
Artificial cooling as an alternative to increase productivity and welfare of steers under heat stress
Document Type
Arquivo Brasileiro de Medicina Veterinária e Zootecnia. October 2010 62(5)
cooling system
heat stress
The effects of a cooling system on productive efficiency and welfare of Holstein steers were evaluated during the summer. Sixty steers in the finishing phase were randomly allotted to one of two treatment-groups. Animals of control group were only provided with shade (non-cooled group) and a group of animals under a cooling system were installed in the shaded area (cooled group), which were operated daily from 09am to 6pm during the 69d of the study. The averages of environmental temperature and relative humidity were 35.4°C and 35.3%, respectively, with a temperature-humidity index average of 81.4 during the study. Individual body weight was recorded every two weeks, while body surface temperature and respiratory frequency were recorded three times per week. Blood samples were biweekly taken from coccygeal vein for determination of T3 and T4. The average daily gain in the cooled group gain (1.46kg/d) was similar (P=0.21) to non-cooled group (1.37kg/d). Body surface temperature (35.9ºC vs 38.7ºC) and respiratory frequency per minute (77 vs 104) were lower (P<0.01) in the cooled group than in non-cooled group, respectively. Triiodotironine levels were similar (P=0.30) in cooled (0.80ng/mL) and non-cooled (0.87ng/mL) groups, while, tiroxine level was lower (P<0.01) in cooled group (44.0ng/mL) compared to non-cooled group (56.6ng/mL). The cooling system did not improve productive parameters but the welfare in the cooled group was increased.