
(예 : 2010-2015)
'학술논문' 에서 검색결과 545건 | 목록 160~170
Academic Journal
Lucarelli G; Department of Emergency and Organ Transplantation- Urology, Andrology and Kidney Transplantation Unit, University of Bari, Bari, Italy.; Rutigliano M; Department of Emergency and Organ Transplantation- Urology, Andrology and Kidney Transplantation Unit, University of Bari, Bari, Italy.; Sallustio F; Department of Basic Medical Sciences, Neuroscience and Sense Organs, University of Bari, Bari, Italy.; Ribatti D; Department of Basic Medical Sciences, Neuroscience and Sense Organs, University of Bari, Bari, Italy.; Giglio A; Department of Emergency and Organ Transplantation- Urology, Andrology and Kidney Transplantation Unit, University of Bari, Bari, Italy.; Lepore Signorile M; Department of Biomedical Sciences and Human Oncology, Medical Genetics, University of Bari, Bari, Italy.; Grossi V; Department of Biomedical Sciences and Human Oncology, Medical Genetics, University of Bari, Bari, Italy.; Sanese P; Department of Biomedical Sciences and Human Oncology, Medical Genetics, University of Bari, Bari, Italy.; Napoli A; Department of Emergency and Organ Transplantation, Pathology Unit, University of Bari, Bari, Italy.; Maiorano E; Department of Emergency and Organ Transplantation, Pathology Unit, University of Bari, Bari, Italy.; Bianchi C; Department of Health Sciences, School of Medicine and Surgery, University of Milano Bicocca, Milan, Italy.; Perego RA; Department of Health Sciences, School of Medicine and Surgery, University of Milano Bicocca, Milan, Italy.; Ferro M; Division of Urology, European Institute of Oncology, Milan, Italy.; Ranieri E; Department of Medical and Surgical Sciences, Molecular Medicine Center, Section of Clinical Pathology, University of Foggia, Foggia, Italy.; Serino G; National Institute of Gastroenterology, 'S de Bellis', Castellana Grotte, Bari, Italy.; Bell LN; Metabolon, Inc., Research Triangle Park, Morrisville, NC 27560, USA.; Ditonno P; Department of Emergency and Organ Transplantation- Urology, Andrology and Kidney Transplantation Unit, University of Bari, Bari, Italy.; Simone C; Department of Biomedical Sciences and Human Oncology, Medical Genetics, University of Bari, Bari, Italy.; National Institute of Gastroenterology, 'S de Bellis', Castellana Grotte, Bari, Italy.; Battaglia M; Department of Emergency and Organ Transplantation- Urology, Andrology and Kidney Transplantation Unit, University of Bari, Bari, Italy.
Publisher: Impact Journals, LLC Country of Publication: United States NLM ID: 101508617 Publication Model: Print Cited Medium: Internet ISSN: 1945-4589 (Electronic) Linking ISSN: 19454589 NLM ISO Abbreviation: Aging (Albany NY) Subsets: MEDLINE
Academic Journal
