에서 검색결과 237건 | 목록
Academic Journal
In Journal of Pain and Symptom Management 2009 37(4):676-686
Academic Journal
Academic Journal
Yao, Zheng; Yang, Diyi; Levine, John M.; Low, Carissa A.; Smith, Tenbroeck; Zhu, Haiyi; Kraut, Robert E.
Proceedings of the ACM on Human-Computer Interaction - CSCW. 5(CSCW1):1-22
Seekers, Providers, Welcomers, and Storytellers : Modeling Social Roles in Online Health Communities
Proceedings of the 2019 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems. :1-14
Academic Journal
Academic Journal
Troeschel, Alyssa; Smith, Tenbroeck; Castro, Kathleen; Treiman, Katherine; Lipscomb, Joseph; McCabe, Ryan; Clauser, Steven; Friedman, Eliot; Hegedus, Patricia; Portier, Kenneth; McCabe, Ryan M; Friedman, Eliot L; Hegedus, Patricia D
Academic Journal
Westmaas, J. Lee; Fallon, Elizabeth; McDonald, Bennett R.; Driscoll, Deborah; Richardson, Kristi; Portier, Kenneth; Smith, Tenbroeck
Supportive Care in Cancer. August 2020, Vol. 28 Issue 8, p3791, 9 p.
Academic Journal
Blanch-Hartigan, Danielle; Nekhlyudov, Larissa; Smith, Tenbroeck; Alfano, Catherine M; Rowland, Julia H; Forsythe, Laura P; Ganz, Patricia A
Journal of Clinical Oncology. 32(34)
Academic Journal
Blanch-Hartigan, Danielle; Forsythe, Laura; Alfano, Catherine; Smith, Tenbroeck; Nekhlyudov, Larissa; Ganz, Patricia; Rowland, Julia
Journal of Clinical Oncology. 32(15)
Academic Journal
Stover, Angela M.; Urick, Benjamin Y.; Deal, Allison M.; Teal, Randall; Vu, Maihan B.; Carda-Auten, Jessica; Jansen, Jennifer; Chung, Arlene E.; Bennett, Antonia V.; Chiang, Anne; Cleeland, Charles; Deutsch, Yehuda; Tai, Edmund; Zylla, Dylan; Williams, Loretta A.; Pitzen, Collette; Snyder, Claire; Reeve, Bryce; Smith, Tenbroeck; McNiff, Kristen
JCO Oncology Practice; Mar2020, Vol. 16 Issue 3, pe234-e250, 17p
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[AR] Smith, Tenbroeck
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