
(예 : 2010-2015)
'학술논문' 에서 검색결과 106건 | 목록 20~30
Academic Journal
Dauriz, M.Targher, G.Temporelli, P.L.Lucci, D.Gonzini, L.Maggioni, A.P.Nicolosi, G.L.Marchioli, R.Tognoni, G.Latini, R.Cosmi, F.Tavazzi, L.Moccetti, T.Rossi, M.G.Pasotti, E.Vaghi, F.Roncarolo, P.Zunino, M.T.Matta, F.Actis Perinetto, E.Gaita, F.Azzaro, G.Zanetta, M.Paino, A.M.Parravicini, U.Vegis, D.Conte, R.Ferraro, P.De Bernardi, A.Morelloni, S.Fagnani, M.Greco Lucchina, P.Montagna, L.Bellone, E.Sappè, D.Ferraro, F.Delucchi, M.Reynaud, S.G.Dore, M.La Brocca, A.Massobrio, N.Bo, L.Trinchero, R.Imazio, M.Brocchi, G.Nejrotti, A.Rissone, L.Gabasio, S.Zocchi, C.Randazzo, S.Crenna, A.Giannuzzi, P.Bonanomi, E.Mezzani, A.De Marchi, M.Begliuomini, G.Gianonatti, C.A.Gavazzi, A.Grosu, A.Dei Cas, L.Nodari, S.Garyfallidis, P.Bertoletti, A.Bonifazi, C.Arisi, S.Mascaro, F.Fraccarollo, M.Dell'Orto, S.Sfolcini, M.Bortolini, F.Raccagni, D.Turelli, A.Santarone, M.Miglierina, E.Sormani, L.Jemoli, R.Tettamanti, F.Pirelli, S.Bianchi, C.Verde, S.Mariani, M.Ziacchi, V.Ferrazza, A.Russo, A.Bortolotti, M.Pasini, G.F.Volpi, A.Jones, K.N.Cuzzucrea, D.Gullace, G.Carbone, C.Granata, A.De Servi, S.Del Rosso, G.Inserra, C.Renaldini, E.Zappa, C.Moretti, M.Zanini, R.Ferrari, M.Moroni, E.Cei, A.Lissi, C.Dovico, E.Fiorentini, C.Palermo, P.Brusoni, B.Negrini, M.Heyman, J.Danzi, G.B.Finzi, A.Frigerio, M.Turazza, F.Beretta, L.Sachero, A.Casazza, F.Squadroni, L.Lombardi, F.Marano, L.Margonato, A.Fragasso, G.Febo, O.C.Aiolfi, E.Olmetti, F.Grieco, A.Antonazzo, V.Specchia, G.Mortara, A.Robustelli, F.Songini, M.G.Schweiger, C.Frisinghelli, A.Palvarini, M.Campana, C.Scelsi, L.Ajmone Marsan, N.Cobelli, F.Gualco, A.Opasich, C.De Feo, S.Mazzucco, R.Iannone, M.A.Diaco, T.Zaniboni, D.Milanesi, G.Nassiacos, D.Meloni, S.Giani, P.Nicoli, T.Malinverni, C.Gusmini, A.Pozzoni, L.Bisiani, G.Margaroli, P.Schizzarotto, A.Daverio, A.Occhi, G.Partesana, N.Bandini, P.Rosella, M.G.Giustiniani, S.Cucchi, G.Pedretti, R.Raimondo, R.Vaninetti, R.Fedele, A.Ghezzi, I.Rezzonico, E.Salerno Uriarte, J.A.Morandi, F.Salvucci, F.Valenti, C.Graziano, G.Romanò, M.Cimminiello, C.Mangone, I.Lombardo, M.Quorso, P.Marinoni, G.Breghi, M.Erckert, M.Dienstl, A.Mirante Marini, G.Stefenelli, C.Cioffi, G.Buczkowska, E.Bonanome, A.Bazzanini, F.Parissenti, L.Serafini, C.Catania, G.Tarantini, L.Rigatelli, G.Boni, S.Pasini, A.Masini, E.Zampiero, A.A.Zanchetta, M.Franceschetto, L.Delise, P.Marcon, C.Sacchetta, A.Borgese, L.Artusi, L.Casolino, P.Corbara, F.Banzato, A.Barbiero, M.Aldegheri, M.P.Bazzucco, R.Crivellenti, G.Raviele, A.Zanella, C.Pascotto, P.Sarto, P.Milan, S.Barbieri, E.Girardi, P.Dalla Villa, W.Dalle Mule, J.Di Sipio, M.L.Cazzin, R.Milan, D.Zonzin, P.Carraro, M.Rossi, R.Carbonieri, E.Rossi, I.Stritoni, P.Meneghetti, P.Risica, G.Tenderini, P.L.Vassanelli, C.Zanolla, L.Perini, G.Brighetti, G.Chiozza, R.Giuliano, G.Baldin, M.G.Gortan, R.Cesanelli, R.Nicolosi, G.L.Piazza, R.Mos, L.Vriz, O.Pavan, D.Pascottini, G.Alberti, E.Werren, M.Solinas, L.Sinagra, G.Longaro, F.Fioretti, P.Albanese, M.C.Miani, D.Gianrossi, R.Pende, A.Rubartelli, P.Magaia, O.Domenicucci, S.Caruso, D.Faraguti, A.S.Magliani, L.Miccoli, F.Guglielmino, G.Bertoli, D.Cantarelli, A.Orlandi, S.Vallebona, A.Pozzati, A.Brega, G.Pancaldi, L.G.Vandelli, R.Urbinati, S.Poci, M.G.Zoli, M.Costa, G.M.Guiducci, U.Zobbi, G.Tartagni, F.Tisselli, A.Gentili, A.Pieri, P.Cagnetta, E.Bendinelli, S.Barbieri, A.Conti, R.Ferrari, R.Merlini, F.Fucili, A.Moruzzi, P.Buia, E.Galvani, M.Ferrini, D.Baggioni, G.Yiannacopulu, P.Canè, G.Bonfiglioli, A.Zandomeneghi, R.Brugioni, L.Giannini, A.Di Ruvo, R.Giuliani, M.Rusconi, L.Del Corso, P.Piovaccari, G.Bologna, F.Venturi, P.Melandri, F.Bagni, E.Bolognese, L.Perticucci, R.Zuppiroli, A.Nannini, M.Consoli, N.Petrone, P.Pipitò, C.Colombi, L.Bernardi, D.Mariani, P.R.Testa, R.Mazzinghi, F.Cosmi, F.Cosmi, D.Zipoli, A.Cecchi, A.Castelli, G.Ciaccheri, M.Mori, F.Pieri, F.Valoti, P.Chiarantini, D.Santoro, G.M.Minneci, C.Marchi, F.Milli, M.Zambaldi, G.Zipoli, A.Brandinelli Geri, A.A.Cipriani, M.Alessandri, M.Severi, S.Stefanelli, S.Comella, A.Poddighe, R.Digiorgio, A.Carluccio, M.Berti, S.Rizza, A.Bonatti, V.Molendi, V.Brancato, A.D'Aprile, N.Giappichini, G.Del Vecchio, S.Mantini, G.De Tommasi, F.Meucci, G.Cordoni, M.Bechi, S.Barsotti, L.Baldini, P.Romei, M.Scopelliti, G.Lauri, G.Pestelli, F.Furiozzi, F.Cocchieri, M.Severini, D.Patriarchi, F.Chiocchi, P.Buccolieri, M.Martinelli, S.Wee, A.Angelici, F.Bernardinangeli, M.Proietti, G.Biscottini, B.Panciarola, R.Marinacci, L.Perna, G.P.Gabrielli, D.Moraca, A.Moretti, L.Partemi, L.Gregori, G.Amici, R.Patteri, G.Capone, P.Savini, E.Morgagni, G.L.Paccaloni, L.Pezzuoli, F.Carincola, S.Papi, S.De Crescentini, S.Gerardi, P.Midi, P.Gallenzi, E.Pajes, G.Mancone, C.Di Spirito, V.Di