Few-Shot Fault Diagnosis Method of Rotating Machinery Using Novel MCGM Based CNN
Document Type
IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics; November 2023, Vol. 19 Issue: 11 p10944-10955, 12p
The existing fault diagnosis methods can achieve good results when various status fault data are available. However, the construction of the diagnosis model is often unachievable in the actual application because only normal data are available, which is actually a few-shot fault diagnosis problem. Therefore, a novel intelligent few-shot fault diagnosis method of rotating machinery based on the convolutional neural network (CNN) using virtual samples generated by the mechanism character generative model (MCGM) integrating the generative adversarial network (GAN) is proposed. The distribution pattern of common parameters that reflect the fault category is learned using the GAN and source domain fault data. Then, the normal state data of the target domain is combined with the distribution common parameters to generate virtual samples in target domain based on the MCGM. Moreover, the fault diagnosis model is trained by virtual samples based on the CNN. Finally, the proposed fault diagnosis method is validated using the laboratory bearing data, the industrial data and the public data of the rotating machinery, respectively. The results show that the proposed method achieves an average accuracy of 93.38% in the diagnostic task, exhibiting at least 4.56% better performance than other comparison methods.