welding journal (17)
anti-cancer agents in medicinal chemistry (15)
proceedings of spie - the international society for optical engineering (11)
biomedicine and pharmacotherapy (10)
journal of materials science (9)
anatomy and embryology (8)
ceramics international (7)
energy procedia (7)
hawaii journal of health and social welfare (7)
oncotarget (7)
scientific reports (7)
chinese pharmacological bulletin (6)
journal of geophysics and engineering (6)
materials science forum (6)
plos one (6)
journal of radioanalytical and nuclear chemistry (5)
minerals (5)
science china: physics, mechanics and astronomy (5)
tumor biology (5)
materials science & technology (4)
nuclear physics a (4)
oncogene (4)
the european physical journal a - hadrons and nuclei (3)
clinical & translational oncology (2)
clinical and translational oncology (2)
european journal of trauma & emergency surgery (2)
ieee access, access, ieee (2)
ieee transactions on circuits and systems ii: express briefs, circuits and systems ii: express briefs, ieee transactions on, ieee trans. circuits syst. ii (2)
materials & corrosion / werkstoffe und korrosion (2)
physical review c (2)
2015 international conference of educational innovation through technology (eitt), educational innovation through technology (eitt), 2015 international conference of (1)
2016 10th ieee international conference on anti-counterfeiting, security, and identification (asid), anti-counterfeiting, security, and identification (asid), 2016 10th ieee international conference on (1)
2019 ieee/acm international conference on advances in social networks analysis and mining (asonam), advances in social networks analysis and mining (asonam), 2019 ieee/acm international conference on (1)
acta anatomica (1)
european journal of trauma and emergency surgery: official publication of the european society for trauma and emergency surgery (1)
european physical journal a -- hadrons & nuclei (1)
geologische rundschau (1)
ieee journal of emerging and selected topics in power electronics, emerging and selected topics in power electronics, ieee journal of, ieee j. emerg. sel. topics power electron. (1)
ieee transactions on consumer electronics, consumer electronics, ieee transactions on, ieee trans. consumer electron. (1)
ieee transactions on geoscience and remote sensing, geoscience and remote sensing, ieee transactions on, ieee trans. geosci. remote sensing (1)
ieee transactions on image processing, image processing, ieee transactions on, ieee trans. on image process. (1)
ieee transactions on instrumentation and measurement, instrumentation and measurement, ieee transactions on, ieee trans. instrum. meas. (1)
ieee transactions on network science and engineering, network science and engineering, ieee transactions on, ieee trans. netw. sci. eng. (1)
ieee transactions on neural networks and learning systems, neural networks and learning systems, ieee transactions on, ieee trans. neural netw. learning syst. (1)
ieee transactions on vehicular technology, vehicular technology, ieee transactions on, ieee trans. veh. technol. (1)
materials science & engineering a (1)
materials science & engineering: a (1)
nuclear physics, section a (1)
physical review c (nuclear physics) (1)
physical review c: nuclear physics (1)