에서 검색결과 31건 | 목록
Academic Journal
Duarte, D.D.; Lipp, J.D.; Schneider, A.; Seller, P.; Veale, M.C.; Wilson, M.D.; Baker, M.A.; Sellin, P.J.
In Nuclear Inst. and Methods in Physics Research, A 11 January 2016 806:139-145
Academic Journal
In Nuclear Inst. and Methods in Physics Research, A 11 December 2014 767:218-226
Academic Journal
Veale, M.C.; Bell, S.J.; Duarte, D.D.; French, M.J.; Schneider, A.; Seller, P.; Wilson, M.D.; Lozinskaya, A.D.; Novikov, V.A.; Tolbanov, O.P.; Tyazhev, A.; Zarubin, A.N.
In Nuclear Inst. and Methods in Physics Research, A 11 July 2014 752:6-14
Eighth IEEE International Symposium on Distributed Simulation and Real-Time Applications Distributed simulation and real-time applications Distributed Simulation and Real-Time Applications, 2004. DS-RT 2004. Eighth IEEE International Symposium on. :167-175 2004
Eighth IEEE International Symposium on Distributed Simulation and Real-Time Applications Distributed simulation and real-time applications Distributed Simulation and Real-Time Applications, 2004. DS-RT 2004. Eighth IEEE International Symposium on. :214-217 2004
WebMedia and LA-Web, 2004. Proceedings WebMedia & LA-Web 2004 WebMedia and LA-Web, 2004. Proceedings. :114-116 2004
Academic Journal
Bell, S.J.; Duarte, D.D.; Schneider, A.; Seller, P.; Veale, M.C.; Wilson, M.D.; Baker, M.A.; Sellin, P.J.
In: Applied Surface Science . (Applied Surface Science, 1 January 2018, 427:1257-1270)
Academic Journal
Bell, S.J.; Duarte, D.D.; Schneider, A.; Seller, P.; Veale, M.C.; Wilson, M.D.; Baker, M.A.; Sellin, P.J.
In: Journal of Instrumentation . (Journal of Instrumentation, 26 June 2017, 12(6))
Academic Journal
Wilson, M.D.; Duarte, D.D.; Schneider, A.; Seller, P.; Veale, M.C.; Dummott, L.; Green, F.H.; Pani, S.; Scuffham, J.W.
In: Journal of Instrumentation . (Journal of Instrumentation, 9 October 2015, 10(10))
Academic Journal
Bell, S.J.; Baker, M.A.; Duarte, D.D.; Sellin, P.J.; Schneider, A.; Seller, P.; Veale, M.C.; Wilson, M.D.
In: Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics . (Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics, 5 June 2015, 48(27))
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[AR] Duarte, D.D.
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