Enhancement in the Hg0oxidation efficiency and sulfur resistance of CuCl2-modified MnOx-CeOxnanorod catalysts
Document Type
Journal of Zhejiang University - Science A; 20240101, Issue: Preprints p1-7, 7p
1673565X; 18621775
In this study, a series of CuCl2-modified MnOx-CeOxnanorods were synthesized for the oxidation of Hg0. The addition of CuCl2resulted in an enhancement in the catalyst’s Hg0oxidation ability, and Hg0oxidation efficiency reached >97% from 150 to 250 °C. In the MnOx-CeOxcatalysts, Mn4+played the role of the active species for Hg0oxidization, but in the CuCl2-doped catalysts Cl−also contributed to Hg0oxidation, conferring the superior performance of these samples. The introduction of SO2led to a decrease in the availability of Mn4+, and the Hg0oxidation efficiency of MnOx-CeOxdecreased from about 100% to about 78%. By contrast, CuCl2-promoted samples maintained a Hg0oxidation efficiency of about 100% during the SO2deactivation cycle due to the high reactivity of Cl−.