van Poppel, A.Lanznaster, J.van der Linden, M.M.J.M.van der Lingen, A.C.J.Linssen, G.C.M.Kuipers-Elferink, L.Pieterse-Rots, A.Macías Ruiz, R.Bermúdez Jiménes, F.J.Tercedor Sánchez, L.Magdelijns, F.J.H.Markart, P.Mazzilli, S.G.McCann, G.P.Moss, A.J.Parker, E.van der Meer, P.van Aken, K.Hamilton, K.Meijs, M.F.L.Merle, U.Messiaen, P.Milovanovic, M.Montagna, L.Biolé, C.A.Perrelli, M.G.Moriarty, A.Mosterd, A.van Doorn, J.L.van Doorn, P.Nadalin, S.Nattermann, J.Neufang, M.Nierop, P.R.van Ofwegen-Hanekamp, C.E.E.Bontje, M.Bosch, L.Persoon, A.M.Piepel, C.Poorhosseini, H.Prasad, S.Raichle, C.Rauschning, D.Reidinga, A.C.Ribeiro, M.I.A.Cardoso, N.M.Sousa, A.I.C.Riedel, C.Rieg, S.Ripley, D.P.Römmele, C.Rothfuss, K.Rüddel, J.Rüthrich, M.M.Salah, R.Saneei, E.Saxena, M.Schellings, D.A.A.M.Drost, I.M.J.Reinders, S.Schubert, J.Seelig, J.Pisters, R.Shafiee, A.Spinner, C.Stieglitz, S.Strauss, R.Sturkenboom, N.H.Tio, R.A.Tessitore, E.Handgraaf, S.Thomson, R.J.Timmermans, P.Dekimpe, E.Janssen, A.Wierda, E.van Nes, C.P.M.Tometten, L.Trauth, J.Van Craenenbroeck, E.M.Heidbuchel, H.Van De Heyning, C.M.van Veen, H.P.A.A.Vehreschild, M.J.G.T.Veldhuis, L.I.Veneman, T.Verschure, D.O.Lensink, E.Voigt, I.de Vries, J.K.Bruinsma, S.Kui, K.K.van de Wal, R.M.A.Haenen, N.A.Walter, L.van de Watering, D.J.Westendorp, I.C.D.Koole, M.A.C.Melein, A.J.Westendorp, P.H.M.Westhoff, T.Weytjens, C.Cosyns, B.Lemoine, I.Wille, K.de With, K.Worm, M.Wu, K.W.van Kempen, M.J.Kievit, C.M.Zaal, R.Zaman, A.G.Ahmed, R.Broeyer, F.J.F.de Bruijn, E.A.W.Elshinawy, K.Habib, A.Grangeon, S.Vial, H.Mesitskaya, D.F.Tajdini, M.Vonkeman, H.E.
In: European Heart Journal. (European Heart Journal, 2022, 43(11):1104-1120)
Academic Journal
In: Journal of the American College of Cardiology. (Journal of the American College of Cardiology, 31 August 2021, 78(9):859-866)
Academic Journal
Burger PM; Department of Vascular Medicine, University Medical Centre Utrecht, Utrecht, The Netherlands.; Dorresteijn JAN; Department of Vascular Medicine, University Medical Centre Utrecht, Utrecht, The Netherlands.; Fiolet ATL; Department of Cardiology, University Medical Centre Utrecht, Utrecht, The Netherlands.; Dutch Cardiovascular Research Network (WCN), Moreelsepark 1, 3511 EP Utrecht, The Netherlands.; Koudstaal S; Dutch Cardiovascular Research Network (WCN), Moreelsepark 1, 3511 EP Utrecht, The Netherlands.; Department of Cardiology, Green Heart Hospital, Gouda, The Netherlands.; Eikelboom JW; Department of Medicine, McMaster University, Hamilton, Canada.; Nidorf SM; Department of Cardiology, GenesisCare Western Australia, Perth, Australia.; Heart Research Institute of Western Australia, Perth, Australia.; Thompson PL; Department of Cardiology, GenesisCare Western Australia, Perth, Australia.; Heart Research Institute of Western Australia, Perth, Australia.; Cornel JH; Dutch Cardiovascular Research Network (WCN), Moreelsepark 1, 3511 EP Utrecht, The Netherlands.; Department of Cardiology, Radboud University Medical Centre, Nijmegen, The Netherlands.; Budgeon CA; School of Population and Global Health, University of Western Australia, Perth, Australia.; Westendorp ICD; Department of Cardiology, Red Cross Hospital, Beverwijk, The Netherlands.; Beelen DPW; Department of Cardiology, IJsselland Hospital, Capelle aan den IJssel, The Netherlands.; Martens FMAC; Dutch Cardiovascular Research Network (WCN), Moreelsepark 1, 3511 EP Utrecht, The