
Initial research on Tasan Jeong Yak-Yong`s attitude of Zhu Xi`s learning through his interpretation of the Confuciaan classics : The case of Daxue Gongyi(大學公議)
Document Type
다산학 / Journal of TASAN Studies. Jun 30, 2017 30:21
다산 정약용
Tasan Jeong Yak-Yong(茶山 丁若鏞)
Zhu Xi`s learning(朱子學)
Great Learning
Classical learning
interpretation of the classics
다산 정약용은 18세기 말 19세기 초 한국의 큰 경학자라고 할 수 있다. 그의 작품들 중에 경학에 관련된 작품들의 비중들을 보면 이를 알 수 있다. 이렇기 때문에 다산 사상을 연구하는 데에 그의 전역詮釋 작업을 검토하는 것이 중요하다. 이를 통해서 다산의 해석과 베트남 같은 동아시아의 유교 해석학을 비교할 수 있어 더 의의가 있는 것이다. 이 글은 다산의 『대학공의大學公議』를 가지고 그의 해석 작업을 검토하고 주희의 해석서이자 중국 외에 유학계의 모범 주해서인 『사서장구집주四書章句集注』와 비교한다. 이를 통해서 조선 시대의 주류인 주자학에 대한 다산의 태도를 분석한다.
Tasan Jeong Yak-Yong(茶山 丁若鏞, 1762~1836) can be seen as a great Confucian classical learning scholar(經學家) in late 18th century and early 19th century. This is reflected in his great legacy of Confucian classics studies. Thus, understanding his interpretation of the classics is important for studying his thought; it could also suggest many ways for a comparative study between Tasan and other systems of interpretation of the Confucian classics in East Asia, including Vietnam. In this article, the author aims at providing a comprehensive analysis of Tasan`s attitude towards Zhu Xi`s learning, the mainstream of Korean Confucianism under Jo Seon era. In order to accomplish the task, the author focuses on Tasan`s interpretation of the classics, in a particular, Daxue Gongyi(大學公議); and simultaneously, puts it in the comparison with Zhu Xi(朱熹, 1130~ 1200)`s commentaries, especially the commentaries in Sishu Zhangju Jizhu(四書章句集注), which was considered a paragon interpretation for Confucianism outside China for a long time. Through this comparison, the author points out some disagreements between Tasan`s interpretation and that of Zhu Xi, at the same time, explains Tasan`s ethical implications in his Daxue Gongyi. Finally, the author puts forward some conclusions on Tasan`s attitude toward Zhu Xi`s learning, and affirms that he was partially against Zhu Xi`s learning.

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