Introspection on Anti-Seismic of Rural Housing
Document Type
Advanced Materials Research; March 2013, Vol. 671 Issue: 1 p1403-1407, 5p
Collapse and severe damage of rural housing were found to be the main seismic damage of rural housing, which leads to a lot of casualties and loss. The violent earthquakes, such as Wenchuan earthquake and Yushu earthquake caused serious damages and gave lessons to the society for better seismic performance of rural housing. Due to limitation of the fund, technology and information, the rural houses lack of normal design, construction and necessary supervision of the government. The insufficient structural capacity and weak integrity may result in the collapse of bearing members and roof or truss under disaster-causing action. The typical damage of rural housing is presented and analyzed for demonstration. Some suggestions to effectively enhance the seismic performance is hence given. From the macroscopic view, publicity for more seismic knowledge should be proceeded and the complete supervision system should be improved. And the technological measure is stressed for better collapse resistant capacity by designing reasonable structural system and reliable connection.