Netherlands.; Department of Cardiology, Deventer Hospital, Deventer, The Netherlands.; Steg PG; Assistance Publique-Hôpitaux de Paris, Hôpital Bichat, Université de Paris, Paris, France.; Asselbergs FW; Department of Cardiology, University Medical Centre Utrecht, Utrecht, The Netherlands.; Cramer MJ; Department of Cardiology, University Medical Centre Utrecht, Utrecht, The Netherlands.; Teraa M; Department of Vascular Surgery, University Medical Centre Utrecht, Utrecht, The Netherlands.; Bhatt DL; Mount Sinai Heart, Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai Health System, New York, USA.; Visseren FLJ; Department of Vascular Medicine, University Medical Centre Utrecht, Utrecht, The Netherlands.; Mosterd A; Dutch Cardiovascular Research Network (WCN), Moreelsepark 1, 3511 EP Utrecht, The Netherlands.; Department of Cardiology, Meander Medical Centre, Maatweg 3, 3813 TZ Amersfoort, The Netherlands.
Publisher: Oxford University Press Country of Publication: England NLM ID: 101564430 Publication Model: Print Cited Medium: Internet ISSN: 2047-4881 (Electronic) Linking ISSN: 20474873 NLM ISO Abbreviation: Eur J Prev Cardiol Subsets: MEDLINE
Academic Journal
Publisher: Oxford University Press Country of Publication: England NLM ID: 8006263 Publication Model: Print Cited Medium: Internet ISSN: 1522-9645 (Electronic) Linking ISSN: 0195668X NLM ISO Abbreviation: Eur Heart J Subsets: MEDLINE
Academic Journal
Verma S; Montreal Heart Institute, Université de Montréal, Quebec, Canada (J-C.T.).; Bhatt DL; Brigham and Women's Hospital Heart and Vascular Center, Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA (D.L.B., R.P.G.).; Steg PG; Université de Paris, Assistance Publique-Hôpitaux de Paris, Hôpital Bichat, French Alliance for Cardiovascular Trials, and Institut National de la Santé et de la Recherche Médicale U-1148, Paris, France (P.G.S.).; Miller M; Department of Medicine, University of Maryland School of Medicine, Baltimore (M.M.).; Brinton EA; Utah Lipid Center, Salt Lake City (E.A.B.).; Jacobson TA; Office of Health Promotion and Disease Prevention, Department of Medicine, Emory University School of Medicine, Atlanta, GA (T.A.J.).; Dhingra NK; Division of Cardiac Surgery, St Michael's Hospital, University of Toronto, ON, Canada (S.V., N.K.D.).; Ketchum SB; Amarin Pharma Inc, Bridgewater, NJ (S.B.K., R.A.J., L.J., R.T.D., C.G.).; Juliano RA; Amarin Pharma Inc, Bridgewater, NJ (S.B.K., R.A.J., L.J., R.T.D., C.G.).; Jiao L; Amarin Pharma Inc, Bridgewater, NJ (S.B.K., R.A.J., L.J., R.T.D., C.G.).; Doyle RT Jr; Amarin Pharma Inc, Bridgewater, NJ (S.B.K., R.A.J., L.J., R.T.D., C.G.).; Granowitz C; Amarin Pharma Inc, Bridgewater, NJ (S.B.K., R.A.J., L.J., R.T.D., C.G.).; Gibson CM; Baim Clinical Research Institute, Boston, MA (C.M.G., D.P.).; Pinto D; Baim Clinical Research Institute, Boston, MA (C.M.G., D.P.).; Giugliano RP; Brigham and Women's Hospital Heart and Vascular Center, Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA (D.L.B., R.P.G.).; Budoff MJ; David Geffen School of Medicine, Lundquist Institute, Torrance, CA (M.J.B.).; Mason RP; Elucida Research, Beverly, MA (R.P.M.).; Tardif JC; Montreal Heart Institute, Université de Montréal, Quebec, Canada (J-C.T.).; Ballantyne CM; Department of Medicine, Baylor College of Medicine, and Center for Cardiovascular Disease Prevention, Methodist DeBakey Heart and Vascular Center, Houston, TX (C.M.B.).