Gennaro, M.Calcagno, S.Toscano, S.Antonicoli, S.Carta, F.Giorgi, G.Comito, F.Daniele, E.Ciarla, O.Gelfo, P.G.Acquaviva, A.Testa, D.Testa, G.Pagliaro, F.A.Russo, F.Vetta, F.Marchese, I.Di Sciascio, G.D'Ambrosio, A.Leggio, F.Del Sindaco, D.Lacchè, A.Avallone, A.Risa, M.P.Azzolini, P.Baldo, E.Giovannini, E.Pulignano, G.Tondo, C.Picchio, E.Biffani, E.Tanzi, P.Pozzar, F.Farnetti, F.Azzarito, M.Santini, M.Varveri, A.Ferraiuolo, G.Valtorta, C.Gaspardone, A.Barbato, G.Ceci, V.Aspromonte, N.Bellocci, F.Colizzi, C.Fedele, F.Perez, F.I.Galati, A.Rossetti, A.Mainella, A.Ciuffetta, D.Matteucci, C.Busi, G.De Angelis, A.Farina, G.Granatelli, A.Leone, F.Frasca, F.Pajes, G.Di Giovambattista, R.Castellani, G.Massaro, G.Mastrogiuseppe, G.Vacri, A.De Sanctis, F.Cioli, M.Di Luzio, S.Napoletano, C.Piccioni, L.L.De Simone, G.Ottaviano, A.Mazza, V.Spedaliere, C.Staniscia, D.Calgione, E.De Marco, G.Chiacchio, T.Di Napoli, T.Romanzi, S.Salvatore, G.Golino, P.Palermo, A.Mascia, F.Vetrano, A.Vinciguerra, A.Caliendo, L.Longobardi, R.De Caro, G.Di Nola, R.Piemonte, F.Prinzi, D.De Rosa, P.De Rosa, V.Riello, F.Capuano, V.Vecchio, G.Landi, M.Amato, S.Garofalo, M.Caruso, D.D'Avino, M.Sensale, P.Maiolica, O.Santoro, R.Caso, P.Miceli, D.Maurea, N.Bianchi, U.Crispo, C.Chiariello, M.Perrone Filardi, P.Russo, L.Capuano, N.Ungaro, G.Vergara, G.Scafuro, F.D'Angelo, G.Campaniello, C.Bottiglieri, P.Volpe, A.Battista, R.De Risi, L.Cardillo, G.Sibilio, G.Marino, A.P.Silvestri, F.Predotti, P.Iervoglini, A.Stefanelli, S.De Matteis, C.Sarnicola, P.Matarazzo, M.M.Baldi, S.Iuliano, V.Astarita, C.Cuccaro, P.Liguori, A.Liguori, G.Gregorio, G.Petraglia, L.Antonelli, G.Amodio, G.De Luca, I.Traversa, D.Franchini, G.Lenti, M.L.Cavallari, D.D'Agostino, C.Scalera, G.Altamura, C.M.Russo, M.Mascolo, A.R.Pettinati, G.Ciricugno, S.A.Scrutinio, D.Passantino, A.Mastrangelo, D.Di Masi, A.De Carne, R.Cannone, M.Dibiase, F.Pensato, M.Loliva, F.Trapani, F.Panettieri, I.Leone, L.Di Biase, M.Carrone, M.Gallone, V.Cocco, F.Costantini, M.Tritto, C.Cavalieri, F.Stella, L.Magliari, F.Callerame, M.De Giorgi, A.Pellegrino, L.Correra, M.Portulano, V.Nisi, G.L.Grassi, G.Cristallo, E.De Laura, D.Salerno, C.Fanelli, R.Villella, M.Pede, S.Renna, A.De Lorenzi, E.Urso, L.Lenti, V.Peluso, A.Baldi, N.Polimeni, G.Galati, A.Palma, P.Lauletta, R.Tagliamonte, E.Cirillo, T.Silvestri, B.Centonze, G.D'Alessandro, B.Truncellito, L.Mecca, D.Petruzzi, M.A.Coviello, R.O.M.Lopizzo, A.Chiaffitelli, M.Barbuzzi, S.Gubelli, S.Germinario, G.Cosentino, N.Mingrone, A.Vico, R.Borrello, G.Mazza, M.L.Cimino, R.Galasso, D.Cassadonte, F.Talarico, U.Perticone, F.Cassano, S.Catapano, F.Calemme, S.Feraco, E.Cloro, C.Misuraca, G.Caporale, R.Vigna, L.Spagnuolo, V.De Rosa, F.Spadafora, G.Zampaglione, G.Russo, R.Schipani, F.A.Ferragina, A.F.Stranieri, D.Musca, G.Carpino, C.Bencardino, P.Raimondo, F.Musacchio, D.Pulitanò, G.Ruggeri, A.Provenzano, A.Salituri, S.Musolino, M.Calandruccio, S.Marrari, A.Tripodi, E.Scali, R.Anastasio, L.Arone, A.Aragona, P.Donnangelo, L.Comito, M.G.A.Bilotta, F.Vaccaro, I.Rametta, R.Ventura, V.Bonvegna, A.Alì, A.Cinnirella, C.Raineri, M.Pompeo, F.Cascio Ingurgio, N.Carini, V.Coco, R.Giunta, G.Leonardi, G.Randazzo, V.Di Blasi, V.Tamburino, C.Russo, G.Mangiameli, S.Cardillo, R.Castelli, D.Inserra, V.Arena, A.Gulizia, M.M.Raciti, S.Rapisarda, G.Romano, R.Prestifilippo, P.Braschi, G.B.Ledda, G.Terrazzino, R.De Caro, M.Scilabra, G.Graffagnino, B.Grassi, R.Di Tano, G.Scimone, G.F.Vasquez, L.Coppolino, C.Casale, A.Castelli, M.D'Urso, G.D'Antonio, E.Lo Presti, L.Badalamenti, E.Conti, P.Sanfilippo, N.Cirrincione, V.Cinà, M.T.Cusimano, G.Taormina, A.Giuliano, P.Bajardi, A.Mandalà, V.Canonico, A.Geraci, G.Sabella, F.P.Enia, F.Floresta, A.M.Lo Cascio, I.Gumina, D.Cavallaro, A.Piccione, G.Ferrante, R.Blandino, M.Iudicello, M.S.Mossuti, E.Romano, G.Lombardo, L.Monastra, P.Di Vincenzo, D.Porcu, M.Orrù, P.Muscas, F.Giardina, G.Corda, M.Locci, G.Podda, A.Ledda, M.Siddi, P.Lai, C.Pili, G.Mercuro, G.Mureddu, G.Ganau, A.Meloni, G.Poddighe, G.Sanna, G.Barlera, S.Franzosi, M.G.Porcu, M.Yusuf, S.Camerini, F.Cohn, J.N.Decarli, A.Pitt, B.Sleight, P.Poole-Wilson, P.A.Geraci, E.Scherillo, M.Fabbri, G.Bartolomei, B.Bertoli, D.Cobelli, F.Fresco, C.Ledda, A.Levantesi, G.Opasich, C.Rusconi, F.Turazza, F.Volpi, A.Ceseri, M.Alongi, G.Atzori, A.Bambi, F.Bastarolo, D.Bianchini, F.Cangioli, I.Canu, V.Caporusso, C.Cenni, G.Cintelli, L.Cocchio, M.Confente, A.Fenicia, E.Friso, G.Gianfriddo, M.Grilli, G.Lazzaro, B.Lonardo, G.Luise, A.Nota, R.Orlando, M.Petrolo, R.Pierattini, C.Pierota, V.Provenzani, A.Quartuccio, V.Ragno, A.Serio, C.Spolaor, A.Tafi, A.Tellaroli, E.Ghio, S.Ghizzardi, E.Masson, S.Crociati, L.La Rovere, M.T.Corrà, U.Di Giulio, P.Finzi, A.Gorini, M.Milani, V.Orsini, G.Bianchini, E.Cabiddu, S.Cangioli, I.Cipressa, L.Cipressa, M.L.Di Bitetto, G.Ferri, B.Galbiati, L.Lorimer, A.Pera, C.Priami, P.Vasamì, A.
