에서 검색결과 51건 | 목록
Academic Journal
Gotkine, M.; Lerner, Y.; Ben-Hur, T.; Slutsky, S.G.; Chebath, J.; Kuperstein, G.; Estrin, E.; Hasson, A.; Molakandov, K.; Sonnenfeld, T.; Stark, Y.; Revel, A.; Revel, M.; Izrael, M.; Caraco, Y.; Blotnick, S.; Wanounou, M.
In: Journal of Translational Medicine . (Journal of Translational Medicine, December 2023, 21(1))
Academic Journal
Izrael, M.; Gotkine, M.; Slutsky, S.; Lerner, Y.; Chebath, J.; Kuperstein, G.; Estrin, E.; Caraco, Y.; Ben-Hur, T.; Hasson, A.; Sonnenfeld, T.; Revel, A.; Revel, M.
In Cytotherapy May 2022 24(5) Supplement:S152-S152
Structure of the Martensite-Austenite Transition Zone After a Local Pulse Heating of the Martensite.
Academic Journal
Academic Journal
Agapie, E.; Chen, G.; Houston, D.; Howard, E.; Kim, J.; Mun, M. Y.; Mondschein, A.; Reddy, S.; Rosario, R.; Ryder, J.; Steiner, A.; Burke, J.; Estrin, E.; Hansen, M.; Rahimi, M.
Proceedings of the 9th workshop on Mobile computing systems and applications. :6-10
Academic Journal
In: Nature Structural and Molecular Biology . (Nature Structural and Molecular Biology, October 2013, 20(10):1164-1173)
Academic Journal
In: Structure . (Structure, 3 September 2013, 21(9):1624-1635)
Academic Journal
In: Nature . (Nature, 9 February 2012, 482(7384):186-191)
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[AR] Estrin, E.
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