Publisher: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins Country of Publication: United States NLM ID: 0147763 Publication Model: Print-Electronic Cited Medium: Internet ISSN: 1524-4539 (Electronic) Linking ISSN: 00097322 NLM ISO Abbreviation: Circulation Subsets: MEDLINE
Academic Journal
Bhatt DL; From Brigham and Women's Hospital Heart and Vascular Center and Harvard Medical School, Boston (D.L.B.); FACT (French Alliance for Cardiovascular Trials), Département Hospitalo-Universitaire FIRE (Fibrose, Inflammation, and Remodeling), Assistance Publique-Hôpitaux de Paris, Hôpital Bichat, Université Paris-Diderot, INSERM Unité 1148, Paris (P.G.S.); National Heart and Lung Institute, Imperial College, Royal Brompton Hospital, London (P.G.S.); the Department of Medicine, University of Maryland School of Medicine, Baltimore (M.M.); the Utah Lipid Center, Salt Lake City (E.A.B.); the Office of Health Promotion and Disease Prevention, Department of Medicine, Emory University School of Medicine, Atlanta (T.A.J.); Amarin Pharma, Bedminster, NJ (S.B.K., R.T.D.J., R.A.J., L.J., C.G.); Montreal Heart Institute, Université de Montréal, Montreal (J.-C.T.); and the Department of Medicine, Baylor College of Medicine, and the Center for Cardiovascular Disease Prevention, Methodist DeBakey Heart and Vascular Center, Houston (C.M.B.).; Steg PG; From Brigham and Women's Hospital Heart and Vascular Center and Harvard Medical School, Boston (D.L.B.); FACT (French Alliance for Cardiovascular Trials), Département Hospitalo-Universitaire FIRE (Fibrose, Inflammation, and Remodeling), Assistance Publique-Hôpitaux de Paris, Hôpital Bichat, Université Paris-Diderot, INSERM Unité 1148, Paris (P.G.S.); National Heart and Lung Institute, Imperial College, Royal Brompton Hospital, London (P.G.S.); the Department of Medicine, University of Maryland School of Medicine, Baltimore (M.M.); the Utah Lipid Center, Salt Lake City (E.A.B.); the Office of Health Promotion and Disease Prevention, Department of Medicine, Emory University School of Medicine, Atlanta (T.A.J.); Amarin Pharma, Bedminster, NJ (S.B.K., R.T.D.J., R.A.J., L.J., C.G.); Montreal Heart Institute, Université de Montréal, Montreal (J.-C.T.); and the Department of Medicine, Baylor College of Medicine, and the Center for Cardiovascular Disease Prevention, Methodist DeBakey Heart and Vascular Center, Houston (C.M.B.).; Miller M; From Brigham and Women's Hospital Heart and Vascular Center and Harvard Medical School, Boston (D.L.B.); FACT (French Alliance for Cardiovascular Trials), Département Hospitalo-Universitaire FIRE (Fibrose, Inflammation, and Remodeling), Assistance Publique-Hôpitaux de Paris, Hôpital Bichat, Université Paris-Diderot, INSERM Unité 1148, Paris (P.G.S.); National Heart and Lung Institute, Imperial College, Royal Brompton Hospital, London (P.G.S.); the Department of Medicine, University of Maryland School of Medicine, Baltimore (M.M.); the Utah Lipid Center, Salt Lake City (E.A.B.); the Office of Health Promotion and Disease Prevention, Department of Medicine, Emory University School of Medicine, Atlanta (T.A.J.); Amarin Pharma, Bedminster, NJ (S.B.K., R.T.D.J., R.A.J., L.J., C.G.); Montreal Heart Institute, Université de Montréal, Montreal (J.