
A computational prediction of structure and function of novel homologue of Arabidopsis thalianaVps51/Vps67 subunit in Corchorus olitorius
Document Type
Interdisciplinary Sciences: Computational Life Sciences; December 2012, Vol. 4 Issue: 4 p256-267, 12p
Vps mediated vesicular transport is important for transferring macromolecules trapped inside a vesicle. Although highly abundant, Vps shows tremendous sequence variation among diverse array of species. However, this difference in sequence, which seems to also translate into substantial functional variation, is hardly characterized in Corchorus spp. Here, our computational study investigates structural and functional features of one of the Vps subunit namely Vps51/Vps67 in C. olitorius. Broad scale structural characterization revealed novel information about the overall Vps structure and binding sites. Moreover, functional analyses indicate interaction partners which were unexplored to date. Since membrane trafficking is essentially associated with nutrient uptake and chemical de-toxification, characterization of the Vps subunit can well provide us with better insight into important agronomic traits such as stress response, immune response and phytoremediation capacity.