Fedele, DComi, GCoscelli, CCucinotta, DFeldman, ELGhirlanda, GGreene, DANegrin, PSanteusanio, FCavazzuti, PIotti, APreti, BSimoncini, GTessari, FViaggi, SCorigliano, GZarella, ASiletti, ASorrenti, GKuppelwiieser, UDeBlasi, GSpogler, FDeGiuli, GCDeMaria, GLegati, FValentini, UColosio, WDonati, EDAlpa, FDiMaggio, GLisi, EMazzeo, PPapalia, DPollicina, SLeonardi, GLunetta, MScrofani, ALuciano, MPiro, GATeti, DBasso, FBrambilla, LGarozzo, MElli, PRezzonico, MGrossi, ASaggio, DCazzalini, CCosta, PDiana, ABisacchi, UFrancesconi, AGiachetti, LLori, SMarini, PArpaia, GAzzarone, VDeCosmo, SSimone, PRasi, FSantini, CFarias, MTraverso, FSturaro, RCerone, GCercone, SPoccia, GCazzato, ANuzzo, MFausto, FFazzi, LMeniconi, RMCompagnucci, PLauro, MMarinetti, MMorico, GPennesi, RPiccinini, NDeFrancesco, CNastasi, GArcoraci, ADeLeo, APata, PCarducci, AGirlanda, PGhelfi, DMarelli, GZincone, ABallerio, GMarobbio, CBassi, SSegalini, GMariani, EMariani, GMoratti, FTorhio, GEsposito, AEsposito, PLambiase, CPorcellini, MVigliotta, RBocchino, CDAlessandro, GGentile, SPappalardo, LTurco, SGesue, VAllochis, GAliquo, MSMattaliano, AMattina, GProvenzano, VRomano, MSavagnone, EBossolo, PAMoglia, APoli, MTenconi, MTCampanelli, CGirelli, LBelladonna, DBottini, PColetti, AGallai, VPicchio, EScionti, LVermigli, CColangelo, UPomante, PMuraglie, GPortelli, EBuraffato, SIemolo, FTribulato, APapini, ETramutoli, RMarani, FMauceri, MRossi, FFondelli, CGiannini, FRossi, RPettine, GVotta, ISallustio, LSpinelli, CTravaglini, AVittori, ORubiolo, ABBorlotti, PTranquillini, ECarbonaro, FRossi, GFerri, MTCattin, LMonti, FNoacco, CCadore, IPFranzetti, IBonfante, AMorea, APerbellini, SBracaccia, MCorradini, UDeSimone, FMLanzetti, AM
DIABETES CARE; MAY 1997, 20 5, p836-p843, 8p.
Bloem, J. L.Geirnaerdt, M. J. A.Hogendoorn, P. C. W.Chevrot, A.Davies, A. M.Hájek, M.Kurková, D.Herynek, V.Imhof, H.Masciocchi, C.Maffey, M. V.Møller, J. F.Putz, R.Reiser, M. F.Braunschweig, R.Bonél, H.Stäbler, A.Watt, I.Adams, J. E.Harake, M. D. J.Lipscomp, K.Selby, P. L.Aparisi, F.Arana, E.Lloret, R. M.Marti-Bonmati, I.Menor, F.Sanchez, E.Rodrigo, C.Beltran, J.Cifrian, C.Garci, J. L.Memis, A.Arkun, R.Akalin, T.Ustu, E. E.Sabah, D.Barile, A.Rossi, F.Zugaro, L.Manetta, R.Maurizi Enrici, R.Beggs, I.Bianchi, S.Martinoli, C.Molini, L.Gandolfo, N.Damiani, S.Helmberger, T.Sittek, H.Steinborn, M.Ritter, M. M.Geisst, H. C.Pistitsch, C.Herrmann, K.Bögl, K.Kainberger, F.Adlassnig, K. P.Kolousek, G.Leitich, H.Kolarz, G.Bracke, P.Ramon, F.Stevens, W.Clarck, L.Schepper, A.Sys, J.Michielsen, J.Martens, M.Breitenseher, M. J.Trattnig, S.Gaebler, C.Metz, V.Kukla, C.Gneger, A.Rand, T.Brossmann, J.Andresen, R.Preidler, K. W.Daenen, B.DeMaeseneer, M.Resnick, D.Burnett, S.Saifuddin, A.White, J.Cassar-Pullicino, V. N.Inman, C.Griffiths, J.McCall, I. W.Masri, W. E.Csókási, Z.Forgacs, S.Czerny, C.Neuhold, A.Hofmann, S.Tschauner, C.Engel, A.Recht, M. P.Kramer, J.DeBeuckeleer, L.DeSchepper, A.Somerville, J.Vandevenne, J.Maeseneer, M.Jaovishidha, S.Sartoris, D. J.Elizagaray, E.Saez, F.Faletti, C.Stefano, N.Sorrentin, T.Foderà Pierangeli, L.Mona, D.Foster, J. E.Taberner, J.Keen, M.Dieppe, P.Freyschmidt, J.Gibbon, W. W.O'Connor, P. J.McGonagle, D.Emery, P.Grampp, S.Lang, P.Jergas, M.Glüer, C. C.Steiner, E.Takada, M.Mathur, A.Genant, H. K.Jevtic, V.Rozman, B.Kos-Golja, M.Demsar, F.Nehrer, S.Seidl, G.Baldt, M.Klarlund, M.