
EBSCO Discovery Service
(예 : 2010-2015)
'학술논문' 에서 검색결과 430건 | 목록 1~10
Academic Journal
In: Publications of the Astronomical Society of Australia. (Publications of the Astronomical Society of Australia, 18 September 2024, 41)
Academic Journal
Amati, L.O’Brien, P.Götz, D.Bozzo, E.Tenzer, C.Frontera, F.Ghirlanda, G.Labanti, C.Osborne, J.P.Stratta, G.Tanvir, N.Willingale, R.Attina, P.Campana, R.Castro-Tirado, A.J.Contini, C.Fuschino, F.Gomboc, A.Hudec, R.Orleanski, P.Renotte, E.Rodic, T.Bagoly, Z.Blain, A.Callanan, P.Covino, S.Ferrara, A.Le Floch, E.Marisaldi, M.Mereghetti, S.Rosati, P.Vacchi, A.D’Avanzo, P.Giommi, P.Piranomonte, S.Piro, L.Reglero, V.Rossi, A.Santangelo, A.Salvaterra, R.Tagliaferri, G.Vergani, S.Vinciguerra, S.Briggs, M.Campolongo, E.Ciolfi, R.Connaughton, V.Cordier, B.Morelli, B.Orlandini, M.Adami, C.Argan, A.Atteia, J.-L.Auricchio, N.Balazs, L.Baldazzi, G.Basa, S.Basak, R.Bellutti, P.Bernardini, M.G.Bertuccio, G.Braga, J.Branchesi, M.Brandt, S.Brocato, E.Budtz-Jorgensen, C.Bulgarelli, A.Burderi, L.Camp, J.Capozziello, S.Caruana, J.Casella, P.Cenko, B.Chardonnet, P.Ciardi, B.Colafrancesco, S.Dainotti, M.G.D’Elia, V.De Martino, D.De Pasquale, M.Del Monte, E.Della Valle, M.Drago, A.Evangelista, Y.Feroci, M.Finelli, F.Fiorini, M.Fynbo, J.Gal-Yam, A.Gendre, B.Ghisellini, G.Grado, A.Guidorzi, C.Hafizi, M.Hanlon, L.Hjorth, J.Izzo, L.Kiss, L.Kumar, P.Kuvvetli, I.Lavagna, M.Li, T.Longo, F.Lyutikov, M.Maio, U.Maiorano, E.Malcovati, P.Malesani, D.Margutti, R.Martin-Carrillo, A.Masetti, N.McBreen, S.Mignani, R.Morgante, G.Mundell, C.Nargaard-Nielsen, H.U.Nicastro, L.Palazzi, E.Paltani, S.Panessa, F.Pareschi, G.Pe’er, A.Penacchioni, A.V.Pian, E.Piedipalumbo, E.Piran, T.Rauw, G.Razzano, M.Read, A.Rezzolla, L.Romano, P.Ruffini, R.Savaglio, S.Sguera, V.Schady, P.Skidmore, W.Song, L.Stanway, E.Starling, R.Topinka, M.Troja, E.van Putten, M.Vanzella, E.Vercellone, S.Wilson-Hodge, C.Yonetoku, D.Zampa, G.Zampa, N.Zhang, B.Zhang, B.B.Zhang, S.Zhang, S.-N.Antonelli, A.Bianco, F.Boci, S.Boer, M.Botticella, M.T.Boulade, O.Butler, C.Campana, S.Capitanio, F.Celotti, A.Chen, Y.Colpi, M.Comastri, A.Cuby, J.-G.Dadina, M.De Luca, A.Dong, Y.-W.Ettori, S.Gandhi, P.Geza, E.Greiner, J.Guiriec, S.Harms, J.Hernanz, M.Hornstrup, A.Hutchinson, I.Israel, G.Jonker, P.Kaneko, Y.Kawai, N.Wiersema, K.Korpela, S.Lebrun, V.Lu, F.MacFadyen, A.Malaguti, G.Maraschi, L.Melandri, A.Modjaz, M.Morris, D.Omodei, N.Paizis, A.Páta, P.Petrosian, V.Rachevski, A.Rhoads, J.Ryde, F.Sabau-Graziati, L.Shigehiro, N.Sims, M.Soomin, J.Szécsi, D.Urata, Y.Uslenghi, M.Valenziano, L.Vianello, G.Vojtech, S.Watson, D.Zicha, J.
In Advances in Space Research 1 July 2018 62(1):191-244
Academic Journal
In: Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society. (Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 1 April 2024, 529(3):2180-2190)
Academic Journal
In: Astrophysical Journal. (Astrophysical Journal, 1 February 2024, 962(1))
Academic Journal
In: Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society. (Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 1 January 2024, 527(2):3826-3836)
Academic Journal
In: Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society. (Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, October 2023, 524(4):6024-6051)
Academic Journal
In: Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society. (Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 1 May 2023, 521(2):2427-2438)
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[AR] Lyutikov, M.
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