-C.T.); and the Department of Medicine, Baylor College of Medicine, and the Center for Cardiovascular Disease Prevention, Methodist DeBakey Heart and Vascular Center, Houston (C.M.B.).; Brinton EA; From Brigham and Women's Hospital Heart and Vascular Center and Harvard Medical School, Boston (D.L.B.); FACT (French Alliance for Cardiovascular Trials), Département Hospitalo-Universitaire FIRE (Fibrose, Inflammation, and Remodeling), Assistance Publique-Hôpitaux de Paris, Hôpital Bichat, Université Paris-Diderot, INSERM Unité 1148, Paris (P.G.S.); National Heart and Lung Institute, Imperial College, Royal Brompton Hospital, London (P.G.S.); the Department of Medicine, University of Maryland School of Medicine, Baltimore (M.M.); the Utah Lipid Center, Salt Lake City (E.A.B.); the Office of Health Promotion and Disease Prevention, Department of Medicine, Emory University School of Medicine, Atlanta (T.A.J.); Amarin Pharma, Bedminster, NJ (S.B.K., R.T.D.J., R.A.J., L.J., C.G.); Montreal Heart Institute, Université de Montréal, Montreal (J.-C.T.); and the Department of Medicine, Baylor College of Medicine, and the Center for Cardiovascular Disease Prevention, Methodist DeBakey Heart and Vascular Center, Houston (C.M.B.).; Jacobson TA; From Brigham and Women's Hospital Heart and Vascular Center and Harvard Medical School, Boston (D.L.B.); FACT (French Alliance for Cardiovascular Trials), Département Hospitalo-Universitaire FIRE (Fibrose, Inflammation, and Remodeling), Assistance Publique-Hôpitaux de Paris, Hôpital Bichat, Université Paris-Diderot, INSERM Unité 1148, Paris (P.G.S.); National Heart and Lung Institute, Imperial College, Royal Brompton Hospital, London (P.G.S.); the Department of Medicine, University of Maryland School of Medicine, Baltimore (M.M.); the Utah Lipid Center, Salt Lake City (E.A.B.); the Office of Health Promotion and Disease Prevention, Department of Medicine, Emory University School of Medicine, Atlanta (T.A.J.); Amarin Pharma, Bedminster, NJ (S.B.K., R.T.D.J., R.A.J., L.J., C.G.); Montreal Heart Institute, Université de Montréal, Montreal (J.-C.T.); and the Department of Medicine, Baylor College of Medicine, and the Center for Cardiovascular Disease Prevention, Methodist DeBakey Heart and Vascular Center, Houston (C.M.B.).; Ketchum SB; From Brigham and Women's Hospital Heart and Vascular Center and Harvard Medical School, Boston (D.L.B.); FACT (French Alliance for Cardiovascular Trials), Département Hospitalo-Universitaire FIRE (Fibrose, Inflammation, and Remodeling), Assistance Publique-Hôpitaux de Paris, Hôpital Bichat, Université Paris-Diderot, INSERM Unité 1148, Paris (P.G.S.); National Heart and Lung Institute, Imperial College, Royal Brompton Hospital, London (P.G.S.); the Department of Medicine, University of Maryland School of Medicine, Baltimore (M.M.); the Utah Lipid Center, Salt Lake City (E.A.B.); the Office of Health Promotion and Disease Prevention, Department of Medicine, Emory University School of Medicine, Atlanta (T.A.J.); Amarin Pharma, Bedminster, NJ (S.B.K., R.T.D.J., R.A.J., L.J., C.G.); Montreal Heart Institute, Université de Montréal, Montreal (J.