에서 검색결과 10건 | 목록
Academic Journal
Allen, Dennis M.; Govoni, John J.; Able, Kenneth W.; Buckel, Jeffrey A.; Hale, Edward A.; Hilton, Eric J.; Kellison, G. Todd; Targett, Timothy E.; Taylor, J. Christopher; Walsh, Harvey J.
Academic Journal
In Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science 5 December 2014 151:141-147
Academic Journal
World Aquaculture; Dec2023, Vol. 54 Issue 4, p37-40, 4p
Academic Journal
Allen, Dennis M.; Govoni, John J.; Able, Kenneth W.; Buckel, Jeffrey A.; Hale, Edward A.; Hilton, Eric J.; Kellison, G. Todd; Targett, Timothy E.; Taylor, J. Christopher; Walsh, Harvey J.
Academic Journal
Academic Journal
Estuaries & Coasts; Nov2022, Vol. 45 Issue 7, p2181-2203, 23p
Academic Journal
Mathews, Joseph A.; Hale, Edward A.; Oleynik, Haley A.; Clark, John H.; Park, Ian A.; Greco, Michael J.; Petrone, Christopher J.
Transactions of the American Fisheries Society; Mar2022, Vol. 151 Issue 2, p150-171, 22p
Academic Journal
Breece, Matthew W.; Oliver, Matthew J.; Fox, Dewayne A.; Hale, Edward A.; Haulsee, Danielle E.; Shatley, Matthew; Bograd, Steven J.; Hazen, Elliott L.; Welch, Heather
Ecological Applications; Sep2021, Vol. 31 Issue 6, p1-16, 16p
Academic Journal
Hale, Edward A.; Park, Ian A.; Fisher, Matthew T.; Wong, Richard A.; Stangl, Michael J.; Clark, John H.
Transactions of the American Fisheries Society; Nov2016, Vol. 145 Issue 6, p1193-1201, 9p
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[AR] Hale, Edward A.
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