
Associations Across Developmental Domains in Autistic Toddlers
Document Type
Advances in Neurodevelopmental Disorders; June 2024, Vol. 8 Issue: 2 p235-241, 7p
23667532; 23667540
Objectives: While diagnostic criteria for autism focus on social communication and behavioral deficits, many autistic children also demonstrate difficulties with motor skills. The nature of connection between these motor difficulties and other areas of development remains largely unknown, especially in young children. This preliminary study explored the relationships between motor skills and social function in autistic toddlers, with consideration to the role of cognitive function. Methods: Nineteen autistic toddlers between the ages of 18 and 42 months participated. Motor, cognitive, and personal–social skills were assessed using standardized measures. Results: Seventy-nine percent of children demonstrated below average total motor scores (< 1 SD below test mean). Motor skills in autistic toddlers were positively associated with social skills; however, this relationship may be impacted by cognitive skills. Visual–motor integration, grasping, and ball skills specifically were also positively associated with social function. Conclusions: These preliminary findings suggest the relevance of motor skill development in social functioning among young autistic children and help to inform future research examining interactions across developmental domains in this population.