에서 검색결과 116건 | 목록
Academic Journal
Ghosh, Arnab K.; Azan, Alexander; Basu, Gaurab; Bernstein, Joanna; Gillespie, Elizabeth; Gordon, Lesley B.; Krishnamurthy, Sudarshan; LeFrancois, Darlene; Marcus, Erin N.; Tejani, Mehul; Townley, Theresa; Rimler, Eva; Whelan, Heather
Academic Journal
In The American Journal of Medicine July 2021 134(7):e412-e414
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In The Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology February 2023 151(2) Supplement:AB42-AB42
Academic Journal
Patient Education and Counseling. 105(4):1018-1024
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In Endocrine Practice March 2009 15(2):175-175
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Clinical Journal of Gastroenterology; Aug2021, Vol. 14 Issue 4, p1142-1146, 5p
Academic Journal
Ufomata, Eloho; Merriam, Sarah; Puri, Aditi; Lupton, Katherine; LeFrancois, Darlene; Jones, Danielle; Nemeth, Attila; Snydman, Laura K.; Stark, Rachel; Spagnoletti, Carla
Academic Journal
In The American Journal of Medicine July 2012 125(7):657-660
Academic Journal
Academic Journal
In The American Journal of Medicine April 2013 126(4):e15-e15
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[AR] LeFrancois, Darlene
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