In: Journal of the American Heart Association. (Journal of the American Heart Association, 1 July 2017, 6(7))
Academic Journal
Cosmi, F.Cosmi, D.Di Giulio, P.Masson, S.Finzi, A.Marfisi, R.M.Latini, R.Scarano, M.Tognoni, G.Maggioni, A.P.Porcu, M.Boni, S.Cutrupi, G.Tavazzi, L.Barlera, S.Franzosi, M.G.Lucci, D.Marchioli, R.Nicolosi, G.L.Yusuf, S.Camerini, F.Cohn, J.N.Decarli, A.Pitt, B.Sleight, P.Poole-Wilson, P.A.Geraci, E.Scherillo, M.Fabbri, G.Bartolomei, B.Bertoli, D.Cobelli, F.Fresco, C.Ledda, A.Levantesi, G.Opasich, C.Rusconi, F.Sinagra, G.Turazza, F.Volpi, A.Ceseri, M.Alongi, G.Atzori, A.Bambi, F.Bastarolo, D.Bianchini, F.Cangioli, I.Canu, V.Caporusso, C.Cenni, G.Cintelli, L.Cocchio, M.Confente, A.Fenicia, E.Friso, G.Gianfriddo, M.Grilli, G.Lazzaro, B.Lonardo, G.Luise, A.Nota, R.Orlando, M.Petrolo, R.Pierattini, C.Pierota, V.Provenzani, A.Quartuccio, V.Ragno, A.Serio, C.Spolaor, A.Tafi, A.Tellaroli, E.Ghio, S.Ghizzardi, E.Crociati, L.Rovere, M.T.Corra, U.Lucci, D.Barlera, S.Gorini, M.Gonzini, L.Milani, V.Orsini, G.Bianchini, E.Cabiddu, S.Cangioli, I.Cipressa, L.Cipressa, M.L.Di Bitetto, G.Ferri, B.Galbiati, L.Lorimer, A.Pera, C.Priami, P.Rossi, M.G.Pasotti, E.Vaghi, F.Roncarolo, P.Zunino, M.T.Matta, F.Actis, E.Gaita, F.Azzaro, G.Zanetta, M.Paino, A.M.Parravicini, U.Vegis, D.Conte, R.Ferraro, P.De Bernardi, A.Morelloni, S.Fagnani, M.Lucchina, P.G.Montagna, L.Bellone, E.Sappe, D.Ferraro, F.Delucchi, M.Reynaud, S.G.Dore, M.La, A.Massobrio, N.Bo, L.Trinchero, R.Imazio, M.Brocchi, G.Nejrotti, A.Rissone, L.Gabasio, S.Zocchi, C.Randazzo, S.Crenna, A.Giannuzzi, P.Bonanomi, E.Mezzani, A.De Marchi, M.Begliuomini, G.Gianonatti, C.A.Gavazzi, A.Grosu, A.Cas, L.D.Nodari, S.Garyfallidis, P.Bertoletti, A.Bonifazi, C.Arisi, S.Mascaro, F.Fraccarollo, M.Dell, S.Sfolcini, M.Bortolini, F.Raccagni, D.Turelli, A.Santarone, M.Miglierina, E.Sormani, L.Jemoli, R.Tettamanti, F.Pirelli, S.Bianchi, C.Verde, S.Mariani, M.Ziacchi, V.Ferrazza, A.Russo, A.Bortolotti, M.Pasini, G.F.Volpi, A.Jones, K.N.Cuzzucrea, D.Gullace, G.Carbone, C.Granata, A.De, S.Del Rosso, G.Inserra, C.Renaldini, E.Zappa, C.Moretti, M.Zanini, R.Ferrari, M.Cei, A.Lissi, C.Dovico, E.Fiorentini, C.Palermo, P.Brusoni, B.Negrini, M.Heyman, J.Danzi, G.B.Finzi, A.Frigerio, M.Turazza, F.Beretta, L.Sachero, A.Casazza, F.Squadroni, L.Lombardi, F.Marano, L.Margonato, A.Fragasso, G.Febo, O.C.Aiolfi, E.Olmetti, F.Grieco, A.Antonazzo, V.Specchia, G.Mortara, A.Robustelli, F.Songini, M.G.Schweiger, C.Frisinghelli, A.Palvarini, M.Campana, C.Scelsi, L.Marsan, N.A.Cobelli, F.Gualco, A.Opasich, C.De Feo, S.Iannone, M.A.Diaco, T.Zaniboni, D.Milanesi, G.Nassiacos, D.Meloni, S.Giani, P.Nicoli, T.Malinverni, C.Gusmini, A.Pozzoni, L.Bisiani, G.Margaroli, P.Schizzarotto, A.Daverio, A.Morelli, E.Occhi, G.Partesana, N.Bandini, P.Morelli, E.Rosella, M.G.Giustiniani, S.Cucchi, G.Pedretti, R.Raimondo, R.Vaninetti, R.Fedele, A.Ghezzi, I.Rezzonico, E.Salerno, J.A.Morandi, F.Salvucci, F.Valenti, C.Graziano, G.Romano, M.Cimminiello, C.Mangone, I.Lombardo, M.Quorso, P.Marinoni, G.Breghi, M.Erckert, M.Dienstl, A.Mirante, G.Stefenelli, C.Cioffi, G.Buczkowska, E.Bonanome, A.Bazzanini, F.Parissenti, L.Serafini, C.Catania, G.Tarantini, L.Rigatelli, G.Pasini, A.Masini, E.Zampiero, A.A.Zanchetta, M.Franceschetto, L.Delise, P.Marcon, C.Sacchetta, A.Borgese, L.Artusi, L.Casolino, P.Corbara, F.Banzato, A.Barbiero, M.Aldegheri, M.P.Bazzucco, R.Crivellenti, G.Raviele, A.Zanella, C.Pascotto, P.Sarto, P.Milan, S.Barbieri, E.Girardi, P.Dalla, W.Mule, J.D.Di Sipio, M.L.Cazzin, R.Milan, D.Zonzin, P.Carraro, M.Rossi, R.Carbonieri, E.Rossi, I.Stritoni, P.Meneghetti, P.Risica, G.Tenderini, P.L.Vassanelli, C.Zanolla, L.Perini, G.Brighetti, G.Chiozza, R.Giuliano, G.Baldin, M.G.Gortan, R.Cesanelli, R.Nicolosi, G.L.Piazza, R.Mos, L.Vriz, O.Pavan, D.Pascottini, G.Alberti, E.Werren, M.Solinas, L.Longaro, F.Fioretti, P.Albanese, M.C.Miani, D.Gianrossi, R.Pende, A.Rubartelli, P.Magaia, O.Caruso, D.Faraguti, A.S.Magliani, L.Miccoli, F.Guglielmino, G.Bertoli, D.Cantarelli, A.Orlandi, S.Vallebona, A.Pozzati, A.Brega, G.Pancaldi, L.G.Vandelli, R.Urbinati, S.Poci, M.G.Zoli, M.Costa, G.M.Guiducci, U.Zobbi, G.Tartagni, F.Tisselli, A.Gentili, A.Pieri, P.Cagnetta, E.Bendinelli, S.Barbieri, A.Conti, R.Ferrari, R.Merlini, F.Fucili, A.Moruzzi, P.Buia, E.Galvani, M.Ferrini, D.Baggioni, G.Yiannacopulu, P.Canè, G.Bonfiglioli, A.Zandomeneghi, R.Brugioni, L.Giannini, A.Di, R.Giuliani, M.Rusconi, L.Del Corso, P.Piovaccari, G.Bologna, F.Venturi, P.Melandri, F.Bagni, E.Bolognese, L.Perticucci, R.Zuppiroli, A.Nannini, M.Consoli, N.Petrone, P.Pipitò, C.Colombi, L.Bernardi, D.Mariani, P.R.Testa, R.Mazzinghi, F.Zipoli, A.Cecchi, A.Castelli, G.Ciaccheri, M.Mori, F.Pieri, F.Valoti, P.Chiarantini, D.Santoro, G.M.Minneci, C.Marchi, F.Milli, M.Zambaldi, G.Zipoli, A.Geri, A.A.Cipriani, M.Alessandri, M.Severi, S.Stefanelli, S.Comella, A.Poddighe, R.Digiorgio, A.Carluccio, M.Berti, S.Rizza, A.Bonatti, V.Molendi, V.Brancato, A.D'Aprile, N.Giappichini, G.Del Vecchio, S.Mantini, G.De Tommasi, F.Meucci, G.Cordoni, M.Bechi, S.Barsotti, L.Baldini, P.Romei, M.Scopelliti, G.Lauri, G.Pestelli, F.Furiozzi, F.Cocchieri, M.Severini, D.Patriarchi, F.Chiocchi, P.Buccolieri, M.Martinelli, S.Wee, A.Angelici, F.Bernardinangeli, M.Proietti, G.Biscottini, B.Panciarola, R.Marinacci, L.Perna, G.P.Gabrielli, D.Moraca, A.Moretti, L.Partemi, L.Gregori, G.Amici, R.Patteri, G.Capone, P.Savini, E.Morgagni, G.L.Paccaloni, L.Pezzuoli, F.Carincola, S.Papi, S.De Crescentini, S.Gerardi, P.Midi, P.Gallenzi, E.Pajes, G.Mancone, C.Di, V.Di Gennaro, M.Calcagno, S.Toscano, S.Antonicoli, S.Carta, F.Giorgi, G.Comito, F.Daniele, E.Goretti, S.M.Ciarla, O.Goretti, S.M.Gelfo, P.G.Acquaviva, A.Testa, D.Testa, G.Pagliaro, F.A.Russo, F.Vetta, F.Marchese, I.Di, G.D'Ambrosio, A.Leggio, F.Del