
High Resolution Computed Tomography Inspection of Components Uncovers Root Causes of Vexing Failure Mysteries
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During testing of actuators for fight programs, failures have occurred that required closure with an understanding of the root cause of the failure. For some InSight project actuators, intermittent changes of the winding resistance of the motors during temperature changes was extremely baffling. It was critical to determine the cause of the intermittent characteristic because the actuators were stock from a previous program and the company that provided the motors was no longer in business. Using an X-Ray Computed-Tomography (CT) method, the exact source of the intermittent failure was determined and completely understood – at dimensions of less than 20 microns. In another case, after the completion of an actuator’s life-test-to-failure, inspection was required to determine the source of the failure. The size of the actuator (10 mm diameter) required destructive means to get to the interior of the actuator for inspection, risking the loss of the source of the failure. Using CT imaging, the exact source of the failure was determined.