-C.T.); and the Department of Medicine, Baylor College of Medicine, and the Center for Cardiovascular Disease Prevention, Methodist DeBakey Heart and Vascular Center, Houston (C.M.B.).; Doyle RT Jr; From Brigham and Women's Hospital Heart and Vascular Center and Harvard Medical School, Boston (D.L.B.); FACT (French Alliance for Cardiovascular Trials), Département Hospitalo-Universitaire FIRE (Fibrose, Inflammation, and Remodeling), Assistance Publique-Hôpitaux de Paris, Hôpital Bichat, Université Paris-Diderot, INSERM Unité 1148, Paris (P.G.S.); National Heart and Lung Institute, Imperial College, Royal Brompton Hospital, London (P.G.S.); the Department of Medicine, University of Maryland School of Medicine, Baltimore (M.M.); the Utah Lipid Center, Salt Lake City (E.A.B.); the Office of Health Promotion and Disease Prevention, Department of Medicine, Emory University School of Medicine, Atlanta (T.A.J.); Amarin Pharma, Bedminster, NJ (S.B.K., R.T.D.J., R.A.J., L.J., C.G.); Montreal Heart Institute, Université de Montréal, Montreal (J.-C.T.); and the Department of Medicine, Baylor College of Medicine, and the Center for Cardiovascular Disease Prevention, Methodist DeBakey Heart and Vascular Center, Houston (C.M.B.).; Juliano RA; From Brigham and Women's Hospital Heart and Vascular Center and Harvard Medical School, Boston (D.L.B.); FACT (French Alliance for Cardiovascular Trials), Département Hospitalo-Universitaire FIRE (Fibrose, Inflammation, and Remodeling), Assistance Publique-Hôpitaux de Paris, Hôpital Bichat, Université Paris-Diderot, INSERM Unité 1148, Paris (P.G.S.); National Heart and Lung Institute, Imperial College, Royal Brompton Hospital, London (P.G.S.); the Department of Medicine, University of Maryland School of Medicine, Baltimore (M.M.); the Utah Lipid Center, Salt Lake City (E.A.B.); the Office of Health Promotion and Disease Prevention, Department of Medicine, Emory University School of Medicine, Atlanta (T.A.J.); Amarin Pharma, Bedminster, NJ (S.B.K., R.T.D.J., R.A.J., L.J., C.G.); Montreal Heart Institute, Université de Montréal, Montreal (J.-C.T.); and the Department of Medicine, Baylor College of Medicine, and the Center for Cardiovascular Disease Prevention, Methodist DeBakey Heart and Vascular Center, Houston (C.M.B.).; Jiao L; From Brigham and Women's Hospital Heart and Vascular Center and Harvard Medical School, Boston (D.L.B.); FACT (French Alliance for Cardiovascular Trials), Département Hospitalo-Universitaire FIRE (Fibrose, Inflammation, and Remodeling), Assistance Publique-Hôpitaux de Paris, Hôpital Bichat, Université Paris-Diderot, INSERM Unité 1148, Paris (P.G.S.); National Heart and Lung Institute, Imperial College, Royal Brompton Hospital, London (P.G.S.); the Department of Medicine, University of Maryland School of Medicine, Baltimore (M.M.); the Utah Lipid Center, Salt Lake City (E.A.B.); the Office of Health Promotion and Disease Prevention, Department of Medicine, Emory University School of Medicine, Atlanta (T.A.J.); Amarin Pharma, Bedminster, NJ (S.B.K., R.T.D.J., R.A.J., L.J., C.G.); Montreal Heart Institute, Université de Montréal, Montreal (J.