
상세 동적 건물에너지 해석 프로그램의 일사량 계산 효율 향상을 위한 연구
Document Type
대한건축학회 학술발표대회 논문집. 2023-10 43(2):319-322
상세 동적 건물에너지 해석 프로그램
계산 효율
메모이제이션 기법
분리 기법
Detailed dynamic building energy analysis program
Solar irradiance
Calculation efficiency
Memoization technique
Tearing technique
The study aimed to improve the calculation efficiency of solar irradiance on the inclined building envelopes in a detailed dynamic building energy analysis program. All equations in the calculation process of ISO 52010-1 were reviewed to determine overlapped or repeated calculation parts, and then it was analyzed which tearing technique or memoization technique was appropriate for each part. According to the results of the analysis, overlapped calculations were eliminated by applying tearing techniques, and repeated calculations of solar irradiance depending on the orientation and slope angle of the envelopes were eliminated by applying the OrientationSlope object as a memoization technique. Afterwards, the degree of improvement in simulation calculation efficiency was analyzed for model buildings. As a result of the analysis, the calculation time for one orientation-slope angle combination is the same, but in high-rise buildings with a large number of envelopes but a small number of orientation-slope angle combination envelopes, this technique has a great effect and must be applied.

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