Sindaco, D.Lacchè, A.Avallone, A.Risa, M.P.Azzolini, P.Baldo, E.Giovannini, E.Pulignano, G.Tondo, C.Picchio, E.Biffani, E.Tanzi, P.Pozzar, F.Farnetti, F.Azzarito, M.Santini, M.Varveri, A.Ferraiuolo, G.Valtorta, C.Gaspardone, A.Barbato, G.Ceci, V.Aspromonte, N.Bellocci, F.Colizzi, C.Fedele, F.Perez, F.I.Galati, A.Rossetti, A.Mainella, A.Ciuffetta, D.Matteucci, C.Busi, G.De, A.Farina, G.Granatelli, A.Leone, F.Frasca, F.Pajes, G.Di, R.Castellani, G.Massaro, G.Mastrogiuseppe, G.Vacri, A.De Sanctis, F.Cioli, M.Di Luzio, S.Napoletano, C.Piccioni, L.L.De Simone, G.Ottaviano, A.Mazza, V.Spedaliere, C.Staniscia, T.D.Calgione, E.De Marco, G.Chiacchio, T.Di, T.Romanzi, S.Salvatore, G.Golino, P.Palermo, A.Mascia, F.Vetrano, A.Vinciguerra, A.Caliendo, L.Longobardi, R.De Caro, G.Di Nola, R.Piemonte, F.Prinzi, D.De Rosa, P.De, V.Riello, F.Capuano, V.Vecchio, G.Landi, M.Amato, S.Garofalo, M.Caruso, D.D'Avino, M.Sensale, P.Maiolica, O.Santoro, R.Caso, P.Miceli, D.Maurea, N.Bianchi, U.Crispo, C.Chiariello, M.Filardi, P.P.Russo, L.Capuano, N.Ungaro, G.Vergara, G.Scafuro, F.D'Angelo, G.Campaniello, C.Bottiglieri, P.Volpe, A.Battista, R.De Risi, L.Cardillo, G.Sibilio, G.Marino, A.P.Silvestri, F.Predotti, P.Iervoglini, A.Stefanelli, S.De Matteis, C.Sarnicola, P.Matarazzo, M.M.Baldi, S.Iuliano, V.Astarita, C.Cuccaro, P.Liguori, A.Liguori, G.Gregorio, G.Petraglia, L.Antonelli, G.Amodio, G.De Luca, I.Franchini, G.Lenti, M.L.Cavallari, D.D'Agostino, C.Scalera, G.Altamura, C.M.Russo, M.Mascolo, A.R.Pettinati, G.Ciricugno, S.A.Scrutinio, D.Passantino, A.Mastrangelo, D.Di Masi, A.De, R.Cannone, M.Dibiase, F.Pensato, M.Loliva, F.Trapani, F.Panettieri, I.Leone, L.Di, M.Carrone, M.Gallone, V.Cocco, F.Costantini, M.Tritto, C.Cavalieri, F.Stella, L.Magliari, F.Callerame, M.De Giorgi, A.Pellegrino, L.Correra, M.Portulano, V.Nisi, G.L.Grassi, G.Cristallo, E.De Laura, D.Salerno, C.Fanelli, R.Villella, M.Pede, S.Renna, A.De Lorenzi, E.Urso, L.Lenti, V.Peluso, A.Baldi, N.Polimeni, G.Galati, A.Palma, P.Lauletta, R.Tagliamonte, E.Cirillo, T.Centonze, G.D'Alessandro, B.Truncellito, L.Mecca, D.Petruzzi, M.A.Coviello, R.O.Lopizzo, A.Chiaffitelli, M.Barbuzzi, S.Gubelli, S.Germinario, G.Cosentino, N.Mingrone, A.Vico, R.Borrello, G.Mazza, M.L.Cimino, R.Galasso, D.Cassadonte, F.Talarico, U.Perticone, F.Cassano, S.Catapano, F.Calemme, S.Feraco, E.Cloro, C.Misuraca, G.Caporale, R.Vigna, L.Spagnuolo, V.De Rosa, F.Spadafora, G.Zampaglione, G.Russo, R.Schipani, F.A.Ferragina, A.F.Stranieri, D.Musca, G.Carpino, C.Bencardino, P.Raimondo, F.Musacchio, D.Pulitano, G.Ruggeri, A.Provenzano, A.Salituri, S.Musolino, M.Calandruccio, S.Marrari, A.Tripodi, E.Scali, R.Anastasio, L.Arone, A.Aragona, P.Donnangelo, L.Comito, M.G.Bilotta, F.Vaccaro, I.Rametta, R.Ventura, V.Bonvegna, A.Alì, A.Cinnirella, C.Raineri, M.Pompeo, F.Ingurgio, N.C.Carini, V.Coco, R.Giunta, G.Leonardi, G.Randazzo, V.Di Blasi, V.Tamburino, C.Russo, G.Mangiameli, S.Cardillo, R.Castelli, D.Inserra, V.Arena, A.Gulizia, M.M.Raciti, S.Rapisarda, G.Romano, R.Prestifilippo, P.Braschi, G.B.Ledda, G.Terrazzino, R.De Caro, M.Scilabra, G.Graffagnino, B.Grassi, R.Di, G.Scimone, G.F.Vasquez, L.Coppolino, C.Casale, A.Castelli, M.D'Urso, G.D'Antonio, E.Presti, L.L.Badalamenti, E.Conti, P.Sanfilippo, N.Cirrincione, V.Cinà, M.T.Cusimano, G.Taormina, A.Giuliano, P.Bajardi, A.Mandala, V.Canonico, A.Geraci, G.Sabella, F.P.Enia, F.Floresta, A.M.Cascio, I.L.Gumina, D.Cavallaro, A.Piccione, G.Ferrante, R.Blandino, M.Iudicello, M.S.Mossuti, E.Romano, G.Lombardo, L.Monastra, P.Di Vincenzo, D.Porcu, M.Orru, P.Muscas, F.Giardina, G.Corda, M.Locci, G.Podda, A.Ledda, M.Siddi, P.Lai, C.Pili, G.Mercuro, G.Mureddu, G.Ganau, A.Meloni, G.Poddighe, G.Sanna, G.
In: Circulation: Heart Failure. (Circulation: Heart Failure, 4 May 2015, 8(3):428-437)
Academic Journal
Zanchetta M; Divisione di Cardiologia, Ospedale Civile, Cittadella.; Pedon LCarlon RFranceschetto LMaiolino P
Publisher: Piccin Editore S.A.S Country of Publication: Italy NLM ID: 1270331 Publication Model: Print Cited Medium: Print ISSN: 0046-5968 (Print) Linking ISSN: 00465968 NLM ISO Abbreviation: G Ital Cardiol Subsets: MEDLINE
Academic Journal
Marcheselli R; a Fondazione Italiana Linfomi Onlus , Modena , Italy.; Franceschetto A; b Department of Oncology and Hematology , Modena Cancer Center, Unit of Nuclear Medicine, University of Modena and Reggio Emilia , Modena , Italy.; Sacchi S; c Department of Oncology and Hematology , Modena Cancer Center, Unit of Target Therapy in Onco-Hematology and Osteoncology, University of Modena and Reggio Emilia , Modena , Italy.; Bari A; c Department of Oncology and Hematology , Modena Cancer Center, Unit of Target Therapy in Onco-Hematology and Osteoncology, University of Modena and Reggio Emilia , Modena , Italy.; Levy I; d Hematology unit B- Bnai Zion Medical Center , Haifa , Israel.; Pizzichini P; e Sant'Andrea Hospital , Rome , Italy.; Prosperi D; e Sant'Andrea Hospital , Rome , Italy.; D'Apollo R; f Unit of Nuclear Medicine , Policlinico di Modena, Rome , Italy.; Massi L; f Unit of Nuclear Medicine , Policlinico di Modena, Rome , Italy.; Casolo A; f Unit of Nuclear Medicine , Policlinico di Modena, Rome , Italy.; Pozzi S; c Department of Oncology and Hematology , Modena Cancer Center, Unit of Target Therapy in Onco-Hematology and Osteoncology, University of Modena and Reggio Emilia , Modena , Italy.; Marcheselli L; a Fondazione Italiana Linfomi Onlus , Modena , Italy.; Tadmor T; d Hematology unit B- Bnai Zion Medical Center , Haifa , Israel.; Prandini N; f Unit of Nuclear Medicine , Policlinico di Modena, Rome , Italy.; Cox MC; e Sant'Andrea Hospital , Rome , Italy.
