
EBSCO Discovery Service
(예 : 2010-2015)
'학술논문' 에서 검색결과 333건 | 목록 160~170
Academic Journal
In: American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine. (American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine, 2001, 163(7):1648-1653)
Academic Journal
In: Science of the Total Environment. (Science of the Total Environment, 9 February 1999, 226(2-3):157-164)
Academic Journal
In: Journal of Environmental Science and Health - Part A Toxic/Hazardous Substances and Environmental Engineering. (Journal of Environmental Science and Health - Part A Toxic/Hazardous Substances and Environmental Engineering, Jan, 34(1):165-181)
Academic Journal
In: Fresenius Environmental Bulletin. (Fresenius Environmental Bulletin, 1998, 7(1-2):042-050)
Academic Journal
In: Bulletin of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology. (Bulletin of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology, December 1997, 59(6):861-867)
Academic Journal
In: Revista espanola de enfermedades digestivas : organo oficial de la Sociedad Espanola de Patologia Digestiva. (Revista espanola de enfermedades digestivas : organo oficial de la Sociedad Espanola de Patologia Digestiva, April 1995, 87(4):323-326)
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제한된 항목
[AR] Meneses, M.
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학술DB(Database Provider)
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