에서 검색결과 155,319건 | 목록
Neuronal Morphogenesis: Methods and Protocols. 08/13/2024. 2831:97-111
Base Excision Repair Pathway: Methods and Protocols. 08/14/2023. 2701:157-172
Academic Journal
IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems I: Regular Papers IEEE Trans. Circuits Syst. I Circuits and Systems I: Regular Papers, IEEE Transactions on. 72(2):600-609 Feb, 2025
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Pihlaja, B.; Das, M.; Davis, L.; Dean, A.; Fonseca, D.M.; Hughes, E.; Joswiak, R.; Koleva, L.; Yang, M.; Zhang, J.
IEEE Transactions on Professional Communication IEEE Trans. Profess. Commun. Professional Communication, IEEE Transactions on. 67(3):386-402 Sep, 2024
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IEEE Transactions on Network and Service Management IEEE Trans. Netw. Serv. Manage. Network and Service Management, IEEE Transactions on. 21(5):5149-5163 Oct, 2024
Godambe, S.; Mankuzhiyil, N.; Borwankar, C.; Ghosal, B.; Tolamatti, A.; Pal, M.; Chandra, P.; Khurana, M.; Pandey, P.; Dar, Z. A.; Godiyal, S.; Hariharan, J.; Anand, Keshav; Norlha, S.; Sarkar, D.; Thubstan, R.; Venugopal, K.; Pathania, A.; Kotwal, S.; Kumar, Raj; Bhatt, N.; Chanchalani, K.; Das, M.; Singh, K. K.; Gour, K. K.; Kothari, M.; Kumar, Nandan; Kumar, Naveen; Marandi, P.; Kushwaha, C. P.; Koul, M. K.; Dorjey, P.; Dorji, N.; Chitnis, V. R.; Rannot, R. C.; Bhattacharyya, S.; Chouhan, N.; Dhar, V. K.; Sharma, M.; Yadav, K. K.
The Astrophysical Journal Letters, Volume 974, Number 2 (2024)
Coussat, A.; Krzemien, W.; Baran, J.; Parzych, S.; Beyene, E.; Chug, N.; Curceanu, C.; Czerwiński, E.; Das, M.; Dulski, K.; Eliyan, K. V.; Jasińska, B.; Kacprzak, K.; Kapłon, Ł.; Klimaszewski, K.; Korcyl, G.; Kozik, T.; Kubat, K.; Kumar, D.; Vendan, A. Kunimal; Lisowski, E.; Lisowski, F.; Mędrala-Sowa, J.; Moyo, S.; Mryka, W.; Niedźwiecki, S.; Pandey, P.; del Rio, E. Perez; Raczyński, L.; Rädler, M.; Sharma, S.; Skurzok, M.; Stępień, E. Ł.; Tayefi, K.; Tanty, P.; Wiślicki, W.; Moskal, P.
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[Author] Das, M.
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