Publisher: Taylor & Francis Country of Publication: United States NLM ID: 9007422 Publication Model: Print-Electronic Cited Medium: Internet ISSN: 1029-2403 (Electronic) Linking ISSN: 10268022 NLM ISO Abbreviation: Leuk Lymphoma Subsets: MEDLINE
Academic Journal
Johnson P; From the Cancer Research UK Centre, University of Southampton, Southampton (P.J.), Cancer Research UK and University College London Cancer Trials Centre (A.K., P.P., T.R., L.S., P.S.) and the PET Imaging Centre, King's College London, King's Health Partners, St. Thomas' Hospital (M.O., Z.V., S.B.), London, the Department of Haematology, Lincoln County Hospital, Lincoln (G.S.), and the Department of Medical Oncology, Christie Hospital, Manchester (J.R.) - all in the United Kingdom; the Department of Diagnostic, Clinical, and Public Health Medicine, University of Modena and Reggio Emilia, Modena (M. Federico, A. Franceschetto, S.L.), the Department of Hematology, San Martino University Hospital, Genoa (A.C.), and Arcispedale Santa Maria Nuova-Istituti di Ricovero e Cura a Carattere Scientifico, Reggio Emilia (S.L.) - all in Italy; the Department of Medical Oncology, Oslo University Hospital, Oslo (A. Fosså); the Department of Haematology, Auckland City Hospital, Auckland, New Zealand (L.B.); the Department of Hematology, Aarhus University Hospital, Aarhus, Denmark (F.A.); the Department of Immunology, Genetics, and Pathology, Uppsala University, Uppsala, Sweden (G.E.); and the Department of Molecular Imaging, Royal Prince Alfred Hospital (M. Fulham), and Concord Repatriation General Hospital, University of Sydney (J.T.), Sydney.; Federico M; From the Cancer Research UK Centre, University of Southampton, Southampton (P.J.), Cancer Research UK and University College London Cancer Trials Centre (A.K., P.P., T.R., L.S., P.S.) and the PET Imaging Centre, King's College London, King's Health Partners, St. Thomas' Hospital (M.O., Z.V., S.B.), London, the Department of Haematology, Lincoln County Hospital, Lincoln (G.S.), and the Department of Medical Oncology, Christie Hospital, Manchester (J.R.) - all in the United Kingdom; the Department of Diagnostic, Clinical, and Public Health Medicine, University of Modena and Reggio Emilia, Modena (M. Federico, A. Franceschetto, S.L.), the Department of Hematology, San Martino University Hospital, Genoa (A.C.), and Arcispedale Santa Maria Nuova-Istituti di Ricovero e Cura a Carattere Scientifico, Reggio Emilia (S.L.) - all in Italy; the Department of Medical Oncology, Oslo University Hospital, Oslo (A. Fosså); the Department of Haematology, Auckland City Hospital, Auckland, New Zealand (L.B.); the Department of Hematology, Aarhus University Hospital, Aarhus, Denmark (F.A.); the Department of Immunology, Genetics, and Pathology, Uppsala University, Uppsala, Sweden (G.E.); and the Department of Molecular Imaging, Royal Prince Alfred Hospital (M. Fulham), and Concord Repatriation General Hospital, University of Sydney (J.T.), Sydney.; Kirkwood A; From the Cancer Research UK Centre, University of Southampton, Southampton (P.J.), Cancer Research UK and University College London Cancer Trials Centre (A.K., P.P., T.R., L.S., P.S.) and the PET Imaging Centre, King's College London, King's Health Partners, St. Thomas' Hospital (M.O., Z.V., S.B.), London, the Department of Haematology, Lincoln County Hospital, Lincoln (G.S.), and the Department of Medical Oncology, Christie Hospital, Manchester (J.R.) - all in the United Kingdom; the Department of Diagnostic, Clinical, and Public Health Medicine, University of Modena and Reggio Emilia, Modena (M. Federico, A. Franceschetto, S.L.), the Department of Hematology, San Martino University Hospital, Genoa (A.C.), and Arcispedale Santa Maria Nuova-Istituti di Ricovero e Cura a Carattere Scientifico, Reggio Emilia (S.L.) - all in Italy; the Department of Medical Oncology, Oslo University Hospital, Oslo (A. Fosså); the Department of Haematology, Auckland City Hospital, Auckland, New Zealand (L.B.); the Department of Hematology, Aarhus University Hospital, Aarhus, Denmark (F.A.); the Department of Immunology, Genetics, and Pathology, Uppsala University, Uppsala, Sweden (G.E.); and the Department of Molecular Imaging, Royal Prince Alfred Hospital (M. Fulham), and Concord Repatriation General Hospital, University of Sydney (J.T.), Sydney.; Fosså A; From the Cancer Research UK Centre, University of Southampton, Southampton (P.J.), Cancer Research UK and University College London Cancer Trials Centre (A.K., P.P., T.R., L.S., P.S.) and the PET Imaging Centre, King's College London, King's Health Partners, St. Thomas' Hospital (M.O., Z.V., S.B.), London, the Department of Haematology, Lincoln County Hospital, Lincoln (G.S.), and the Department of Medical Oncology, Christie Hospital, Manchester (J.R.) - all in the United Kingdom; the Department of Diagnostic, Clinical, and Public Health Medicine, University of Modena and Reggio Emilia, Modena (M. Federico, A. Franceschetto, S.L.), the Department of Hematology, San Martino University Hospital, Genoa (A.C.), and Arcispedale Santa Maria Nuova-Istituti di Ricovero e Cura a Carattere Scientifico, Reggio Emilia (S.L.) - all in Italy; the Department of Medical Oncology, Oslo University Hospital, Oslo (A. Fosså); the Department of Haematology, Auckland City Hospital, Auckland, New Zealand (L.B.); the Department of Hematology, Aarhus University Hospital, Aarhus, Denmark (F.A.); the Department of Immunology, Genetics, and Pathology, Uppsala University, Uppsala, Sweden (G.E.); and the Department of Molecular Imaging, Royal Prince Alfred Hospital (M. Fulham), and Concord Repatriation General Hospital, University of Sydney (J.T.), Sydney.; Berkahn L; From the Cancer Research UK Centre, University of Southampton, Southampton (P.J.), Cancer Research UK and University College London Cancer Trials Centre (A.K., P.P., T.R., L.S., P.S.) and the PET Imaging Centre, King's College London, King's Health Partners, St. Thomas' Hospital (M.O., Z.V., S.B.), London, the Department of Haematology, Lincoln County Hospital, Lincoln (G.S.), and the Department of Medical Oncology, Christie Hospital, Manchester (J.R.) - all in the United Kingdom; the Department of Diagnostic, Clinical, and Public Health Medicine, University of Modena and Reggio Emilia, Modena (M. Federico, A. Franceschetto, S.L.), the Department of Hematology, San Martino University Hospital, Genoa (A.C.), and Arcispedale Santa Maria Nuova-Istituti di Ricovero e Cura a Carattere Scientifico, Reggio Emilia (S.L.) - all in Italy; the Department of Medical Oncology, Oslo University Hospital, Oslo (A. Fosså); the Department of Haematology, Auckland City Hospital, Auckland, New Zealand (L.B.); the Department of Hematology, Aarhus University Hospital, Aarhus, Denmark (F.A.); the Department of Immunology, Genetics, and Pathology, Uppsala University, Uppsala, Sweden (G.E.); and the Department of Molecular Imaging, Royal Prince Alfred Hospital (M. Fulham), and Concord Repatriation General Hospital, University of Sydney (J.T.), Sydney.; Carella A; From the Cancer Research UK Centre, University of Southampton, Southampton (P.J.), Cancer Research UK and University College London Cancer Trials Centre (A.K., P.P., T.R., L.S., P.S.) and the PET Imaging Centre, King's College London, King's Health Partners, St. Thomas' Hospital (M.O., Z.V., S.B.), London, the Department of Haematology, Lincoln County Hospital, Lincoln (G.S.), and the Department of Medical Oncology, Christie Hospital, Manchester (J.R.) - all in the United Kingdom; the Department of Diagnostic, Clinical, and Public Health Medicine, University of Modena and Reggio Emilia, Modena (M. Federico, A. Franceschetto, S.L.), the Department of Hematology, San Martino University Hospital, Genoa (A.C.), and Arcispedale Santa Maria Nuova-Istituti di Ricovero e Cura a Carattere Scientifico, Reggio Emilia (S.L.) - all in Italy; the Department of Medical Oncology, Oslo University Hospital, Oslo (A. Fosså); the Department of Haematology, Auckland