Østergaard, M.Sørensen, K.Lorenzen, I.Eschberger, J.Gstettner, M.Schneider, W.Plenk, H.Kühne, J. H.Steinborn, A.Dürr, H. R.Scheidler, J.Lienemann, A.Landsiedl, F.Mamdorff, P.Honda, G.Rosenau, W.Johnston, J.Mindell, E.Peterfy, C. G.Nevitt, M.Majumdar, S.Lecouvet, F. E.Vande Berg, B. C.Maighem, J.Michaux, J. L.Maldague, B. E.Lecoevet, F. E.Malghem, J.Mastantuono, M.Larciprete, M.Bassetti, E.Argento, G.Amoroso, M.Satragno, L.Nucci, F.Romanini, L.Passariello, R.McNally, E. G.Goodman, T. R.Merkle, E. M.Krammel, E.Vogel, J.Krämer, S.Schulte, M.Usadel, S.Kern, P.Brambs, H. J.Mester, Á.Makó, E.Papp, E.Kiss, K.Márton, E.Dévai, T.Duffek, L.Bártfai, K.Németh, L.Karlinger, K.Posgay, M.Kákosy, T.Davies, G. A.Cowen, A. R.Fowler, R. C.Bury, R. F.Parkin, G. J. S.Lintott, D. J.Martinez, D.Safadin, A.Pal, C. R.Ostlere, S. J.Phillps, A. J.Athanasou, N.Lemperle, S. M.Holmes, R. E.Rühm, S.Zanetti, M.Romero, J.Hodler, J.Larena, J. A.Marti-Bonmarti, L.Martin, I.Tabernero, G.Alonso, A.Scarabino, T.Guglielmi, G.Giannatempo, G. M.Cammisa, M.Salvolini, U.Schmitt, R.Fellner, F.Heinze, A.Obletter, N.Schnarkowski, P.Tirman, P. F. J.Steinbach, L. S.Schneider, P.Ferrettiz, J. L.Capozza, R. F.Braun, M.Reiners, C.Zettl, R.Silvestri, E.Falchi, M.Delucchi, S.Cella, R.Neumaier, C. E.Prato, N.Migliorini, S.Jessel, C.Heuck, A.Stevens, K. J.Preston, B. J.Kerslake, R. W.Wright, W.Wallace, W. A.Stiskal, M.Szolar, D.Stenzel, I.Mesaric, P.Smolen, J.Czembirek, H.Tasker, A. D.Benson, M. K.Fleischmann, D.Haller, J.Rottmann, B.Kontaxis, G.Vanel, D.Missenard, G.Cesne, A.Guinebretiere, J. M.Verhoek, G.Duewell, S.Zollinger, H.Vrooman, H. A.Valstar, E. R.Brand, G. J.Obermann, W. R.Rozing, P. M.Reiber, J. H. C.Zafiroski, G.Kamnar, J.Zografski, G.Jeftic, V.Vidoevski, G.Ledermann, T.Zerbi, A.Gambaretti, R.Trenti, N.Zanolla, W.Allen, A. W.Willis, Ch. E.Radmer, S.Hakim, S.Banzer, D.Sparmann, M.Argent, J. D.Sampson, M. A.Baur, A.Bartl, R.Llopis, E.Monton, T.Vallcanera, A.Serafini, G.Bertolotto, M.Trudell, D.White, L. M.Garlaschi, G.DiLella, G. M.Bray, A.Parrella, A.Salvia, F.Parrella, R. E.Esztergályos, J.Faul, S.Link, J.Behrendt, S.Helbich, T.Steingruber, I.Gahleitner, A.Kettenbach, J.Kreuzer, S.Lomoschitz, F.Kaposi, P. N.Reti, P. G.Kolenc, M.Turk, Z.Barovic, J.Kugler, Ch.Uggowitzer, M.Gröll, R.Raith, J.Ranner, G.Liskutin, J.Youssefzadeh, S.Montagnon, C.Billiard, J. S.Tanji, P.Peerally, S.Gazielly, D.Muhaz-Vives, J. M.Fernández, J.Girveni-Montilos, R.Catasuz-Capellades, X.Valls-Pascual, R.Niitsu, M.Mishima, H.Itai, Y.Pirronti, T.Sallustio, G.Cerase, A.Priolo, F.Poleksic, L.Atanackovic, M.Dimitrijevic, B.Bacic, G.Potsybina, V. V.Rangger, Ch.Kathrein, A.Klestil, T.Gabl, M.Daniaux, H.Recondo, J. A.Alustiza, J. M.Villanua, J.Barrera, M. C.Salvador, E.Larrea, J. A.Martin, J.
