에서 검색결과 509건 | 목록
Academic Journal
In Physica B: Physics of Condensed Matter 15 July 2014 445:1-4
4-Hydroxynonenal impairs miRNA maturation in heart failure via Dicer post-translational modification
Academic Journal
Kiyuna, L.A.; Bechara, L.R.G.; Jesus, I.C.G.; Ramalho, L.S.; Krum, B.; Albuquerque, R.P.; Campos, J.C.; Bozi, L.H.M.; Ferreira, J.C.B.; Candido, D.S.; Cunha-Neto, E.; Ferreira, L.R.P.; Zambelli, V.O.; Alves, A.N.; Arantes, G.M.; Campolo, N.; Mastrogiovanni, M.; Bartesaghi, S.; Radi, R.; Leyva, A.; Durán, R.; Mori, M.A.; Chen, C.-H.; Mochly-Rosen, D.; Yang, W.; MacRae, I.J.
In: European Heart Journal . (European Heart Journal, 21 November 2023, 44(44):4696-4712)
Academic Journal
Martinez, M.; Petit, J.; Sogues, A.; Megrian, D.; Gaday, Q.; Ben Assaya, M.; Alzari, P.M.; Wehenkel, A.M.; Leyva, A.; Rodriguez, A.; Portela, M.M.; Durán, R.; Haouz, A.; Ducret, A.; Grangeasse, C.
In: Nature Microbiology . (Nature Microbiology, October 2023, 8(10):1896-1910)
Academic Journal
Quiroga, B.; Horrillo, A.S.; Soler, M.J.; Ortiz, A.; de Sequera, P.; Sanchez-Rodriguez, J.; Mantecon, C.J.J.; Perez, V.O.G.; Bordils, A.; Lacueva, J.; Franco, A.J.M.; Conde, P.D.; Ramos, P.M.; Gonzalez, C.C.; Lopez, J.M.C.; Vazquez, T.R.M.; Leyva, A.; Rojas, J.; Gansevoort, R.T.
In: Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation . (Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation, 1 April 2023, 38(4):969-981)
Academic Journal
In: Ethology . (Ethology, April-May 2023, 129(4-5):224-231)
Academic Journal
Zaman, S.; Leyva, A.; Hassan, M.S.; Valladolid, A.; Herrera, N.E.; Gomez, S.G.; Mahmud, M.S.; Lin, Y.; Tucker, D.; Haynes, C.
In: Actuators . (Actuators, March 2023, 12(3))
Academic Journal
Santana, H.; González, Y.; Viltres, Y.; Dorta, D.; Blanco, R.; González, J.; Espinosa, L.A.; Leyva, A.; Bello, I.
In: Journal of Pharmaceutical and Biomedical Analysis . (Journal of Pharmaceutical and Biomedical Analysis, 5 January 2023, 222)
Academic Journal
Sánchez, Y.; Concepción, M.L.; Amador, Y.; Piriz, A.; Rabassa, R.; Leyva, A.; Arguelles, O.; Leblanch, L.; Moret, S.; Rivero, G.; Vasallo, A.L.; Martorell, B.; Guerra, P.P.; Valls, A.R.; Sánchez, L.; Saumell, Y.
In: BioMed Research International . (BioMed Research International, 2023, 2023)
Academic Journal
In: Plant Physiology and Biochemistry . (Plant Physiology and Biochemistry, January 2023, 194:461-469)
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[AR] Leyva, A.
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