City Hospital, Auckland, New Zealand (L.B.); the Department of Hematology, Aarhus University Hospital, Aarhus, Denmark (F.A.); the Department of Immunology, Genetics, and Pathology, Uppsala University, Uppsala, Sweden (G.E.); and the Department of Molecular Imaging, Royal Prince Alfred Hospital (M. Fulham), and Concord Repatriation General Hospital, University of Sydney (J.T.), Sydney.; d'Amore F; From the Cancer Research UK Centre, University of Southampton, Southampton (P.J.), Cancer Research UK and University College London Cancer Trials Centre (A.K., P.P., T.R., L.S., P.S.) and the PET Imaging Centre, King's College London, King's Health Partners, St. Thomas' Hospital (M.O., Z.V., S.B.), London, the Department of Haematology, Lincoln County Hospital, Lincoln (G.S.), and the Department of Medical Oncology, Christie Hospital, Manchester (J.R.) - all in the United Kingdom; the Department of Diagnostic, Clinical, and Public Health Medicine, University of Modena and Reggio Emilia, Modena (M. Federico, A. Franceschetto, S.L.), the Department of Hematology, San Martino University Hospital, Genoa (A.C.), and Arcispedale Santa Maria Nuova-Istituti di Ricovero e Cura a Carattere Scientifico, Reggio Emilia (S.L.) - all in Italy; the Department of Medical Oncology, Oslo University Hospital, Oslo (A. Fosså); the Department of Haematology, Auckland City Hospital, Auckland, New Zealand (L.B.); the Department of Hematology, Aarhus University Hospital, Aarhus, Denmark (F.A.); the Department of Immunology, Genetics, and Pathology, Uppsala University, Uppsala, Sweden (G.E.); and the Department of Molecular Imaging, Royal Prince Alfred Hospital (M. Fulham), and Concord Repatriation General Hospital, University of Sydney (J.T.), Sydney.; Enblad G; From the Cancer Research UK Centre, University of Southampton, Southampton (P.J.), Cancer Research UK and University College London Cancer Trials Centre (A.K., P.P., T.R., L.S., P.S.) and the PET Imaging Centre, King's College London, King's Health Partners, St. Thomas' Hospital (M.O., Z.V., S.B.), London, the Department of Haematology, Lincoln County Hospital, Lincoln (G.S.), and the Department of Medical Oncology, Christie Hospital, Manchester (J.R.) - all in the United Kingdom; the Department of Diagnostic, Clinical, and Public Health Medicine, University of Modena and Reggio Emilia, Modena (M. Federico, A. Franceschetto, S.L.), the Department of Hematology, San Martino University Hospital, Genoa (A.C.), and Arcispedale Santa Maria Nuova-Istituti di Ricovero e Cura a Carattere Scientifico, Reggio Emilia (S.L.) - all in Italy; the Department of Medical Oncology, Oslo University Hospital, Oslo (A. Fosså); the Department of Haematology, Auckland City Hospital, Auckland, New Zealand (L.B.); the Department of Hematology, Aarhus University Hospital, Aarhus, Denmark (F.A.); the Department of Immunology, Genetics, and Pathology, Uppsala University, Uppsala, Sweden (G.E.); and the Department of Molecular Imaging, Royal Prince Alfred Hospital (M. Fulham), and Concord Repatriation General Hospital, University of Sydney (J.T.), Sydney.; Franceschetto A; From the Cancer Research UK Centre, University of Southampton, Southampton (P.J.), Cancer Research UK and University College London Cancer Trials Centre (A.K., P.P., T.R., L.S., P.S.) and the PET Imaging Centre, King's College London, King's Health Partners, St. Thomas' Hospital (M.O., Z.V., S.B.), London, the Department of Haematology, Lincoln County Hospital, Lincoln (G.S.), and the Department of Medical Oncology, Christie Hospital, Manchester (J.R.) - all in the United Kingdom; the Department of Diagnostic, Clinical, and Public Health Medicine, University of Modena and Reggio Emilia, Modena (M. Federico, A. Franceschetto, S.L.), the Department of Hematology, San Martino University Hospital, Genoa (A.C.), and Arcispedale Santa Maria Nuova-Istituti di Ricovero e Cura a Carattere Scientifico, Reggio Emilia (S.L.) - all in Italy; the Department of Medical Oncology, Oslo University Hospital, Oslo (A. Fosså); the Department of Haematology, Auckland City Hospital, Auckland, New Zealand (L.B.); the Department of Hematology, Aarhus University Hospital, Aarhus, Denmark (F.A.); the Department of Immunology, Genetics, and Pathology, Uppsala University, Uppsala, Sweden (G.E.); and the Department of Molecular Imaging, Royal Prince Alfred Hospital (M. Fulham), and Concord Repatriation General Hospital, University of Sydney (J.T.), Sydney.; Fulham M; From the Cancer Research UK Centre, University of Southampton, Southampton (P.J.), Cancer Research UK and University College London Cancer Trials Centre (A.K., P.P., T.R., L.S., P.S.) and the PET Imaging Centre, King's College London, King's Health Partners, St. Thomas' Hospital (M.O., Z.V., S.B.), London, the Department of Haematology, Lincoln County Hospital, Lincoln (G.S.), and the Department of Medical Oncology, Christie Hospital, Manchester (J.R.) - all in the United Kingdom; the Department of Diagnostic, Clinical, and Public Health Medicine, University of Modena and Reggio Emilia, Modena (M. Federico, A. Franceschetto, S.L.), the Department of Hematology, San Martino University Hospital, Genoa (A.C.), and Arcispedale Santa Maria Nuova-Istituti di Ricovero e Cura a Carattere Scientifico, Reggio Emilia (S.L.) - all in Italy; the Department of Medical Oncology, Oslo University Hospital, Oslo (A. Fosså); the Department of Haematology, Auckland City Hospital, Auckland, New Zealand (L.B.); the Department of Hematology, Aarhus University Hospital, Aarhus, Denmark (F.A.); the Department of Immunology, Genetics, and Pathology, Uppsala University, Uppsala, Sweden (G.E.); and the Department of Molecular Imaging, Royal Prince Alfred Hospital (M. Fulham), and Concord Repatriation General Hospital, University of Sydney (J.T.), Sydney.; Luminari S; From the Cancer Research UK Centre, University of Southampton, Southampton (P.J.), Cancer Research UK and University College London Cancer Trials Centre (A.K., P.P., T.R., L.S., P.S.) and the PET Imaging Centre, King's College London, King's Health Partners, St. Thomas' Hospital (M.O., Z.V., S.B.), London, the Department of Haematology, Lincoln County Hospital, Lincoln (G.S.), and the Department of Medical Oncology, Christie Hospital, Manchester (J.R.) - all in the United Kingdom; the Department of Diagnostic, Clinical, and Public Health Medicine, University of Modena and Reggio Emilia, Modena (M. Federico, A. Franceschetto, S.L.), the Department of Hematology, San Martino University Hospital, Genoa (A.C.), and Arcispedale Santa Maria Nuova-Istituti di Ricovero e Cura a Carattere Scientifico, Reggio Emilia (S.L.) - all in Italy; the Department of Medical Oncology, Oslo University Hospital, Oslo (A. Fosså); the Department of Haematology, Auckland City Hospital, Auckland, New Zealand (L.B.); the Department of Hematology, Aarhus University Hospital, Aarhus, Denmark (F.A.); the Department of Immunology, Genetics, and Pathology, Uppsala University, Uppsala, Sweden (G.E.); and the Department of Molecular Imaging, Royal Prince Alfred Hospital (M. Fulham), and Concord Repatriation General Hospital, University of Sydney (J.T.), Sydney.; O'Doherty M; From the Cancer Research UK Centre, University of Southampton, Southampton (P.J.), Cancer Research UK and University College London Cancer Trials Centre (A.K., P.P., T.R., L.S., P.S.) and the PET Imaging Centre, King's College London, King's Health Partners, St. Thomas' Hospital (M.O., Z.V., S.B.), London, the Department of Haematology, Lincoln County Hospital, Lincoln (G.S.), and the Department of Medical Oncology, Christie Hospital, Manchester (J.R.) - all in the United Kingdom; the Department of Diagnostic, Clinical, and Public Health Medicine, University of Modena and Reggio Emilia, Modena (M. Federico, A. Franceschetto, S.L.), the Department of Hematology, San Martino University Hospital, Genoa (A.C.), and Arcispedale Santa Maria Nuova-Istituti di Ricovero e Cura a Carattere Scientifico, Reggio