
시간부사 ‘벌써,이미’의 의미∙ 통사적 특징과 중국어에서의 대응 연구 / A Semantic- Syntactic Study of Korean Time Adverb of ‘벌써,이미’ and The Corresponding Form in Chinese
Document Type
Dissertation/ Thesis
本文以时间副词近义词为中心,将重点放在探究其在语义、句法特征方面的共同点及差异点及考察其在汉语中的对应上,目的是希望能为韩国语学习者在辨别韩国语时间副词近义词上提供一定的帮助,期望韩国语学习者能更加熟练地掌握并正确使用时间副词近义词,同时也期望能够给从事韩国语教育的工作者提供一定的借鉴。为选定本文研究对象,首先整理并统计了延边大学朝鲜语专业2009级和2010级共159名韩国语学习者的822篇作文,共计729,344字。以这些语料为基础,分析了韩国语学习者关于时间副词的使用情况,根据分析结果,将错误率较高的时间副词及其近义词作为研究对象,最终选定了‘벌써, 이미’这组词。在阐明这组词在语义层面上的共同点及差异点时,本文首先考察了「고려대 한국어 대사전」和「표준국어 대사전」中的相关语义,而后又综合运用“21世纪世宗计划语料库(21세기 세종계획 말뭉치)”及学术论文集中的例句,对其语义特点进行深层次的研究,进而找出这组时间副词近义词在语义层面的共同点及差异点。为更加清晰地分辩这组词在具体使用中的差异,本文又通过语料库对其与词性间的结合关系、体、句式及句中位置等句法特点进行了比较研究,更进一步比较研究其共同点及差异点。在探究其共同点及差异点的同时,本文也通过语料库对这组时间副词近义词的使用频率进行了考察。明晰了这组词在语义及句法层面的相同点及差异点后,本文又以延边大学2014级朝鲜语专业48名中高级水准学生为对象,通过问卷调查的形式,进一步考察了学习者对这组词的认识情况,并从语义、句法层面详细分析了学习者的偏误类型,最后总结出出现偏误的原因。在研究其在汉语中的对应表现时,本文以四部韩国电视剧的剧本翻译为语料库,对其在汉语中的对应进行了研究,找出其在汉语中的对应形式,研究其在汉语中的对应形式时也简单地对这组词在韩国语口语中的使用频率进行了考察。
This paper is centering on the time adverb synonyms of Korean. And the emphasis of this paper is not only on exploring the similarities and differences between the semantic and syntactic features, but also on the correspondence in Chinese.It purposes to offer some help for Korean learners in distinguishing Korean time adverbs and also expecting the Korean learners can master the proficient and correct usage of the Korean time adverb’s synonyms. At the same time,it expects to provide some reference for the workers who is engaged in the Korean education.To select the research object,firstly collected and gathered statistics of 159 students’ 822 compositions contained 729,344 words which is from Grade 2009 to Grade 2010 in Korean Language Department of Yanbian University. And then made a thorough analysis and study about the usage of the time adverbs which is based on the Korean learners. According to the statistical results, chose the highest error rates of Korean’s time adverb and its synonym as the research object.So finally selected this group of word -‘벌 써, 이 미’as the research object. In order to have a deep comparison about the similarities and differences in their semantic characteristics,this paper not only based on the meaning which is presented in and ,but also at the same time used some examples which is from 21st century Sejong Plan Corpus and articles in journals. To distinguish their usages clearly, the paper also made a comparative study by using the corpus, such as the combination of parts of speech, tense and sentence structures ,so as to find their similarities and differences of syntactic feature. At the same time, this article also investigated the frequency of usage of this group through the corpus. After clarify the similarities and differences in their semantic and syntactic characteristics, this paper also chose 48 senior level learners which is from Grade 2014 in Korean Language Department of Yanbian University to make a further study. Through the questionnaire survey, further investigated the learners' understanding of this group of words,and analyzed the learners’ error types from the semantic and syntactic level, finally summed up the reasons for errors.In studying of their corresponding forms in Chinese,this paper used four South Korean drama translation script as the corpus. At the same time this article also investigated this group of word’s frequency of usage in spoken Korean by using the corpus.