-C.T.); and the Department of Medicine, Baylor College of Medicine, and the Center for Cardiovascular Disease Prevention, Methodist DeBakey Heart and Vascular Center, Houston (C.M.B.).; Granowitz C; From Brigham and Women's Hospital Heart and Vascular Center and Harvard Medical School, Boston (D.L.B.); FACT (French Alliance for Cardiovascular Trials), Département Hospitalo-Universitaire FIRE (Fibrose, Inflammation, and Remodeling), Assistance Publique-Hôpitaux de Paris, Hôpital Bichat, Université Paris-Diderot, INSERM Unité 1148, Paris (P.G.S.); National Heart and Lung Institute, Imperial College, Royal Brompton Hospital, London (P.G.S.); the Department of Medicine, University of Maryland School of Medicine, Baltimore (M.M.); the Utah Lipid Center, Salt Lake City (E.A.B.); the Office of Health Promotion and Disease Prevention, Department of Medicine, Emory University School of Medicine, Atlanta (T.A.J.); Amarin Pharma, Bedminster, NJ (S.B.K., R.T.D.J., R.A.J., L.J., C.G.); Montreal Heart Institute, Université de Montréal, Montreal (J.-C.T.); and the Department of Medicine, Baylor College of Medicine, and the Center for Cardiovascular Disease Prevention, Methodist DeBakey Heart and Vascular Center, Houston (C.M.B.).; Tardif JC; From Brigham and Women's Hospital Heart and Vascular Center and Harvard Medical School, Boston (D.L.B.); FACT (French Alliance for Cardiovascular Trials), Département Hospitalo-Universitaire FIRE (Fibrose, Inflammation, and Remodeling), Assistance Publique-Hôpitaux de Paris, Hôpital Bichat, Université Paris-Diderot, INSERM Unité 1148, Paris (P.G.S.); National Heart and Lung Institute, Imperial College, Royal Brompton Hospital, London (P.G.S.); the Department of Medicine, University of Maryland School of Medicine, Baltimore (M.M.); the Utah Lipid Center, Salt Lake City (E.A.B.); the Office of Health Promotion and Disease Prevention, Department of Medicine, Emory University School of Medicine, Atlanta (T.A.J.); Amarin Pharma, Bedminster, NJ (S.B.K., R.T.D.J., R.A.J., L.J., C.G.); Montreal Heart Institute, Université de Montréal, Montreal (J.-C.T.); and the Department of Medicine, Baylor College of Medicine, and the Center for Cardiovascular Disease Prevention, Methodist DeBakey Heart and Vascular Center, Houston (C.M.B.).; Ballantyne CM; From Brigham and Women's Hospital Heart and Vascular Center and Harvard Medical School, Boston (D.L.B.); FACT (French Alliance for Cardiovascular Trials), Département Hospitalo-Universitaire FIRE (Fibrose, Inflammation, and Remodeling), Assistance Publique-Hôpitaux de Paris, Hôpital Bichat, Université Paris-Diderot, INSERM Unité 1148, Paris (P.G.S.); National Heart and Lung Institute, Imperial College, Royal Brompton Hospital, London (P.G.S.); the Department of Medicine, University of Maryland School of Medicine, Baltimore (M.M.); the Utah Lipid Center, Salt Lake City (E.A.B.); the Office of Health Promotion and Disease Prevention, Department of Medicine, Emory University School of Medicine, Atlanta (T.A.J.); Amarin Pharma, Bedminster, NJ (S.B.K., R.T.D.J., R.A.J., L.J., C.G.); Montreal Heart Institute, Université de Montréal, Montreal (J.-C.T.); and the Department of Medicine, Baylor College of Medicine, and the Center for Cardiovascular Disease Prevention, Methodist DeBakey Heart and Vascular Center, Houston (C.M.B.).
Publisher: Massachusetts Medical Society Country of Publication: United States NLM ID: 0255562 Publication Model: Print-Electronic Cited Medium: Internet ISSN: 1533-4406 (Electronic) Linking ISSN: 00284793 NLM ISO Abbreviation: N Engl J Med Subsets: MEDLINE
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