일상의 문제와 문화연구, 그리고 마르크스주의
Document Type
Academic Journal
마르크스주의 연구. 2015-05 12(2):12-44
이 논문은 1950년대 후반 영국에서 발원해 세계화한 문화연구 전통이 일상과 그 문화 이해를 놓고 마르크스주의와 어떤 이론적 관계를 맺어왔는지 살피고자 한다. 출범 초기 문화연구는 자본주의하에서 문화는 쇠퇴하기 마련이라는 당시 주류 마르크스주의 관점을 경제결정론이자 고급문화론으로 보고 수용하지 않았다. 호거트, 윌리엄스, 톰슨 등이 시작한 문화연구가 일상문화에 관심을 기울인 것은 한편으로는 문화란 평범하다고 여기고, 다른 한편으로는 대중의 일상적 삶에서 문화가 긍정적으로 작용한다고 믿었기 때문이다. 그러나 1960년대 말부터 문화연구는 스튜어트홀이 중심이 되어 마르크스주의 이론을 적극 수용하는데, 이것은 일상의 대중문화가 갈수록 자본주의 지배를 받음에 따라 그에 대한 비판적 이해가 필요해진 가운데, 마르크스주의 전통 내부에서 상대적 자율성 개념 도입 등 문화연구에 도움이 되는 이론적 쇄신이 일어나 가능해진 일이다. 문화연구와 마르크스주의는 이 무렵 문화의 연구가 사회적 총체성 이해의 중요한 길이라는 생각을 공유하기도 했다. 하지만 1990년대 이후 피스크, 그로스버그 등으로 대변되는 주류 문화연구는 총체적 사회비판 기획을 기각하고, 신자유주의 지배하의 대량문화를 해방적이라며 상찬하는 모습까지 드러내게 된다. 마르크스주의와 이론적으로 절연해서 생겨난 문화연구의 이런 경향은 2000년대에 들어와 문화를 실물경제와의 관계에서 보는 문화경제학 조류가 등장한 뒤에도 크게 바뀌지 않았다. 이 논문은 이 과정에서 문화연구가 일상문제를 중시하는 태도를 견지해온 점은 긍정적으로 평가하면서도, 원래 지향한 비판적인 지적 기획으로 작용하기 위해 문화연구는 일상의 문제를 자본주의적 지배와 연관해 파악해야 한다는 입장을 펼친다. 이는 문화연구가 상당 부분 마르크스주의적 문화연구로 작용해야 한다는 말이기도 하다.
This paper focuses on how the tradition of cultural studies that first emerged in Britain in the late 1950s has developed its theoretical relationship with Marxism to understand the concept of the everyday and its culture. Initially, cultural studies did not accept the contemporary mainstream Marxist conception of the “cultural decay under capitalism,” since it considered this too narrowly determined by a focus on high culture and economic determinism. It instead focused on everyday culture, for it believed on the one hand that culture was ordinary, and on the other that culture has a positive function in the daily lives of people. Beginning in the late 1960s, however, cultural studies employed a Marxist perspective, showing that there arose a necessity for a critical understanding of popular culture which had increasingly been captured by capitalism. This change was also possible because, within Marxism, there took place theoretical renovations such as the introduction of the concept of “relative autonomy”. Cultural studies and Marxism shared the view that an analysis of culture may constitute a way to understand capitalist society as a totality. In the 1990s, however, mainstream cultural studies gave up this project and even went as far as to celebrate neoliberal mass culture as liberating. This new tendency surfaced as a consequence of cultural studies’ theoretical breakup with Marxism as a project of total criticism of capitalist society. It has not changed even after the emergence in the 2000s of the “cultural economy” school which empahsizes the relationship between culture and the “real” economy. This paper acknowledges that over the years, cultural studies has dutifully maintained its focus on the question of the everyday; at the same time, however, it argues that in order to remain critical, cultural studies cannot give up grasping culture in terms of its relationship with capitalist domination. To understand the everyday and its culture as a totality, it needs to recapture Marxism.
This paper focuses on how the tradition of cultural studies that first emerged in Britain in the late 1950s has developed its theoretical relationship with Marxism to understand the concept of the everyday and its culture. Initially, cultural studies did not accept the contemporary mainstream Marxist conception of the “cultural decay under capitalism,” since it considered this too narrowly determined by a focus on high culture and economic determinism. It instead focused on everyday culture, for it believed on the one hand that culture was ordinary, and on the other that culture has a positive function in the daily lives of people. Beginning in the late 1960s, however, cultural studies employed a Marxist perspective, showing that there arose a necessity for a critical understanding of popular culture which had increasingly been captured by capitalism. This change was also possible because, within Marxism, there took place theoretical renovations such as the introduction of the concept of “relative autonomy”. Cultural studies and Marxism shared the view that an analysis of culture may constitute a way to understand capitalist society as a totality. In the 1990s, however, mainstream cultural studies gave up this project and even went as far as to celebrate neoliberal mass culture as liberating. This new tendency surfaced as a consequence of cultural studies’ theoretical breakup with Marxism as a project of total criticism of capitalist society. It has not changed even after the emergence in the 2000s of the “cultural economy” school which empahsizes the relationship between culture and the “real” economy. This paper acknowledges that over the years, cultural studies has dutifully maintained its focus on the question of the everyday; at the same time, however, it argues that in order to remain critical, cultural studies cannot give up grasping culture in terms of its relationship with capitalist domination. To understand the everyday and its culture as a totality, it needs to recapture Marxism.