Emilia (S.L.) - all in Italy; the Department of Medical Oncology, Oslo University Hospital, Oslo (A. Fosså); the Department of Haematology, Auckland City Hospital, Auckland, New Zealand (L.B.); the Department of Hematology, Aarhus University Hospital, Aarhus, Denmark (F.A.); the Department of Immunology, Genetics, and Pathology, Uppsala University, Uppsala, Sweden (G.E.); and the Department of Molecular Imaging, Royal Prince Alfred Hospital (M. Fulham), and Concord Repatriation General Hospital, University of Sydney (J.T.), Sydney.; Patrick P; From the Cancer Research UK Centre, University of Southampton, Southampton (P.J.), Cancer Research UK and University College London Cancer Trials Centre (A.K., P.P., T.R., L.S., P.S.) and the PET Imaging Centre, King's College London, King's Health Partners, St. Thomas' Hospital (M.O., Z.V., S.B.), London, the Department of Haematology, Lincoln County Hospital, Lincoln (G.S.), and the Department of Medical Oncology, Christie Hospital, Manchester (J.R.) - all in the United Kingdom; the Department of Diagnostic, Clinical, and Public Health Medicine, University of Modena and Reggio Emilia, Modena (M. Federico, A. Franceschetto, S.L.), the Department of Hematology, San Martino University Hospital, Genoa (A.C.), and Arcispedale Santa Maria Nuova-Istituti di Ricovero e Cura a Carattere Scientifico, Reggio Emilia (S.L.) - all in Italy; the Department of Medical Oncology, Oslo University Hospital, Oslo (A. Fosså); the Department of Haematology, Auckland City Hospital, Auckland, New Zealand (L.B.); the Department of Hematology, Aarhus University Hospital, Aarhus, Denmark (F.A.); the Department of Immunology, Genetics, and Pathology, Uppsala University, Uppsala, Sweden (G.E.); and the Department of Molecular Imaging, Royal Prince Alfred Hospital (M. Fulham), and Concord Repatriation General Hospital, University of Sydney (J.T.), Sydney.; Roberts T; From the Cancer Research UK Centre, University of Southampton, Southampton (P.J.), Cancer Research UK and University College London Cancer Trials Centre (A.K., P.P., T.R., L.S., P.S.) and the PET Imaging Centre, King's College London, King's Health Partners, St. Thomas' Hospital (M.O., Z.V., S.B.), London, the Department of Haematology, Lincoln County Hospital, Lincoln (G.S.), and the Department of Medical Oncology, Christie Hospital, Manchester (J.R.) - all in the United Kingdom; the Department of Diagnostic, Clinical, and Public Health Medicine, University of Modena and Reggio Emilia, Modena (M. Federico, A. Franceschetto, S.L.), the Department of Hematology, San Martino University Hospital, Genoa (A.C.), and Arcispedale Santa Maria Nuova-Istituti di Ricovero e Cura a Carattere Scientifico, Reggio Emilia (S.L.) - all in Italy; the Department of Medical Oncology, Oslo University Hospital, Oslo (A. Fosså); the Department of Haematology, Auckland City Hospital, Auckland, New Zealand (L.B.); the Department of Hematology, Aarhus University Hospital, Aarhus, Denmark (F.A.); the Department of Immunology, Genetics, and Pathology, Uppsala University, Uppsala, Sweden (G.E.); and the Department of Molecular Imaging, Royal Prince Alfred Hospital (M. Fulham), and Concord Repatriation General Hospital, University of Sydney (J.T.), Sydney.; Sidra G; From the Cancer Research UK Centre, University of Southampton, Southampton (P.J.), Cancer Research UK and University College London Cancer Trials Centre (A.K., P.P., T.R., L.S., P.S.) and the PET Imaging Centre, King's College London, King's Health Partners, St. Thomas' Hospital (M.O., Z.V., S.B.), London, the Department of Haematology, Lincoln County Hospital, Lincoln (G.S.), and the Department of Medical Oncology, Christie Hospital, Manchester (J.R.) - all in the United Kingdom; the Department of Diagnostic, Clinical, and Public Health Medicine, University of Modena and Reggio Emilia, Modena (M. Federico, A. Franceschetto, S.L.), the Department of Hematology, San Martino University Hospital, Genoa (A.C.), and Arcispedale Santa Maria Nuova-Istituti di Ricovero e Cura a Carattere Scientifico, Reggio Emilia (S.L.) - all in Italy; the Department of Medical Oncology, Oslo University Hospital, Oslo (A. Fosså); the Department of Haematology, Auckland City Hospital, Auckland, New Zealand (L.B.); the Department of Hematology, Aarhus University Hospital, Aarhus, Denmark (F.A.); the Department of Immunology, Genetics, and Pathology, Uppsala University, Uppsala, Sweden (G.E.); and the Department of Molecular Imaging, Royal Prince Alfred Hospital (M. Fulham), and Concord Repatriation General Hospital, University of Sydney (J.T.), Sydney.; Stevens L; From the Cancer Research UK Centre, University of Southampton, Southampton (P.J.), Cancer Research UK and University College London Cancer Trials Centre (A.K., P.P., T.R., L.S., P.S.) and the PET Imaging Centre, King's College London, King's Health Partners, St. Thomas' Hospital (M.O., Z.V., S.B.), London, the Department of Haematology, Lincoln County Hospital, Lincoln (G.S.), and the Department of Medical Oncology, Christie Hospital, Manchester (J.R.) - all in the United Kingdom; the Department of Diagnostic, Clinical, and Public Health Medicine, University of Modena and Reggio Emilia, Modena (M. Federico, A. Franceschetto, S.L.), the Department of Hematology, San Martino University Hospital, Genoa (A.C.), and Arcispedale Santa Maria Nuova-Istituti di Ricovero e Cura a Carattere Scientifico, Reggio Emilia (S.L.) - all in Italy; the Department of Medical Oncology, Oslo University Hospital, Oslo (A. Fosså); the Department of Haematology, Auckland City Hospital, Auckland, New Zealand (L.B.); the Department of Hematology, Aarhus University Hospital, Aarhus, Denmark (F.A.); the Department of Immunology, Genetics, and Pathology, Uppsala University, Uppsala, Sweden (G.E.); and the Department of Molecular Imaging, Royal Prince Alfred Hospital (M. Fulham), and Concord Repatriation General Hospital, University of Sydney (J.T.), Sydney.; Smith P; From the Cancer Research UK Centre, University of Southampton, Southampton (P.J.), Cancer Research UK and University College London Cancer Trials Centre (A.K., P.P., T.R., L.S., P.S.) and the PET Imaging Centre, King's College London, King's Health Partners, St. Thomas' Hospital (M.O., Z.V., S.B.), London, the Department of Haematology, Lincoln County Hospital, Lincoln (G.S.), and the Department of Medical Oncology, Christie Hospital, Manchester (J.R.) - all in the United Kingdom; the Department of Diagnostic, Clinical, and Public Health Medicine, University of Modena and Reggio Emilia, Modena (M. Federico, A. Franceschetto, S.L.), the Department of Hematology, San Martino University Hospital, Genoa (A.C.), and Arcispedale Santa Maria Nuova-Istituti di Ricovero e Cura a Carattere Scientifico, Reggio Emilia (S.L.) - all in Italy; the Department of Medical Oncology, Oslo University Hospital, Oslo (A. Fosså); the Department of Haematology, Auckland City Hospital, Auckland, New Zealand (L.B.); the Department of Hematology, Aarhus University Hospital, Aarhus, Denmark (F.A.); the Department of Immunology, Genetics, and Pathology, Uppsala University, Uppsala, Sweden (G.E.); and the Department of Molecular Imaging, Royal Prince Alfred Hospital (M. Fulham), and Concord Repatriation General Hospital, University of Sydney (J.T.), Sydney.; Trotman J; From the Cancer Research UK Centre, University of Southampton, Southampton (P.J.), Cancer Research UK and University College London Cancer Trials Centre (A.K., P.P., T.R., L.S., P.S.) and the PET Imaging Centre, King's College London, King's Health Partners, St. Thomas' Hospital (M.O., Z.V., S.B.), London, the Department of Haematology, Lincoln County Hospital, Lincoln (G.S.), and the Department of Medical Oncology, Christie Hospital, Manchester (J.R.) - all in the United Kingdom; the Department of Diagnostic, Clinical, and Public Health Medicine, University of Modena and Reggio Emilia, Modena (M. Federico, A. Franceschetto, S.L.), the Department of Hematology, San