
Pelvic Floor Mobility Measured by Transperineal Ultrasound Imaging in Women With and Without Urgency and Frequency Predominant Lower Urinary Tract Symptoms
Document Type
Academic Journal
Journal of Womenʼs Health Physical Therapy. Apr 01, 2022 46(2):100-108
BACKGROUND:: Women with urgency/frequency predominant lower urinary tract symptoms (UF-LUTS) may have elevated pelvic floor muscle (PFM) position at rest and limited mobility with PFM contraction and bearing down, but this has not been quantified. OBJECTIVES:: To compare PFM position and mobility using transperineal ultrasound (TPUS) at rest, maximal PFM contraction (perineal elevation), and bearing down (perineal descent) in women with and without UF-LUTS. We hypothesized that women with UF-LUTS would demonstrate elevated resting position and decreased excursion of pelvic landmarks during contraction and bearing down as compared with women without UF-LUTS. STUDY DESIGN:: A case-control study METHODS:: Women with UF-LUTS were matched 1:1 on age, body mass index, and vaginal parity with women without UF-LUTS. TPUS videos were obtained during 3 conditions: rest, PFM contraction, and bearing down. Levator plate angle (LPA) and puborectalis length (PR length) were measured for each condition. Paired t tests or Wilcoxon signed rank tests compared LPA and PR length between cases and controls. RESULTS:: Among 21 case-control pairs (42 women), women with UF-LUTS demonstrated greater LPA at rest (66.8°± 13.2° vs 54.9°± 9.8°; P= .006), and less PR lengthening from rest to bearing down (0.2 ± 3.1 mm vs 2.1 ± 2.9 mm; P= .03). CONCLUSION:: Women with UF-LUTS demonstrated more elevated (cranioventral) position of the PFM at rest and less PR muscle lengthening with bearing down. These findings highlight the importance of a comprehensive PFM examination and possible treatment for women with UF-LUTS to include PFM position and mobility.