에서 검색결과 43건 | 목록
Academic Journal
In Cell Reports 11 February 2020 30(6):2006-2017
Revisiting global diversity and biogeography of freshwater diatoms: New insights from molecular data
Academic Journal
Chonova, Teofana; Rimet, Frédéric; Bouchez, Agnès; Kahlert, Maria; Schneider, Susanne C.; Bailet, Bonnie; Eulin‐Garrigue, Anne; Gassiole, Gilles; Monnier, Olivier; Ouattara, Allassane; Rey, Stéphanie; Rhoné, Mathieu; Keck, François
Environmental DNA. November 2023, Vol. 5 Issue 6, p1505, 11 p.
Academic Journal
In Computer-Aided Design 2011 43(1):101-113
Academic Journal
Noble, James E.; Vila-Gómez, Paula; Rey, Stephanie; Dondi, Camilla; Briones, Andrea; Aggarwal, Purnank; Hoose, Alex; Baran, Maryana; Ryadnov, Maxim G.
ACS Biomaterials Science & Engineering; 5/8/2023, Vol. 9 Issue 5, p2584-2595, 12p
Academic Journal
Biasetti, Luca; Rey, Stephanie; Fowler, Milena; Ratnayaka, Arjuna; Fennell, Kate; Smith, Catherine; Marshall, Karen; Hall, Catherine; Vargas-Caballero, Mariana; Serpell, Louise; Staras, Kevin
Cerebral Cortex; 2/15/2023, Vol. 33 Issue 4, p1263-1276, 14p
Rey, Stéphanie; Picard, Célia; Fatmi, Yanis; Franco, Fanny; Guilbert, Sarah; Manéré, Jérémie; Bortolaso, Christophe; Derras, Mustapha; Couture, Nadine; Brock, Anke M.
Proceedings of the Fourteenth International Conference on Tangible, Embedded, and Embodied Interaction. :495-502
Rey, Stéphanie; Couture, Nadine; Picard, Célia; Bortolaso, Christophe; Derras, Mustapha; Brock, Anke M.
Proceedings of the Fourteenth International Conference on Tangible, Embedded, and Embodied Interaction. :487-493
Pauchet, Sylvain; Vinot, Jean-Luc; Letondal, Catherine; Lemort, Alexandre; Lavenir, Claire; Lecomte, Timothée; Rey, Stéphanie; Becquet, Valentin; Crouzet, Guillaume
Proceedings of the 2019 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems. :1-13
Proceedings of the 30th Conference on l'Interaction Homme-Machine. :219-226
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[AR] Rey, Stephanie
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