
Civic Technology Development in a Community of Practice
Document Type
한국지능정보시스템학회 학술대회논문집. 2022-06 2022(06):317-324
Civic technology
Civic technology community
Civic practice
Community of practice
Open data
Common good
Citizen Engagement
Most of the civic technologies are driven by a community of practice and are based on a free/open software model by bringing together volunteers in various public fields. A successful civic technology community requires an elaborate structure and operational process to encourage citizen participation. This study aims to explore the core elements of the structure and process in civic technology communities with a case study in Taiwan-GOV.tw. “GOV” is a well-run community with the explicit mission of promoting the transparency of government data for citizen engagement in society. We will explore how a civic technology community designs its structure to support the development of shared goals, community identity, cultural and historical heritage among its collaborators via the Community of Practice perspective. The results of the study can help citizens, governments, and businesses to understand and learn the managerial implications and values from such self-governance organisms.

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