허벅지 부위를 중심으로 한 피부 기반 입력의 온바디 인터랙션 디자인 / On-body interaction design of skin-based input with the thigh
Document Type
Dissertation/ Thesis
최근 정보통신기술의 발달로 모바일 디바이스나 웨어러블 디바이스에 대한 관심이 높아지고 있으면서, 사용자는 다양한 니즈를 충족시키기 위해 다양한 기능들이 추가되고 있다. 그러므로 모바일이나 웨어러블 디바이스 입력 방식과 입력 표면적의 변화에 대한 사용성 이슈가 발생하고 있다. 특히 스마트 워치와 같은 웨어러블 디바이스는 휴대성을 위해 입력 표면적이 작아지는 추세이기 때문에 한계점은 분명 존재하고 사용자 관점에서 보았을 때에도 사람의 신체 사이즈는 거의 변하지 않기 때문에 사용성에 대한 이슈가 존재한다. 이러한 문제 해결을 위해 피부를 통해 입력하는 온바디 인터랙션 방식이 제안되고 있다. 사람 몸의 피부를 통해 입력하는 방식은 사용자에게 완전히 새로운 경험을 줄 수 있는 방안으로 제안되고 있다. 본 연구는 기술적인 측면에 대한 고려보다는 비기술적인 사용자 입장에 집중한다. 우선 선행연구를 통해 온바디 인터랙션의 이론을 고찰하였으며, 기존의 연구들은 대부분 팔뚝, 팔, 손, 손가락과 같은 상체 중심보다 허벅지 부위의 온바디 인터랙션에 대해 연구할 가치가 있음을 발견 하였다. 따라서 연구실에서 사용자 20명을 대상으로 실험을 통해 앉아있 을 때 허벅지 부위에 피부 기반 입력의 온바디 인터랙션 제스처를총 11개 도출하여, 각 제스처의 정의를 정하였다. 다음으로 도출된 11개 제스처에 대한 편안성 및 사회적 수용성에 대한 사용자 조사로 제스처의 사용성을 평가하였다. 그 이후 도출된 피부 기반 입력 제스처를 허벅지 부위에서 다양한 기능을 조작할 수 있도록 하는 제스처를 디자인을 진해하였다. 본 연구를 통해 사용자에게 새로운 경험을 제공해주고 이후에 도 다른 자세 상황에서 더 많이 연구되기를 바라는 바이다. 본 연구가 온바디 인터랙션 연구의 발전에 기여할 수 있을 것으로 기대된다.
Recently, with the development of information and communication technology, people are increasingly concerned about mobile devices and wearable devices, and in order to satisfy the various functions user who wants such as music, digital camera, GPS, healthcare and so on, MP3, digital camera, GPS, and heart rate measurement functions are being added. Therefore, there is a usability issue for a mobile and wearable device input method and input surface area change. In particular, wearable devices such as SmartWatch, in order to improve the portability, the input surface area is getting smaller and smaller, and there is a usability issue because the human body size does not change much when viewed from the user's point of view. To solve these problems, we propose the use of skin as an input surface on-body interaction method. The method of inputting through the skin of the human body has been suggested as a way to give a completely new experience to the user. In comparison with the technical problems, this paper focuses on non-technical users. First, we examined the theory of on-body interaction through advanced research and we found that it is worth to study on-body interaction of the thigh. It is rather than the most of the other on-body interaction advanced research used the upper body such as forearm, arm, hand, and finger. Therefore, we obtained the on-body interaction gesture of the skin-based input when the 20 participants remained sitting in the laboratory. We defined each gesture separately. We also commented and detected the usability of the gesture by user survey on comfort and social acceptability and various functions gestures design through the users’ research and we analyzed the results through the statistic analysis and the interview content.We hope that this study will provide users with new experiences and will be studied further in other posture situations. This paper is expected to contribute to the development of on–body interaction research.
Recently, with the development of information and communication technology, people are increasingly concerned about mobile devices and wearable devices, and in order to satisfy the various functions user who wants such as music, digital camera, GPS, healthcare and so on, MP3, digital camera, GPS, and heart rate measurement functions are being added. Therefore, there is a usability issue for a mobile and wearable device input method and input surface area change. In particular, wearable devices such as SmartWatch, in order to improve the portability, the input surface area is getting smaller and smaller, and there is a usability issue because the human body size does not change much when viewed from the user's point of view. To solve these problems, we propose the use of skin as an input surface on-body interaction method. The method of inputting through the skin of the human body has been suggested as a way to give a completely new experience to the user. In comparison with the technical problems, this paper focuses on non-technical users. First, we examined the theory of on-body interaction through advanced research and we found that it is worth to study on-body interaction of the thigh. It is rather than the most of the other on-body interaction advanced research used the upper body such as forearm, arm, hand, and finger. Therefore, we obtained the on-body interaction gesture of the skin-based input when the 20 participants remained sitting in the laboratory. We defined each gesture separately. We also commented and detected the usability of the gesture by user survey on comfort and social acceptability and various functions gestures design through the users’ research and we analyzed the results through the statistic analysis and the interview content.We hope that this study will provide users with new experiences and will be studied further in other posture situations. This paper is expected to contribute to the development of on–body interaction research.