중국 국가 이미지 홍보영상이 한국관광객의 관광의사에 미치는 영향에 대한 연구 / A Study on the Influence of Chinese National Image Promotional Video on Tourism Intention of Korean Tourists
Document Type
중국의 급속한 경제 발전과 글로벌화로 인해 국제 관광 산업 시장에서의 경쟁이 점점 치열해지고 있다. 많은 국가들이 관광업을 경제 성장의 중요한 동력으로 삼았다. 이에 따라 국제관광객 유치 경쟁도 치열해지고 국가 이미 지에 대한 연구도 주목받고 있다. 한 나라를 여행 목적지로 선정함에 있어 그 나라의 국가 이미지는 관광객들의 의사 결정에 중요한 요소가 될 수 있다. 좋은 국가 이미지는 관광객의 유치에 긍정적인 영향을 줄 수 있고 더욱 활발한 관광 활동에 도움이 될 수 있다. 현재 학계에는 국가 이미지 홍보영상부터 시작하여 관광객의 관광 의사 형성 과정을 연구하는 문헌 자료가 부족하다. 본 연구는 중국을 여행지 목적지로 정한 한국인 관광객을 조사 대상으로 하여 국가 이미지 홍보 영화의 창작과 홍보 과정에서 국가 이미지와 관광의사 사이의 관계를 연구하고자 한다. 본 연구는 6장으로 구성되어 있다. 제1장은 서론으로 연구 목적과 필요성, 연구의 범위와 연구 방법에 대해 서술하였다. 제2장은 선행연구와 이론적 배경에 대해 살펴보았다. 주로 국가이미지, 관광 목적지 이미지, 관광의사, 국가 이미지 홍보영상 등에 대한 연구, 또한 그들 간의 관계를 체계적으로 정리하여 이론적 토대를 마련하였다. 제3장에서는 국가 이미지 홍보영상과 관련된 개념을 서술하고 중국 국가이미지 홍보영상인 과에 대해 분석하였다. 제4장은 연구 가설과 설문지에 대한 내용이다. 가설과 모형을 제시하고 측정 표를 구축하여 설문조사를 실시하였다. 모델 구축, 데이터 분석 방법을 검토함으로써 연구의 실증 분석을 위한 데이터 모델과 방법론 기반을 마련해 주었다. 제5장은 제4장에서 수집한 데이터에 대한 실증분석이다. 샘플분석, 탐색적 요인 분석, 확인적 요인 분석, 신뢰도와 타당성 분석으로 나누어 국가이미지와 관광의사 간의 관계를 분석하고 모형으로 검증하였다. 제6장은 연구의 결론으로 연구 내용을 총괄하고 연구의 한계점과 미래 연구 방향을 제시하였다. 설문조사를 통해 한국 잠재 관광객들의 국가이미지 감지 데이터를 수집한 다음에 탐색적 요인 분석, 확인적 요인 분석 등 방법으로 국가 이미지가 관광 의사에 미친 영향을 분석한 결과는 다음과 같다.첫째, 중국으로 여행가는 한국인 관광객들의 관광 동기를 식별하고, 동기 유형별로 관광객의 국가이미지 감지의 차이를 분석했다.둘째, 국가 이미지가 잠재 관광객의 관광 의사에 긍정적인 영향을 미친다는 것을 알 수 있다.셋째, 국가이미지가 관광 의사에 미치는 영향을 검증할 수 있는 모델을 만들었다.