Martino University Hospital, Genoa (A.C.), and Arcispedale Santa Maria Nuova-Istituti di Ricovero e Cura a Carattere Scientifico, Reggio Emilia (S.L.) - all in Italy; the Department of Medical Oncology, Oslo University Hospital, Oslo (A. Fosså); the Department of Haematology, Auckland City Hospital, Auckland, New Zealand (L.B.); the Department of Hematology, Aarhus University Hospital, Aarhus, Denmark (F.A.); the Department of Immunology, Genetics, and Pathology, Uppsala University, Uppsala, Sweden (G.E.); and the Department of Molecular Imaging, Royal Prince Alfred Hospital (M. Fulham), and Concord Repatriation General Hospital, University of Sydney (J.T.), Sydney.; Viney Z; From the Cancer Research UK Centre, University of Southampton, Southampton (P.J.), Cancer Research UK and University College London Cancer Trials Centre (A.K., P.P., T.R., L.S., P.S.) and the PET Imaging Centre, King's College London, King's Health Partners, St. Thomas' Hospital (M.O., Z.V., S.B.), London, the Department of Haematology, Lincoln County Hospital, Lincoln (G.S.), and the Department of Medical Oncology, Christie Hospital, Manchester (J.R.) - all in the United Kingdom; the Department of Diagnostic, Clinical, and Public Health Medicine, University of Modena and Reggio Emilia, Modena (M. Federico, A. Franceschetto, S.L.), the Department of Hematology, San Martino University Hospital, Genoa (A.C.), and Arcispedale Santa Maria Nuova-Istituti di Ricovero e Cura a Carattere Scientifico, Reggio Emilia (S.L.) - all in Italy; the Department of Medical Oncology, Oslo University Hospital, Oslo (A. Fosså); the Department of Haematology, Auckland City Hospital, Auckland, New Zealand (L.B.); the Department of Hematology, Aarhus University Hospital, Aarhus, Denmark (F.A.); the Department of Immunology, Genetics, and Pathology, Uppsala University, Uppsala, Sweden (G.E.); and the Department of Molecular Imaging, Royal Prince Alfred Hospital (M. Fulham), and Concord Repatriation General Hospital, University of Sydney (J.T.), Sydney.; Radford J; From the Cancer Research UK Centre, University of Southampton, Southampton (P.J.), Cancer Research UK and University College London Cancer Trials Centre (A.K., P.P., T.R., L.S., P.S.) and the PET Imaging Centre, King's College London, King's Health Partners, St. Thomas' Hospital (M.O., Z.V., S.B.), London, the Department of Haematology, Lincoln County Hospital, Lincoln (G.S.), and the Department of Medical Oncology, Christie Hospital, Manchester (J.R.) - all in the United Kingdom; the Department of Diagnostic, Clinical, and Public Health Medicine, University of Modena and Reggio Emilia, Modena (M. Federico, A. Franceschetto, S.L.), the Department of Hematology, San Martino University Hospital, Genoa (A.C.), and Arcispedale Santa Maria Nuova-Istituti di Ricovero e Cura a Carattere Scientifico, Reggio Emilia (S.L.) - all in Italy; the Department of Medical Oncology, Oslo University Hospital, Oslo (A. Fosså); the Department of Haematology, Auckland City Hospital, Auckland, New Zealand (L.B.); the Department of Hematology, Aarhus University Hospital, Aarhus, Denmark (F.A.); the Department of Immunology, Genetics, and Pathology, Uppsala University, Uppsala, Sweden (G.E.); and the Department of Molecular Imaging, Royal Prince Alfred Hospital (M. Fulham), and Concord Repatriation General Hospital, University of Sydney (J.T.), Sydney.; Barrington S; From the Cancer Research UK Centre, University of Southampton, Southampton (P.J.), Cancer Research UK and University College London Cancer Trials Centre (A.K., P.P., T.R., L.S., P.S.) and the PET Imaging Centre, King's College London, King's Health Partners, St. Thomas' Hospital (M.O., Z.V., S.B.), London, the Department of Haematology, Lincoln County Hospital, Lincoln (G.S.), and the Department of Medical Oncology, Christie Hospital, Manchester (J.R.) - all in the United Kingdom; the Department of Diagnostic, Clinical, and Public Health Medicine, University of Modena and Reggio Emilia, Modena (M. Federico, A. Franceschetto, S.L.), the Department of Hematology, San Martino University Hospital, Genoa (A.C.), and Arcispedale Santa Maria Nuova-Istituti di Ricovero e Cura a Carattere Scientifico, Reggio Emilia (S.L.) - all in Italy; the Department of Medical Oncology, Oslo University Hospital, Oslo (A. Fosså); the Department of Haematology, Auckland City Hospital, Auckland, New Zealand (L.B.); the Department of Hematology, Aarhus University Hospital, Aarhus, Denmark (F.A.); the Department of Immunology, Genetics, and Pathology, Uppsala University, Uppsala, Sweden (G.E.); and the Department of Molecular Imaging, Royal Prince Alfred Hospital (M. Fulham), and Concord Repatriation General Hospital, University of Sydney (J.T.), Sydney.
Publisher: Massachusetts Medical Society Country of Publication: United States NLM ID: 0255562 Publication Model: Print Cited Medium: Internet ISSN: 1533-4406 (Electronic) Linking ISSN: 00284793 NLM ISO Abbreviation: N Engl J Med Subsets: MEDLINE
Academic Journal
Barrington SF; PET Imaging Centre, Division of Imaging Sciences and Biomedical Engineering, King's College London, King's Health Partners, St. Thomas' Hospital, London, United Kingdom;; Kirkwood AA; Cancer Research UK and UCL Cancer Trials Centre, London, United Kingdom;; Franceschetto A; Department of Nuclear Medicine, University of Modena and Reggio Emilia, Modena, Italy;; Fulham MJ; Department of Molecular Imaging (PET-CT), Royal Prince Alfred Hospital, Sydney, Australia; Sydney Medical School, University of Sydney, Sydney, Australia;; Roberts TH; Cancer Research UK and UCL Cancer Trials Centre, London, United Kingdom;; Almquist H; Department of Medical Imaging and Physiology and.; Brun E; Department of Oncology and Radiation Physics, Skane University Hospital, Lund University, Lund, Sweden;; Hjorthaug K; Department of Nuclear Medicine & PET Centre, Aarhus University Hospital, Aarhus, Denmark;; Viney ZN; Department of Radiology, Guy's and St. Thomas' National Health Service (NHS) Foundation Trust, London, United Kingdom;; Pike LC; PET Imaging Centre, Division of Imaging Sciences and Biomedical Engineering, King's College London, King's Health Partners, St. Thomas' Hospital, London, United Kingdom;; Federico M; Oncology Unit, Department of Diagnostic, Clinical and Public Health Medicine, University of Modena and Reggio Emilia, Modena, Italy;; Luminari S; Oncology Unit, Department of Diagnostic, Clinical and Public Health Medicine, University of Modena and Reggio Emilia, Modena, Italy;; Radford J; The University of Manchester and the Christie NHS Foundation Trust, Manchester, United Kingdom;; Trotman J; Sydney Medical School, University of Sydney, Sydney, Australia; Concord, Repatriation General Hospital, Sydney, Australia;; Fosså A; Department of Oncology, Norwegian Radium Hospital, Oslo, Norway;; Berkahn L; Haematology, Auckland City Hospital, Auckland, New Zealand;; Molin D; Department of Genetics and Pathology, Experimental and Clinical Oncology, Uppsala University, Uppsala, Sweden;; D'Amore F; Haematology, Aarhus University, Aarhus, Denmark; and.; Sinclair DA; PET Imaging Centre, Division of Imaging Sciences and Biomedical Engineering, King's College London, King's Health Partners, St. Thomas' Hospital, London, United Kingdom;; Smith P; Cancer Research UK and UCL Cancer Trials Centre, London, United Kingdom;; O'Doherty MJ; PET Imaging Centre, Division of Imaging Sciences and Biomedical Engineering, King's College London, King's Health Partners, St. Thomas' Hospital, London, United Kingdom;; Stevens L; Cancer Research UK and UCL Cancer Trials Centre, London, United Kingdom;; Johnson PW; Cancer Research UK Centre, University of Southampton, Southampton, United Kingdom.
Publisher: Elsevier Country of Publication: United States NLM ID: 7603509 Publication Model: Print-Electronic Cited Medium: Internet ISSN: 1528-0020 (Electronic) Linking ISSN: 00064971 NLM ISO Abbreviation: Blood Subsets: MEDLINE
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