에서 검색결과 90건 | 목록
Academic Journal
In: Journal of Applied Engineering Science . (Journal of Applied Engineering Science, 2024, 22(3):604-611)
Academic Journal
Aitova, A.; Scherbina, S.; Berezhnoy, A.; Slotvitsky, M.; Tsvelaya, V.; Sergeeva, T.; Turchaninova, E.; Rybkina, E.; Bakumenko, S.; Agladze, K.; Popov, M.A.; Dontsov, V.; Agafonov, E.G.; Zybin, D.; Shumakov, D.; Sidorov, I.; Efimov, A.E.; Agapov, I.
In: International Journal of Molecular Sciences . (International Journal of Molecular Sciences, June 2023, 24(12))
Academic Journal
In: Journal of Applied Engineering Science . (Journal of Applied Engineering Science, 2022, 20(3):908-916)
Academic Journal
Kashapov, R.; Lykova, A.; Kashapova, N.; Ziganshina, A.; Sergeeva, T.; Sapunova, A.; Voloshina, A.; Zakharova, L.
In: Food Hydrocolloids . (Food Hydrocolloids, April 2021, 113)
Academic Journal
Kashapov, R.; Razuvayeva, Y.; Ziganshina, A.; Sergeeva, T.; Lukashenko, S.; Sapunova, A.; Voloshina, A.; Kashapova, N.; Nizameev, I.; Zakharova, L.; Salnikov, V.; Ziganshina, S.; Gareev, B.
In: Inorganic Chemistry . (Inorganic Chemistry, 21 December 2020, 59(24):18276-18286)
Academic Journal
Kashapov, R.; Razuvayeva, Y.; Ziganshina, A.; Sergeeva, T.; Kashapova, N.; Sapunova, A.; Voloshina, A.; Nizameev, I.; Zakharova, L.; Salnikov, V.
In: New Journal of Chemistry . (New Journal of Chemistry, 7 November 2020, 44(41):17854-17863)
Academic Journal
Academic Journal
In: International Journal of Engineering Science . (International Journal of Engineering Science, September 2018, 130:115-128)
In: International Scientific Siberian Transport Forum TransSiberia - 2021 . (Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems, 2022, 402 LNNS:361-370)
In: International Scientific Siberian Transport Forum TransSiberia - 2021 . (Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems, 2022, 402 LNNS:844-852)
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[AR] Sergeeva, T.
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