With the rapid development of China's economy and the increasingly fierce competition in the market under the background of globalization, many countries regard tourism as an important way of economic growth, and the competition for international tourists becomes more and more intense, and the study of national image has attracted much attention. When a country is a tourist destination, the national image of the country may become an important factor affecting whether tourists choose to travel to the country. The national image significantly affects the tourist intention of tourists, and a good national image can attract tourists to visit, and the tourist activities of tourists help to form a rich and practical national image. At present, the academic circles lack the literature materials to study the formation process of tourist intention from the perspective of national image propaganda film. This study takes China as the tourist destination country and Korean tourists as the survey object to study the relationship between national image and tourism intention from the whole process of the creation and dissemination of national image propaganda film. The thesis is divided into six parts: The first part is the introduction, which mainly expounds the research background, research status, research purpose, research methods and research technical route. The second part is the first study, which mainly systematically combs the concept, measurement and relationship of the research objects involved in this paper (such as national image, tourist destination image, sightseeing intention, national image propaganda film, etc.), and provides a theoretical basis for this study. The third part is the research hypothesis and the model construction, mainly for the research hypothesis proposal, the model construction, the data analysis method, provides the data model and the method foundation for this research empirical analysis. The fourth part is the scale and questionnaire design, mainly for the questionnaire design, determine the survey object, questionnaire distribution and recovery, the overall characteristics of the sample. The fifth part is the empirical analysis, specifically analyzes the relationship between national imageand tourism intention, and uses the structural model to test. The sixth part is the research conclusion and limitation, summarizes the main research conclusion, points out the limitation of this paper and puts forward the future prospect. Through the questionnaire survey, we obtained the national image perception data of potential tourists in Korea, and carried out the research on the influence of national image perception on tourism intention by means of exploratory factor analysis, confirmatory factor analysis, reliability and validityanalysis, single factor ANOVA, cluster analysis and regression analysis, and made some progress in the following aspects: (1) The tourism motivation of Korean tourists in China was identified, and the differences of perception of national image among different types of tourists were analyzed. (2) Verify that the emotional image of the country has a significant positive impact on the tourism intention of potential tourists. (3) A model of the influence of national image perception on tourism intention was established and validated.
With the rapid development of China's economy and the increasingly fierce competition in the market under the background of globalization, many countries regard tourism as an important way of economic growth, and the competition for international tourists becomes more and more intense, and the study of national image has attracted much attention. When a country is a tourist destination, the national image of the country may become an important factor affecting whether tourists choose to travel to the country. The national image significantly affects the tourist intention of tourists, and a good national image can attract tourists to visit, and the tourist activities of tourists help to form a rich and practical national image. At present, the academic circles lack the literature materials to study the formation process of tourist intention from the perspective of national image propaganda film. This study takes China as the tourist destination country and Korean tourists as the survey object to study the relationship between national image and tourism intention from the whole process of the creation and dissemination of national image propaganda film. The thesis is divided into six parts: The first part is the introduction, which mainly expounds the research background, research status, research purpose, research methods and research technical route. The second part is the first study, which mainly systematically combs the concept, measurement and relationship of the research objects involved in this paper (such as national image, tourist destination image, sightseeing intention, national image propaganda film, etc.), and provides a theoretical basis for this study. The third part is the research hypothesis and the model construction, mainly for the research hypothesis proposal, the model construction, the data analysis method, provides the data model and the method foundation for this research empirical analysis. The fourth part is the scale and questionnaire design, mainly for the questionnaire design, determine the survey object, questionnaire distribution and recovery, the overall characteristics of the sample. The fifth part is the empirical analysis, specifically analyzes the relationship between national imageand tourism intention, and uses the structural model to test. The sixth part is the research conclusion and limitation, summarizes the main research conclusion, points out the limitation of this paper and puts forward the future prospect. Through the questionnaire survey, we obtained the national image perception data of potential tourists in Korea, and carried out the research on the influence of national image perception on tourism intention by means of exploratory factor analysis, confirmatory factor analysis, reliability and validityanalysis, single factor ANOVA, cluster analysis and regression analysis, and made some progress in the following aspects: (1) The tourism motivation of Korean tourists in China was identified, and the differences of perception of national image among different types of tourists were analyzed. (2) Verify that the emotional image of the country has a significant positive impact on the tourism intention of potential tourists. (3) A model of the influence of national image perception on tourism intention was established and validated.