
South Korea`s Foreign & Security Strategy toward the US and China in View of Unification
Document Type
The Korean Journal of Security Affairs (KJSA). Jun 30, 2015 20(1):70
A Vision of a Unified Korea
ROK-US-China Strategic Talks
Armistice Rules of Engagement
Regional PKO Training Center
Peace Regime
This paper explores South Korea’``s foreign strategy toward the US and China for unification focusing on the connectivity of the ROK-US alliance and ROK-China security cooperation. The paper makes policy recommendations as follows: first, ROK-US-China strategic talks should be institutionalized in order to manage North Korea issues such as military provocations, nuclear and missile threats, and addressing a peace regime; second, the ROK government should remind China that it should be responsible for maintaining the peace on the Peninsula by awakening North Korea to be aware of the revised armistice rules of engagement including prompt, massive retaliation and their determination to proactively counter any North Korean violation of the armistice agreement, which China signed in 1953; third, the ROK government should take the lead in collectively coping with transnational threats such as humanitarian assistance and disaster relief(HA & DR) operations for natural and artificial disasters in the region in order to create a more favorable and stable environment for a reunified Korea. The China-Japan-Korea Trilateral Cooperation Secretariat which was established in Seoul in 2011 might be a backbone of a regional security arrangement: and finally, South Korea could cooperate with the US to establish a Peace Keeping Operation Training Center at Camp Casey, the camp of the main body of the 2nd US Infantry Division, which will be relocated to Camp Humphrey in 2016. The regional PKO Training Center could contribute to conducting peace and reconstruction operations in the event of any North Korea contingency. All these synchronized efforts which could be initiated by the ROK government under the close consultation with the US and China enable us to achieve a vision of a unified Korea for the foreseeable future.

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