European Radiology; October 1996, Vol. 6 Issue: 5 pC3-C31, 29p
Academic Journal
Pierro A; Radiology Department, Fondazione di Ricerca e Cura 'Giovanni Paolo II', Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, Campobasso, Italy. Electronic address: apierrojonico@libero.it.; Cilla S; Medical Physics Unit, Fondazione di Ricerca e Cura 'Giovanni Paolo II', Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, Campobasso, Italy.; Totaro A; Division of Cardiology, Fondazione di Ricerca e Cura 'Giovanni Paolo II', Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, Campobasso, Italy.; Ienco V; Division of Cardiology, Fondazione di Ricerca e Cura 'Giovanni Paolo II', Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, Campobasso, Italy.; Sacra C; Division of Cardiology, Fondazione di Ricerca e Cura 'Giovanni Paolo II', Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, Campobasso, Italy.; De Filippo CM; Departement of Cardiovascular Surgery, Fondazione di Ricerca e Cura 'Giovanni Paolo II', Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, Campobasso, Italy.; Sallustio G; Radiology Department, Fondazione di Ricerca e Cura 'Giovanni Paolo II', Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, Campobasso, Italy.
Publisher: Blackwell Scientific Publications Ltd Country of Publication: England NLM ID: 1306016 Publication Model: Print-Electronic Cited Medium: Internet ISSN: 1365-229X (Electronic) Linking ISSN: 00099260 NLM ISO Abbreviation: Clin Radiol Subsets: MEDLINE
Academic Journal
Castellano G; Nephrology Unit, Department of Emergency and Organ Transplantation, University 'Aldo Moro,' and the Center for Diagnosis and Treatment of Hereditary Angioedema, Bari, Italy. Electronic address: giuseppe.castellano@uniba.it.; Divella C; Nephrology Unit, Department of Emergency and Organ Transplantation, University 'Aldo Moro,' and the Center for Diagnosis and Treatment of Hereditary Angioedema, Bari, Italy.; Sallustio F; Nephrology Unit, Department of Emergency and Organ Transplantation, University 'Aldo Moro,' and the Center for Diagnosis and Treatment of Hereditary Angioedema, Bari, Italy; Department of Basic Medical Sciences, Neuroscience and Sense Organs, University 'Aldo Moro,' Bari, Italy.; Montinaro V; Nephrology Unit, Department of Emergency and Organ Transplantation, University 'Aldo Moro,' and the Center for Diagnosis and Treatment of Hereditary Angioedema, Bari, Italy.; Curci C; Nephrology Unit, Department of Emergency and Organ Transplantation, University 'Aldo Moro,' and the Center for Diagnosis and Treatment of Hereditary Angioedema, Bari, Italy.; Zanichelli A; Department of Biomedical and Clinical Sciences, Luigi Sacco Hospital, University of Milan, Milan, Italy.; Bonanni E; Department of Biomedical and Clinical Sciences, Luigi Sacco Hospital, University of Milan, Milan, Italy.; Suffritti C; Department of Biomedical and Clinical Sciences, Luigi Sacco Hospital, University of Milan, Milan, Italy.; Caccia S; Department of Biomedical and Clinical Sciences, Luigi Sacco Hospital, University of Milan, Milan, Italy.; Bossi F; Institute for Maternal and Child Health, IRCCS Burlo Garofolo, Trieste, Italy.; Gallone A; Department of Basic Medical Sciences, Neuroscience and Sense Organs, University 'Aldo Moro,' Bari, Italy.; Schena FP; University of Bari and Fondazione Schena, Valenzano, Bari, Italy.; Gesualdo L; Nephrology Unit, Department of Emergency and Organ Transplantation, University 'Aldo Moro,' and the Center for Diagnosis and Treatment of Hereditary Angioedema, Bari, Italy.; Cicardi M; Department of Biomedical and Clinical Sciences, Luigi Sacco Hospital, University of Milan, Milan, Italy.
Publisher: Mosby Country of Publication: United States NLM ID: 1275002 Publication Model: Print-Electronic Cited Medium: Internet ISSN: 1097-6825 (Electronic) Linking ISSN: 00916749 NLM ISO Abbreviation: J Allergy Clin Immunol Subsets: MEDLINE
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